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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 19 Mar 1986, p. 44

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WATERLQO NORTH PRESBYTERIAN REV IRIS M. FORD 888-7870 1 I 00 am Worshro church school. nursery LAUREL CHURCH CENTRE (corner or Hrghpomt a Nonhheld) Church Services 1 Coming Events & Announcements Phone 886-2830 MOTHERS DAY Craft Show. Cones- toga Mall, April 23-26. Twenty booths available to area cratts peo- ple, Unique hand work welcome. Call 886-9165. (15) ST. LAWRENCE RlVER Cruises. Ro- mantic cities, the world famous 1000 Islands, the remarkable tnternatonat Seaway and Locks, Upper Canada Village, spectacular shorelines and more. Spend 4 or 6 days Spring, Summer or Fall aboard the elegant Canadian Empress, Visit your travel professional or dial-a-brochure toll- tree: 1-800-267-0960. ___ FORMER SMITHS FALLS Residents - Settler's Days and Old Home Week Tenth Anniversary from June 28th to July lst. Pre-Registration Kits ($5) and information write: Millie O'Neal. Chairperson, Smiths Falls Settler's Days, 86 Reunion Committee, 111 Brockville St.. Smiths Falls. Ont, K7A 3Y7. Make a commitment, "Return to Smiths Falls 1986" ATTENTION COLLECTORS! Mark it on your calendar, the 5th Annual Forest City Nostalgia 8 Antique Show & Sale returns to Centennial Hall. 550 Wellington St., London, Sat. March 22nd. 12 noon to 9 p m, Sun. March 23rd, 11 a m. to 6 pm. Admission onty $2 featuring over 60 quality dealers. What a Show! (519) 679-1810. 3 Mortgage Loans COURT " - (Licenced lounge) now available for parties, business meet- ings. etc. For more information lelephone Linda or Ellen, 886-5870. Columbia Racquet Courts, 140 Co- lumbia Street West, Waterloo. (tt) 101! Maria!!! IF YOUR Banker says no to your mortgage refinancing phone All On- tario Financial, the mdngage peo8e, 7436361, 743-2144 We buy exist- COTTAGE - Beautiful Lake Beheood, 32 mike trom K-W, 2 bedrooms, militia. boathouso. tame lot, leased land. 837.900. Can 885-3885 any 6 n m. U 2) 2 Banquet Halls Available Private individual will pay cash for an older 2 storey or bungalow Call 886- 3383 (l 1) 5 mm Wanted RC M FOR RENT, 8240 per mm 4 Property for Sale ing mortgages ALL SAINTS' ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev David Morris, 884-8706 8 am. Eucharist 9:15 am. 2"J/2 Service ALL WELC E 9:1?th 'Sunay School 1030 an. View.» Sonic. Tm: "From sum- to Char-cut LAUREL CHURCH CENTRE (coma ot Wm I mucus) corner at Glen Forrest I Sula-Ill] [1km Village In. Kevin Wnlnth 88413809 March 19. nts am. Thane. "Tho Grace ot thory‘ Sundayuluch PY MESSIAH lUTHEIAN WHICH ‘on and laundry facilities "it Close to universmes 88543428 troo t121 hum Wuhan. WANTED tttl 10A Rooms for Rent A first class facility offering from 700 to over 10,000 sq, ft. Ideal for professional, research and development, high tech- nology and supporting businesses. " s0ttice Space Manama " Macho tor Sale TWO ROOMS tor rent. Kitchen, show- er. One block from Towers Plaza. May 1 - August 30. Phone 886-3095 in morning, (11) 13 Articles for Sale FURNISHED ROOM available in Wa- terloo for May 1. Separate entrance. some cooking facilities available. Suitable tor students. 884-5023 after 6 pm. (12) BUILDINGS - Factory liquidation of in-stock inventory. Widths 30-120', Heights 10-22 it All priced tor immediate sale. Buy now, take spring delivery. Gulf Steel, 1-41tt-ty2'8- 6262, CARPET AND Vinyl Remnants. celam- ic ends. Free 27-by-18 inch mats, two per customer. 884-9131. (If) Mailed outside of Waterloo $16.00 per year in Canada. Call 886-2830 Sec- ond Class Mail, Registration Number 5540, Members 0.C.N.A,, C.C.N,A.. S.N.A. (tf) Maple and beech, all cut and split, 64 cubic feet, $100. Delivered. Phone 579-4118. (to VINYL REMNANT Clearoul. Variety of no-wax vinyl floor covering. all first quality. Call 886-4080. (W CLEAR SWEET WATER! At last new technology eliminates rusty .. smelly GRAND PIANO. 6' l" Wagner (Young Chang?, 1982 Perfect finish. tinety crafted. superbiy maintaiqed; has been used in concerts by numerous famed pianists Special ttand-wound bass strings. exceptional sound. very good actioo S7500 Phone 886- 1678 tor appointment (have m , CHEAP FOR CASH $. All Steel nuonset buildings never erected, ship anywhere. 40' x 100' for $9.999. Also 26x28. 35x36, 46x80 and a 40x60 straight wall. (416) 699- 6151, LP. RECORDS Bought aod aotd. top prices odd, Encore Records‘ 297 King Shoe! East. Kitchenet 7444370 (In 180 Columbia St. W., Waterloo HIGH QUALITY SPACE For Lease TECHrENDGV BUSINESS PBBH WieSe Property Corporation Ltd bad tasting water. bacteria, stain- ing. chemicals and more. C.S.A. Approved. Proven in over 12,000 installations, Onty 49c/day to own and operate. Ask about our FREE 6-month trial offer, Bad water can be your motifs worst enemy. Your property and life is much more valuable when your water supply is good. Cl“: Sm Waco! "your Right! Col now 1-800-268-2656 i26 hrs) or 1-(416) 624-4344, Aztec. ban (519) 886-2410 Waterloo Chronicle Subscriptions, - - wiebe CUT AND WRAPPED TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS FREE K-W Doliwry FRESH ONTARIO LAMB 1 -454-8251 FIREWOOD Base Available in 2-pcs. o Regular or Extra Firm Support t Comparable Prices. q Available in Sch or Separately a Free Estimates ' Dolivory in K-W PENNY-ROLLER Trademark. Patent- ed. Wrap pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters quickly and easily!! One wraps all Uses tree bank wrappers. Only $895 postpaid. (Please add 636 tax). Two for $16! (Please add '1.12 lax). Send cheque or MO. to Penny-Roller Products. PO. Box 405, Fort Erie, Ont. L2A 5N2. WANT TO get rid ot those unused items cluttering your premises? Bring them to the auction, We'll sell them - you walk away with cash! 20% commission. Antiques. household items, tarm and shop tools furniture, bicycles. beds, stoves, fridges, etc., etc. Bring them to the STOCKYARD FARMERS' & FLEA MARKET on Saturdays by WOO tor the weekly auction at 10:00 am. No hassles. You get it here - we'll sell it! And while you're waiting, visit the regular vendors to shop for produce, meat, cheese, breads. crafts etc. STOCK- YARD FARMERS' a FLEA MARKET, Weber St. North and old Hwy. 86 (Wagner's Corner) New vendors welcome. ' 145 Camila. St. S. thorloo 743-32 1 9 48 WILLIAM " WEST, WATERLOO WASHER ' DRYER Excehent working common Sell as aet onty 5400 or has! otter 886-8449 evenings (13) FOR SALE - REGA - 2 turntable. Call Waiter, 884-3760. itt) POOLS - POOLS. Special until May 30th only. 16:32 in-qtound $6.995 complete Above-qtmmd Ills from $761.25 and up, Smal down pay- ment holds your pool Installation on a first come basis 742-0765 SAtLBOARDS, The new 1986 models arriving weekly plus the best prices available, At O.W. Sports, 92 King St. South, Watertoo, 886-28‘0. 7-HECE Westbury drum set including CM and stands. excoIaM cond- tion, 8550. Phone 742-0126 - 5:30 pm. (12) MINOLTA XG-SE 35 mm camera with flash, 50 mm and 80 mm zoom lens. tripod and camera bag. Pertect condition. Asking 6350, Call 576- 6872, (1 1 l BOWS BLUE " Inch Senna 10-30090 racer Kickstand, camel. good coo- onion $80 884-3595 (H) THREE PIECE chestertieid set. Suit- able for summer home or cottage. Good condition. Please call 885- 0571, (11) has“ a summ- IImESSES & BOX USES " HT "' SIZE BED AM " HEW MTD and Canadian Tire Mastercraft Size SPRING SuPtiRftPRtt.UM., "iuaEruF6Nii6wiruiTrirt iiawteiowErt TOGETHER Coupon Ends March 31 /86 “Our 54th Year" MATTRESS " SMALL ENGINES L 5 79-4400 Canadian Tm Cooooo. Accaplod m latch 31/66 Save up to $34.00 CLASSIFIED DEADLINE " TUESDAY, " can. at " Amounts“ SWIMMING POOLS. Factory outlet has a limited number ot 1985 models left at excellent savings. Don't buy until you compare us. Nobody beats our prices we guarantee. Call 1- (416) 523-6467 or 1 (613) 547-6434 CARPET REMNANT Char-Out. variety ot colors and sizes. all first quality. Call 886-4080 , (ti) MIRACLE SPAN - or Wonder Steel Buildings. We'll meet or beat your best price on quonsel all steel buildings with similar specifications. Call our factory tolMree: 1-800-387- 4910. - PROFESSIONAL FLORAL designs and classes. Bridal, special occa- sions silk or natural plants and arrangements. 664-3570. (14) LOCALLY MADE solid oak roll top desk, $599. Antiques and collect- ibles in the basement of the St. Jacobs Mill. Closed Monday. (ll) DON'T WAIT! Save! Save! Save! Pools! Pools! Pools! In-ground, above-ground. 1985 prices. Price subbed to change. Call 744-4971 F KtRSCH WHITE Omette shades. Brand new. 67 inches wide by 70 inrhes long. $75. 885-554& . ol) ANTIQUES: Furniture, rugs, jewellery. quilts. shilling crocks, glass and china, etc. One piece to complete estates. IO years in business. Al Jones. 664-2830, St, Jacobs. ttty SEND YOUR Honey Bunny a delightful Easter basket heaped with fresh fruit and candy. Forget-Me-tlots, 745- 0031 . (12) PIANO WANTED - Regardless of OLD TIME Fiddle 8 Country Music, Recordings not found in stores anymore. Free mail order catalogue. The Music Barn, Box 3098. Mount Albert, Ont. LOG 1M0. Buying tor Cash: Gold and am can ”My storing savanna, truys, Io- sets ontioue cioch‘ pocket wnchos‘ do post cards documents Alscrnpoom-nd munch! W J GRANT GOD‘S, tt25 Km St E, KW OLD DISHES Odd cup. and sauce". smut. Mame and 'etwetttery tmgrtt- ed. Phone 885-2300. tttf ANTIQUES. Furniture. tugs. musty, Quins. shilling crooks. was: and china. etc. One piece to complete set IO years in business. Al Jones. 6t54-2tr30, St Jacobs. ttO NHL HOCKEY Fights - two hours. VHS, Beta, $37.50/ea. plus $2.50 P & H, Won/orders: Odyssey, It168- 720 Sixth St., New Westminster, 576-4840. 8 Water TEMPERED GLASS. 2tr'x76". $30 per sheet Sid Tatham Woodworks, (519) 587-2660 THE SALVATION Army "out” dona- for details 14 Articles Wanted to Buy Giaion. Cali 869-2280 or, 669. 2311 tmytimer, _, (m Help people who don't have as much" For pick up at you: home can Srtr-3830 I (m s/s , Gimm. Bt?tAM30 (13) USED Waterloo Chronicle newspapef carrier bags. Paying $1.00 tor clean (not torn) new bags. Waterloo Chron- icle. " Erb Street East, Watertoo. 886-2830. KNOWLEDGEABLE, reputable owner of a small antique shop wishes to Buy household items: rugs, silver, lumi- ture, etc. 885-2300. (N) Top cash paid tor recmds. Encore Records, 297 King East, Kitchener. Phone 744-1370. (N) WANTED: Two-colour Addison plastic radios. Paying $50 and up. Phone coueci: 1416) 688-1420 15 Pets & Supplies PIANOS WANTED, Not necessarily in good condition, Give name height. number found under top lid or have us refinish,' restore your piano. Village Piano, Elmira. (519) 669- 2280. 16 Cars for Sale 14 Articles Wanted to Buy TOYOTA COROLLA SR5 1985, Ordy 13,000 km, five speed. two-tone paint, Balance of extended warranty (2 years), Call Melodee, 886-2830, DOG and Cat grooming. All breeds styled professionally to suit your pet. Pick up and delivery service avail- able. Over 20 years experience. 699-4232. (40) COLLlE PUP (purebred) tor sate. 12 weeks. $150. Needs big property. 884-2641. 911) GET 75 mpg large car, RN '5. etc. Build and install a new covey gas vapour carb. Fit any car, truck or RN. For into send self-addressed, stamped envelope to: Thrift Carb, 10731 King Geo. Hwy., Surrey, B.C. V3T 2X6, 8kg ...rm.r..."'. 20kg ....r.rm."r". Puppy Food, 10 kg ... Puppy Food, 20 kg ... Dog Food Pellets.20kg 1982 LYNX WAGON - Grey, automat- ic, AM/FM stereo, 4 speakers. power steering. power brakes. roof rack, 33.700 miles. Immaculate. 746-6728, (12) 168 Automotive Supplies MUSC FOR Young ChMren. otters an awning approach to teaching music. Written tor children 3-8, MYC is laugm in your home at times suitable to you We are currently accaprmg applications tor training seminars being held throughout Ontario For more inmrmat'ron can Southern On- tario CtFordioator. collect 4t6-639- 0790. 632-7409 (13) Beit Chunks, 1 case, 24 tins 20 Typewriter Typewriters cleaned, oiled, adjusted, repairs to all makes; reasonable rates. work guaranteed; Add-Type Business Equipment. 28 Bridgeport Road East. Waterloo (just down from Towers). 885-2570, ttf) PAIN CONTROL without pills with etectric immtse (TENS) machine tas seen on TVs Marketplace pro- gram) Moneyback guarantee satis- faction. Dealer inquiries invited, Too- tree call 1450045634350 DOG FOOD SHUR-GAIN FACTORY OUTLET 9 Herbert St., Waterloo, 884-9600 21 Business Opportunities ”M088 - You can pro“ trom your Typewriter SalesrSerricet Us”, For free Nat-mutton cal or who: Pttcitic Murchison: he . 2 Rm Ct., Etobicoke. OM, M9C act) Phone (M6) 621-B515 RECORDS $6.25 $14.50 $8.70 $17.10 $11.75 $19.20

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