Chronicle Special Maureen Forrester, installed as chancellor of Wilfrid Laurier University at Sunday's spring convocation, told the class of more than L000 lgraduating students to use their spare time wise- y. "I know that theatre, opera, ballet and sym- phony concert tickets are expensive but they add another dimension to your creativity," the new chancellor said. "rrijifiitrtu-eiiucation you have received at this wonderful university, you must not become soap opera additts./' - . . . . She urged the graduates to become involved in such part-tinte activities as local theatre groups, art galleries and sports activities. Good use of leisure time was important, she said, because the work week in the future will become shorter. Forrester, Canada's world-renowned contralto and opera star, told the graduates that she was a high school drop-out and never, in her wildest dreams, thought she would ever be chancellor of a LE fo " New WLU chancellor says use spare time Wisely t TR'ii'i'h1'irGijiti"irrs University of Waterloo will award five honorary degrees at its spring convocation, May 29-31. In addition, it will bestow the title "Professor Emeritus" on two former profes- sors, and make a long-time, pioneering professor "Honorary Member of the Universi- ty." Prof. Barbara Claassen Smucker will re- ceive an honorary degree at the Arts/HKLS session May 29. She will receive an honorary D.Litt. degree, and will also address convoca- tion. Also at this convocation, William Scott, former chairman of the sociology, political science and economics departments, will be made Honorary Member of the University. 't -l"("C]]j"i"j1 At the May 30 Environmental Stud- ies/Science graduation ceremony, the univer- sity will give an honorary D.Sc. to Bryan Roger Payne. Dr. William B Pearson, former Dean of Science, will be accorded the honor Many to be honored at UW convocations STYLE CUTS CMSYOGA HALL WV (1."! m ‘2/u CMSTW um “V up“: an 12/†HIGHLIGHTS CmSYW IAll “V llm' â€I VII†CMSTW I‘LL MY um: m "No cmsvoon IALL can (In! Just mu COLOURS TOTAL MAGS - 0065020 TOTAL IMAGE - mm TOTAL “AGE - "6SO20 TOTAL IMAGE - coo-5020 PERMS HAIR CARE (1)(t, university. -ciieiui I were in your shoes today," she said. "There are so many things that I would have liked to have tried and done. You have it all before VOW: 7 - _ _ - _ ... Following her address, Forrester was plaid a vocal tribute by five members of the Lauder music faculty's intensive voice workshop, who sang the smuggler's quintet from Carmen. Greetings to the new chancellor were brought by Walter McLean, MP for Waterloo and the minister responsible for immigration and the status of women; Herb Epp. MPP for Waterloo North, and Marjorie Carroll, mayor of Waterloo. ' TOTAL WAGE - mm 1 tt $2055 5. .55! bf Outstanding Teacher awards were presented to Dr. Jane Campbell, associate professor of English; and Prof. Glenn Carroll, associate professor of business. - __ -iGiiiang convocation, a reception for all graduates, their family and friends was held on campus, hosted by Dr. John A. Weir, president of the liniversity. Professor Emeritus. Dr. Payne will address convocation. At the Mathematics session, May 31 (morn- ing), Dr. Bernard H. Neumann will receive an honorary D.Math degree and address convo- cation. Former UW professor, Dr. Bill Tutte will be named Professor Emeritus. At the afternoon session, for Engineering, Prof. Allan G. Davenport, University of Western Ontario, will receive an honorary D.Eng. degree, and will address convocation. He is a pioneer in the field of wind-tunnel testing for structures such as buildings and bridges. Also at the Engineering convocation, Dr. Charles Leslie Emery, one of the pioneers of the University of Waterloo. and a man who was instrumental in the introduction of co-operative education at uw, will be given an honorary LL.D. "1igifarlltf.,S?.,i,,!.ti,G E CMS‘I’OOA MALL “V [m an: 11/†Othqe WAXING CM!TNA mu â€V II“! as: 12/. GMT"!!! “ALL 01' El~3 m 12/. CWSTOOA I‘ll “V (In. an ‘2/†PEDICURES TOTAL IMAGE - Sttb6020 TOTAL “AGE - om TOTAL WAGE - 880-5020 TOTAL IMAGE - mm FACIALS TOTAL “AGE - tttttFSO" food TL0Ltlti Hair - "The Ultimate Fashion Accessory" V1 ---eirr "r-l" n7 PLYWOOD SBECIALTI ES AS ILLUSTRATED 6 FOOT SIZE . Bum from 2" Western Red Cedar o Bolted with plated bolts , o3o"wtdetopot2"thdeseatt' 5 . q Features anti-tip design . Completely assembled and activated in KW area “mar 'iierduut" if “an orr - - 1[ZPRICE HIGEIBIEHTS Cedar Picnic Tables s>5†REGALIA 884-6050 One C 6up0n Per Person Not valid with other discounts or specials OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK GLENRIDGE CENTRE University & Lincoln WATERLOO CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY, MAY 28 1986 - "ae " "Ae,-.-,.--.-,..--':..'.','-'-:'.'."-'--.--.. 9 s PERM SPECIAL Ba col),,!,"),'": HAIR DESIGN Offer Expires:_ Mpy 31/86 ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS Your money's worth. . and more 1 82 WEBER NORTH, WATE_rtr99, We Bring Out the Best in Babies! At Sears, no appointment rs necessary to get [$32 quality photographic portrmts We wet {9'32}: come adults and family groups, Each 'e,rtjiit,Tsft, additional person is only 956 POSES 'r,ilijji1rto:e.'i'iifi2. ' OUR SELECTION, These attractive i'.iiiiiiiiiif'iiiiii,f,':i':i _ _ options avarlabte m addition to this 'is'ifio:f:ii.ii'ijij, ' otter: White Background. 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