PAGE 4 - WATERLOO CHRONOCLE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, $6000 goal of annual Bus Push The Annual Bus Push for Big Sisters spUnsored by the University of Waterloo Em gineering Society will be held on Saturday, March 8th. This year's goal is to raise over $6000. Engineers will be can- vassing for pledges during the next few weeks. Big Sisters is a community group which offers emotion- al, academic and counsell- ing assistance to girls in the K-W area. The actual event will begin at 10:30 mm. at the University of Waterloo Campus. Participants, stu- dents, professors and various local dignitaries will push the bus to Market Square' in downtown Kitch- ener. The parade will travel along University Avenue and King Street. It promises to be an entertaining event with the parade being led by the Engineering Mascot and the Waterloo Engineers own Hard Hat Band. Student employment centre opens The Canada Employment Centre for Students is now open at 235 King Street E., Kitchener. Temporary hours are Monday to Thurs- day 1:30 - 4:30. Friday 8:30 - 4: 30. Full time hours will begin April 7. News , digest There are already many highly skilled students reg- istered with the centre. If there is a job a student can do for you, call The Canada Employment Centre for Stu- dents at 744-8151. Doon launches travelling exhibit Summer opportunities for students look very promis- ing in K-W and area, particularly in the small business and retail sectors. Deon Heritage Crossroads (formerly Doon Pioneer " lage) is pleased to share the heritage of the Waterloo Region with its residents through a travelling exhibi- tion entitled "When Canada Was Young". Eight display cases are now in place throughout the Waterloo Region. Each con- tains a selection of artifacts from the Doon Heritage Crossroads collection, illus- trating childhood and youth from the turn of the centu- ry. FUNERAL HOME _ 4. ANDCHAPEL ‘36 Westmount JAMES L. HAHN - FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1001 (TITAWA STREET SOUTH, KITCHENER (CORNER OF OTTAWA AND WESTM0UNT ROAD) i, 743-8900 Ls. Associated Funeral Directors C" Waterloo Chronicle Second Class Mail Registration Number 5540 Published every Wednesday by Fairway Press A Division of Kitchener-Waterloo Record Ltd. 225 Fairway Rd. S. Kitchener. Ont. March 5. i988 Associated Funeral Directors: Terry Savory, Mark Walchuk Topics of the displays in- clude: School Days, Wool To Woollens, The Accom- plished Young Lady, A Mu- iieurn's Collection, Pas- times, Blue Monday, Learn- ing the Trade, The Early Years. The display cases will rotate among different loca- tions. The first person to send in a correct list of one artifact from each of the eight cases will receive a 1986 pass to Doon Heritage Crossroads, which includes admission to all special events. Contest entries may be sent to Doon Heritage Crossroads, RR 82, Kitch- ener. Ontario, N2G 3W5. Cases are located at: Ayr Farmer's Mutual Fire In- surance, Ayr, The Blue Moon Hotel, Petersburg, Brox's Olde Town Village, Elmira, John Galt Centre, Cambridge, The King Cen- tre Mall, Kitchener. The Marsland Centre, Waterloo, The Village Shoppe, Welles- ley, The Waterloo Tennis Club, Waterloo. Por further information call (519) 893-4020. Big Brothers hosts Recognition night Thursday, March 6th, 7:30 p.m., at the Rockway Golf Club, Big Brothers of K-W is hosting a special Recogni- tion and Recruitment Night. Five year service awards will be presented to twelve Big Brothers. One award to a Big Brother for ten years of excellent service, and an award to a fifteen-year ser- vice veteran. John Zinkann, eleven years as an active local Big Brother, will be special guest. Zinkann was on the Board of K-W Big Brothers and also on the board of Orillia Big Sisters. He was a local practicing lawyer, but returned to school at WLU and obtained his M.S.W. He has recently been engaged as a member of the Adoles- cent Treatment Team of Psychiatric Services at the K-W Hospital. He resides in Waterloo. Any man eighteen years of age or over is invited to attend this special meeting. Phone 579-5150 for details and further information. Sixty fatherless boys are presently waiting for a Big Brother (ten of whom reside in Waterloo). ' is'C.r-o' sr . A <iv’f5 Lingerie Sale 20s-30s OFF "rt-s-a-et-ttgt-m-u-r-ttcas-ac-ttit. 36 ONTARIO ST KITCHENER MONTH OF MARCH - ALL THREE LOCATIONS ---. AT THE STAG SHOPS 7 KING ST. WATERLOO FOR THE ili)1llirly/'] 1i,'1ily/' PARK 132 MAIN ST. CAMBRIDGE "i"jj-'i'"citi5' iRJi:""'