PAGE 32 - WATERLOO CHRONOCLE. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 16. 1988 Church Service Phone 886-2830 WATERLOO NORTH PRESBYTERIAN REV IRIS M. FORD 888-78 N 1100 a m Worms) church schoot, nursery LAUREL CHURCH CENTRE (comer ot Highpoml ' mm) "---tl2lllla"ii"Birf'iiirerelll, WATCH FOR - 2 for l, 25th Anniver- sary Snack-Pack Sale, Thursday, April 17. "Twins" Kentucky Fried Chicken. It's our taste that makes us famous. (15) LITTLE MOUNTAIN Parent participat- ing Pre-school is now accepting registrations for the 1986-87 school year. For more information, call 885 0851 _ (15) 3 Mortgage Lott IF YOUR Banker says no to your mortgage refinancing phone All On- tano Financial. the mortgage people. 743-5361, 743-2144. We buy exist- ing mortgages. (ti) COLBY DRNE, Waterloo. Up to 6.000 sq. ft, industrial space to lease in new building, 16 ft. ceiling. Available June. 1986, Phone: 885-1317. FURNISHED APARTMENT tor 1 or 2 females. SSS/week tor one, $35 each per week tor 2. Available April 15 - September 1, 742.4719. (15) 9A Apartments tor Rent FURNISHED BACHELOR Apartment on Lee and Lexington. Waterloo, Private entrance, parking. kitchen facilities. $200 monthly, pins a small weekly service, (Details when you call). 886-9026. (18) 70 Commercial Space Wanted 9C Shared Accommodation ROOM MATE WANTED' Waterloo town house avaitable May 1 T Laundry facilities. access to pool. parking $150 plus utilities Call 7464852. ONE OR TWO bedroom tor 2 older women One retired. one working, with pets, Prefer cider house 742- 2798, (16) 98 Apartments Wanted to Rm: SHARED ACCOMMODATION with 1 working female Double bedroom available in roomy house apartment Laundry Iacilities $175/month. May 1st Marsha" and Regina. 746- 4139 (15) " Articktg tot Sale 10A Rooms tor Rent NICE FURNISHED room for rent 97 Moore Ave South, Waterloo 743- 9059 (15) FURNISHED ROOM availabie in Wa- terloo Separate entrance, cooking and laundry (aunties No parking Sunable for students 884-5023 tttter 6 oo p m (15) TWO PLANE Titian - Toronto to Vancouvev $100 each or best otter trrtr-tr669 (15) Eoming Events & Announcements ALL SAINTS' ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev, David Morris, 8tM-8706 tt an. Eucharist OHS mm. Family Sonic. ALL WELCOME LAUREL CHURCH CENTRE (coma cl 'qNtotest I MM) HESS!“ lllTHEIAN CHURCH 9:15 on. Sunday Sew 1030 . m, “ammo - cor-er}! Gle- Forrest W i swam mesh“: Vin-89 Evoryooo Wolcomo. iGi. wunn {use (15) YELLOW SNMONS crib, $50; mat- tresses $5 and 520; high chair, $35; Perego swollen $40. Stroltee car seat. 335. 88%554. (15) TWO ALUMINUM storm windows. brown. Size 79% A 35%. 79% x 35%. $100 each. Toots tor the fireplace. $25. 893-7948, (15) " Articles torSale SWIMMING POOLS factory outtet clearing 1985 inventory ot above ground pools. Complete package sold tor $2.495. clearing at $1.495 Supply is limited. Catt now, (519) 653-0176. NORITAKE CHINA shop-at-home ser- vice. Start or add to your set with territic discounts on all recent pat- terns. Specify your pattern name and number. For price tist, shape, veter- ence guide. and shipping detaits. send today a stamped, sen-ad- dressed business envelope to: Just Noritake, 158 Wantess Ave, Toron- to, Ont., M4N 1W2. BEST PRICES tor all your needs in new wood and metal working ma- chines such as table saws, drill presses. grinders. band saws. hand tools. lathes, milling machines, power lools. etc. Contact Busy Bee Machine Tools tor a Free catalogue, Over 10 years in service. 18 Basallic Rd., Concord. Ont., L4K 166. (416) 738- 1292. WHITE STOVE and refrigerator. Ex- celtenl condition. Phone 884-2484 after 5 pm. (15) BARN YARD Manure delivered in large bags. 3 bags minimum delivery at $2.50. All proceeds to Bridgeport Lions Club. Telephone 5794192. COMPLETE U-SHAPED kitchen cum boards. Very good condition. Phone after 5 pm. 884-2484. (16) AL'S USED Furniture and Antiques on Maple Lane in Elmira. Spring opening starting Wednesday-Saturday, 10-5. Bedroom sets, new and used. mat- tresses, tables and chairs, cedar chest, roll top desk. Worth your while to take a look, Phone 669-8787, (ti) BIKE FOR SALE: Boy's IO-speed, 22-inch, Black Knight. Needs some repair. Phone John, 884-7914. THREE POSITION Gendron baby car- riage. like new. $100, Baby Tyme walker. $15 Btra-7133, (15) FUR JACKET - Grey tax. size 12. Make an offer. 885-0594. (16) Bought and sold. top prices paid Encore Records, 297 King Street East, Kitchener 744-1370 (if) POOL TABLE - Brunswick, 4 feet by 8 feet, 886-1233. (15) MEDtt.JM-SlZED Freezer, like new Heater, 66a-3636. LOCALLY MADE solid oak roll top desk, $599. Antiques and colIecl- ibIes in the Basement ot the St Jacobs Mitt. Closed Monday (m WATCH FOR - 2 for 1. 25th Anniver- sary Snack-Pack Sale, Thursday. April 17th Twins' Kentucky Frbed Chucken. It's our caste the! makes us famous (1 S) AUS USED Furniture and Antiques on Maple Lane in Elmira, Spring opening starting Wednesday - Saturday, ltF5 Bedroom sets, new and used, mattresses. tabtes and chairs, cedar chest, rott top desk. Worth your while to take a look, Phone 869-8787 GRAND PIANO 6 1 Wagner (Young Chang), t982 Perfect finish. tioety crafted. superbly maintained. has been used in concerts by numevous famed pianists Special handeound bass strings. exceptional sound, very good mien $7.500 Phone am 1673 for trppoiotmertt (leave may sage) (m LP. RECORDS (19) " Add“ torsttle Waterloo Chronicle Subscriptions Mailed outside of Waterloo £10.00 per .mum I?'. Elm. Firm Support year in Canada, Call 886-2830. Sec- ond Class Mail, Registration Number 5540. Members O.C_N.A. CCNA, S.N.A. (If) Movable Prices, o Availabk in Son or Separately . Free Eating!“ & Damion] in K-w CLEAR SWEET WATER! At last new technology eliminates rusty _ smelly 743-32 1 9 Att WILLIAM ST. WEST, WATERLOO ANTIQUES: Furniture, rugs, jewellery, Quins. shilling crooks, glass and china, etc. One piece to complete estate, 10 years in business. AI Jones. 664-2830, St. Jacobs. itt) CARPET AND Vinyl Remnants, ceram- ic ends. Free 27-by-18 inch mats, two per customer. 884-9131. (ttl VINYL REMNANT Clearom. Variety of no-wax vinyl floor covering, all first quality, Call 886-4080. ttf) Ctean maple and beech, all cut and split, 64 cubic feet, $95.00; 160 cubic feet, $235.00. Delivered. Phone 579- 4118. ttO FOR SALE - REGA - 2 turntable. Catt Waiter, 8tM-3760. ttt) TEMPERED GLASS, 23176", $30 per sheet, Sid Tatham Woodworks, 1519) 537-2660, BUILDINGS L Factory liquidation of in-stock inventory, Widths 304201 Heights 10-22 ft. All priced for immediate sale. Buy now, take sprung delivery. Gulf Steel, 1-416-828- 6262 NORTHERN FOOD TREES Old tash- ioned apple. pear, apricot. nut trees. shrubs, evergreens. seedlings Guaranteed delivery. reasonable prices Free Catalogue. two weeks only, Garden Bough Tree Farm, Marlbank. Ontario, KOK 2L0, WANT TO get rid ot those unused items cluttering your premises? Bong them to the auction We ll sell them - y0u walk away with cash' 20% commission Antiques, household items. term and shop tools furniture, bicycles. beds. stoves. tridges. etc . etc Bring them to me STOCKYARO FARMERS a FLEA MARKET on Saturdays by 900 tor the weekly auction at 1000 a m No hassles You get it here - we It sell ill And while you're waiting. Visit the regular vendors to shop tor produce. meat. cheese. breads. crafts etc STOCK- YARD FARMERS I PLEA MARKET. Weber St North and old Hwy 86 twmmerls Corner) New vendors welcome '.» bad tasting water, bacteria. stain- ing. chemicals and more. GSA. Approved, Proven in over 12.000 installations. Only A96 /day to own and operate. Ask about our FREE 6-month trial otter. Bad water can be your profit's worst enemy. Your property and lite is much more valuable when your water supply is good. Clear Sweet Water _.. It's your Right! Call now t-tyotF268-2656 t24 hrs.) or 1A416) 624-4344. Aztec, MATTRESS“ I Bolt "s" " m “V SIZE IE! "tttttte " IN FIREWOOD "Our 54th Year" “TIRES CLASSIFIED DEADLINE . 'urTPAlf, 10 mm. It CARPET REMNANT Chat-Om, variety ot colors and sues, ah first quality. Call 886-4080. - M) " Adidas tor Sale STEEL BUILDONG Relocation Sale - We are clearing out old stock Save thousanda, We won't be undersold. Phone Pioneer Sans Department couecl tor intormation, (416) 678- SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 9-4 pm. Office furniture. household furniture, school equipment and materials, 40 John Street East, Waterloo, tnauiries to school materials prior to sale: 744-4464. (16) A LOVESEAT and 2 chairs. 2 side tatges, 1 coffee table, $200; one sofa-bed, $125; mattress/box spring, like new, $100; one Peacock chair, $35; one upright vacuum cleaner. ser, 8854163. STEEL BUILDiNGS, Miracle Span Winter Clearance. Example: 32140 $3.742. 40x58 $5,555, 46x76 $8.918, Other sizes to choose from. Ali buildings are complete with doors, Can totl-tree: I-tsoo-Mr-WMO. GARAGE SALE April 19 a. 20. 589 Dogwood, Waterloo Drapes, chrome kitchen table, 4 chairs. 2 large mirrors, books, 2 portable sewing machines. 2 humidifiers, light fix- lures. lamps, floor fan, 2 floor polishers. vacuum cleaner. baby sleigh, car seats, Jolly Jumper, lounges. toys. etc. 13A Garage Sales ARTICLES WANTED: For 7th annual charity garage sale. Proceeds to Cystic Fibrosis. For more informa- tion. call Jo-Ann, 885-1253. (17) FOUR FAMILIES - Friday, April 18, 9 a.m. - 2 pm. Bikes, lricycles, Fischer-Price toys. transformers, an- tinues, aquariums, household ar- ticles. 265 Alexandra Ave., Water- Buying for Cash; Gad and sliver cons, scenery. styling sNerware, Hays. tea sets, mauve clocks. pocket watches. old post cards, documents " scrapgokaam demalgou WM J GRANT CONS. H25 ktrtit St E, Klicheoev tmb-ABAO, B Water St S _ Cambndge. BEN-0430 PIANO WANTED - Regardless ot condition, Catt 669-2280 or 669- 2311 anytime. (m THE SALVATION Army requires dona- tions ot clothing. furniture. dishes, books. jewellery. appliances, etc. Help peopie who don't have as much!! For pick up at your home can 578-3130. (ttl 95 COLUMBIA ST. West, Waterloo. Saturday, April 19, 8-5. 20 horse power Mercury motor. Spalding right hand golt clubs, Gibson dishwasher. 1973 Ford Galaxie, as is. All in excellent condition. Pius more. (15) USED Wttterkyo Chronicle newspaper carrier bags. Paying SI oo for clean tnot torn) new bags, Waterloo Chron- icle. " Erb Street East, Waterloo tytt6-2830 I 585 14 Articles Wanted to Buy KNOWLEDGEABLE. reputable owner of a small antique shop wishes to buy household items, rugs. silver, lumb- Top cash paid for records Encore Records, 297 ng East. Kitchener Phone 744-t370 itt) OLD DiSHES Odd cups and saucers, ADD|SON two-colour plastic radios ARTICLES WANTED For 7th annual charity garage sate Proceeds to Cystic Fibtosis For more intormtr tbon, on“ Jo-Arm, 885-1253 (17) ture, em. 885-2300 sitver. siNerptate and peweltery want- ed. Phone 885-2300 ttf) wanlod Paying up to $100 Call co#ect (416) 6884420 Hesse call even it you think you have one RECORDS (If) 15 Pets ' Suttgtlies Discount prices on quality products equal or better than most commer- cial brand name dog foods. Dog Food Pellets, 20 kg . . $11.75 Other types also available FACTORY OUTLET 9 Herbert St., Waterloo (near King St. S.)884-9600 16 Cars for Sale DOG FOOD SHUR-GAIN }974 FORD MUSTANG - Lots of new parts. Needs new motor. 885-4163. 1984 RABBIT - 1.7 litre fuel injected engine, gasoline 5-speed. AM/FM cassette. Only 36.000 miles, Ex- cellent condition. $6,900 or best otter. Call 576-4491 anytime. (16) GET 75 mpg large car. R.V.‘s. etc. Build and install a new covey gas vapour carb. Fit any car, truck or RN, For into. send sett-addressed, stamped envelope to: Thrift Garb. 10731 King Geo, Hwy., Surrey, 8.0. V3T 2X6. 1983 CAPRICE. Excellent condition, 20.000 km, 4 cylinder, 4-speed. Call 885-3740 or 74643736. (15) 1982 PLYMOUTH Reliant SE. 30.000 miles, 2.2 litre engine. certified, very clean. tytMi-5235. (16) HONDA, YAMAHA. SUZUKI, KAWASAKI Shop at Ontario's largest parts and accessories store, Over 1500 helmets. 500 tires. hundreds ot leathers, plus Windshields. exhaust systems, lug- gage and more, tor all makes of ATC's motorcycles and scooters, Nobody carries a larger stock at our low prices on quality products, Visa and Master- Card accepted, Take a drive and save today at our new 17,000 sa it super store Royal City Cycle in The Guelph Auto Mall. 653-3861 or I-i-roto, toll-tree l~800~2658301 Open daily. 9-8. Sat, 9-4 168 Automotive Supplies tOG and Cat grooming. Ali breeds styled professionally to suit your pet. Pick up and delivery service avail- able. Over 20 years experience. 699-4232. (40) 18 Motorcycles ttor, 1973 DUSTER tor parts. Motor, 1978 CAMARO - 4-speed, Needs 1968 CORVETTE Roadster, big Mock 427, 4 speed, new top. Must be seen, $12,500 Call 884-6984, 20 Typewriter Sales-Service _ ,r - Typewriters cleaned. oiled, adjusted. repairs to all makes, reasonable rates, work guaranteed Add-Type Business Equipmenl, 28 Bridgeport Road East. Waterloo Oust down trom Towers). 885-2570 ttO PAIN CONTROL without Pitts with about impulse (T E N S t machine (as seen on TWs Marketplace pro- gram). Moneyback guarantee sans- faction Beater inquiries invited Tott- tree call t-8txy-663-4350 SMALL INSURANCE Office reouures office tteip dam, 124 pm 884- 1011 Typewriter sa)et-tiertttt 21 Business Opportunities TRAIN FOR A Job with a Future wrttt Tri-Oounty iruck Driver Traiotrtg Job search assistance avauabte 720 King St E. Kitchener (519) 763- 50“. 300 Cobome St E, Brant- ford (519) 7560723 22 New Wanted transmission. body. Also mes: can 14, F78-14 and ltr-inch radials 886-4496 or B85-0440. body work. Make an otter. Phone 749-1067. (15) Also tires: 695-