PAGE 38 - WAYERLOO m. 11EP'1Ef9", OCTOBER I, Lenny basements. Drainage swam: - sump pump: Installed " touMalion PAINT|NG & DECORATING - Paper- hangmg. residenual. commercial and induslnal by Edo Richtermeter, RR $82, Peterstruro Call 742-8139. 25 OIL SPRAYING by G J Lorentz Rust control. Now open tor the season. Evenings and Saturday Call 886- I43 CHEM FANTASIA FOODS And Feasts. Japa- nese. Indian. Vietnamese and Mid- Eastern hors d'ouvres. Have unique house parties. business lunches. etc. Book catty tor Christmas! 886- 3937. (R) AL-LETS Decorating Interior and ex- lenor painting, wallcovering. 25 years experience Free estimates. 745-6738. tttl RESIDENTIAL ROOFING. re-roots new rooting, qualtty workmanship Free estimates Phone tMMr-6094 Experienced teacher and performing artist. Warren Dobson, BA. (music). Bed.. 33 John St. East, Waiedoo. 745-T671. ttO PRIVATE THEORY lessons. rudi- meats. harmony. history. counter- point. Phone 886-4649. ur tttttttaLl-tmot, KEATSWAY/CENTENNIAL Public School area. Qualified. expetienced teacher of piano and/or theory has openings tor several students. Catt 885-4238. CLEANING LADY - Will ciean homes in the K-W area, Honest and rename Etanora. 7a2-7362, THANKSGIVING BANNER SALE at Elzevir Hereford Farms, Hinton. Mon. Oct. 13, 1986, 1 pm. Approximately 50 bots: Cows, calves. bred heifers and bulls. RED LAKE District High School Re- unoon. July 16-19, 1987. Persons who attended 1952-1987 are being recalted. Reunion Committee. Box 773. Red Lake. Ont. POV 2M0. DISCOVER YOUR unique voice. Quali- tied teacher otters singing lessons. coaching for exams or festivals if required. BtMr-O769. 150 Ml“ EVENTS WOoDSToCK WOOD SHOW. Oct FRIENDLY, RELAXED piano lessons tor all ages. Coaching tor exams or festivals it required, 886-0759. FOR A GREAT Waterloo Night at Oktoberfest. a tow tickets are avail- abte tor Ruedesheimer Garten, 341 MarSIand Drive. Tuesday. Oct. 14th. Sponsored by the Watertoo Rotary Ctub. Tickets may be obtained: Ric Jankura. Bank ot Montreal. second Boor, King and Ertr. atso Colombia Auto Centre. Columbia and Phitip; also Rotary Comte. King Street West. Kitchener. THE FALL BOOK FAIR. Sunday. Oct. 5/88. 11 am -5 pm. TheConcon Hall. 888 Yonoe Street, tomato. Rare and Bercood-ttartd books. maps. years at expenence WAYERLOO RECORD Galefy Mm 3-5, ItV9. Daily except Sunday 105 Woodstock Fairgrounds. Exhibits 5 Seminars on Wood, Woodworking tools, equipment Auction ot pieces from juried championships. (519) 539-7772. prints and related items, 3250 entranco‘ (418) 598-2024. contending om cqrrtificates or thr- code on special orders may be redeemed by sending the gin cqtrttCF cate or deposit receipt to 95 King St, North. Waterbo. Omario. N2J 2X2 CLASSICAL GUITAR 20 Years Experience Govt Consumer Boodet' WATER PROOFING SPECIALISTS Work Guaranteed 745-7 790 LOW PRICES (R42) Any 155mm Children ages tr-to welcome every Wed, trom 4-5 pm. until Nov. 8 in Room 9 at NA. MacEachern school. INCLUDES: Singing. Scripture, Me- morizalion. Puppetry. Bible Stories and Prizes. Contact: Muriel Clarke 884-8102. trod, a Bony Duncan Najwa. 744- 1354. In the yettow page: under enter- DATES GALORE: For all ages and unattached. Thousands of members anxious to meet you, Prestige Ac- quaintances call loll-nee: 1-800- 263-9163. Atours: Noon till 8 p.m. LONELY - Néed a friend or compan- ion? Personal Care Dating Service. The people who CARE! PO. Box 8001. Kitchener. N2K 286. (R) _ Anglican 8010.“!th tMb6-ar06 all). tt (â€all My m c-ts-tR-tttoo I, (â€In HATASHITA GOLDSMITHS MAGIC BY ZACHARY 884-1 947 Rev KevinC Walruh, Pastor . Is Sunday School I0: an Worship Service "Sit in the Place God Has For You 'ri(i'iri?;'"/'ir,iriii. ":t7ireri. Make your next! Birthday Party or Special occasion Memorable with [ Waterloo North Presbyterian Rev "th Ford 885-5655 Betr-7870 9 Ity Dr Koo Slates 24 p m Aorhsnop Laurel Church Centre (comm at Kongo-m 3 MW) All E Welcome m EVERYONE IS WELCOME! MESSIAH LUTHERAN CHURCH GOOD NEWS BIBLE CLUB WATERLOO TOWN SQUARE, WATERLOO All Saints' 04 Glen Forrest Blvd BELLY GREETING MAGIC vVFnEEa Birds The Golden and: Modern Square Dulce Club. will beneath; tottethrr0ct, l, tito " Fm., " ttM Win, Dunno Dr, Waterloo Basie level, Beginners, Including singles. welcome during Oct only “I muons BULLETIN BOARD Alpha Squares Alpha Squares Modern Square Dance Club will be getting together Oct L a to 10;!) pm. at the Adult Rec Centre, Waterloo Mainstream level dancing, visi. tors an welcome 156 PERSONALS NO SMOKING, peasant music, nice magazines, unscented products. ample parking, your hair done by the owner with 23 years experience. Hens N' Ctucks Beauty Salon. 59 Menno Street, 886-2733, ttO IQ IISCELLIIEWS PREGNANT AND ALONE? Birthright otters care and understanding. Our services are tree and confidential, Cal! 579-3990. STOP BEDWETTING. United Enuretic has corrected over 2.000 cases. Bedwetting frustrates, embarrasses and sometimes weakens school abili- ties. Get confidential information trom U.E.S.C, Box 3311, Cam- Bridge. Ont. N3H 4T3, stating age and phone number. ONTARIO'S LARGEST Farm Machine- COSTUME JEWELLERY - Lowest prices. Earrings and beads trom $1.80 dozen. Also complete noveOIy tine. Write: Importer. PO. Box 223. Fort Erie. Ont. L2A 5M9. HALLOWEEN'S ALMOST HERE! Book your rental Halloween costume now at Alberta Marie Costumes. 564 King St. E., Kitchener. Phone 576-5430. ry Consignment Sale. Norwich. Ont.. Fri. Oct. 10/86. 10 a.m. (sale conducted 2nd Friday each month). Approximately 150-175 tractors. plus all types of term equipment. Consignments welcome. For more intormation call (519) 424-9998 or (519) 424-9093. Proprietors: K.S. Hamu|ecki 8. Sons. 1. RING CLEANING 4. DESIGNING 2. STONE 5. VERBAL CHECKING APPRAISAL a. REPAIR one item only ESTIMATES (R) Knitter’s Guild (mules St. oaiie, Butcher, Oct T. Bring your knitting to sham nod Improve your All ma human are Invited to come on! Ind help establish a Knitter's Guild. F'trut WfIl meeting is '"f pm l at [hf l Name Address -___e_ PostalCodo -- Age------- Earn Extra Money! It you are interested in delivering newspapers on Wednesdays after 7 school, please ii' " fill in the application form and send it to our office immediately. Applicants should be at least 10 years of age. Carriers are needed in the following areas: CNorthdale Auto Body Complete Collision and Refinishing Service 430 Albert Street, Waterloo 884-0550 A Wobot. Greg Cassbdy, Circuugtioo Manager " Ertt St. E., Waterloo. Ont. N2J 1L7 886-2830 Carrier Corner Oriole, Elm Fietter-Haltmart, Erts, Ame. Rodney, Ellis Allen, Mary, Moore. Bristol. Ellis WATERLOO CHRONICLE Telephone A - _ - Enlightened Birth Ill-tuned link And parent!“ childbirth edtgeattqq than. dedicated to helping you experience childbirth and parenting with understanding. dignity and Joy. Flu law ductory cuss, Cali Aline mrAisore Inhala- all! ll 7.21581 " This week's carrier is 9-yearold Cive Lucas who delivers in the Austin Dr. area of the city. Cive at- tends grade 3 at Northdale school where he enjoys so- cial studies and reading. He's a member Cubs, and also enjoys t-ball, swim- ming and soccer. Cive's unique goal in life is to one day become a film director. Cive Lucas