andlelight Carol Service tiii at mmanuel United Church a; Sunday, Dec. 8 at 7 p.m., Emmanuel United Church will be holding its eighth Candlelight Carol Service featuring the sen- ior choir and men's and women's choruses under the direction of Douglas Camfibell. This year, as in previous years, the assembled congregation will be treated to a selection of Christmas carols - both modern and traditional - from several countries of the world. The ser- vice will also feature congrega- tional carol singing and the The 77-member Kitchener-Wa- terloo Symphony Youth Orches- tra celebrates its 20th year with an expanded concert season and a spring workshop in Banff sponsored by the Canadian Asso- ciation of Youth Orchestras. The spring workshop necessitates a massive fund-raising program of which a Dec. 8 Christmas Con- cert is an important part, Under the direction of Youth Orchestra conductor Victor Sawa, the concert brings to- gether the Youth Orchestra, the Inter-Mennonite Children's choir, the Black Walnut Ballet society and the Canadian Chamber Ensemble with Raffi Armenian in an exciting and festive program. The stage at the Centre in the Square will see four artistic directors and four major per- forming groups joining together for a fun-filled Sunday evening at 7: 30 p.m. The 80-Voice Inter-Mennonite Choir led by Peter Letkemann will sing a variety of Christmas carols including the Huron Carol and Bach's Alleluia. Letkemann, music historian from Conrad Grebel and music director at the Stirling Avenue Mennonite Church faces an interesting per- sonal challenge in that on Mon- day, Dec. 9, he delivers the oral dissertation for his Ph.D, The Black Walnut Ballet dances selections from the Nut- cracker Suite by Tchaikovsky. The artistic director, Bernd J uche, still dances professionally in Toronto but keeps his Kitchen- er ballet company to a rigid schedule practising almost every day of the week. Juche has been the artistic director for a total of six years and has coached stu. dents that dance in Europe, Toronto and in the Grands Bar lets Canadiens. The bringing together of these three fine youth groups is impor tant in highlighting this the International Year of the Youth. Ram Armenian. conductor of the parent K-W Symphony Or chestra will share the conducting honors with Victor Sewn. V menian will conduct the Mozart Sinfonia Concertante with Wood- wind Quartet. Youth Orchestra concert wonderful family event A Touch Above The Rest "HOME OF THE BAKERS DOZEN (13)" FREE t new 00'"! With this coupon and your purchase of one cup of our superb coffee. "II tttht" "at". ttqeqmttqe in. 1905 an m; St. It. 'rATEiL00 reading of the Christmas story from Luke's gospel. One of the unique features of this service as it has been presented over the past seven years has been the singing of many carols from other lands - some of which have never been performed previously in this area. This year's service will follow in the same tradition with carols being presented from Yugoslavia, Sweden, Croatia. Germany, Canada and many other countries. There will also be the overture to La Peri by Paul Dukas, a flute solo played by Tommy Kay of the K-W Symphony and the Toy Symphony featuring the Cana- dian Chamber Ensemble, Ar- menian and Bob Farrow of CFCA playing toys. The concert will CASH U ( mom [1 MAIL CHEOUE OR MONEYORDER TO CHILD'S SCHOOL OR PARK CHILD'S AGE (SURNAMES NOT REQUIREDb (Ophonal) PET'S NAME THREE FRIENDS OR OR CABBAGE PATCH DOLL NAME ,7 - _ 7 __ OR STUFFED ANIMAL NAME -_- A _ fl BUYER - HOW DO YOU WISH YOUR NAME TO APPEAR IN THE BOOK†(Must not be previously listed) (MOM, DAD, UNCLE KEN, AUNT CAROL, ETC) PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY CHILD'S FIRST NAME RELATIVES OF CHILD CHILD'S LAST NAME CHILD' ADDRESS _ NUMBER CHILD'S CITY on TOWN PERSON BUYING BOOK FIRST NAME CITY BUYER'S ADDRESS BUYERS SIGNATURE Check the book y0u wrsh to order and please use a separate piece of paper for addmonal orders e----------?--" PERSONALIZED STORY BOOK TITLE AND SUGGESTED AGE GROUPINGS SCENTEO MOUNTAIN " YEARS HOLIDAY DRAGON so YEARS moms PLANET bt0 YEARS can be yours for Christmas when you ORDER NOW), Your ChilidrtrOwn Emmanuel Church. 22 Bridge- port Rd. w., which recently celebrated its 135th anniversary of ministry in Waterloo, consid- ers itself a "neighborhood church" and opens its doors to the whole community when this kind of special service is pre- sented. The doors will be open at 6:15 p.m. for those who wish to assure themselves of a good seat. There is no admission fee but a free-will offering will be taken up during the service. The public is cor- dially invited to attend. end with a Suite of Carols by Leroy Anderson. Tickets for the Christmas Con- cert are available at all Bass outlets and at the box office of the Centre in the Square. Tickets for adults are $10 and $5 for students and seniors. A "RRllFRt ALI. OCCASION GIFT! 91“; qhduoood Company CHILDS BIRTHDAY c/o local agent Wendy Strub 409 Winchutor On. Watcdoo N2T "16 746-1 337 SEND soon to BUYER Cl SEND BOOK TO CHILD Cl (iikms cover? FULL COLOR ILLUSTRATIONS) PROVINCE (use separate sheet tor each Child) ORDER FORM PROVINCE STREET râ€"'-----------â€"---â€"--W , , if BIG JOHN'S q , SUBMARINES To get a "bite" "drop a line" in Want Ads! Call 886-2830 WATERLOO CHRONK9LE. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER a. 1985 - PAGE 21 n- ------------- ---- 9‘ 1095 Weber St. E., Kitchener 744-6519 699 Belmont Ave. w., Kitchener 578-7900 KIND OF PET 50' OFF NO LIMIT PICK UP ORDERS ONLY (Not valid on Monday and Tuesday) POSTAGE O HAM (SOUR!!! SERVICE AMOUNT hnmu ENCLOSED DAY Offer good until Dec, 31/85 W.C. Mom-Wat. " a.m.-1 0.111.; Thors., " mum-2 a.m.; Fri. & Sat., " a.m.<l a.m.; Sun. 4 tr.m.mthtrtigttt BOY OR GIRL LAST NAME ANY LARGE SUBMARINE PHONE POSTAL CODE DATE MONTH SCHOOL l 1 PARK ll POSTAL CODE Matt by Doc. 15/85 for Christmas PRitt/ . .( w) $1995 sass $14.95 S 3.00 YEAR 'l!aiii)Ji