Phone 886-2830 1 Coming Events lk Announcements EARLY CHILDHOOD Progressive School. Vicinity King and Union. Waterloo. Junior Kindergarten and Nursery. Exciting, creative programs. Limited September openings. 576- 8873. YOUNG PEOPLE 6-18 years, who do outstanding good deeds. are eligible for nomination as Ontario Junior Citizens of the Year. Contact this newspaper tor details. Church Services FARM TOY SHOW - Sunday, August 10th, 9:30-3:30. Quality Inn. Hwy. 401. exit 2328. Woodstock. For information contact Doug Vincent. Box 131. Woodstock. N48 7WB. (519) 423-6264 (days). IF YOUR Banker says no to your mortgage refinancing phone All On- tario Financial. the mortgage people, 743-5361. 743-2144. We buy exist- Mifiedmgm; 3 Mortgage Loans 3 PropertytorSale Kitchener Move, In Time For School Country-like setting on a quiet street beckons your family! Four bedroom bungalow with main floor family room. Private entrance to Breithaupt Park for evening stroll, cross-country skiing. Cool, central air conditioning. MLS 6060088. Priced sensibly at $124,900. Your hostess: Gina Hudel. representing V.J. Hudel Real Estate. Res. 578- 4924, Answering Machine 744-5657. Tollfree Pager 1653-9801 SEAN-DETACHED home on corner lot in New Hamburg Garage. patio doors to large deck. tinitthqd recHr- auon room, “reduce Mainwnance "91662-2173. - IR-32) ROOM AND BOARD Wanted: By Waterloo swans Junior B Hockey Cub, Phone 885-3031. or 886-6532 Gucci Spock-r: Ru. Wlttlam My Em woken-o. RETORING? Adult community. ideal retirement or weekend retreat Club house. neared pool. New manuIac- tured or site-bum homes. sat .000 to 566.000. Resales aIso aveitabrer Send for brochures and full detain or phone for appointmeni to view, Tumberry Estates RR tt3, Winoham. NOG 2W0. (519) 357-2037. 118 Room I Board Wanted ing mortgages. Wed. 6-8:3O p.m. (Tonight) 53 MAPLEWOOD PLACE one! 6:00 pm OPEN HOUSE ALL SAINTS’ ANGLICAN Rev. Davtd Morris 884-8108 Waterloo North Presbyterian Rev. Iris M. Ford 885-5855 888-7870 Combtned Famin Service 10:00 am. Laurel Church Centre (corner of “Moot"! I When) ii..) Hudel MESSIMI MINER“ CHURCH corner " Glen PM & Spruce.“ “lesion Village In. Kevi- Walnth 54-38. Real Estate All Welcome (m 13 Article: tor Sale 4 Proportylot LAKE HURON Point Clarke Retirement or all yea: vacauon home, Large fenced lot, dose to beach with good access. Three bedrooms. kitchen, dining room. living room. A-piece bath. with wane! hook-up. Immedi- ate possession. For more inIormation can t-st9-r4tr-at83. BUMPHREE - Protessional Ingrown Hair and Razor Bump Treatment, tor men and women. Avauable at your favourite drugstore or call 743- 3531. (32) Large discount on high quality prod- uct. Reasonable prices and personal service. First 6 callers receive special gift. 886-3902. (R) GURNEY GAS Stove, $50; Moffat gas dryer. $45; electric washer. SI 25. Phone 886-2858. WHAT ARE THE hidden causes of stress and anxiety? Become 1ree ot them. read and use Dianetics! Paper- back $5.95. order now. 745-3521. MOVING - Must sell as soon as possible. Double waterbed, 6 piece solid pine; wall unit, boy's mountain bike. handmade wooden toy box. double bed. 886-3254. NEW 1986-87 Bargain Hunters Guide. Over 240 Ontario factory canals to save. Famous brands. Samsonite, Grab. Savage, McNiece. Arrow, etc. Send $6.37 (includes tax/handling) to Oliver Enterprises, Dept. Tktt,. Box 2173, Cambridge. N30 2V8. STEEL-A-DEAL - Ouonsel buildings. 28% OFF. Save Thousands. We are introducing new straight-wall build- ings. special introductory prices. limited time otter. Phone Pioneer Buildings coltect: (416) 67B-1585. Limited time offer. MIRACLE SPAN summer specials below ladory prices. Available for immediate delivery 3 - 25x36. 5 - 32x40. 2 - 35x56. 9 - 40x80. 1 - 55x186. 2 - 260x220 Sold on a first come, flrat served basis. Call toil- free: 1-800-387-4910. NORWAKE CHINA Shop at home service. Start or add to your set with territic discounts on all recent pat- terns. Please apecity your Notttake China pattem name and number. For price Kat. shape reference outdo. shipotno details. send today stamped self-addressed envelope to Just Notitake. 158 Wattles: Ave., Toron- to, Ontario, MAN 1w2. Clean maple and beech, all cut and split. 64 cubic feet, $90.00; 160 cubic feet, $220.00. Delivered, Phone 579- 4118. (N) WANT TO out rid of those unused items cluttering your premises? Bring them to ttte0uctioo. We'tt sell them - you walk away with cash! 20% commiwon. Antiques. household items, tam and shop tools. furniture. myctes. beds. stoves, fridges. etc.. USED OFFICE FURNITURE: Desks. chairs. filirtg cabinets, store displays and shelving. showcases. steel ad- justable shelving. Bakers New & Used. 1000 Bishop Street North. Cambridge, (519) 653-0500. Mon- day-Friday 9-5. Saturday 9-12. (R) Also available at Zehrs Markets. etc. Bring them to the STOCKYARO FARMERS' a FLEA MARKET on Saturdays by 9:00 for the weekly auction at 10:00 am. No hassles. You get it here - we'll sell it! And while you‘re waiting. visit the regular vendors to chop for produce, meat. cheese. breeds. crafts, etc STOCK- YARD FARMERS MARKET ' FLEA MARKET. Wagner's Corner. south ot St Jacobs. New vendors welcome Cell 804-2002. FREE CRYSTAL FIREWOOD (31) Waterloo Chronicle Subscriptions Mailed outside ot Waterloo $1600 per year in Canada Call 886-2830. Sec- ond Class Mail. Registration Number 5540. Members O.C.N.A,. CCNA, S.N.A. (ii) " Articustorsalo TROUBLE Wrappiog coins? Wrap pennies. nickois. dimes and quarter: quickly. easily†Send $895 plus 63t tax to Penny-Rona. Box 405. Fort Erie, ont. L2A 5N2. CARPET REMNANT Ctear-Out, variety ot colors and sizes, all first quality. Call 886-4080 ttf) VINYL REMNANT Ciearout. Variety of no-wax vinyl Mor coveriog, all first twaiity. Call 8t56-4080. , (ti) CARPET AND Vinyt Remnants. ceram- ic ends. Free 2r-try-18 inch mats, two per customer. 884-91 31. (It) ACS USED Furniture and Antiques on Maple Lane in Elmira. Spring opening starting Wednesday-Saturday, IO-ti. Bedroom sets. new and used. mat- tresses. tatges and chairs, cedar chest. roll top desk. Worth your white to take a look. Phone 669-8737. it0 ORGAN - Lowrey Fiesta, with bench. Two years old. 51595 firm. 885- 0676. A-Z BUILDINGS, New types, steel and wood. quonset. cladding. For true value, action and answers, (416) 626-1794. Leave message or collect after 6 pm. evenings. weekends. Ask for Wally. Free brochure. LOCALLY MADE solid oak roll top desk, $599. Antiques and collect- ibles in the basement ot the St. Jacobs Mill Closed Monday. ttt) Bought and sold. top prices paid. Encore Records, 297 King Street East, Kitchener. 744-1370. (If) NEW PORTABLE band sawmills. Three models to choose from. Will saw 18" to 36" diameter logs. Priced at $6.015 and up. Call or write for brochure, Enercratt Mfg., RR #1, Barrie. Ont., L4M 4Y8. (705) 726- 3293. MAYTAG WASHER, older model. ex- cellenl condition. 3135; newly relin- ished coffee table and end tables. $160; various other small items, Call 576-2357. SEWING MACHINE - Singer. Desk included. Good condition. Reason- able. Gait 884-9292 after 4:00. NEW WHITE metat shale bed and mattress. Not used! 579-3011. PINE BUNK BED and modem red high chair (IKEA). bicycle carrier. Best otter. Please call 886-2125. FOUR APARTMENTS OF used fumi- ture. Single and double beds. table and chairs, fridge and move. pocket noveis 506 a bag. hard cover novels 56, tive cheatertteds. 28 Regina Street North. 8864365. Our unique affordable system will provide you with safe. clean water Easily adaptable to any taucet. REUOVES BENZO (a) VVRENE Com coo+ttoot_ch'or1r'o 09d may more 9010mm hazardous to Catt anytime tor more information or a demonstration Complete product guarantee, 656-2696 L.P. RECORDS DRINKING WATER PROBLEMS K-W residents toll free CLASSIFIED DEADLINE . TUESDAY, " mil:- " mmmsg HARD WATER PROBLEMS? Introduc- ing the water when“ that doesn't use salt. No more lugging heavy bags of math; salt. Other when“: remove cabc'mm and other good-tor-you min- erals. We don't add an to your water or remove beneticiat minerals. be- cause that's not good for you. Other scheners take up his ot room. use electricity. require backwashing. cost p|enty to install and too much to maintain. We don't. Call toll-free: 1-800-268-2656 tor heanhier. better Iasting cleaner-washing water. TWO " FT. Hussman double deck display cases, air cooled compres- aor. One 12 ft. Tyler freezer display case, water cooled compressor. 8.0. Dyck's Meat Market, (705) 72B- YARD SALE - Available is a size 8 Brownie unitorm. 16Anch girl's bike, douhouse. household articles and much more. August 2, 8:00-4:00. 91-8 Liliian Drive. 14 Articles Wanted to Buy 13A Garage Sales 10'x10' GREENHOUSE. $149, 1000W Metal Halide. '175. Pius 10,000 gardening products. Great prices. Send " for into-pack. West- em Water Farms. 1244 Seymour Street, Vancouver. KC. V68 3N9, (604)682-6636. GARAGE SALE - 186 Cedarvale Crescent, Waterloo. Sunday. August 3. 11-5. CASH PAID FOR BOOKS: Literature, fantasy, ocean. wes‘erns. history, anthropology, philosophy. art. Excar- ibur Books. 29 Young Street East. Walerioo. 746-4012. 3 SACRIFICE " SACRIFICE SSS awnings Special 'offer. Priced bow tor immediate clearance. 28140x14, $3.900, 46x90116. $9.600; 70x80x24. $16,300. Complete with large doors. Other sizes available to 120' wide. Sodom buyers onIy. No OLD DISHES. Odd cups and saucers, silvet. sitverplate and jeweuery want- ed. Phone 885-2300. (If) Top cash paid tor records. Encore Records, 297 King East, Kitchener. Phone 744-1370. (ti) KNOWLEDGEABLE, reputable owner ot a small antique shop wishes to buy household items: rugs, silver. turni- ture, etc. 885-2300. tttl U§ED Waterloo Chronicle newspapet carrier bags. Paying $1.00 tor clean (not tom) new bags, Waterloo Chron- icle. " Erb Street East. Waterioo. 886-2830. price shoppers. Guaranteed lowest prices. Call free: t-a00-387-8148 or (416) 828-6262. CASH PAID FOR wrist watches, " veers or cider. 7434094. (37) Buying for Cash: Gold and We! com. Wm stoma mm. trtWB, 19. outs. mliouo clocks. nook“ much... do post cards, documents An scrturtttAtatrtd dam-look! W J GRANT CONS. H25 ttiog Bt E, ttitch- PIANO WANTED - Regardless ot condition. Can 669-2280 or 669- 2311 anytime. (m THE SALVATION Army requires dona- tions ot clothing, turniture, dishes, books. ieweoery, appliances, etc. GRANT CONS. H25 ttiog Bt E 5rt5-aBa0. 8 - St S , Comm ANTIQUES: Furolture, rugs, pewetlery. quilts. shilling cracks. glass and china. etc One piece to complete estate. IO years in business At Jones. 664-2830. St. Jacobs ttf) FREE TO GOOD HOME in the country. Medium dog, 8853254. ask for Michael 5339. 9-6 p.m. " MAW Help people who doet't have as much" For pick up at your home call 578-3130. (N) RECORDS twt/MSO 15 mews“ Discount prices on quality products equal or better than most commer- cial brand name dog foods. Dog Food Pellets. 20 kg . . $11.15 Other types also available FACTORY OUTLET 9 Herbert St., Waterloo (near King St. S.)884-9600 16 Cara tor Sale DESPERATELY NEEDED: Home for one yea! okt male cat. Litter box and some food included. Call Marie, 886-2830 days, or 5794052 ove- nings. DOG FootisHUR-GNN, AMC HORNET Hatchback. 1973, good shape, only 63.000 miles. six cylinder, oiled every year. well maintained. 8795. Phone 744-6643. 1981 DODGE ARIES - Air condition- ing, cruise control, tilt wheel, AM/FM cassette stereo. power adjusting seat. 746-1392. " Trailers - sakm/Rentats FOR SALE - Coleman hard top haiku. Sleeps six, good condition. $2.500. 885-2542. l974 VIKING Hard Top - Electric heat, canopy, inside or outside propane stove. sleeps slx to eight. Excellent comtitioo, Beat offer. 885-0638. toe and Cat grooming. " breeds styled professionally to suit your pet. Pick up and delivery service avail- able, Over 20 years experience. 699-4232, (40) 1977 HONDA. Needs some front end work. Bargain at 6500. Phone 886- 3987 evenings. SOFT TOP Tent Trailer tor rent to responsive family at $100 weeldy. Sleeps five comtortatgy. Cat) 886- 1175. (32) Typewriters cleaned. oiled. adjusted. repairs to all makes; reasonable rates. work guaranteed. Add-Type Business Equipment. 28 Bridgeport Road East, Waterloo tjust down from Towers). 885-2570. (to WANTED: Permanent part-time medi- cal receptionist/secretary. Mom- ings, Reply to Box WC415, Waterloo Chrooicte, " Er!) St. East, Waterloo, N2J 1L7. (31) 1976 MERCURY MARQUIS Colony Park station wagon. new exhaust, AM/FM. air, good condition. $1,095 as is. $1.t95 certified. Negotiable. 576-4388, 1974 DODGE VAN. New battery and tires. Custom interior. Needs Brake job. Best offer. B.8tr-t874. (R) DISTRIBUTORS NEEDED: Nutritional health products. Be your own boss. Call (519) 748-0225. 20 Typewriter SaIwSQMce " Trucks tor Sale 21 Bush.†opportttrtttiem 22 Help Wanted A PART-TIME Opportunity wit! ram you in excess ot $1,000 per munth. Servicing our present custorrera, Must be wining to show new eouity- mom. Neat appearance anv car essenlial Ask about our M ime positions Ohm ra3-5301 Typewriter Sa)et-tierticy' WANTED Farm 1mcatioo Host Do you We Medina Nome" E, wing Extra cash? Toochtnq people 'out tanning†Using that some bed, om? 1987 deadline, Aug 15, 1986 'rite or call for more 'ttformation ( aria Vacation Farm Association. m tt2, Vanluoek Hill. Om K08 190 A513) 678-3721