1 Coming Events a Announcomonu Church Services WATERtOO NORTH PRESBYTERIAN REV. IRIS M. FORD 888-7870 ll 00 an Worm church school. wary LAUREL CHURCH CENTRE (come: at Wt I W) Phono 886-2830 WATERLOO COOPERATIVE Pre- school, 9 Avondale Avenue South, is holding its open house tor the 1986-87 membership on March ttgt, MOTHERS TO BE - The next Welcome Wagon baby shower is February 24. 6:30 p.m., at The Waterloo Inn. Please catt 745-0112 for your tree invitation. (06) RUMMAGE SALE - First United Church, King and William Streets. Waterloo. Friday, February 21st. 7-9 pm. Saturday February 22nd. 9:30- 11100 a.m. (7) MOTHERS DAY Craft Show. Cones- toga Matt, April 23-26.' Twenty booths available to area crafts peo- Me, Unique hand work welcome, Call 886-91 65. (1 5) RIPLEY HURON Craft Festival July 18. 19. For information and ttxhibitor apprrcations, contact Mrs. Gail Van der Hoek, RR 3:4, Ripley, Ont. NOG 2R0. (519) 395-5497. Application deadline May 1. Hightech comes to The Yamaha Keyboard. Discover how the most advanced keyboard of its type puts you in touch with more musical possibilities than ever before. Thurs- day, February 27th, 7:30 p.m.. at The Waterloo Inn. ioin Jim Cummings tor the most exciting musical demottstra- tion ot its kind. Free admission. For more information call Bob Gray Music Ltd, 886-0‘00. (8) COURT ly _ (Licenced lounge) now avaitabte Mr parties. business meet- ings, em For more Informahon leiephon» i onda or Ellen, 886-5870. Columbh â€sequel Courts, 140 Co- lumbia SW at West. Waterloo. ('1) " Amounts... 2 Banquetm may: 3 Mortgage Loans IF YOUR Wanker says no to your nwtgago "financing phone M On- titrtro Fin,trs ml. the mortgage mode. 71 , 53tr '43-2144 We buy cuisi- in) me" . 193 M BU'ilNEv,, NOMAN (quiet non- srmkev? nunes aftordatyle one b, that)" Madmen! in sman unit or thO h “Itch or Ann! 744-6672 or 886-5 l. on Mt. (7) Doug"! and can. top one†paid Encore man. 297 King 80nd End. KW. 7444370 on trom 10 mm. - 2 pm. For more information fait 743-1705 or 8tM- 3400. ‘ (8) ALL SAINTS' ANGUCAN CHURCH Rev. David Morris, Btya-8r0B a mu. EM 9.15 on: Elem?†LAUREL CHURCH CENTRE (com-I of Ktgh.ertM a W) can: .1 GMe Fol-nu & â€an†m - In. m - 84-38. w. W W Pd. 1.. 1:15 ..M. M "Tu. (he. 00 hm" My. PM m V. " t... _ ' W. a i... - We Th-. â€In. um, to W" Em Wok-.000. Apartments Wanted to Rent SPECIAL EVENT HE'S“! MINER“ all"! L.P. RECORDS " ArtieiiorSaie Waterloo Chronicle Subscriptions Mailed outside ot Waterloo $16.00 per year in Canada. Call 886-2830. Sec- ond Class Mail, Registration Number S.N.A. BUILDINGS - Factory liquidation ot in-stock inventoty. Widths 30-120'. Heights 10-22 tt. M priced tor immediate sate. Buy now, take spring delivery. Gulf Steel, 1-416-828- 6262. STEEL BUILDINGS. 4 only Quonset models. order cancelled. Immediate delivery. first come first served. 25x44, 40x52. 46x94, 55x160, complete with large sliding doors. Call toll-tree: Miracle Span Steel Buildings. 1-800-387-4910, S CHEAP FOR CASH s. All Steel tauoottett buildings never erected. ship anywhere. 40' x loo' tor $9.999. Also 26x28. 35x36. 46x80 and a 40x60 straight wall. (416) 699- 6151. STEEL BUILDING 'h price sale. Buy one buitding at regular price and get double length tor 50% more. Phone Pioneer Sales Dept, Collect: (416) 67B-1585 for info. I“WS&S. 50% OFF all winter items: Coats. snotatsuits, boots. skates, ski boots, hockey pants, scarves. hers and mitts. Also book sale - 2 for the price or 1. Till February 2B, Rockway Mennonite Thrift Shop, 137 King St. E, Across from Eatons. 57843640. NORTHERN FOOD TREES. Old lash- ioned apples. pear. apricot, nut trees, shrubs, evergreens. seedlings. Guaranteed delivery. Reasonable paces. Catalogue, St, Golden Bough Tree Farm. Marlbank, Ont KOK 2LO, WATER PROBLEMS? Rusty __. Smelly . r Bad-tasting water ., At last new technology eliminates these and many other problems Pr. Forever! Well to faucet purification for the entire water system Eliminates distillers. liquid chlorinators. iron and laucet tillers FREE ti-month trial otter See results tor yourself, It you want better water tor better country living call (24 hrs) f-800-268-2656. Area 607 1-(416) 624-4344 or write Aztec Water Purification Systems, 1:203~ 1030 Kamato Road, Mississauga. Ontario. Law 486 The Lowest Cost System that Really‘ Works GRAND PIANO 6 1 Wagner (Young Chang), 1982 Perfect finish. “new crafted superbly maintained. has been used m concede try numerous famed pianist: Special hand-wound bus when: exceptional sound. very good new $7.500 Phone 386- $673 tor Werner»! (have m FOR SALE - REGA - 2 turntable Call Walter, 88445 760 (N) been . "minor GLOBAL ANUQUES View Affordable Prices! Wed. .. Sun. IO am. - 5 pm. ETD and Canadian Tire Mastercraft ' - -ss tubelta St. St. Jacobs 664-2975 Blown through 2,500 more trtetof qntiqyes SPRING SUPER SPECIAL TUNE-UP on SttotitfBLOWER a uwmowsn TOGETHER Coupon Ends March 31 [86 Save up to 834.00 C to.ciii"iiiiiiiiii."iiiiii"iiiiiiii 'r. 579-4400 f# (If) " AMMSOIO Vest............... Pedal Pushers and shirts Pants, Overalls, Jackets 2-pce. sets or Jump suits Short sleeve T-shirts . . . Long sleeve T-shirts . . . (Merchandise already priced below the above wilt be as ticketedy Regular total! value up to $30.00. Sale Ends March 1, 1986. Hours: Tues. - Fri. 1 pm. to 5 pm. Sat. 9 am. to 1 p.m. SWIMMING POOLS. Factory outlet has a limited number ot 1985 models left at excellent savings. Don't buy until you compare us. Nobody beats our prices we guarantee. Call 1- (416)523»6467 or 1 (613)547-6434 tor details, eReguler or Extra Firm Support at Comparable Pricee. e Avellebte In Sets or _ -peretely e Free Estimates A Delivery in K-W CARPE REMNANT tyear-Out, variety at colors and sizes. a" first ttuality, Call 886-4080. (H) VINYL REMNANT Clearout. Variety of 'to-Walt vinyl Mor covering, all first quality Cal! 8864080 ttt) 743-32 1 9 " WILLIAM ST. WEST, WATERLOO CARPET AND Vinyl Remnants, ceram- ic ends Free 27-by-18 inch macs, two per customer. 8849131 (If) WANT TO get rid at those unused items clutterrng your premises? Bring them to the auction We‘ll sell them - you walk away with cash! 20% commission Antiques, household items. tarm and shop tools turmture. trrcycies, beds. stoves. trudges. etc , etc. Bring them to the STOCKYARD FARMERS A FLEA MARKET on Saturdays by 900 tor the weekly auchon at 1000 am No haSStes You get " here - we " sell it' And while you re wanting. visit the regular vendors to shop tor produce. meat. cheese. breads, crafts etc STOCK- YARD FARMERS a FLEA MARKET, Weber St North and otd Hwy 86 (Wagner 3 Corner) Mew vendors STOVE - Almost new Jetettt-ttlr gril- nnoo with a" cleaning when but. chum our... ammo, m PARK AVENUE WEAR FACTORY OUTLET INVENTORY SALE IAWIESSES ' BOX BASES " m A†SIZE Mt ANTIQUE " HEN iiiak in. ammo. om. mum: to size 18 Gina and Boys wear "Our 54th Year" IAWRESS In“! " cussmao DEADLINE . mummy, 1 o mm. " Artie!†tor Saie LARGE ANTIQUE oil painting. How- and $50. 888-7582 (7) Seasoned maple and beech, att cut FREE HOME DELIVERY. Bulk grocer- ies and “can food. Examples! McCaio's pepperoni pun. 60 tt 3 OE., $20.35; Quebec margarine. 8.8 an. $12.; Stittmeadow Nuggets. 5 lbs,, $20.35; dog food, 20 kg, $15.30; ooh. 11 lbs.. $34.85: instant with man powder. 22 Itta., 843. 576- 2955. m and split. 64 quote feet, 5100. Delivered. Phone 579-4118. (to SAFE-T-RDER car seat, tttt an umbrella! to fit GM loveml. 820; Ponce atrotier, $25; Watt. ts; stainless sink. $5; assorted okt FOR SALE - Two chudcen's record plows. Catt 884-3288. m LAUNDRY TUB, double. tihreqtasa. Good condition. $40. Graystone Gallery, 14 Princess St. E., 746- 6852. tr) NATURAL PINE round Medal tame. 42" x 42" x 1%" WI"! 18" beat, DEN FOR MEN shaving case. 384; Hoover. 662; trouble “an: with steel cage, 830; water pump trom washer 1/20 h.p., $25; Woolskins leather jacket. size 43, $219. Call Ron, 743- 5368. (7) NATURAL “NE round pedestal table, 42" x 42" x 1%" with 18" teat, 8225. 886-3999. IT) USED AND NEW Meet adjustable shelving. pallet racking, storage cab- inets, Lover's New and Used. 254 Adelaide St. s., London, (519) 681-2254. Monday - Friday 9-5. Saturday 9-12. USED Store Island and wall shelving. glass shelving. showcases. counters, steel adjustable shelving, pallet rack- ing. Lover's New and Used, 254 Adelaide St. s., London. (519) 681-2254. Monday - Friday 9-5, Saturday 9-12. STAINED GLASS. tools and supplies by mail. Write tor information: The Glass Place. 50 Ste. Anne Street. Pointe Claire, Quebec, H98 4P8. WELDER For Sale. Westinghouse 500 amp, MIG with tank coolant. WANT- ED TO BUY: Truck mounted HIAB Hoist: 6 lite wooden windows, 10x12 inches. Write Box A500, c/o Elmira Independent. 15 King St., Elmira. N38 291. Buying tor Cash: Gov: and - cams uneasy â€who manure trays, tea sets amino! docks. pocket watches. 0k! post cams, moments “90.09% and dental - WM J GRANT CONS H?!) Kroq St E 001cm: 5784840, 8 Water St S , Cnmbndqo 02‘0430 OLD DiSHES, Odd cups and saucers " Attic!“ Wanted to Buy BUILDINGS .. Must clear at 1985 prices. Immediate delivery. It you need one now. make your choice: 90x16x70. 40x44x40, 32x16x80. 20x10x20. 32x8x40. 32x10x30, 32x14x40, 80x14x70, 60116x200. Don't delay. Call now and ask tor John â€â€˜T. (416) 454-5600 We can help. PIANO WANTED - Regardless ot condition. Catt 669-2280 or 669- ?311 anytime - A? Itt) THE SALVATDN Army remakes dona- WANTED - Goalie pads. 29' in length Must be m good common Call 886- 0216 (7) 5225. 886-3999. silver, silverplate and pewénety want- ed Phone 8tMr-2300. (N) 'm,imtiroiotc-roorhomecaa 578-31â€. ttO FIREWOOD m 14 Article. Wanted to Buy PIANOS WANTED. Not neceuarity in good condition. Give name. height. number found under top lid or have us "tfinish, restore your piano, Village Piano, Elmira. (519) 669- 2280. OLD BRICK Buildings wanted tor mocking and “Wage. Rosa Lumiey. Bonded and insured. with tolerances. since 1969. Farm mum: or com- puter factories anywhere. 1-800- 265-7545. WANTED: Good quality. clean. newy new ladies and children's domino on consignment. Opening soon: Second Chances. 997 King St. E., Cam- ANTKJUES: Furniture. rugs. Wwrrkry, aunts. shilling crooks. glass and china. etc. One piece to complete set. IO - in mm. Al Jones. tHb6-2830, St. Jacobs. tttl USED Waterioo Chronicle newspaper carrier bags. Paying 31.00 tor clean (not tom) new bags. Waterloo Chron- KNOWLEDGEABLE. reputabie owner at a small antique shop wishes to buy household items: rugs. swat. tumi- ture, etc. M5-2300. ttt? RECORDS Top cash paid tor records. Encore Records, 297 King East. Kitchener. Phone 744-1370. ttff " Pets In Supplies DOG and Cat grooming. Att breeds styled protessiortahy to suit your pet. Pick up and delivery service avait- able, Over 20 years experience. 699-4232. (40) 8kg..................$6.25 20kg .........r.r.... $14.50 PuppyFood. 10kg ....... $8.70 Puppy Food. 20kg ...... $17.10 Dog Food Pellets, 20 kg . . $11.75 Beef Chunks, 1 case, 24 tins $19.20 16 Cars for Sale BLACK AND TAN Coonhound pups, 44 years breeding the best, priced with or without registration certiti- cate. Also wire-haired Terrier pups. Mervin Howe, Aylmer, (519) 773- 9472. DELUXE CAT Boarding. Loving care, reasonable rates. Professional all breed dog grooming also. Call 653- 3253. (9) DOG FOOD SHUR-GAIN GET 75 mpg large car, RV. s. etc Build and install a new covey gas vapour carb Fit any car, truck or R V For into send sen-addressed stamped envelope to Thrift Cam. 10731 King Geo Hwy . Surrey. B C vat 2X6 FACTORY OUTLET 9 Herbert St. Waterioo, 884-9600 1981 PONTIAC LeMans. Eight cylin- der, automatic. power steering, brakes. windows. |ocks, cruise, air Excenent condition. Lady driven $5.300 certmed or best offer, 885- 1355. (7) 1973 FORD Pick-up. Brand new tttti LT cat tracks. $500 or best ofter 1975 Cougar, as is Best otter, After 6 30, 576-6509 t?) Solo, " Em Street East, Waterbo 886-2830. memers donned. oiled. adpusted. repairs to an makes. renown)» races. wk gnu-Mood Ado-Type Bum Equipment. " Bri6ttmtort Road East. With!) (just down horn Town). image. Preston. Accepting articles Mooday-Friday, 1-3 p.m.. Saturday, IO ant-4:30 pm. Phone Jenny 653- 3036. (8) 20 TM“ 8mm 168 Automotive Supplies â€6-2570 Typewriter SaletAierticr. iris".'.'..",". kg...... Ls.2okg ..