2O - 1981-85 Fortis, Chev: and Hymouihs 1 - 1982 Lunch 1 - 1981 ‘98 OtdsmotHe, 20 - 1980-82 Ford Faumoms. and Plymouth Volares 4 and 6 cylmdeu 6 - 1979-81 Staten Wagons. 3 - 1980 Vans, 14 - 1978-81 Halt, b. ton pack-ups and club cabs, 1-1984 Ford Ranger 6 - 1978-80 414 s Chev pack-ups Ram Charger and Jeep, 6 - 1 to 3 ton cab and chassis and dumps, 7 - van Domes and uhluy Domes Mtgmon s Car Sales, 4 mues west of Durham on =a, or 6 mules east ot Hanover on 84 Highway Phone 1-369-3136 18 Motorcycles for Sale " Cars tor Sate GET 75 mpg large car. R V s, etc Budd and Install a new c0vey gas vapour cart: Fn any car. truck or R v For Into send self-addressed, stamped envelope to: Thrift Carb 10731 King Geo, Hwy. Surrey, BC V31 2X6 HONDA, YAMAHA, SUZUKI, KAWASAKI Shop at Ontario's largest parts and accessories store, Over 1500 helmets, 500 tires, hundreds of leathers, plus Windshields. exhaust systems, tug- gage and more. tor all makes ot ATCs motorcycles and scooters, Nobody carries a larger stock at our low pnces on quality products. Visa and Master- Card accepted. Take a drive and save today at our new 17.000 sq. ft super store Royal City Cycle in The Guelph Auto Mall. 653-3861 or 1-822-7080. toll-tree 1-800-265-8301. Open daily, 1973 DUSTER tor parts. Motor transmtssion. body Also mes 695 IA, F7844 and 1sunch radsals 886-Ad96 or 885-0440 (IA, 1976 YAMAHA RD-400. Good condi- non, rebuilt engine, 500 miles, chambers, custom seat. 6650 or best offer. 884-3578 after 5 pm. (14) 1977 22-FOOT Dodge Diplomat. Com- plete with all conveniences, Three way fridge. cruise. etc, Low mileage. Excellent condition. Asking $16,900. Phone 884-3703 (14) 1973 YAMAHA 200 CC, Excellent condition. Only 3.283 miles. Phone 884-3703. (14) 20 Typewriter Sales-Service Typewriters cleaned, oiled, adjusted, repairs to all makes; reasonable rates, work guaranteed Add-Type Business Eculpmenl. 28 Bridgeport Road East. Waterloo Uust down trom Towers) 885-2570, ttt) 168 Automotive Supplies 19 Trailers - Sales/Rentals PAIN CONTROL wuthoul pulls with electric impulse (T E N S ) machine (as seen on TV s Marketplace pro- gram) Moneyback guarantee satis- taction Dealer nnqumes Invited. Too- tree can 1-800-663-4350 Thseirriter Salet-tiertic.es. Media C. a local publishing firm needs Account superwsors/Sates Repre- sentatives. Expenence m saves and a car are essenha! Apply by tesurnt to Mark Renaud. Media C, 251 Edin- burgh Rd North. Guelph, Ont, NIH 582. (653-1716) (14) 21 Business Opportunities RESPONSIBLE YOUTH to cut lawn $12 per week Lawnboy mower supplied Westmount Howard Hesse can 578-3545 (15) HELP WANTED Three people needed today with superwsory skulls at a part-tune '.tet," without gwmg up your oresent tots mean? can Mr Hechtutr, 894-3610 (14) AUTHORIZED DEALERSHIPS avail- abie Unique new Wmdcycte Saitcratt for water, iand. snow and we, interchangeable parts Small irtvest- meat covered By product Call (705) 6876513 Gravenhurst PERSON TO Servuce our customers Mus! be sales mmded 3300-5500 a week it you qunMy Clean cut and cm essential Phone Kitchener, 743- 5301 (u) CAREER IN PUBLISHING 22 Help Wanted 85 CARS, TRUCKS, STATION WAGONS, VANS AND Ax4's (14) FAMILY AND Children s Services ot - the Waterloo Raglan as In need of - 1 volunteers to 6rrve, betneno, prowde etc I parental telnet. and become Involved gas I m community educatlon programs " h or I you are Interested m volunteering sea , with an agency that supports and Zarb t enhances the family and provides the B C _ opportunity tor the healthy growth ot 1 children, please call Carrie at 576- - I 0540, (14) \Eonon NEEDED 8.000 cuculatton [ Eastern Ontano newspaper Soltd k newspaper excellence essenttal Ideal posmon tor first ume edttor _ Compemwe salary, excellent bene- fits For unterwew. contact the pub- hsher The Glengarry News, (613) 525-2020 or write Box 10, Alexan- dria, Ont KOC 1A0 A CAREER IN TRUCKING Tranapott dnvots needed Now Is the time to tram tor your Class A tTCS,',', prescreenmq Intetwew and , placement untormauon contact Merv Orr Transport Drwer Traimng Cam- onoge 1300-26521 260 (ti) FAMILIES WANTED to provide foster cale tor chudren Oauy rate, "among and support services crowned Farm- Iy and Chudren s Servnces 576- 0540, Bull Janes (48) 22 Help Wanted HAIRSTYLIST - Full-time, part-lame. ' with experience Can Larry s Beauty , Salon, 885-0080 (14) l, 23 Agents a Sales Mg K-W RED CROSS Homemakers Ser. vice requires persons with ttomemak- ing skills tor part-time work as homemakers. Phone 576-2360 (15) F JOANN CAN, so can you!! Earn good money, win trips, furs. dia- monde Exclusive home sates and party plan products Full-time. part- time, own time, No inventory. No handling, Call collect anytime (416) 294-0943. , TRAIN FOR A Job mm a Future with Tri-County Truck Driver framing. Job search assistance available 720 King St. E., Kitchener (519) 743- 5011; 300 Colborne St. E. Brant- ford. (519) 756-0223. LINCOLN V!LLAGE - Mother will babysit in my home Happy sur- roundmos 885-2120 (14) RNA's. homemakers and professional overseas nanmes to care for children and do housework on your home 744- 6448 (17) ATTENTION - Parents, Teachers, Supply Teachers. Day Care Assis- tants. Wand Bootecttitdcraft needs representatives immediately, No ex- perience necessary. Full Training provided, Guaranteed income. Part- time and full-tame employment. Com- pany benefits, mayor medical, dental and profit sharing. " Interested. call Mississauga, (416) 624-5774 Lon- don, (519) 679-0595 or send resume to: J Elem, 966 Pantera Drive, tt15, Mtsaussauga, Ont L4W 2SI Crafts. climbing frame, music and language skills tor 2-5 Momma or afternoon opamngs 744-6448, (14) 25 Child Care 28 Penman STORK NANNY SERVICE PemoneM Removal at Unwanted Hair - Facial and Body Short Wave and “mend" methods . 930 King St. w.- Kitchener (scrot- trom K-W Hogan-l) QUALITY TOT TIME AVON IS FOR YOU Call Now 743-0421 Free Consultation - Make Extra Money - Meet Nice People - Work Fiexibte Hours - Get Free Professional Sales Training", WANT TO 744-7561 Electrolysis Studio trfTiaTuiiiir07eirriGoktioii PRESTIGE ACOUAINTANCES Service us an introduction bureau tor unat- tached adults seeking lasting rela- tionships. Successful, rename. sebac- tive. Call toll-tree: 1-800-263-9163. " Personal. Surprise someone with a message from a Betty Dancer Nalwa 744- 1354 In the yellow pages under enter- tammem IF YOU THINK you might be pregnant, Birthright can help you explore your options. your possible future plans, Call 579-3990. ttt) RAZOR CUTS means less bulk. eager roller sets or more manageable natural curly haw I gave very good razor or scissor cuts at Hens N'Chacks Beauty Salon. 59 Menno Street. 886-2733 (t1) BOB GRAY MUSIC - World lemons Yamaha organ. piano and guitar tessons by qualified teachers 886- 0100 (N) EVlNRUDE POWERED 6-passenger Houseboats. Cruise the Trent system in luxury. Stereo, hot water, shower, propane BBQ. Fully equipped, Call King's Marina, Fenelon Falls. (705) 887-3321, 36 Educational HALIBURTON SCHOOL of Fine Arts otters 80 one-week workshops In all mediums, July - August, For informa- tion/brochure, Box 339. Haliburton, Ont, KOM ISO, (705) 457-1680. 32A Cottages for Rent Organ. Piano (poputar and ciassbcal) lessons ouatitied teachers, Rogustev now 885-2940 (27) HART LODGE, Haliburton Highlands. Tennis, heated pool, whirlpool. boats. golf nearby, Varied accom- modations, some air-conditioned. TV, fireplaces. licensed dining, tourna- ments, entertainment. supervised children‘s program, Low June rates. Call 1-800-46t-7699 tor brochure, LAKE HURON - Wateriront, South- ampton. Large three bedroom mod- ern cottage Ment for months ot June, September, $700 Phone 742-1037, (14) 34 Musocal Instruction ART CLASSES tor children and adults beginning April 23 for 10 weeks by qualified teacher in stud-o envwon- ment. Emphasis on personal devel- opment, Call 885-3571 (16) MATHEMATICS AND Chemistry tut?'- mg " levels Expert. caring unstruc- non 886-5668 (N) 33 Leisure Activities/Clams LAST CHANCE to Learn Income Tan' For free brochure on correspond- ence courses, write U I Ft Tax Schoolt 1345 Pembéna Hwy Wunm- poo. Manitoba, HST 286 No 000mm tion SPRING TIME - Enjoy the at" ot song Find your unique vome Qualified teacher Phone 886-0759 (17) PIANO - Friendly Imonnal lessons All ages Chiidreo welcome Theory oftered Phone 886-0759 (17) George Kadwell Keyboards 35 Tutoring Hours: Noon till 8 pm MAGIC BY ZACHARY 884-1947 Personally Yours Salon HARTLEY: 658-681 1 Make your next Birthday Party or Specml Occasoon Memotabte wtth tor kids birthdays and Stags, Amazing, humorous, reasonable MAGICIAN BELLY GREETING WIGS 579-0230 MAGIC Nude Schools WATERLOO CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, APRIL tr. mac - PAGE 33 " Ettueatittml/Tmde Schooh " Some“ FREE 1966 outdo to study-mm coumndonce momma comm tor oresttqoous cereals Accounbng. Au- condmomnq Bookkeeping, Busy ness. Cosmetology, Eltrctrontctr Legal / Meamal Secretary, Psycttoto- gy, Travel, (Stanton WA), 263 Ade- lance West, Toronto 1-800-268- 1121 CAREER CANADA College Toronto, Ottawa, Hamilton Dental chausnoe assasung Medical omce Lab Assist. tng, Hotel/Restaurant Management. Travel careers Day class and home study 385 Yonge St Toronto M58 tSt (416) 977-7797 TAX RETURNS prepared by expen- enced accountant Reasonable rates Phone 886-0516 tor more interma- hon (1 I) NEW BOOKLET lusting money-making jobs you may never have thought of Send 3995, Name, Address to Victor Publishing. Box 520. Palmers- ton, Ontario, NOG 2P0. 38 Tax Senncos 45 Semees REPAIR OR msttt0 your alummum doors. WI" carpentry gobs or re- curs PM.†can 885-6445 after 530 (m A1 YEAR ROUND tree service mainte- nance and removal, insured. WH Kesselring & Son, Kitchener. 576- 8531, tttl Repair or install your aluminum doors, patios, lences. decks and small car- pentry jobs. Please call 885-6445 after 5:30. ttty SUNDECKS - Built to suit your liteatyle, Call today tor your free estimate. Quality construction at reasonable prices, Call Deckworks. 743-3437, (14) AERATiNG AND town romng Reason- abka vanes For a tree cannula, can 8864754 (16) Done m my home on computer Will do complete set ot books tor any bum- ness. Can 748-0506 (17) For a large variety ot gobs Rubbush romaval. moving, etc Rangoon)»; rates CI" 7a6-1518 bo'ore IO or after 5 00 it 7) MOVING SERVICE local or distant. 22-foot truck, fully equipped, in- sured, 2 men, $35 hourly. Full households. small businesses. trash removal. 7 day service. Phone 886- 3689 ‘07) MODERN DESIGNS In furniture built to custom specifications and ready- made models in stock 742-1077 days. 634-8122 evemngs, (14) Imported trom Scotland, 100% po- tyester. Prices very reasonable Wa- terloo Stockyards. Weber St Every Thursday and Saturday. HEAVY DUTY PICK-UP LAWN ROLLING Call 746-1775 REGIONAL PLUMBING & HEATING Service and Repair work BOOKKEEPING SHEER CURTAINS AND MATERIAL One-Ton roller Russ Robinson Telephone OPEN SAT. & SUN 1 58 AHRENS T4 TAX HANDYMAN 884-8289 888-701 o LAWN ROLLING Experioncod bookkoopa will not up and/or handle tun so! at book. to ma! balance Reasonabte (not. Call Man- lyn. 5784313. (17) BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Repairs, tune-ups, tires and your Accessory needs We re trootong now) We wilt install accessories and tires white you want Eight Iocensod mechaw ms and the latest m eoucpment to serve you better A place tnends recom- mentti Royal Clly Cycle, In The Guelph Auto Matt 653-3861 Ot 1-622-7080 ton-tree 1-800-265-8301 Open dam, 9-8 Sat 9-4 FARMERS expenencmo financial dim- cumes There may be ways of solving your problems that you are not aware Leaky basements Drainage systems - sump pumps unslalled All tounaauon problems ALL TYPES ot renovations, guaran- teed, quality workmanship at com- petitive prices Brick work, tire- places, mastering. drywall, concrete work and carpentry Free estimates Small protects a specialty, 'Herb Wunder Construction". 884-281 5 RUBBISH REMOVAL - Wait washing; light moving; cleaning (basements. garages. attics); odd jobs. Jett Harding. 884-2831. (m RENOVATDNS _ Radium work, a- mable roles New additions , J, mg, chumneys. tencos. Don =. panes, carports, canon! work st- lage renews. realest-on rooms ea, tttaut" or what have you? 'e estimates Phone Tom. 7atr-32 Everything done by hand; washmg. waxmg, Interior shampoo, motors steam cleaned Cars, vans. pick-ups, boats, 312 Marsiand Drive trear buudmg) 8864511 Open 8006 oo Monday-Friday. Saturday till 4:00 ALL PLUMBING Repairs - Water heaters and softeners installed Painting and decorating. Call Bots." 576-2974. (N) EXPERIENCED cabinetmake: avanl- able Custom work. repairs, or ren- ovations. Interior or exterior Rea- sonabte rates 648-2847 evenmgs AL-LETS Decorating. Interior and ex- terior painting. wallcovering. 25 years experience. Free estimates. 745-6738. ttt) 401-6 Weber St. N Complete Shar- pening service: all types, carbides. circular and band saws, scissors clippers. knives, skates, lawn and garden tools. Shop hours: 8:00-5:00. Saturday nu noon. 884-5401. Itt) PERSONAL TAX Returns props your home B: C T1 short 885-21 16 after 6 LOOK - Odd gobs. painting, Unheal- able prices Peter, 743-4906 (11) Inserts, smote sheets. new: butlehrts, catalogues. etc _ very reasonable rates Can Waterloo Chronicle 886- 2830 ttf) ALTERATIONS DONE by â€none ad seamstreu Pant legs up! ~r1 hams, etc 745-9282 t 15) CERAMIC REPAIRS - Bathrooms and kitchens our speciatty Ca" 886- .080 (N) LAWN ROLLING AA Landmar‘nq 884-3622 Hm A-1 CAR CLEANING of For further mformation contact Syl-Mar Financial Consultants. (519) 449-2809 Sonny's Sharpening PAPERHANGING Oualky Workmamhip FREE ESTIMATES 20 Years Experience Gov t Consumer Bonded WATER PROOFING SPECIALISTS SERVICE - ALL MAKES [EEliEE WE DELIVER LOW PRICES Work Guaranteed 884-6743 745-7790 (44) (tf) 6) 0