We have several opemnos tor opera- tors with a mummum of 1 year experience and a good employment recon) sums Days and mghts Loca- hons MO ng St W. and 75 River Rd We otter a compemlve wage and beneht package wtth excellent Incen- tive earmng potential Apply to PAGE 26 - WATERLOO CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 30. was 22 Help Wanted 1 25 Child Care COLONIAL ACRES: Wanted - CIean~ VOLUNTEERS ARE needed by Family and Children's Services tor the following: Parent Support tor a Vietnamese mother at one son, Ability to speak Vietnamese a must, Male special Friends tor a seven year old boy in Waterloo and a 9 year old and a 14 year old male in Kitchener. Driver tor morning and afternoon children and youth program operat- ing on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Kitchener. Co-leader for a youth group. Please call Carrier at 576- 0540. KNITTERS REQUIRED - Good work- manshin Call 742%. 6-10 pm and weekends all day. (39) TRAIN FOR A JOB with a future - with Tri-County Truck Driver Training. Job search assistance available, 720 King Street E., Kitchener. (519) 743-5011; 300 Colbome St, E.. Brantford, (519) 756-0223. WANTED: Class "A" Mechanic. front end mrperieoce would be Beneficial. Contact Rob Morrish or Eric Howard. Canadian Tire. Parry Sound. CHANGING JOBS? It you do it right. you will never have to change agent. Are you ambitious. but not moving ahead as quickly as you would like? As our representative your earnings are determined by your own efforts, The harder you work, the more you earn. You must be legal age, have a good car and at least PO hours each week. Contact Mr. Iacovino in person at the Sherwood Inn. Cambridge. on Thursday, July 3tst. at 6:45 Om. sharp or call 1453-4942. DOG GROOMER. fully experienced. required to manage grooming and boarding business. Good opportuni- ty. Body to Box 20, c/o The Heraht Gazette, Box 1600. Bracebridge, Ont. POB ICO, or call (705) 645- 5766. Start your own business tor only $5.00. mr-inatatmmmt tree. 743-0421 anytime. (28) COUPLE OR peopde with transporta- occasionally driving a senior to medi- cal appointments or shopping? Call Project HEAR. 886-5440 weekday mornings. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Required in your own home for infants, toddlers, school age, par- ticularly in the following areas: Forest Heights. Westvale. all areas of Beechwood. Old Westmount. etc. Arrange own rates and hours. References required. K-W and Cambridge Babysitting Service . 742-3331 23 Agents 5 Sales Help 25 Child Cam DAY CARE PROVIDERS DAY CARE - First week free Ertrottbrtg children 1% IOGWSOIUM'UIIOV pan-time pvoommsr Lincoln and University Amy 884-7561 CMI mg lady. Beginning September Ref- erences. Reply to Box 416WC, Waterbo Chronicle. 45 Erty St, East, Waterloo. N2J 1L7. Kaufman Footwear tion tor pan-time evening ianitoriat work. Will train, Phone 699-4045. SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS AIO king St W Kitchener, Oot N26 4J8 AVON Extra Special LAKESHORE/PARKDALE Plaza area We are tookmg tor a ooo-smoking person to care for our infant daugh- ter, Monday-Friday. 8-530. Prefer- ably our home, but optional. Begin- ning Sapient»! 22. Please call B8B-7' 75 tmytbrms NO SMOKING. pheasant music. nice magazines. unscented products. ample parking. your hair done by the owner with 23 years experience. Hens N' Chicks Beauty Salon, 59 Merino Street, 686.2733. M) Experienced, permanent in client's home. Full, part time or on-call short term. Days, evenings or overnight. Arrange own hours and salary (no percentages deducted by us). References required. Need- ed in Kitchener, Waterloo, Cam- bridge, St. Agatha. Please call: K-W and Cambridge Babysitting Service ' 742-3331 BABYSITTER - Starting end ot August Come m. 2'12 and I year old Approximately 2-3 tut! days, 2-3 half days per week, Car an asset Must be reliable Maple Hill area. 884-8077. LOOKING FOR elderly lady to navel to Florida during the winter months. House and car are available. Reply to PREGNANT? Need help? Birthright will help you. Totally tree and confidential. Call 579-3990. Ito 31 Vacation Accommodation 28 Personals BABYSITTERS/NANNIES DATES GALORE: For all ages and unattached. Thousands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Ac- quaintances call ton-tree: 1-800- 263-9163. Hours: Noon til! 8 an URINE - ERASE guarantees removal of urine stains, odors from carpets, regardless of stain age! Free bro- chure. Ct Distributing. Box 2220. London, Ont., N6A 4E3. Fug set of sculptured nails 520. Nail ml :14. Manicure sr. Tuesday-Friday. Nail Tech. 884-0663. CELLUUTE, EXTRA inches. extra pounds. tose it now. 100% satisfac- tion guaranteed within 30 days or your money back. Call (519) 748- 0225. (R) 34 Musical Instruction 36 Educational/Trade Schooh FREE: 1986 guide to study-at-home correspondence dimoma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting, Air conditioning. Bookkeeping. Busi- ness, Cosmetology. Electronics. Legal/Medical Secretary. Psychoto- try. Travel. Granlon. (5A) 263 Ade- laide West. Toronto, 1-tKXF26B- 1 1 21 F STUDENTS NOW being accepted for accocdion lessons beginning in Sep- tembet For dam“: can Lydia, 662- 2358. (R-32) BECOME AN Auct'tooeer, 85 hours of instruction. Next class Aug. 9 to 16th. Contact Southwestern Ontario School of Auctiooeerirtg, (519) 469- 3936, (519) 537-2115. P 0 Box 145, Onnerkip. Om. NN IMO A CAREER IN TRUCKING Iranspon drivers needed Now is the time to train for your Class A Iécense For prescreening inrerview and job placemenl ittformatioo Contact Merv Orr Transport Driver Troinéng, Cam- bridge 16002654280. (ll-m Ages 3-8. tternorttttrtgtion classes being held Aug. 5-7th. Call Erica Baker. 743-0310. Box WC 414. at the Waterloo Chronicle, 44 Erty St. East. N2J 1L7. IOOK NOW. We still have limited openings trom August 9th ... Great Savings from August 16th .._ Book now tor Labour Day. Over 40 housekeeping cottages on South Lake, Inground and Wading Pooh, Super Playgrounds, Babysitting, Miniature Gott, Tennis. For tree brochure, can: 1-(705) 286-2361 or write: Hospitality inn. RR #1. Mio- den. KOM 2K0. MUSIC FOR YOUNG CHILDREN NAIL SPECIAL PATS REFINISHING - Dining suites our specialty. Hand stripping. re- pairs. Free estimates. Pickup and delivery. 634-8295. tR-tf) ODD JOBS - Yard maintenance. lawn mowing. trash removal. etc. Call Dennis, 885-4756. 576-8616. (32) PORTRAITS - PEN a INK trom photographs. Phone 746-4767 after 6 pm. (32) m "III - to “I you hunt cal m- to. I FREE cum and comp-hm tool tunic “IVE. SECRETARIAL SERVICES - Done tor businesses or individuals. Will do letters. reports. resumés. mailing lists, etc. on word processor. also bookkeeping. Phone 748-0777 PHOTOGRAPHY - Attordatge quality tor PR, ads. bands. models and dancers. 893-9260 evenings. menu“ a- 885-1010 â€IE-"W." _ 686-2601 I P E OLSEN REALTY LTD†- Leaky basements. Drainage systems - sump pumps insulted. All toundation problems. SEWING ALTERATIONS - Repairs, drapery, slacks, zippers, dresses. skirts. " kinds of domes. Phone Number 744-644t after 4 pm. (30) A1 YEAR ROUND tree service mainte- nance and removal, insured MH Kesseiting & Son. Kitchener. 576- 8531. m) MOVING SERVICE. Local or distant. 22 foot truck fully equipped, insured. 2 men, $35 hourly. Full househotds. small businesses. trash removal. 7 day service. Phone 88643689. ALL PLUMBING Repairs - Water heaters and sotteners installed, Painling and decorating. Call Bob. 576-2974. .1 (R-tf) APPLIANCE REPAIR - Why pay the big guys their big prices? Ernie Soow's Appliance Repair at a ptice you can afford, Refrigerators. stoves. wash- ers. dryers, etc Seoior Citizen'. discount Evening appointments available Catt 7459240 SECRETARIAL SERWCES - For buss- nossos or individual Lenora. re- DRIVEWAY REPAIR Service - Asphalt seating to (reserve and protect your tssphatt, also hot asphalt repairs. 742-2051. M Window tint protessionatty applied, tt's tor buitdings a vehictes, it insulates up to triple pane value and stops GLARE & FADE by up to 100%. Comes in clear a many colours Auto Beauty Centre. Elmiva, 669-2506 - Free trom K-W Inserts, single sheets, news bulletins. catalogues, etc,. very reasonable rates. Catt Watedoo Chronicle 886- 2830. (H) Buying or ngng "" - mm luv 144m: Pa. can any" . 804-3000 Done pro%ssiortaity on word orocehb- BOC, also bookkeeping 76b0777 PLANNING A MOVE'? PAPERHANGING [.0th By Wittmann Painting & Decorating FREE ESTIMATES 20 Years Experience Govt Consumer Bonded WINDOW TINTING chemo? [ElDiEIil WATER PROOFING SPECIALISTS Low PRICES Work Guaranteed WE DELIVER 745-7790 IR-ttl Everything done by hand; washing. waning, interior shampoo. motors steam cteaned Cars. vans, pick-ups, boats, 312 Marslan0 Drive (rear budding) 8864511 Open 8 oo-soo Monday-Friday, Saturday till 4:00, Leave your bookkeeping worries with our professional bookkeeping service. Experienced and dependabte. Very masonabde rates. Call Marilyn. 578- 0313. (R) 401-6 Weber St. N. Complete shar- pening service: all types. carbides, circular and band saws, scissors clippers. knives, skates. lawn and garden tools. Shop hours: 8:00-5:00, Saturday till noon. 884-5401. tttl AL-LETS Decorating. interior and ex- terior painting, wallcovering. 25 years experience. Free estimates, 745-6738 ttt) New driveways, resurfacing, small parking lots and repairs. Free 'ttb- timates. 886-6668 after 5 pm. and weekends. (27) BEAU'S TREE SERVICE. Topping. pruning, removal and hedges. Spe- cializing in ornamental and fruit trees. 15 years experience. Special low rates for senior citizens. Free es- timates. 749.1822 ttf) iiiiiniautit's LAND§0APING OIL SPRAYING by G.J, Lorentz. Rust control. Now open tor the season. Evenings and Saturday. Call 886- SCHAEFER'S ASPHALT PAVING WINDOW CLEANING: Professional work by trained students. Phone C-Thru Student Window Cleaning at 746-3994 tor a free estimate. (R) CERAMIC TILES, plaster repairs. Free estimates. Reasonabte rates. 885- CERAMIC REPAIRS - B.athrooms and kitchens our specialty. Call 886- Free estimates EXPERIENCED cabinetmaker avail- able. Custom work, repairs, or ren~ ovations. Interior or exterior. Reg» sonabIe rates. 648-2847 evenings, 11 CAR CLEANING ALL TYPES ot renovations. guaran-' teed. quality workmanship at com- petitive prices, Brick work, tire- places. mastering. drywall. concrete work and carpentry. Free estimates. Smatl projects a specialty. "Herb Wunder Construction", 884-2815. I WILL voluntarily drive your seniot to doctor appoirttmeots, dentist. barber. etc. Please call 886-2125. LIFE INSURANCE. $50,000 to $100,000 economical coverage by mail. general†without medical Money back guarantee Annotation and rate: from FDR hour-nee Agen- cies Inc. Box 1773. London. NOA McTAVlSH'S CLOCK Repair Shop - Specializing in repair and complete overhaul of antique clocks, profes- sional training. Free estimates. One- year ouarantee. Quartz movements from $15.00 complete. 664-2650. (Across trom Waterloo Stock Yards). ttO SAVE MONEY! Do your own wedding bouquet. aiso arrangements. we" hangings. etc. Professional Fforat Design. 864-3570 We come to you, I ML]. TYPE your business Men for you. Phase can 886-2125. D.L. BECKER Entorvrisos - In'eriov SMALL BUSINESSES ererior painting. unknowing and fence and sun deck installation. Catt 662-2527 tor estimatettt. (33) 'Gr%ir'ii9taTpeiiinii r - - - -- "cTciiitvGwnoet In operated Construction of: o patios osidewalks o retaining walls 0 tree trimming o sodding Trees, shrubs and flowers planted Mf) (m tttl 47 Auction Sales RUBBISH REMOVAL - Wall washing; CARSON'S SUMMER Invitational Draft Horse Sale. Saturday, August 9, 12 noon, Sontag 100 top quality show horses from some of the top stables in North America. Friday. August 8: Hitching A preview of att horses, 2-5 p.m.: Barbecue " pm, Barn dance 9 pm. Catalogues avaitabte. For further information cal! David Catson. (519) 291-2049. Carson's Sales Arena. Listowel, . CLEANING LADY lm dean homes in the A-W area. Honest. lemme. Elanam. 742-7362 FIRST ANNUAL Gun Show, Outfitters Show, Gun Auction (Sunday 12:00 Noon Sharp) August 8th. 9th a toth, 1986, at the Barrie Arena. 155 Dunlop Street West, Barrie, Ontario. Friday. August 8th: 4:00 pm. - 10:00 p.m.. Saturday, August 9th: 10:00 am. - 10:00 p.m.. Sunday, August 10th: 10:00 am. - 4:00 pm. Featur- ing - Competitions: Central Ontario Open - Duck, Moose, Turkey a Goose Calling. Decoy Carving. Hatchet & knife Throwing (Proper Period Attire Required). Best Firearms Display. Sportsmans Tall Tale Championship ot Canada. $1,750.00 in Cash Prizes and La- batt's Awards. We have 400 firearms consigned teaturing: Fine Winchester Models 73's, 85's. 92's, 94's. 95's. 90's, 97's. 64's. 65's, 12's, 24‘s, 09's. 05's, Drs 3. 85's. including the following calibres: .33 WCF, .25/20. .44/40. .38/55. 35. .44 WCF, .38 WCF, .40/82. .30 WCF, .32/40. .32 W.S.. .30 Gov't.; .22 Short, .32 Special. 30/30. .22 WRF & .40/65. COLT MODELS: 1851 Navy, .22 Opentop. .31 Baby Dragoon. and light movmg. cleaning tbasements, garages. atticsh odd yobs. Jett Harding, 884-2831 Itty LOW BACK FAT - Purobfcd and crossbred. R O P Mod boars, Also Bryan Ptgcetbo - (705) 726-8350 Don Hanney - (705) 728-1430 B a B Auctioneers 216 Panason Road Barrie. oot. L4H 4S7 REMINGTON MODELS: 1860 New Army, .M's, and a Naganl Double Bartel Rolling Block Pistol made tor the Russian Czar in quantity ot 1,000 only. Also a selection of Stevens single shot rifles. including Models 44 a 44h, and Remington Rolling Block Rifles and Shotguns. including 7 mm. and .2540 calibre. We also have an assortment of Pistols from .22 to .45 calibre. including Webleys a Remingtons. Boot Pistols. Pin Fire, Pertussion and Flintlock. Also an excellent assortment of low serial number Belgian Browning Auto " fine Over a Under Shotguns by Browning, Beretta. Miroku a Zoli, including cased Trap Sets, Pump, Auto, and Side by Side Shotguns including percussion a hammer guns. Also Sniders. Martini's, w.w. Greeners. Mantons. Moores. Over & Under & Combination Rifles. plus a selection of different military rifles along with a modern assortment Hunting Rifles including Browning. Weatherbee. Atkinson Custom. Rem- mington. Winchester a Savage. Over 100 Winchester, a Colts Alone! There is a large assortment of good serviceable shotguns of assorted calibres and makes. This is a partial listing only, All firearms sold totally unreserved - Each piece positively sold to the highest bidder! Auction Sale Terms: Cash. certified cheque or better of credit. Valid F.A.C.'s required. For information. to consign firearms or to reserve booths or tables. con- 2619 893-7464 (R4911)