FOR SALE: Dried hardwood. cut, spin. -f delivered. Phone Greg. ass-1634. 1$tk-mld,htdiatrial WATERLOO. Immaculate 3 bedroom brick bungalow with over-sized garage. within 1 km of both unheat- ties. Income potential! Two bedrooms downstairs, two 4-piece baths. very private yard with deck. Close to recreation, buses and schools. $116,900 No agents! 884-4547 or 885-0660, Open House Saturday. September 27, 133 Marshall Street. QMFISII 13m UPTOWN WATERLOO. For lease 5,000 square feet. Suitable for retail or office. Completely renovated. $7.00 not. 56 King St. North. 884-8990. Eagle Crown Investments Ltd., Brokers protected. IF YOUR Banker says no to your mortgage refinancing phone " tht- tario Financial, the mortgage people. 743-536M, 743-2144. We buy exist- LOT FOR SALE in Florida (Gun side). Mostly Canadian section. Near Crys- tat River (good water). Please cal 576-2669. Monday and Tuesday OFFICE FOR RENT on King Street. Uptown Waterloo. Phone weekdays. 10-6. 886-1811. 'sR-idllttdtkrtg-' Phone 886-2830 a Thated To Id WANTED: One bedroom apartment (no basement) for April 1987. Widow travelling 6 months at the year. Reply: Box WC 418, Waterloo Chronicle. 45 Ertt St. East. Waterloo. N2J 1L7. Mlirti+shruk ing mortgages. REAL ESTATE [113111513] PETS/ "I. M and Kenna: Form Mochhory Real Estate Services Properties for Sale Properties Wanted Commercial. Industrial Vacation Properties Bum Opportunities Financhl and Mortgages Shared Accommodation Home. tor Rent Rooms for Rom Room and Board Apartments tor Rom Wanted to Rent Garage Sales Antiques and Art Fresh Produce Articles Wanna Articles tor Sate Cara for Sale Trucks for Solo Automotive Pans Automotteq Repairs Motorcycm Boom and Marine Campers/Tuners FhrcrqttWoetal Vehbctes Heb Wanted Agents/Sales Empbymem Wanted Emphymem Agencies 9m Twining CLASSIFIED INDEX gunman» vmwaunaw a "‘an tUH t on WHY Aw Ito HARD WATER PROBLEMS? Introduc- ing the mate! scum that doesn't use salt. No more logging heavy bags of cowy an. Other schema remove calcium and other good-for-you min- erals. We don't add an to your water L.P. RECORDS Bought and sold, top prices paid. Encore Records, 297 King Street East. Kttchetter. 744-1370. ttO ORGAN - Lowrey Fiesta. with bench. Two yams old, $1595 firm, 885- 0676. AUS USED Furniture amfAntimses on Maple Lane io Elmira. Spring opening starting Wednesday-Saturday. 10-5. Bedroom sets. new and used, mat- lresses. tables and chairs. cedar chest, roll top desk. Worth your while to take a look. Phone 669-8787 or 669-2960. ttfl LOCALLY MADE solid oak roll top desk. $599. Antiques and coIlect- ibles in the basement of the St. Jacobs Mitt. Closed Monday. (ti) jeans. messes tor tall. winter. Large selection of chiIdren's. ladies'. nearly new c|othes at our lowest prices. Second Chances. 997 King St., Pres- too. Tues.-Sat.: 10-5230. 653-3162 (across from Savage Shoe). (R) SWEATERS, COATS, SUCKS 3mm REMNANT Clear-Out, variety ot colocs and sizes. all first quality. Call 8tMr-4080. ttO MNYL REMNANT Ckrarout. Variety ot no-wax vinyl 'tttor covering. all first quality. Call 886-4080. ttO i71EiiTl or remove beneficial minerals. be- cause that's not good for you. Other wheners take up lots ot room, use electricity. require backwashing. coat plenty to install and too much to maintain. We don't Call toll-free: 1-800-268-2656 tor healthier. Better lasting cleaner-washing water. Ct-tet word eds. canceuetiom and corrections are accepted until 1ty.OO am. on Tuesday. Up to 20 words. tans, each odditionalwordnt Travel/Vacations Campgrounds Cottages tor Rent Canine Events Lost and Found you! N060†[Shh-Admm/ Classes MUM 'ttstruction Cards of Think: II m I" 111 Subscriptions Mailed outside of Waterloo $1600 per year in Canada. Call tMMb-2t530. Sec- ood Class Mail, Registration Number 5540. Members 0.C.N.A,, C.C.N.A., S.N.A. (N) KINDLING WOOD Premium grade - start your tires the my way. Call 885-4756. BLOWING MATCH SPECIAL on all CARPET AND Vinyi Remnants. Ceram- USED OFFICE furniture. desks. chairs. tirmg cabinets. store displays and shaving. showcases. Meet adjust- able shelving. Bakers New and Used. 1000 Bishop St. N., Cam- Bridge. (519) 653-0500. Monday to Friday. 9-5. Saturday, 9-12. (R) STEEL BUILDING h Price Sale - Buy one building at mount price and get doubts length for 50% more. Phone moooer/EcoooSpan Coke! tor in- Iormation. (416) 678-1585. Tree removal. snow removal. etc. Contact. Wed. Call alter 5 p.m. and weekends. 886-6688. (R) FACTORY OUTLETS offer real savings 52 weeks. Our book has over 240 Ontario locations to save. Send $6.37 (includes lax/handling) to: Oliver Enterprises, Dept. K11. Box 2173. Cambridge. N30 2YB. Also available at Zebra Mantels. LADY'S BROWN tweed coat, size 18; man's grey car coat, size 40; lady's brown coat, mink collar. size 18. " like new. Call 742-4630. RUSTY SMELLY WATER? New tech- notogy for treating water at the source otters we“ to faucet protec- tion throughout entire water system. No set! or my chemicals. See the results with our 8 month trial otter. Clean mph and beech. all cut and so“; 64 cubic M.$100;160 cubic m. 8245. Demand. Phone 579- 4118. (m $38 STEEL BUILDINGS $33 Various sizes available. example 30x50x14 $4.990; 46x90x16 $9.960. equipped with large doors. Due to limited quantities and low prices serious buyets only will save many dollars. We start by paying tor your call. Act now and save. 1-800-387- 21 15. $2.50 LARGE BAG ot manure. Three FOAM INSULATION Shocks - 2" thick. a'xtr, may 4 pins one in pieces. Asking IS "ttatt. 885-2269. 10'x10‘ GREENHOUSE. $149. 1000w Metal HOMO. ttrs. PM. 10,000 gum products. Great vices. Sand " MEMO-pack We... ornwatqrFarms,ti?MSarrrrtourSt, JEEP OWNERS: Parts. 0cm Ior Ja-ttbop to 1986. Gigantic ic ends. Free 27-by-18 inch mats, two per customer. 884-9131, (if) steel buildings. Quonset 40x60. $8.995. Straightwal 30x50. $7,152. Other sizes availabie. Call Minnie Steel. 160041874910. Ontario - "Thmks again tor putting outasyatemthatreaitydooawttat (am. can moo-mm. (You'I be glad you did.) boos minimum pet doiivory. Pro- ceeds to Bridgeport Lions Club. Cal 579-4192. Starting Member 27. (â€4) 204-2623. 294-421‘ Waterloo Chronicle FIREWOOD FIREWOOD Subs. 47:36 E, Hum; tKC. INN, 3N9, (004) CLASSIFIED DEADLINE " TUESDAY, " mm. BABY'S BUGGY, $35; walket. " change table. 315; GM Lovmat. $15; Strobe car treat, $25; various baby clothes; lawn maven $50 Catt PENNY-ROLLER - Canada's patented coin toilet Wrap pennies. nickols. dime: and quarters quickIy and easiM! $8.95 + 63e tax. Two for $16 + 3112 tax. Penny-Roller Products. P.O. Box 405. Fort Erie. Ont., L2A 5N2. COLLAPSIBLE VDNYL truck caps for " modeOs. seven colours. Literature aveilsbte. Light Truck Systems. Box F 3025. Kitchener. Ont. N26 ARS. (519) 745-9846 or (519) 742-0375 evenings and weekends. NEEDLECRAFTERS! Exceuent income potential teaching and setting need- lecrette tor Panda Stitchcralt. Repro- sentatives especially needed in mallet communities. Write Peggy Anderson, 2281 Woodward Ave.. Burlington. Ontario, LTR 1T5. FRIDGE & STOVE, avocado. $550 or best otter; single bed and mattress; double knit material; Cabbage Patch clothes. 746-1450. HlGHBACK Kroehler salt green sole and chair. like new; 2 swag gold globe lights; component stereo sys- tem; arborite coffee table set; 24" black/white TV; assorted lamps; 2 small coolers; telephone table; pool or space heater; stainless steel Blackmex prop. 579-2402. after $20 OFF the NIV. Study Gibb ot your choice (Visa. Muted. Phone (416) 637-9151. The Family Christian Bookstore. 750 Guelph Line. Bur- lington. Ont. 1 km S of O.E.W. CAFE CURTAINS. oft white sheet. tor bay window, 204" wide by 30" Iona. plus valance. $50. 743-0723. PFAFF SEWING MACHINES. mod4 1135. special $559. Bum-6n but- tonholor, 14 much stitches. 6 fancy stitches. Scuba tor " nukes. Used Singer and trade-ins W. 885- 53th SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27ttt, 9 mm. 94 Margaret Ave. North, Water- LADIES' beige winter coat, size 12, wine leather jacket size 12. Like new. 885-8679. BABY CARRIAGE. Carseat, Jolly Jumper. rocking horse. antique high chair, iron headboard, snow thrower. siereo speakers. mirror, chairs. Bow- er pots. sealers. fabric. 886-1756. GARAGE SALE - Saturday, September 27m. 8 ant-2 pm. 112 Glenocho Court, 1hmtqtttoo (neat Conestoga Mal). Skates. W, tricycle. book: and new homohoId knives and scia- STEREO WITH speakers. cassette and Mack. tumtatN and dock alarm. $100. 743-0723. GARAGE SALE - Saturday. Septembev 27, 9-2 pm. Cabins! stereo. televi- eion. musket cont. convection oven. books. household items and much 137-141 MEAFORD DRIVE. Saturday, GARAGE SALE - Comm Acres, 444 Le. Ave. Lawn and humanoid rumo- Iuro. dupes. planters. “moot. shot 6 pm. 886-2227 we! as nanny new adun clothing and child's cross-country skis. hoctcy skates. bike. We: minds and Saturday. Soot. " I Sunday. Sept 28, 8-3. ANTIQUES: Furniture. rugs. jeweltery. quilts. shilling crooks, glass and china, etc. One piece to compute estate. 10 years in business. At Jones, 669-2960 or 669-8787 El- mira. (if) emu“ MULTM'AMtLY. Saturday. Wombat 2r, N. Batty furniture, clothes, Top cash paid tor records. Encore Records, 297 King East, Kitchetter. Phone 744-1370. (m USED Waledoo Chtonic|e newspaper carrier bags. Paying $1.00 tor clean (not tom) new bags. Waterloo Chron- icle. 45 Erb Street East. Waterloo. 886-2830. THE SALVATION Army requires dona- tions of clothing. furniture, dishes. books. jewelIery. appliances, etc. Help people who don't have as much" For pick up at your home can 578-3130. ttO when, steNog schemata. "In. tea “is. minus doc“. pocket watch“. on post was. docunmls Attscrt-tttrrtddontoo'tt W J GRANT cows. 1125 King St E, mm. Buying tor Cash: Gold ma PIANO WANTED - Regardhrss of condition. Cal! 669-2280 or 669- 1976 CHARGER. one owner. sunroof, automatic, power steering. power brakes. two-tone, $1,200. 745- children's. ladies. fall and winter clothing tor resale. Second Chances, 997 King St., Preston. (across from Savage Shoe). Open 10-5230. 653- 3162. GRANT COWS. 1125 King St E.Ki1choncl 5764840, B Wale! St S . cm. 621-0430 WANTED: 00d wardrobe trunk. child's wooden table and chair sea. Fisher- Price isms: Toys, high chair, tape recorder and nursery monitor. 745 6796. (R) 1975 CHRYSLER Cordoba, loaded, everything in waking coetdmoet, vefy good mechanical condition. Excellem in snow Needs tires to “My. Best otter. 886-4374. WANTED - Fisher-Price toys. age 2 years and up. Phone Donna. 648- 2308 mornings. $7 Gum/Ida: 1976 PONTIAC and 1974 Starcraft hardtop trailer. One owns. lrailet 7.0-:qu 1976 PONTIAC Catalina. Good condi- tion. $1.000 cettttkrd or has! on“. After 5, 746-8774. Mlklp%rted 1975 BUICK Skyhawk. white, as is. $500 or best offer. Phone 749- DIET CENTRE 300 Regina St. K. Wotutoo Requires 2 part-ttme people to train as diet commoners. Must be “created in ttqt-qqet9tt.m -12noon ina. phoné 740-3570 for ttppoiett- wan the Mind Maid Team ot 4. Monday to Friday. Cal Marlon at 746-0920. CLEAN GOOD QUALITY items. 481 Weavale Drive (on Uni- varsity). 231 1 anytime 3-way mace. stove and furnace. ONLY so“ booing! at $4.500. Can be soon In 257 Guelph Street. Kitchens or phone 7444042. (R) 0013. CLEAN HOMES RECORDS tttr