PAGE t - WATERLOO mm. “WY. APRI. 16. News / digest = IEiEiiSEeiE2ii'i"a'" 'ec.' Peace prof speaks at WLU Anatoi Rapoport, profes- sor of peace studies at University of Toronto. will be the first in a series of speakers appearing at Wil- frid Laurier University as part of the university's 75th anniversary celebrations. Rapoport. a past presi- dent oof the Canadian Peace Research and Educational Association, will speak on the topic War Without Hatred tonight at 8 pan. in room IEt of the Arts and Science building. Other speakers in the an- niversary series include Elie Wiesel, who is a Holo- caust survivor. Andrew Car- negie, professor of Humani- ties at Boston University. and Donald Smiley, distin- guished research professor of political science at York University. WCI goes to court Waterloo collegiate will have its day in court against Thomlea secondary school during the semi-finals of the fourth annual Canadian Bar Association - Ontario (CBAO) High School Mock Trial Tournament on Law Day Thursday in Toronto. Over 450 high school law classes across Ontario par- ticipated in this year's pro- gram which focused on an assault during a co-ed hock- ey game. The winner will advance to the champion- ship round later Thursday. Ministry grant for Young Ottondon program A residential treatment facility for young offenders will - later this summer Judy Turner of Beta Sigma Phi sorority was all smiles at Coneetoga Mall as Wayne Schroeder purchased ao_me_ '8trodio..rey1or_t the Canadian Cancer Society'a Daffodil Days. Other events during Cancer Month Include a tea/fashion show April 16, Tag Day April 26 and Ladies Great Ride April 27. m Wallace Wnterho Chronicle April It. In: Second Class Mail Registration Number 5540 Published every Wednesday by Fairway Press A Division of KttcheoerWatertoo Record Ltd. 225 Fairway Rd. S.. Kitchener. Ont. at Lutherwood's Children's Mental Health Centre just outside Waterloo. The ministry-funded facil- ity will receive a capital grant cheque for $380,000 to allow it to provide residen- tial services to females as well as male children. The total project is expected to cost just over $600,000 with Lutherwood picking up the remainder of the cost. Conservation scholarship This September, the Grand River Conservation Foundation will award a scholarship fund of $1,250 to a student in the field of conservation and resource management at a university within the Grand River wa- tershed. Students from University of Guelph, UW or WLU interested in applying should contact awards of- ficers at those three univer- sities. The number of schol- arships awarded per year will be determined by the accumulated interest from the original sum of money raised two years ago. April Blossoms Faohlon Show Beta Sigma Phi sorority holds a mother and daugh- ter Fashion Show "April Blossoms Bring Something Special" Sunday, April 20 at 2 p.m. at Westmount Golf and Country Club. 7 _ Tickets are $10.50 through Marilyn Weller at 884-65†and all Proceeds are being donated In the memory of Jean O'Leavy, a former sorority sister, to the Jean O'Leavy fund at Luther. wood. The show is origin- ated and organized by Susan Berg. COMMUNITY r EOPLE _ E XTENDING SUPPORT . q o t' Ps - Big piize,hirg ')i)iiijljil, performance A Electric water heaters give you up to 40% more storage than the largest gas heater. With dual heating elements and better insulation, they're the most efficient water heaters ‘ 'ii('it)i, [ available. And, electric water heaters can be v Ph, _"'i,. , installed most anywhere. No need to be at the end ij, _':,"! t of the basement beside the chimney. No waiting . r and waste to drain cold water from long plumbing _ lines. Avoid hot water runouts and waste with efficient, economical electric water heating. For ""fr - more information about worry free rental water 're i heaters, call: N fl 3 t _,' i; . _ _ 't' a)“ _ - , I Electric Water Heaters hold up to 40% more (j'"ii"i"i, no" ulna c-r "feet KITPHCMFD - 74R.OAQR 621'KING ST. WEST, KITCHENER - 745-9495 Waterloo North Hydro The Electricity People We hope re will feel wol- come an encouraged to attend some or all of the meetings In this lnrilalmn. Our ob iectit'e ts to have m- formcd’ people weak on subjects that will be of practical benefit In â€Try- tttlt' _ In addition to thr meet- lngs. we hope mm uull (nu! thc unuusphvr; 'l' {In Rat:rHcrhtcl Fdrutlu (bur In and fcllotrship uuth Iru'rub suppurm'w and H(‘lp".: R J Cote. Prqtgtttqrtt DEAR FRIENDS: I Mrs. Duane Jennmgs Mrs Yvonne Evans 886-5090 745-9495 Sponsored by R. J. Cline, President ot Rata-Bechtel Funeral Home, my. APRIL M, I“ mu Dr Damon duo: WCY Lunum YmMr sure' all". m tt, up m a-uaLWLLa “CV co-at-woo-or"""'"' â€NV. MAY It, 1906 “A“! steer mmnq: V A mCY “on f. boerve Money w-sety MONO“. I“ 2ti, 196 SHAKER Duane Jennmqs and 9W3 ch wmm‘unu' Omar"; and “mm mum All mvcnnux held at the Fanulu ('cnm