PAGE 8 - WATERLOO CHRONOCLE. WEDNESDAY: Mark Bryson Chronicle Staff There will be no changes to Ontario's mandatory one-year licence suspensions for first time drinking and driving offenders, says the province's Attorney General. Speaking at a luncheon in Kitchener Friday to kick off Community Justice Week, Ian Scott told a group of lawyers, judges and ordinary citizens that there is no distinction between the person who is over the legal limit of .08 and the person who is impaired, and therefore there would be no review of the law, “There will be no change to the law as long as we are government," said Sam. _ The issue was raised by Kitchener lawyer Hal Manson, who questioned whether the law might be too tough on a first time offender, "blowing between .08 and 1.2, who still has very good physicals." He went on to say that the law was working against the "average guy who needs his licence to keep his job." Scott stands tough in defence of new drink-driving laws Scott was firm in deteniiing ihe tougher legislation, introduged last December. "if someone's taking a risk with the life of another person, there are hardships that must be faced, even if it means loss of jobs," said Scott. " Main St "um (M. 001.50 55}an , Chain St. We" M Queen. Open thin "t Kitche-. Orttario "can ' Id '03 742495! or 742-69! Cantu-Hp “on (lowed on Monday Your turnrmle ttetermirtes the sound of your entire stereo wstem right on there at the beginning. The worid's best amplifier cart't enhmce the ouch of the signer! it receives, The finest Ioudsoeders can recreate music from mush!! An accurate stereo svstem must evolve from a terrific "Front end' on“ have been main? terrific wrntwles for many veas and the introduc ion of the cum. cm: in both standard ond deluxe versions (shown Were) corttirtues in thot trodmon The DUAL - uses 0 m M suspen- sion method to mourn vow mundane from unwanted vibrations. EquoHv important is the toneorm/ca- triage combinmim Here an“ shines. incorporating the â€(who Low mass) tooeorm (ma cartridge IN '1rTillllE BEGINNING m Ill JVC (ll) mom-:32 The concept of Justice Week originated in Waterloo eight years ago and has since become province-wide. This year's goal is to aid in highlighting the need for public understanding and involvement in an evolving justice system. Events for the week will involve mall shows, library displays, information sessions, open houses, law day, Justice Dinner, Bowlathon, radio and television programs, The highlirht will occur April 17 when Minister of Communi- ty and Social Services John Sweeney speaks to over 1,000 high school students from Waterloo County at Bingeman Park. The emphasis of Scott's speech kept in theme with the week, which runs from April 12-20, access to justice and public involvement in the law process. He told the gathering that it was their responsibility to make legal procedures more simple, less expensive and faster. He also suggested the legal profession should explore the possibility of using paralegals to speed up the justice process for minor offences. "We, the lawyers and legal professionsals within the justice system, have a responsibili- ty to bring the law to the people, to make it work in practical application," he said. Remember, "W A 0000 um VIII CAI'Y “A" A - um". The tour t,'h"ti'se,',e 'oneam suspenséon ma, UL- cartridge are “med to work in oerfect umson to track vour records oertectte Ian Scott [In] rrf=efteg,ee,eg,ef"u' ‘uAunnnnc KMITWCAD I EHANDMADE KNITWEAR g a. COMFORTER SALE l t ““231 'lril',""'0 li o Finished with your child's ii nursery Items? tlio W:o have '21:qu 'vt,','",',,,',',',','""" g C'l'l/l,'1Jr'f,'rl'r'e agdgaccusonco. " Save time and money, Bell through the ti Pudgy Panda's low commission rate s The Pudgy Panda ii " Etry St. North , I!) say in. nun" .7 h, bivs'2"'s'"s12C5s"sirs39lP2U-s' N - v --. -_- --__ “v 5 (Comm o' “an! Lana & (by Sun") K'-.-------- CAN YOU HEAR IT? OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS AT OPERATION OPEN DOOR A flexible, full-time adult day program for those over 18 and out of school for one year or more. Choose from a variety of high school credit courses and take up to five courses in each 10-week term. Credits available to mature students for previous education and job experience, so it won1 take long for you to _ EARN YOUR HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA! For more information and a personal interview, call the campus nearest you. REGISTER BEFORE APRIL 11 for the next session which starts on APRIL 21 , 1986 Cambridge: Pine Grove Campus Pioneer Tower Road, Kitchener - 653-6610 (Free bus service to Pine Grove Campus from Cambridge) Waterloo: Alexandra Campus Alexandra Street, Waterloo - 742-2851 NO TUITION FEES ' . o The Waterloo County '" Board of Education Conestoga College offers more than 30 Diploma programs beginning in September. Now is your time to apply for these programs that provide skills for your future career. Each year, well over 90 per cent of Diploma program graduates secure employment. That shows how a Conestoga education can work for you. Tuition is reasonable, and you may qualify for financial assistance. For your free copy of the 1986-87 Conestoga College Calendar or for details on any Diploma program, call or write: Liaison Services Conestoga College of Applied Arts and Technology 299 Deon Valley Drive Kitchener, Ontario N26 4M4 (519) 653-2511, Ext. 279/366/367 But please act soon - our Diploma programs fill fast! NOW IS YOUR TIME manta tsii, '1»an 10-. M19! -