PAGE " - WATERLOO CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 30. 1985 Sunday brunch at fl',",,",", Restaurant has become extremely popular n a very short time. Maybe it's because we have the perfect brunch! Some places offer _ a very elaborate choice of food tat an elaborate price! l, but you Tth wouldn't be interested in half of the things you see. ther restaurants lure you with a low Price and then put out an assortment o disguised eftovers and overcooked food. . oqo at the Perfect Prieet BERNIE K. HANNA Manager The Perfect Brunch .... Invites Your Calls - On Exciting GIC Interest Rates - Or a Multitude of RRSP Products - Or No Front End or Rear End Fees for Investors Funds. Charming Jir,gs,it Waterloo Town Square " King St. 8.. Waterloo Tel. 884-0810 Your friends at At $8.50 tg, person Spirits Restaurant will offer you only the st of everything. Croissant. danish, coffee and fresh fruit aprear at your table the moment you sit down. Then he p yourself to an uncomplicated buffet with fresh seafood, rare roast beer, refres i,,"at salads as well as traditional hot breakfast items. Fina ly, choose from our best desserts, All in all it's simple, appealing and reasonably priced. A word of caution, however. Be sure to make reservations; the Perfect Brunch is very A popular! " King Street South Waterloo Telephone 886-41 90 MOM, TUES., WED., SAT. Spirits Restaurant 885-1857 CONN!" Of CANADA Thurs., Fri. FOR TOTAL HOME COMFORT NATURAL GAS THE BETTER WAY TO GO McFadden joined the staff in July 1982, leaving his position as general manager of the St. Thomas Chamber of Commerce. His past experience includes owning and operating a business for ll years; two years of service on St. Thomas city council and president of St. Thomas' economic development corporation. He is currently enrolled in a four-year Canadian Institute of Management program. he staff at the Waterloo Chamber of T Commerce is small but extremely effec- tive. Under the direction of Peter McFad- den, chamber manager, Janice Bockmaster. Judy Todd and Bob Kleinschmidt join forces to assist Chamber members, City Hail, tourists and the community at large. _ Chamber services The general manager said Chamber staff is involved in considerable internal planning, includ- ing projecting and making reports on equipment needs and setting up a zero-based comprehensive budget system. . As manager of the Chamber, McFadden over- sees the staff, facilities and equipment and assists with the budget. His main function is to support the activities of the volunteer structure, to ensure the resources and assistance the board and commit- tees require is forthcoming from the staff. Often the Chamber staff develops policy and program- ming ideas. Janice Bockmaster, a graduate of the Conestoga College three-year journalism program. is mem- bership services co-ordinator and makes use of her literary talents as editor of FEEDBACK, the Chamber's monthly newsletter. She takes care of all membership communications and accounts and looks after the wealth of information brochures in the office. Both Bockmaaster and Judy Todd, administra- tive assistant, are familiar with the city in terms of tourist attractions, businesses and business related events, and general information. __ in" addition to his duties at the Chamber, McFadden is a director of K-W Oktoberfest and is an advisor to the Uptown BIA board of directors. "We are equipped to handle all inquiries. from how do we get rid of a skunk in the backyard, to how do you address the prime minister in a letter, and everything in between." said Bockmaster. Bockmaster is responsible lo: attending two committee meetings, recording the minutes and following up on tasks that come out of the meeting. She is very involved with Sounds of Summer festivities, The Corporate Challenge and other special events the Chamber is involved in. w0uld normally charge $100, $200 or $500 a day. So if one could ever place a value on some of what's done in the Chamber on behalf of the community, it would be astronomical," said McFadden. The Chamber manager said Waterloo is noted for its effective volunteer component within the Chamber and in other sectors and “I think probably the Chamber itself is somewhat respons- ible for building that infrastructure of volunteers over the years." He said the Chamber movement traditionally trains a lot of chairmen. politicians and effective speakers, (Contmued from page 83) Germaine siaeeau, coordinator of the Uptown Waterloo BIA and member of the Chamber's membership committee, suggests the Chamber is As administrative assistant, Todd is prepared to 885-7400 Small staff shines No matter_what your request, they'll likely have the answer Janice Bockmaster (seated) and Judy Todd are important figures in the day-to-day Operation of the Chamber offices. fill in for the general manager in his absence. A business college graduate, she brings several years of financial and administrative experience to the staff. Todd looks after. the Chamber's benefit plan and attends Chamber committee meetings regularly. It is her responsibility to make the necessary preparations for board of director and executive meetings. Both-women attend numerous city and business functions as ambassadors for the Chamber. Bob Kleinschmidt. a retired bank manager and past president of the Chamber. assists part-time as a membership consultant. He is responsible for soliciting new members. His knowledge and contacts are invaluable to the Chamber. Krista Metcalfe is a part-time employee who handles the overflow of information requests and secretarial work. _ Harold Beaupre. an Uptown Waterloo merchant who served on the board of directors from the mid 1950's to the early 1970's, says the role of the Chamber is to create a better environment in the business community and to act as a medium in gathering the opinions of industry, commerce, education. and financial and retail businesses. definitely the leader in the community as far as promoting tourism. "The Waterloo Chamber has always been a very progressive minded body. It has never sat back without contributing some very stimulating thought, not just in Waterloo. but throughout the province and Canada. lt's contribution. I think. has been great!" says Beaupre. The Electricity People Waterloo North Hydro