HIGHLIGHTS Sources of financing Taxation and user charges Residential and farm taxation Commercial, industrial and business taxation Taxation from other governments User charges Deduct: Amounts received or receivable for Region and school boards Grants Government of Canada Province of Ontario Other municipalities Contributions from developers 393,400 Investment income 699,500 Equipment usage contribution 267,200 Proceeds from the issue of long term liabilities Expenditures General government Protection to persons and property Transportation services Environmental services Health services Recreation and cultural services Planning and development Other Excess of financing over (under) expenditures A[gm)pdaï¬ons et appropriations between funds Fund balances at the beginning of the year Fund balances at the end of the year The 1985 Financial Re{)ort consolidates the operations, assets and liabilities of the City of Waterloo, the Waterloo Library Board, the Waterworks Enterprise and the Uptown Waterloo Business Improvement Area Board of Manageâ€" ment. The Hydro Electric Commission of Waterloo, Wellesley and Woolwich and the Trust Fund assets administered by the municipality have not been consolidated in the financial statements. YEAR END BALANCE OF FUNDS UNDER ADMINISTRATION (33,212,785) â€" (33,831,325) 22,823,418 16,911,773 1,397,029 4,712,875 Budget 7,642 1,921,999 2,114,986 392,383 493,700 16,560,182 (1,341,652) Trust Funds 3,441,117 5,027,800 1,889,114 189,289 1,755,443 3,594,106 663,313 1,877,400 1,877,400 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS 53,400 604,821 6,853,055 99,500 1,230,335 319,474 267,200 674,121 543,544 685,780 1,344,722 39,776 250,154 785,902 2,188,813 (114,766) Revenue Fund 23,090,917 17,233,814 Wllz Alad 19,627,689 1,611,020 5,711,878 17,066,353 (2,249,923) 6,564,351 (4,192,890) 3,488,698 5,342,546 1,848,377 1,825,432 3,673,908 2,561,336 Actual (6,346,472) Capital Reserve 1985 Fund Funds Reserves Total Actual Actual Actual Actual NOTES 1,259,324 77,119 3,111,262 3,613,469 9,448,965 184,286 2,123,759 498,447 (332,645) 339,070 . The above data has been extracted from the audited 1985 Financial Rgmrt of the Cit'\; and its local boards as described in Note 1. Copies of the 1985 Financial Report and the financial statements for the municipal enter&rises not consolidated (see Note 2) are available at the Municipal Offices to any resident who wishes to review or analyze the financial operations of the City in greater detail. 7,151,414 6,479,710 1,650,425 10,204,182 3.521,186 ©1,771,963 6,837,904 $632,972 _ 448,454 60,891 WATERLOO CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1986 â€" PAGE 23 (121,538) (33,831,325) 23,090,917 17,233,814 28,683,163 26,576,209 1,611,020 5,711,878 2,613,433 493,700 7,457,876 1,549,809 2,164,502 674,121 2.070,278 3,565,817 8,453,808 5,461,846 3,858,194 2,806,765 60,.891 3,366,278 1,259,324 (30,811,954) 21,039,788 15,943,651 22,709,093 1,436,510 4,702,644 3,146 2,432, 420 340,676 4,827,655 1,392,752 590,291 2,115,851 4,013,430 3,997,944 3,289,211 7,820,983 4,559,295 196,089 1,505,668 6,986. iFge e Ne ,124 1,269,397 70,506 1,822,913 5,163,811 518,576