20 TWIN. PAIN CONTROL without pills mm electric impulse (T E NS ) machme las seen on TVA Marketplace pro- gram). Moneyback guarantee sans- lachon. Dealer Inqumes invited Tott- tree call 1-800-663-4350 Typewriters charred. oiled, admued. (spans to all makes, reasonable rates. work guaranteed Add-Type Busmess Equipment. 28 Budgepon Road East, Waterbo Oust down trom Towers) 885-2570 (tty 21 Business Opportunities MUSIC FOR Young Children, otters an exciting approach to leaching mus": Written tor children 3-8, MYC ts taught m your home at limes suitable to you We are currently accephng applications tor trmmng seminars beung held throughout Ontario For more information call Southern On- taoo Co-ordinator, collect: 416-639- 0790, 632-7409 (13) Typewriter Sa)etetierrictrt PERSONAL COLOR Analysts. Sup- plies and training. men s and ladies' swatch books, drapes. testhits, luxu- rious fabrics. Detailed teaching video. Come Alive with Color, 2866 Charttrell, White Roch, B C V4A 5R2. Tel (604) 536-1913 SSS SALES - Need 4 serious people to earn up to $2.000 monthly part-hme, tull commissnon. Water filter Indus- tries. (416) 896-3r76, (416) 277- 1074. (416) 791-4057 Benex En- terprises. P O Box 1417, Stahon B, Mississauga. Ont L4Y 386 COMMISSIONED SALESPERSON re- quired to sell water treatment equip- ment, High income potential, bonus and incentive plan negotiable. Apply in person to: The Water Factory, 89 Bridgeport Rd. East. Waterloo. or call 746-0024. (12) 22 Help Wanted FiirGgg WANTED to provide foster care for children. Daily rate, training and support services provided. Fami- TRAIN FOR A Job with a Future 'tF with Tri-County Truck Driver Training. Job search assistance available. 720 King St. E,, Kitchener. (519) 743- 5011; 300 Colborne St. E, Brant- tord. (519) 756-0223, A CAREER IN TRUCKING. Transport drivers needed, Now is the time to train for your Class A "certse, For prescreening interview and job placement Information contact: Merv Orr Transport Driver Training Cam- bridge 1-800-265-1260 ttf) QUALIFIED LEAD press person te- qurred for prosperous Southwestern Ontario publishing operation Must have experience with GOSS Commu- nity Web Press and good mechanical skius Apply to Ken Crawford. Otter Printing, PO Box 190, Tillsonburg, Ont. NdG 4H6. (519) 842-8662 MALE OR Female, All ages, people needed immediately for extras in movie work and film assignments, No experience required Earn up to $12 per hour Call 745-0593 Monday- Thursday, 10-8, Friday-Saturday. 10-4 . (10) WANTED Carriers who want to earn extra money deIivermg papers once a week To tind out what areas are available. see carrier coupon ad on page 26 WANTED: A Pitcher and/or coach for a ladies softball team. C Division Call Mary, 742-3306 or Vivian, 743- 9142. attet 6:00 (t2) Become a professional model Guaranteed employment after 16 hours of in-depth training in runway and showroom modeling Call Mon- day-Thursday. 10-8 0 m . Friday-Sat- urday, 10-4 745-O593 (12) LARGE EXPANDING Ottawa area wanting company features nmmedu ately a thndery Machine Operator Successful applicant should have full workmg knowtedge of Baum Folders, Computerized Cutters and (we Sta- tcon Muellers Full-hme oosmon mm ly and V Children's Services. 576- 0540, Bill Janes. (48) a very compemwe comoensatron plan, including profit shanng Apply to Ken Watts, Performance Prnnlmg Lmited, P 0 Box 158. Smiths Fags. K7A aTt,t613y2t53-5650 MODELING SEMINAR APPLIANCE TECHNICIAN Excellent remuoeratton and booetit package. Complete product Inns and several years experience. Apply in wining to Phelans Place. Box 35, Sehrirtqvik, 22 Help Wanted HOUSEKEEPER WANTED immediate- ly for 3 hours daily trom 3-6 pm Dunes would inciude cleaning and supervision of school child Please phone 886-1861 between 8:304:30 tor interview Resume Is required Avin, Canada's art direct-selling company has immediate openings tor Sales Representatives m your neigh- bourhood. CALL 743-0421 23 Agents & Sales Help DYNAMIC. hardworking. career oriented individuals needed as agn- cultural marketing representative Sales experience not required Good attitude, eagerness to learn and succeed are required. Above average income and incentive. Send resume to Box _ F" OCNA, Box 451, Oakville. Ontario, LBJ 5A8, MA CHERIE Home Fashion Shows Est 1975. Join us in presenting quality lingerie and leisure-wear fashions at “in-Home“ parties for women Set your own goals for Impressive earn- ings potential, It‘s tun! It's Easy! It‘s Protitabie! For information, call col- lect, (416) 632-9090. 9 am to 3 LAKESHORE NORTH near NA. Mac- Eachern School. Will babysit full-lime in my home. 885-5155. (12) Ontario. NOK 1X0 NEED TIME AWAY shopping, regular sitter ill, PD. Day? Lakeshore mom available for occasional sitting, My home, flexible hours, Non-smoker. Call 885-2629. (12) For English families Get a college student from Quebec. Call K-W Au Pair Placement. 884-1878. (13) With 2 year course in babies and preschoolers for live-in position. Swimmer, non-smoker Stork Nanny Service, 744-6448. (12) 25 Child Care PROFESSIONAL NANNY. LINCOLN VILLAGE - Mother will babysit in my home, Happy sur- roundings, near Sandowne School, Cait 885-2120. (12) WANTED: Competent, responsible. caring person to Babysit part-time FRENCH SUMMER SITTERS 28 Personals Surprise someone with a message from a Belly Dancer Natwa, 744- 1354 in the yellow pages under enter- lamment - FASHtoN-C0NSCl0Us SALESPEOPLE WANTED RAZOR CUTS means less bulk, easuer roller sets or more manageable natural curly haw I give very good razor or scussor cuts at Hens NChicks Beauty Salon. 59 Menno Street B86-2733 (tty llt2 visa; old chad. Salary negotiable. University of Watertoo/Westmount area. Call 885-1437, PRESTIGE ACOUAINTANCES Service rs an inhoduchon bureau tor uttat- tached adults seeking lasting rela- honshups Successtul. rename. setec- tive Catt toil-tree l-800-263-9t63 Hours Noon till 8 p m HARTLEY: 658-681 1 MAGIC BY ZACHARY 884-1947 Personally Yours Salon for kids birthdays and Stags. Amazing, humorous, reasonable Make your next Birthday Party or Special Occasion Memorable with MAGICIAN BELLY GREETING WIGS 579-0230 MAGIC (12) WANTED' Ladies “A" softball team acquiring plants Foe mtovmation on tryouts phase call Christa any 6:00 IF YOU THINK you mach! be pregnant, Burthnghl can help you explore your options, your possible future plans Call 579-3990 'ttty TWIN ROCKS Resort: Modern house- keeping cottages. seasonal campmg, on Kushog Lake Beach, boat/motors/canoe rentals. dock- mg, store, beautiful park setting, in the heart ot the Haubunon Highlands For brochure write: RR 82, Minden, Ont KOM 2K0 Call (705) 489- 2247, EXPO ACCOMMODATION! Over 100,000 accommodation nights availabte now! May accommodation still available. All suites serviced, inspected, and in direct proximity to EXPO. 1-800-663-4A04 31 Vacation Accommodation VISITING EXPO, Copes' Choice Bed & Breakfast. Stay with friendly hosts, modest to luxurious homes/suites. $30 - '110, (604) 987-8988. 4808 Skyline Dr., North Vancouver, 8.0 V7R 3J1 BED/BREAKFAST in British Colum- bra 23 minutes to EXPO via Skytrain, Double accommodation with break- fast, $45. Write Royal City Bed} Breakfast, 628 Tenth Street. New Westminster, BC VSM 328. (606) 521-1733, " aim-6695 or John days at 621-1200. (12) Organ. Piano tpopular and classical) lessons, t2ualitied teachers. Register now. 885-2940. 1271 EXPERIENCED QUALIFIED Teacher ot piano and theory. 742-1976. 31 Willow St., Waterloo. (12) 34 Musical Instruction PIANO LESSONS, Kerry White, A.R,C.T, in performance, ticentiate diploma from U ot T, All ages and grades. Weslvale Meadows. 746- 1681, (12) BOB GRAY MUSIC - World famous Yamaha organ, piano and guitar lessons by unarmed teachers. 886- nAnn W) George Kadwell Keyboards 35 Tutoring MATHEMATICS AND Chemistry tutor- BECOME AN Auctioneer, 85 hours of instruction. Next class April 5th to 12th, For information contact: South- western Ont School of Auctioneer- ing. (519) 469-3936 (5t9) 537- 2115. PO, Box 145, tnnerkip. Ont NOJ IMO, FREE: 1986 guide to study-at-home correspondence dipioma courses for prestigious Careers: Accounting. Air- conditioning. Bookkeeping, Bush ness. Cosmetology, Electronics. Legal/ Medical Secretary, Psycholo- 36 Eaaiaw /Trade Schools CAREER CANADA College. Toronto, Ottawa. Hamilton, Dental chairside assisting. Medical ottice Lab Assist- ing, Hotel/Restaurant Management. Travel careers, Day class and home study. 385 Yonge St. Toronto, MSB tSt, (416) 977-7797 TAX RETURNS prepared by expen- enced accountant Reasonable rates Phone 886-0516 for more uniorma- hon ' (It) 0100 ing all levels. E lion. 886-5668 38 Tax Services IT s NOT TOO LATE' Learn Income Tax Preparation. Basrc or Advanced courses wme U ' R Tax Schools. 1345 Pembma Hwy . Wmmoeq. MB. R31 286 No obligaroon a; i'ravei, Granton (5A), 263 Ade- Iaide West, Toronto t-8OO-268- I 1 21 _ OPEN SAT. 5 SUN 158 AHRENS T4 TAX Expert. caring instruc- .8. (14) WATERLOO CHROMCLE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, was - PAGE 25 " Sonic“ " Sonic“ SERVlCE - ALL MAKES Repairs, tune-ups, tires and your Accessory needs, were booking now! We will install accessories and tires while you wait, Eight licensed mechan- ice and the latest in equipment to serve you better A Mace friends recom- mend! Royal City Cycle. in The Guelph Auto Mall. 653-386t or 1~822~7080. toll-tree 1-8oo-265-8301 Open daily 9-8. Sat ' 9-d, MINOR RENOVATIONS, Restorations. small appliance repairs and more Hourly or job rate Beterences 579-3967 anytime. (13) EXPERIENCED CABINETMAKER madame, Will paint and do repairs. Strip and retinish turniture, Reason- able rates, 8864092. (15) NEW BOOKLET listing money-making jobs you may never have thought of Send $9 95. name. address to Victor Publishing. Box 520. Paimerston, Ont, NOG 2Pty RELIABLE SHOE Repairs In Beech- wood Plaza. Erb Street and Hallman Road, Open Tuesday-Saturday 884- 0331 , (14) PHOTOGRAPHIC MODELS - IB-33 years wanted, portfolios, portraus. Complete wedding day coverage, with album, $395; by awatd-wmnmg photographer Glamor Photo Studvo. 578-0968. (17) Experienced bookkeeper win set up and/or handle full set of books tor small businesses year end work Very reasonable rates Call Marilyn, 578- 0313, (12) REPAIR OR install your aluminum doors, small carpentry gobs or re- paws, Please call 885-6445 after 5:30. (ttl FARMERS experiencing financial ditti- culties. There may be ways of solving your problems that you are not aware PERSONAL TAX Returns prepared in your home. Basic (T1) short, $10. 885-21 16 after 6. (16) ALL TYPES of renovations, guaran- teed, quality workmanship at com- petitive prices. Brick work, tire- places. plastering. drywall. concrete work and carpentry Free estimates, Small projects a specialty, “Herb Wunder Construction l 884-281 ' AL-LETS Decorating. Interior and ex- terror paintmg. wallcovering 25 years experience Free estimates. 74545738, (It) RUBBISH REMOVAL - Wall washing. light moving: cleaning (basements. garages, attics). odd yobs Jeff - __ A ' "" Everything done by hand; washing. waxing, interior shampoo, motors steam cieaned Cars. vans. pick-ups, boats. 312 Maisland Drive (rear building) 886-1511 Open 800-500 Monday-Friday. Saturday [ill 4 oo. 401-6 Weber St N Complete shah pening semce ali types. carbides. circular and band saws. scissors clipOers. knives, skates. lawn and garden tools Shop hours 8 005 oo, Saturday till noon 884-540‘ (H) a. for further information contact Syl-Mar Financial Consultants. (519) 449-2809, ALL PLUMBING Repairs - Water heaters and softeners Installed Pamhng and decoralmg Call Bob. 576-2974 itt) FANTAStA FOODS And Feasts Susho and samosa that schmecks -waterloo Stockyards on Saturday HOME MAINTENANCE Having trou- ble with maintenance repairs to Four home' Let me give you a hand Call Gord after six at 8844925 Reason- abde rates (9) ikarding. 884-2831 BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Dianne. 886-3987 Ednny's Sharpening " CAR CLEANING PAPERHANGING duality Workmanship FREE ESTIMATES PAINTING 884-6743 Water (17) (tf) ttf) Leaky basements, Drainage systems - sump pumps Installed All toundation problems How-WEM‘ .mmnyouuonooy to-troorttomtcato" W‘ITEWTLU an. Mann-w TWO MEN with truck will do small moves. snow shoveuing. garbage removal, etc 884-6681 (tf) APPLIANCE REPAIR - Why pay the big guys their big prices? Ernie Snow's Appliance Repair at a price you can afford. Refrigerators, stoves, wash- ers, dryers. etc. Senior Citizen"s discount. Evening appointments available, Call 745-9240, WANT TO UPDATE your wardrobe? Custom tit clothes at tow pnces. Dresses, pants, skirts, blouses. etc Experienced 893-5178 after 5:30 LOOK - Odd gobs, painting. Unbeat- able prices Peter. 743-a906 (I 1) Inserts, single sheets, news bulletins, catalogues, etc, very reasonable rates. Call Waterloo Chronicle 886- man itt) McTAVtSH'S CLOCK Repair Shop - Specializing in repair and complete overhaul ot antique clocks. profes- sional training. Free estimates One- year guarantee, Quartz movements trom 515,00 complete. 664-2650. (Across trom Waterloo Stock Yards). M CERAMIC REPAIRS - Bathrooms and kicchens our specialty. Call 886- 4080 (ttl A-A CARTAGE - for apartment and small moves Phone 886-9788. if no answer 744-8466. (13) EXPERIENCED cabinetmaher avail- able, Custom work, repairs, or ren- ovations. Irtterior or exterior, Rea- sonable rates. 64B-2847 evenings, 46 Farm Miscellaneous FARMERS WANTED who are paymg too much tax or are not using all the tax breaks available. Phone us today! Appointment times available to process 1985 tax returns in your home Farm Business Consultants, 2109 Oxford St C. London, NSV 229. Call toll-free 1-tMyo-265-100? tn business year round helping farmers for over 34 years, 47 Auction Sam GlGANTlC FARM Equipment 3 Motor Vehicle Clearance Auction. Friday, March 28/86. 10 am, sharp New and used equipment including ap- prox. 50 tractors. 40 cars and trucks. A T V ‘s and over 250 pieces ot all types at farm equipment Special note This lS our annual Spring Clean-up sale featuring a complete storage shed ot surplus parts and accessories including tools. P T trs, batteries, muftiers, hydraulics, disc blades, cultivator teeth, tenders, top links. etc Will be sold totally unre- served and absolutely to the highest [udder Terms cash/Visa or good cheque day of sale Not responsnble tor accrdents on property Auctnom eers Bruce Ward. Lloyd Bums and Don Glover Wayne Ward Farm Eoulpment. Hwy tt6, Wrarton (519) 534-1638 or 534-2980 SELECT JERSEY Production Sale. Wed . Apnl 2nd, 12 30 pm Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Ontario Fresh Swinging Jersey cows, AH cakes Jersey Gunmen ot Canada Managers (416) 263-2328 John Joyot, Auctioneo'. (613) 283-4730 PE OLSEN REALTY LTD 20 Years Experience Gov't Consumer Bonded WATER PROOFING SPECIALISTS LOW PRICES Work Guaranteed WE DELIVER 745-7 790 885-1010 8861601 (11) (44)