Tax Tips Continued trom page 14 tton-deductible debt should be repaid first. Another important rule of thumb is that you should borrow money to acquire investments and use your available cash to acquire assets for personal use. it isotten possible to convert non-deduct- ible debt to deductible debt. For example, if you have invest- ments and also a mortgage on your home, you can liquidate your investments, pay down your mortgage, increase your mort- gage and use the proceeds to re-invest. After this exercise, a portion of your mortgage inter- est will be tax deductible. Re- member that there are costs attached to such a conversion: there will be mortgage fees and there may be tax arising on the sale of the investments. You don't always have to me every taxation form that Reve- nue Canada supplies, but it can often save you time and trouble in the end. Form T2219 is the schedule taxpayers use to claim interest expense of more than $400 on money borrowed to earn invest- ment income. The form requests the principal outstanding at the beginning of the taxation year, any additions or reductions and the year-end balance of the borrowings. It also asks for information about investments held at the beginning of the year and subsequent acquisitions and dispositions. In prior years Revenue Canada said that taxpayers claiming this interest expense didn't have to file the form with their T-l returns but that it may be requested during post-assess- ment verification. Experience has shown that investigations of interest expense claims are more likely than not. While filing Form T2219 may not be mandatory, it may save you the inconvenience of a tax audit and having to complete the form later on. FIBREGLASS TRUCK CAPS COMMUNITY INDOOR GARAGE SALE SUNDAYS Located on Hwy. 24 but! SOUTH ot m 401. We're OPEN Mood“ to Friday. 10 am til Dark; Saturday tit 4 trm. [ESURELAND Bargains Galore!! Marshall Hall: 10 am-4 pm Admission: Mt/person Free Parking Food and Beverages available Bingemas' Park mo Victoria St. N., Kitchener 144-1555 BALL r1st9Hi23-rtlP, BINGEMAN PARK of Cami)!†AT C . ty f W t 1 7 qlllllllr..l,.,,_,,_,aoso,,.,.,,r;..,__,,,,_,a,,d, .e..__trrr__ -JiaE,,ety2,t!y2aeEf,?Jl, 't/hT1fttl - SSS" m 4. ARC TRAVEL CLUB a) Day Trips ft a: fi Mar. 5 Cullen Barns - Flower & AN . ar. an e or unc -vsx ' I f, Tender Tootsges & Swains “jg ‘ _ R» b b) Vacation Tours Enjoy Mother's Day in Frankenmuth, Mich. Concert artist to be announced. May 10 a " _ $179.00 Twin Return of the 50's Mills Bros, Eddie Fisher & Helen O'Connell, Westgate Dinner Theatre, Cleveland, Ohio, April 24-26 $249.00 Twin. Barbara Mandrell (Special) - Westgate Dinner Theatre, Cleveland - April M-M, $269.00 Twin - both of the foregoing tours also include the play The King ' I. THE ROYAL VIKING TOUR - Sweden and Norway May 3. ARC OUTGOERS Mon. Feb. 24, 1986 "Chicopee Trail" 1 p.m. Classes begin indoors at Seagram Stadium on March Mth, 25th or 26th. (6 p.m., 7 p.m., 8 p.m. or 9 p.m.) After 3 indoor lessons classes are moved outdoors to Merry Hill Golf Course. COST: $32.00 - Adults, $27 .00 - Youth & Seniors REGISTRATION: For detailed Information on how to register, please call Waterloo Community Services Dept. m1550 Ext. 210 (Mon.-Fri. 8: 30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.) I/ts, - vrv-U-a ------‘-- -r'- *- ' 4 .' "', " irri,i'r/ Q] _ (r, M1 ", W I'r"", RATION ","', 'rril...i '--rr,it't),rrcs, R , _ . M" , f 1",)'r'tt("iL,,,.,i,c) BE A FRIDAY AFTERNOONER. Fri. Feb. 21st, 1986 2 p.m. Color slides by: Lavem Asmussen, "THE CHANNEL ISLANDS _ GUERNSEY - JERSEY" INCOME TAX SEMINAR I .4; on Thurs. Feb. 20/M. 12:30 - 4:00 i}.m. Come 8 _ = ' and learn to complete Income ax form. U Instructor: Sandy Wilson _ Revenue Can- ada. FREE. The following children's sports groups will be answering questions and registering participants for the upcoming season. Each of these volunteer organizations control their own affairs and finances and therefore, family rates only apply within each sport, Look for your sport in the mall area between Robinsons and K-Mart. Signs designating each sport will be hung above each sport group. WATERLOO GIRL’S SOFTBALL AND T-BALL Ages 5-16 years old - Games played in May and June. T-Bail played in younger ages " years. Players must be 5 years old by May Ist, 1986. Fees: Single - $20.00/family - $50.00 (includes team shirt and hat). WATERLOO BOY'S SOFTBALL: Ages 9-17 years old ' Games played in June, July and Au- gust. T-Ball ls not available in boy's softball This program will include skill development plus recreational games. Fees: Single - $17.00 (includes team shirt and hat) iijurli/w - 19 days $2,189.00 Twin. WATERLOO BOY'S BASEBALL AND T-BALL: ikedsiirylVrsud - dameripiayed in May and June. T-Ball is available for boys ages 6-10 years old. Fees: Single _ $22.00/Famlly - $55.00 (includes hat and team shirt). WATERLOO BOY'S A GIRL'S SOCCER: Ages " Airs old - Games played mid-May to early Sep- tember. Fees: Single - 830.00 A __ _ _ _ - .. Soccer fun: $15.00 - Children born during mom PROGRAMS FOR SENIOR ADULTS Filthy - ird and subsequent children in each family _ February 22nd and March 1st ONLY - 9:30 am. - 1:00 pm. CONESTOGA MALL, KING ST. N., WATERLOO Adult Recreation Centre 185 King St., South, Waterloo 519-1020 EfliiEE%iS] “Starting our 9th Season of lessons.' Paul Cotey C.P.G.A. matador at 0‘0"le Gott Course, Brulau. Spring Minor Sports a. L. 2Nt, , n NOTICE; hereby given that the Council of the fiexp,t'g of the City of Waterloo intends to designate the hereina ter mentioned property to be of historic and architectural value within the meaning of Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, RS.O. 1980. Chapter 337. The building at " Kiel? Street South, Waterloo. owned , the Hahn Pharmacy Limit combines both architectural and h stori. cal significance for the City of Waterloo. Simon Snyder operated the first pharmacy in Waterloo on these premises over one hundred years ago an the building has seen continuous use as a pharmacy ever s nce. Architecturally the building forms part of the most wincant business block remaining in Uptown Waterloo. Of parti ar note is the brickwork beneath the parapet. The entire front facade will be designated with the exception of the electrical sign. NOTICE of objection to this designation may be served on the Clerk of the City of Waterloo within' thirty days of this Notice. An Notice of Objection, shall indicate the reasons for the Jlliu1"n' and all relevant facts. DATED at Waterloo, Ontario this 12th day of February, MM6. wc. Keeling City Clerk c City ofiliaterlw WATERLOO CHRONICLE, ympP1ElitAA2. FEBRUARY 19, 19“ - PAGE Ward No. 1 (North Ward) February 18th, 1986. Ward No. 2 (East Ward) February 19th, 1986. Ward No. 3 (South Ward) February 20th, 1986. Ward No. 4 (West Ward) "abruary 21st, 1986. Business Tax (All Warns) rebruary 21st, 1986. As an added convenience for making payment, the Tax Department will remain open until 5:30 p.m. on all due dates, February 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st. Revenue Division 886-1550 E - K-W BOY'S I GIRL'S LACROSSE: Ages - 6-t9 years old. Games played in May a June in Waterloo & Kitchener. Fees: Single - FREE - 6 to 10 years old $20.00 -11 to14 years old $30.00 - 15 to 19 years old F - K-W TRACK & FIELD: a) Junior Club - Ages 1-14 - Spring Session _ $30.00 b) Senior Club - Ages _ High School & up - Registration fees vary. Visit the Information Booth for details. H - FIELD HOCKEY: Ages, HHS years old - Fees: $25.00 Season: September to No- G - YOUTH FOOTBALL: Ages b-14 years old. Visit the information Booth for details MORTANT REGISTRATlON NOTE: Registration payments must be made by cash or cheque. A LATE FEE of $10.00 will be charged for every registration accepted after March Ist, loss. Allstar rates will be above the regular registration fees and will be charged later. Out-ol-town registrations will be charged double the normal fee. it accept- vémber JUNIOR 'it' PLAYOFF HOCKEY 1. Siskins vs Kitchener, Wed. Feb. 19th 2. Siskins " Kitchener, Sun. Feb. 23rd Waterloo Arena Additional Hours for Payment 1986 INTERIM TAX LEVY 1 st lnstalment Final Dates for Payment Without Penalty Added PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF WATERLOO W ts/IC/il - 7:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. 31