Craig Bambrick of the Kit- chener Nationals try to stop Paul Lalonde of the Water- loo Leafs during minor ban- tam game of Record Trophy hockey series between Kit- chener and Waterloo teams Saturday at Don McLaren arena. See story on page 29. Information night a success PLVwooq WALLPAPER MONTH Sunworthy Super Sale SLOW DOWN! 57:“ “‘74; " LCIIlktvll¢f’, / [If], 55 Ill A'ICI‘iIlm'l I“ (III, II isis _/tir 8:01) p m , Hunmmm-s lhwlrc mama 0'81“" photo B,’ T - fr I r SPECIALTIES 182 WEBER NORTH, yir0yttIiLlFt1" i) ic,), April is MN DMV 3:305:30. rm, nu lb. BAY. ml t A The Waterloo Minor Soccer Club reports that approximately 75 people attended its information night at the Albert McCormick arena. The WMSC considered it a successful and informative evening with questions being asked and answered and with a lot of parents meeting with the executive. The WMSC will soon be holding a soccer dance and people are asked to watch for information on this. . Wednesday, 9 April to Saturday, A? April The nunderlul sounds of the music and lyrics of Gilbert & Sullivan return to the Humanities stage as the Waterloo Regional bunch of the (iilhert K Sullivan Society presents its ltlth production. The Mikado w,"-----"-,,; Presented in co-operation with the " Arts Centre /' / and (TCA-FM. // SI Loo reserved (Groups of 20 ur mure 39,00) 885-5850 In Gilbert 6 hhlliran luhl~ sxsautrl, u m. Human In , mum Hm um" . Jud gll In.“ milk " THE DAIRY DILEMMA a for thou with dairy may!†a altomativu to milk product. . Shirhy Hartung. Iocturor ' nu- thor ot Cook... Naturally Tao... Apr" IS, 7:30-9:30 Fm. 'ts.oo . help tor weak or lento munch. oslx week exorclu prognulon and education ahead on rolalallon. ftortltrltlty and strong": April 23-May 28, 7:30-8:30 pm. HEALTHY BACK CARE , EM)":Z HEALTH & WELLNESS "r.OO y...“ ..v._ 7".-- I REDUCED RATES " FOR MEMBERS L.U,2."L'.UL.." ---..- OTHER COURSES OFFERED: 0 FIRST AID ' C.P.R. 0 SPORTS MEDICINE 0 THE YEAST DILEMMA o STRESS 8: HYPOGLYCEMIA o ATTENTION CONTROL TRAINING COURSES & WORKSHOPS FOR A HEALTHIER HAPPIER YOU Roam“ by contacting the Waterloo Family Y 145 Lincoln Road Waterloo, Ontario N2J 2N8 WAYERLOO m. WEDNESDAY, APtttL 9. 1966 - PAGE " hronicle lassifieds YOGA oomphnizos precise body nuan- mom. muecuutr balance I spinal o Metlvittualiaqd programs for specific probhma April 17-Juno 19, 8:15-9:45 o loam how to 96v. 'rffoCtttrq map LOVING HANDS MASSAGE . tau of hands-on practice q roduco “you ' rolax mute.†Sat., Apt" " or Sat., Jun. 7 9-3:30 pm. $50.00 886-2830 mum l