200 g bag Potato Chips Blue Jay SAT. 8â€"6 Ready Cut Macaroni Limt one 6 litre box per a I BSbSh ye tamDy 1 Special retail without CE ioh 2e Cougor un h . vabd at Mr. Grocer en areart t ' locations only June 10 ' to Sat July 5 1986 jg couron 1 hn e wne can one can con Che on en cte mm en ce Plain. With Mushrooms or With Meat. Ragu socre, 2.069 Assorted Navours Lipton Sou Mixeps Creamette Long Spaghett: or Spaghetti Sauce Chef Boy Ar Qee Pastas â€" "}; Assorted vaneties Top Breed 2 kq haa Coca Cola $ Coca Cola 24 x 280 m tin in water, Chunk Light Tuna or . Reqular or Dret Sprite Coke Coke Classic or Raspberry or Strawberry Kraft Jams Deterge ost 11 £ 20 M D _ 30 deposit unit cost 7 9¢ per 100 mi . 00 mt 78 q pkoq 100 mt 750 ml bt! 2 9 Tea 3 99 c.raeke}'éan'éi‘2 99 # .5 Bags "*%. Cheese ; urut 9c 907 g pkq 14 oz ED WEDNESDAY IS SENIOR CITIZENS DaAY >KIPDPY 171199;~ ~2.49 e Butter jar R PRICES BF .99 Cystas 5% 341 mi Creamy or Super Crunch Cut Aite Skippy Fruit Juices Wax Paper Assorted flavours Polident Tablets Assorted fNavours. De! Monte Hawaiian Punch Phg of 32 Wyler‘s Crystals DISCOUNT P G Tips 701.17"()0 Pekoe Kellogg‘s Assorted flavours Froot Loops .89 BolognaǤ @@, Salacs { @Q Country Fare Deli Sliced ~**"‘* 9 Shopsy‘s Town Club Det: Shced Ham 1.98,, Hamco2:3.78 3x250 mt tetra pak 4259 pkg "retm 1 ,39 Laye; CaF:: 1 .29 :: 2.9 4739 cont 3x 78 g pouch Process Cheese Food. Kraft. Whiz ,.?4?9 4.1‘*\9»«9 44 /100 g 1139 1.99‘%< ::1.99 1199 pkg. of 12 Blue Jay Popsicles Bittner s Jagdwurst Spiced Assorted Vametie« Frozen in Cheese Lemon Butter or Mushroom Sauce Assorted flavours. Frozen. 369 g pkg Suntight. 1 kg box Dishwasher, Detergent . Kleenex . Boutique Crescent or Butterfake Lunch Napkins print ScotTowels Plus Paper Towels ; Assorted Dare Cookies Pillsbury Rolls Assorted Havours. Kraft Biq Guy White Champagne or Champagne 61/100 g 28/100 g vaneties WATERLOO‘S ONLY INDEPENDENTLY OWNED SUPERMARKET YOUR SATISFACTION IS OUR FUTURE _ __ pkg. of and sizes 235 9 pkg pkg § 1-19 2.69 1199 .59 1.99 "Fresh from the Oven White Bread 18 oz. loa! 1119 .99 Product of U S.A . Canada No 1 Large Size Red Plums Canada No. 1 Blueberries _ Product of U S. A..Canada No. 1. each Product of U S. A Shopsy s. Light Choice or 500 g pkg Pure Beef Sausage Assorted Shopsy‘s Sala‘zisy Side shced Town Club Bacon °‘Xf 3.72/kg Roasts or Steaks â€"|_ Short Rib Roasts Shopsy‘s, DeliFfresh Regutar or _ | _ Town Club, Short Cut, Vac Pack, vaneties WATERLOO CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 1986 â€" PAGE 9 No. 1 Large size es p1 -88 Pineapples 500 g cont 2.48 2.685." 108. 1.38 .99 sence 3.04/kg Product of U.S.A.. Canada No. 1 9 Thompson â€" Green Seediess â€"_â€" . Grapes _ 1 Product of Ontano. Canada No 1 Product of Honduras. each Fresh. Ontario. Bonetess Fresh. Ontario Boneless Boneless Pork Leg Roasts Town C hos. io Ts 3 tb. fub Pork Shoulder 1198 Smoked 1178 . 1.98 . 1198 .. 3.92/kg 4.37/kg 4.37/kg 4.37/kg