Suttterund-Schultz Guelph Imports Weslmoum Unisex Angie's Kitchen Blue Mac's Wlnurio McGinnis Landing Elmira Centretown Car Care Apache Guelph Rangers Chapparais Eagles Maryhill Selects A Division: Frank’s Towing Ballbreakers Lakeshore N, Medicine Men B Division: Valley Blades Taps Tigers Benny & Jets Waterloo North Hydro Mr. Submarine Wesseling Car Stereo Grand River Kinsmen VanDchwug Moulds Forbes Fire Birds Mollison & Assoc. Thrifty Rent A Car Dave Walkers Esso Benny & Jets 22 vs Medicine Men 4 North Hydro 7 vs Lakeshore 12 Valley Blades 13 vs Ballbreakers 12 Taps Tigers 6 vs Frank's Towing l2 Medicine Men 11 vs Valley Blades il Top fundraiser Holly Weiss won a lo-speed bicycle while Wanda Golbeck. Natalie Seip, Sharmila Khare and Kristina Durward all won all-day passes to Bingeman Park. Winners of Blue Jays tickets were Tammy Freihirt, Kelly Krsovan, Amber Nelson, Patrick Tremblett, Khare and Weiss. Waterloo Jaycees and J ay- cettes announce the presentation of a cheque for $5,934.78 to the Canadian Cancer Society as the result of their Hit-A-Thon from May 26 to June 25. The Hit-A-Thon opened with club members playing softball against local coaches in a three- pitch Watermelon Tournament and minor ball players went out into the community to collect money that. every Friday and Saturday night till 3 a.m. High! "on: 50 Westmount Rd. PANCAKE HOUSE Hit-A-Thon prizewinners [mum Waterloo Boys Softball as at July 27/86 All in the Family League tueHtltctt BRIDGEPORT ROD AND GUN CLUB SLO-PITCH LEAGUE JULY 25, 1986 mm 'ti' Mestmount Place) through pledges after 885-1900 PEEWEE SQUlll'l' 2t " l9 " 2t " 19 2t 21 2t ll " " " " 12 " " " no Scoreboard l0 ll " " l7 " " 10 " t6 " 12 12 13 12 10 16 12 " " 12 Tea- Sportco Petro Greenshirts Tempo Knights Bulls BODY CONTACT DIVISION: 12:00 Fm srerteon [ 1:30 pm Big Bill's Greenshirts 2 3:00 pm knights t NON-BODY CONTACT DIVISION: Tu- Royals 91 Sports Generals Hogs Crock & Block Local 505 2ovie. . . worthy of your confidence. LDOYCOAT CLNE Knew Cambridge (P) Mollison and Associates catcher Jay Brooks looks past Forbes Firebirds baserunner Craig Hottot for the umpire's decision after a play at the plate in Waterloo Boys Softball peewee house league game. Hottot was called out but Fireblrds are in second place ahead of Molllson in league stand- ings. Riemann.» photo Convenient Parking, entering Wellington or King Street Jlala se)echlelai)'ljiiiii, , T _ -irsi,C,,:j,i'l'criats, (iiii'fi'ii', 'ia itlreiiiii', "Ska C)';,')-,')),,")!"',':")""): x" AB; q ' g c. £34131; 7 a' > t' Ml5B'i' _. T a, ' 23i, K _ v FM K M, [59.“ij 7... a tradition since 1925. WHAT'S THE VERDICT? 621 KING WEST - 745-9495 CONESTOGA RECREATION CENTRE ADULT SUMMER HOCKEY LEAGUE New“. Game. “and: July 20, 1986 funeral home and chapel In Th'trte of Mourning - We Care CHINGI'I BUG CONTROL Call 884-3498 S,',','ki,7i't,'.' LAWN PRAY LTD. Palm Cand- s Cambridge Bull: . Tempo Hardwood Floors 0 Waterloo " " 81 43 47 31 " 31 37 37 " " II " Mt I7 13 12 tiiiii- \ ' sa"? “’ saws: l APPLE Auto Glass - WATERLDO STORE ONLY - Phone early for appointment - 746-8084 355 Weber St. N. at Columbia in WATERLOO ERA ND OPENING SUNRUUF SALE 1095 Weber St. 699 Belmont Ave 5ty' OFF WATERLOO CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. JULY 30. 1966 - NO LIMIT PICK UP ORDERS ONLY BIG JOHN'S C3: SUBMARINES 1 (Not valid on Monday and Tuesday) Mom-Wat, " a.m.-1 mm; Thun.. 11 mun-2 a.m.; Fri. a Sat., " a.m.-3 a.m.; Sun. 4 p.m.-mldmgm Offer good until July 31/86 we OPEN daily 86:30. Saturday 8-noon ANY LARGE SUBMARINE r L - UUR I "m 'it"""' tty,) a , s a “on (19.95 5 A s',,'.,,,',),;)',")"?, at our tlEllll WATERLOO LOCATION " , Kitchener 744-6519 ., Kitchener 578-7900 U . - tsit??, maimed ' 5“““00FS " N39; DJ: 33063 PAGE 23