PAGE so - WATERLOO ow. WEDNESDAV. OCTOBER 1. was WATERLQO Immaculate 3 bedroom brick bhngalow with "over-sized garage. within 1 km ot both universi- ties. Income potential! Two bedrooms downstairs. two 4-piece baths. very private yard with deck. Ctose to recreation, buses and schools. 5116.900. No agents! 884-4547 or IWSMSILE Phone 886-2830 unnatural! WANTED To RENT: Kitchen space for small catering firm. 8883987. ONE KROEHLER black nauohahyde chestertieet, one rocker recliner to match. one yellow tioral Chesterfield. 2 end tables. coffee table, two lable lamps. one pole lamp. one chest ot drawers with drop leat. one single headboard to match, Sears model TV, stereo and record player unit, one Sears portable ctmeectioo oven. Apply alter 5, at 420 Tamarack Drive. WANTED TO RENT: One bedroom apartment wanted to rent within wanting distance ot Mutual Ute. Home“ T45-5063. WANTED: One bedroom apartment (no basement) tor April 1987. Widow travemng 6 months ot the year. Reply: Box WC 418, Waterloo Chronicle, " Erb St. East, Waterloo. N2J 1L7. unniusmuu ALL MAM rm MINUS LTD THE Home“); PEOPLE W. m an buy an†MY. SEMOIW W. Comm-at. new. Fun When you but. an WM) cal u- OFFKJE. 105361; Don m, 744-1501 Pct-rm. "3etM,RtsotMtrqt, 510-0178 OVAL KITCHEN TABLE and 6 chairs. in ivory colour. $90. Phone 885- 4779. 885-0660. Open House Saturday October 4, 1 33 Marsha" Street. REM. ESTATE CEE21EN EErWiTiiTl Real Estate Services Properties for Sale Properties Wanted Farms Lots Commercial. Industrial Vacation Properties Businesses Opportunities Financial and Mortgages HELP WANTED PETS/ rm: Shared Accommodation Houses tor Rent Rooms tor Rent Room and Board Apartments for Rent Wanted to Rent Storage Space Anicles tor Sate Garage Sales Antiques and Art Fresh Produce Articles Wanted Cars for Sale Trucks tor Sate Automotive Parts Automotive Repairs Motorcycles Boats and Marine Campus/Traitors Recreational Vehicles Help Wanted AgenIs/Sales Ernploymerrtt Wanted Empioymon' Agencies Cured Tvaininé Child Care Pets and Kannada Farm Mochmvy Livestock and Po: CLASSIFIED INDEX If ttt ttg I. VINYL REMNANT Charout. Variety ot no-wax vinyl (loo: covering, all first quality. Call 886.40tk9. ttt) HARD WATER PROBLEMS? Introduc- ing the water softener that doesn't use salt. No more lugging heavy bags ot costly salt. Other softeners remove calcium and other good-tor-you min- erals. We don't add salt to your water or remove betteficial minerals, be- cause that's not good tor you. Other solteners take up lots ot room, use electricity. require backwashing. cost plenty to install and too much to maintain. We don't. Call toll-free: 1-800-268-2656 for healthier. better tasting cleaner-washing water. Clean maple and beech. all cut and aptit; 64 éubic feet, $100; 160 cubic teat. $245. wavered. Phone 579 41 1 8. ttO $2.50 LARGE BAG ot manure. Three bags minimum per delivery. Pro- ceeds to Bridgeport Lions Club. Call 579-4192. Starting September 27, tor-delivery. Bought and sold, top pnces paid. Encore Records, 297 King Street East. Kimhenel. 7444370. ttt) “WWW if CARPET REMNANT Char-Out. variety AL'S USED Furniture and Antiques on Mame Lane in Elmira. Spring opening starting Wednesday-Saturday. 10-5. Bedroom secs. new and used. mar trusses. labia: and chairs, cedar chest. roll top desk Worth your while to take 3 look. Phone 669-8787 or 669-2960. ttO LOCALLY MADE solid oak toll top desk. $599. Antiques and collect- ibtes in the basement ot the St. Jacobs Mitt. Closed Monday. (t0 mm Up to 20 words may“: word ads. ctgocitiooe and corrqctioetig are accepted until 10:00 am. on Tuesdavv Each additional word 1 " "%asercttochyoortMtverrti-ett 'tocorrqct'-rthoomtd'tttrtotutAt foranyerrorirtmtvortismmmtt- yoodtttecoeottNreceoccu- Mbyheorroc ot caters and sizes. all first quality. Call 886-4060. (if) Travet / Vacations Campgrounds Cottages for Rent Busims Services Catering Leisure Activities/cusses Musical |nstruction Tutoring Coming Events Announcements Lost and Found Legal Notices Auctions Mitgcetttgneous Cards ot Thanks In Memoriams .P. RECORDS FIREWOOD 3.55 6.15 8.25 * * * IS "I 177 Waterloo Chronicle Subscriptions Mailed outside ot Walenoo $16.00 per year in Canada. Call 8t56-2830. Sec- ond Class Mail, Registration Number 5500, Members O.C.N.A., C.C.N.A., S.N.A. (N) STEEL BUILDING IS Price Sale - Buy one minding at regular price and get doubie boom tor 50% more. Phone Piooeer/EcoooSpan Contact tor in- toemartoo, (416) 678-1585. USED OFFICE Iumiture. desks. chairs. CARPET AND Vinyl Remnants, cefam- ic ends. Free 27-by-18 inch mats, two per customer. 884-9131. ttfl RUSTY SMELLY WATER? New tech- notogy for treating water at the source otters well to faucet protec- tion throughout entire water system. No salt or messy chemicals. See the resutts with our 6 month trial otter. Quote: Barry Kinch - Kenabeek. Ontario - "Thanks again tor putting out a system that really does what Premium made - and you: firetg the my my. Call 885-4756. FACTORY OUTLETS offer real savings 52 weeks. Our book has met 240 Ontario tocations to save. Send $6.31 (includes tax/handling) to: Oliver Enterprises. Dept. K11, Box 2173, Cambridge. NSC 2V8. Also avaitabte at Zehrs Markets. SHOWER DOORS - Bronze, 3 section |ouvrod effect, centre mirror. Used 8 months. Cost $325. Asking $225. 744-6633, (R) Contact: accepted. Call alto: 5 pm. and weekends. 886-6668. (R) ALUMINUM STORM DOORS: 32x80 right hinge, 34x82 left hinge. 34x82 right hinge, Also six-string Dania 885-6445, CABBAGE PATCH Dot! Clothes - " hand crocheted. Gin do" 901: rum MOI. HOCKEY Puck Puzzle Chaunc- ing! Fun! Ton-me oMlornockoy tam. young and old, Compton instructions included Send tor yours now. 811 95 postpaid. cherquar/mooary order to McKinnon Mal Market. "GtFI’S GALORE" Cratt Sale at 45 King Street East. in the village at Cooestogo (house). Friday, October 3, trom 1 pm. to IO p.m.. Saturday. October a, trom IO am. to 10 pm. and Sunday, October 5. trom 11 am. to 4 pm. SEARS brown 30" electric range, excelIonl condition. Asking $300. Call 888-3317 ans! 6:00 Fm. FIREWOOO - Dried hardwood. cut, SS3 STEEL BUILDINGS "' Various sizes available. example 30x50x14 $4.990; 46x90x16 $9.960. equipped with large doors. Due to limited quantities and low prices serious buyers only will save many dollars, We star! by paying tor your can. Act tiow and save. 14300-337- 21 15. dung cabinets. store assays and waiving, showcases. steel edit!"- abie shaving. Bakers New‘and bridge. (519) 653-0500. Monday to Friday, 9-5. Saturday, B-12. (R) moss. hat and booing. Boy doll Western sot: vest. pants. cowboy hat and boomâ€. $10. Taking orders now for Christmas. tr6W2get, shot 5 you say it will." For clear. sweet water, call 1-800-268-2656. (You'll be glad you did.) contracts are now being accepted Phone Greg. 886-1684 Guaranteed KINDLING WOOD FIREWOOD l, etc. CLASSIFIED DEADLINE " TUESDAY, 10 mm. (R) PFAFF SEWING MACHINES. model- 1135. special $559. Bum-in but- lonholer. 14 stretch stitches, 6 tancy stitches. Service tor " makes. Used Singer and trtMhr4tta welcome. 885- COLLAPSIBLE VINYL truch caps tor all moods. seven colours. Literature available. Lughl Truck Systems. Box 3025. Kitchener. Ont. N26 485. (519) Ms-9t546 or (519) 742-0375 PING PONG TABLE, 5 teat x 9 feet. good condition, $65; mate's bod. mania. no mamas. $100; hockey skates. Bauer Supteme. size tr, S25; boy's hockey pants, moo buck, Sts. 884.3132. BREAKFAST HOOK. good condition; gid's 16-inch bicycle. 885-5643 NEEDLECRAFTERS! Excellent income potential teaching and selling ttood- locralts tor Panda Stltcttcratt. Repre- sentatives especially needed in smaller ammunition. Write Peggy Andenon. 2281 Woodward Ave. Burlington. Ontario, LTR tT5. CHESTERFIELD AND two chairs for sub. Good condition. Beige and brown. Call 884-3609. NORITAKE CHINA for Christmas" Order now and save SSS on all recent patterns. Please specify your Nori- teke China pattern name and num- Ber. For price list. shape reference guide. shipping details. send today stamped self-addressed business envelope to Alexander's. 158 Wan- tess Ave., Toronto, Ont., M4N IW2. PEL ELECTRIC Fencing Supplies. Fall Inventory sell oft. First come. first sewed. Ash for list. Electric Fencing Systems of Canada. Box 3025. Kitchener, N26 4R5. (519) 745- NEVER FORGET to turn your head- lights off again! Make your car more visible on the road without the worry of a dead battery. Great stocking stutter! The headlight reminder sim- ply plugs into tuse panel. $9.95 + Tax. Include $2 tor shipping/han- dling. Visa/MasterCard. Call 1-800- 263-3735 weekdays 9-9. Stewart Specialty. Box 905. Cobourg. Ont., K9A 4W4. Orders shipped same GARAGE SALE, October 4, 9 - 4 pm. Numerous “mines contributing. Something for everyone. 52 Rodin Ave. South. Watetrtoo. GARAGE SALE - Saturday, Octobet 4. from 8:30 am. 270 Union Md. Large Variety of used goods, MONTREAL MILITARY SURPLUS: 810 DAILY PASS to Silvitog '88 Forestry Show tor small woodlat management Oct. 3, 4, 5, Petawawa National Forestry Institute. Hwy. 17, Chalk River. Ont. Phone (613) 589- PLOWING MATCH SPECIAL on all steel truitdings. Ouonset 40x60. $6.995; Strttightwt* 30x50. $7,152. Other sizes availabtev Catt Mimcle Shot 1-800-387-4910 . TOY SHOW AND SALE. Doha. diocast. Monte. trains. tractors. miniatures and more The Wtttqrtoo Inn. Water- too. Sunday. Oc'obev 12, 10:00 to too. " Phone (519) 743-8921 53 tlliltNE SALES aluminum PIANO WANTED: Apartment size pre- Oemd Ramsay priced Cal 885 â€WHITE! evenings and weekends Workshirts, $2.75; workpants. $3.50; workboots. $15. For cata- krgue. send $2 (reimbursed first order): Military Surplus. Box 243. St. Timothee. Quebec, Jos IXO, day. ANTIQUES: Furniture, rugs, pewettery. quilts. shilling Clocks. glass and china. etc. One piece to complete estate. IO years in business. At Jones. 669-2960 or 669-8787 El- mira. tttl tt mass mum THE SALVATION Army requires done- tions ot clothing, turniture, dishes, books. gewellery, apphances. etc Help people who don't have as much!! For pick up at your home call 578-3130. ttf) USED Waterloo Chronicle newspapet carrier bags. Paying $1.00 for clean tnot tom) new bags. Waledoo Chron- icle. " Em Street East. 1htater$oo. 886-2830. WANTED: Old wardrobe trunk, chads wooden table and chair see. Fiaher- Price nouns: Toys. high chair, tape recorder and mum monitor. 745- 6796. tro Top cash paid tor records. Encore Records. 297 King East, Kitchener. Phone 744-1370. (to Buying tor Cash: Gold and '30va coins. moiety. sterting silverware. Nays. Ian sch. ant-qua clocks. pocket watches. old post cards. documents. " soup gold and dental gold W J GRANT COINS. 1125 King St E. Kitchener. 576-4840. B Walev St S . Cambndoc. 621-0430 children's, ladies. fall and winter ckrthing for resale. Second Chances, 997 King St., Preston. (across from Savage Shoe). Open 10-5:30. 653- 3162. TOWNS“! PIANO WANTED: - Regardtess of condition. Call 669-2280 or 669- 2311 anytime. ttO CLEAN GOOD QUALITY 1977 FORD GRANADA. Economical 6 1978 AMC Matador Station Wagon. 1971 LeMANS. Good winter car. 1975 CHRYSLER Cordoba. loaded. everything in working condition. very good mechanical condition. Excellent in snow Needs tires to safety. Best offer. 888-4374. 75 AW HITS Ming Auto Beauty & Protection Center 485 King St. N., Waterloo (behind Waterloo Mud.) 885-5620 power brakes, AM/FM. Excellent for student. As is. 3750. 888-7501. Fully loaded, excelien! running con- dition. 47.000 original mihea. $1.200 as is. or best offer. Home phone 885-1355. Recent paint, exhaust and brakes. Good running car. $1,000. 745- Ming Mirror Finish Rustprooting Fabric protection Engine, trunk and interior cleaning. RUSTPROOFING AUTO BEAUTY GUARANTEED The Full Circle of Auto geauty RECORDS MING and