Registration for "ttt waier ho Scouts, Cubs and Beavers will take place at Cedarbrae School in Lakeshore on Mon. day, Sept. 9, 7 to a pm. Fee is $11 cash or cheque. SIM-IO]? for more information, The K-W Zonta Club is presenting 'A Garden of Art' featuring local artist Kath, erine Menyes at her home on Sept. s, tt mm. to a pm. Tickets are $5 each and can be obtained by calling Val Camp bell at 571L981!) or Susan Ka, chlk at 74344193. Compliments ry refreshments will be served. Proceeds will go to a scholarship fund for a member of the Junior K-W Orchestra, Cub and Scout Registration Zonta International Twins and Triplets Tnere will be a meeting of the K-W Parents of Twins and Triplets Club on Sept. 3, 7:30 Fm. at the Victoria Park aviliom Bring a potluck dear um and the recipe Him for more information Open House There will be an Open Mouse at the Lakeshore Cmoperative Nursery School (corner of Highpoint and Northfield Drives) on Thursday. Aug 29, I pm to J Mt p m, Bring your children to we the nurse'r) Ichml and nun-l the teacher Information or regulralmn tall mus-96:12 or M9912 Library Closed The Waterloo Public Li bury and the Parkside Branch will be closed Mnnday Sop! 2 tor Labor Day Cllnn tq bung held "" Wednnday, Sept t. 2 p m to I N p m _ ll Grace [Antwan Church tM Mun-r" Aw In Kin-boner Soonwnd by the Prudential Immune! Co Ltd Tho quota h 32S 60mm Twilight Concert The last Tamara Concert ot the _eatort (ralurinu the Sum mu Jan Band will be hold at Cetttennlal Band Shell m Wa terlm Park SUMI). Sept 1. 7 Blood Donor Clinic 1 at Waterloo activities ht Waterloo tirout Group registration lakes plan wednesday.SrPt I at Winuon Churchill publlc school 7a . m Rrttlqtratittn " for Beavers, Cubs and Snub Been" meet 6 pm Tues days, Cubs T pm Tuesdays and Sam" 7 pm Maud-v Retristrtmon arrrpted at wan In mvnings Also, papu‘r driw 9 am Sdpt u at ttw school, pl: I up in arr: hound edhy Wrher, Alhrrl l'mu‘ru ty and King Call “my: A Red Cross Blood honor IS INCREASING Let us help you to protect your home or business. Our Professional secuoty Survey wm show you the most effective way to protect yourself horn burglary Bulletin Board Call Security Consulting Services (51 9) 745-2634 CRIME THE ARC VARIETY SHOW Thurs. Aug. 29th, 1985 2 p.m. An afternoon of singing, dancing and comedy, featuring lively entertainment from this area. Cost: 3.50 (at the Centre) Date: Sept. 7th-lmh'1985 Register for camp no'y $65.00 BRIDGE LESSONS 1Wed.8p.rrr-10irm0 (Thurs, 8-10 pm) BASIC & INTERMEDIATE Fee: $4018 wks.) To register call M, Polak 885-4475 Commences Wed, Sept. 25 , 1985 Sept. , Western Fair, London Sept. 17 Toronto Zoo Oct. I Lady Belle Boat Cruiw Colour Tour to Orillia VACATION TOURS PArrEnsoN-KAYF, LODGE Oct. " 4 day" l 't nights Cost: $25900 Twin plus " 00 cancellation This lodge is located on beautiful Lake Muskoka _ 10 minutes from Brarebrrdge Sterling Holidays Ort. 253 Cost $299 00 Twin Four Day tour to Cincinnalti. Rabbit Hash & Rising Sun highlighted by riverboat & paddle wheeler with meals an board All Inclusive chtthnn Dyin- KE0lo TN Der '4 Cost $325 00 Twin This is a special Christmas tour _ with a day trip to Bethlehem to see the lights Come to Kelley's trim a “We & make cookies MADE-IBM (The Fhoathtg GIMP.) Nov. Ib" 16 days Cost $1299 00 Twin A "F'vrfect Vacation." which is all inclusive. conducted by Jerry Van Dykv When Saturday. Soplvmhvr 28, 1983 Where Moses Springer Arena TimoQOOamlzoopm Equipment to be ,iotd will be accepted on the following dates only. Wed Sept 25 7110900 p m Thurs Sepr26 T 00900 pm NOTE: Please tag all equipment to be mid with Name F Address - Phone Number Ladies Auxiliary retains 20% on all sales at this event _cotorrtay Sopu‘mhor 2tst Blur Jays vs Milwaukco Rumors Saturday. October 5th Blue Jays m Now York Yankees These games are not for Sailors only A mo arr opening this to all ages ttalk SUMMER FRIDAY AFTERNOONERS WATERLOO MINOR HOCKEY LADIES AUXILIARY â€HUM. HOCKEY EQUIPNEIT SALE Friday, August 30, 1985 2 p.m. Color Mov'ies: "Parks Canada" - Garden of the Great Spirit f Pukaskwa National Park - Trent Severn Seasons 'GOING ON ALONE' with BETTY JANFYWYLiF: on widowhood and all aspects of living alone) on: Sunday Sept, 29th at: 2 p m. at: Adult Rec Centre Tickets on sale now $5.00 (at the Centre) LET‘S on m THF. BALL (anus an}: JAYS Tommy) I Adult Recreation Centre 185 ng St , South, Waterloo 5794020 For regi'stration call 579-1020 SENIOR ADULTS S.A.B.L.E. (Senior Adult Bark Lake Experience) ARC OUTGOERS Tues. Sept. 3, 19851 p.m "GUELPH LAKE" MU). TRAVEL DAY TRIPS Pee Wee M? - n Family Fee Does Not Bantam mo - TI Apply Past Midget Age Midget lass-es Juvenile 1966 - 61 $86.88 Young Men's league was: 36600 Note: The registration fee includes an added $3.00 that was previously collected by House League divisions to cover tournament and related costs. Note: Juveniles, because there is no House League for this age group. Juveniles will be allowed to play in the Young Mens League. Late Registration Fee: $10.00 for each registrar tion accepted after September Isth. All-Star: The All-Star fee (less the regular fee) is assessed when the teams are established. Out of Town Residents: If accepted, are required to pay the full (unsubsidized) cost which is twice the regular fee. (No Family Rate). l. HOCKEY REGISTRATION NOTE: All coaches participating in rep hockey for 85/86 season MUST have a minimum of Level I coaches certificate as required by the ().M.H.A Registration: Call Vic Kit 885-401! Minor/Atom (Born 75) Maj “Ram {Born 70) Mal/Atom (Born 74) (Born 73) Min Mid (Born 69) Min/ Powwow Min/Rant (Born TI) Maj Mid (Born 68) For further information please contact Doug (mm _ 65.1 9769 John Aitken 88675559 Where: Albert McCormick Arena When: Day and late evening times available Rate: $26.00/hr (weekdays 94.50 p m , “him/hr Evenings 5 p m " no a m Weekends All Day For further information all MISS!) x215 between tr. so tun-4:30 pm Maj/[Tower (Born 72) COACHES LEVEL ll , N.C.C.P. Clinic Sat. Sept. Tth/85 - McCormick Arena Time: 10 a.ttt,-4 p.m. _ Classroom 4-6 p.m. Ice Session COACHES LEVEL I v N.C,C.P, Clinic Fri. Sept. tith/M _ McCormick Arena Time: 6:30-9:30 Fm. _ classroom 9: 30.10390 Trp, Ice session WATERLIIO MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION NEWS! WlTERLOO YOUTH FOOTBALL WATERLOO MINOR HOCKEY REP TEAM TRYOUTS Sh! M? 1m 1%8 I†Albert McCormick Arena n Sept, 3/35 5 00-600 p m Sept, 5/85 5111-61!) p m Sept T/tG-WOO-IO 00 a m REQUIRED PLAYERS ' COACHES MINOR HOCKEY COACHES CLINICS PIE-SEASON ICE AVAILABLE Sop! Sept Sop! Sow Sept Sop! fiept Sept Sept Sept Sop! Sop! Sop! Sept 80p! Sept Sept Sept Sop! Sept Sept 3/85 5415 T/tts 3/85 6/35 9/85 “RS h ‘85 [RS HRS 5/tt5 R "R5 RRS 4’15 R " 3/35 6/tur 9/85 4 nts Family: . l child ttut t children $90.00 3 children 3mm 4 children 3135,00 Family Fee Does Not Apply Past Midget Age 600-7009m 6007‘00pm I000Hi00am ti00700pttt N00900pm DISIOJOam 7004t00pm 5m6000m 700800;)m 500600pm 7mu00pm ROOQISam 700n 00pm 7min ISpm 1036rlt {Sam Rm7900pm R15930pm ll tht 00pm a 000-7 00pm ll 00790051111 MiuglSl4224il 4Ri. LNKLE WATERLOO F, 00iijlllit0NllTlf tttAltti7iii'iiiiEii ') ACTIVITIES September 7th & Itth - 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Westmount Place Shopping Centre Hockey, Ringette, Football. Basketball, Gymnastics Watch this ad Sept. 4th for Complete details Watch for this guide to be included with your September 4th edition of the Waterloo Chron- Parent & Preschool FREE SKATING FREE ADULT Noon Hour Skating General Public Skating The program is designed to accommodate both boys for Hockey and girls for Ringette age 6 year: and up REMAINING DATES AND LOCATIONS 1. Summer School Rink in the Park August 25 to films Sunday to Friday One hour between 6 00 and 9 20 p m FEE: 840.00 2. Fall School - Albert McCormick Arena, Sept 22 to 28/85 One hour sessions . _ Sunday between HIM 00 p m _ Monday to Friday between 6 009: 20 pm A Saturday between 920012 20 p m WEE: 845 00 REGISTRATION: Contact Wayne Francis at 33543644 between as pm, week nights or pick up a registration at Waterloo Community Services Sth floor. Marsland Centre, 20 Erb St. w Water. loo. icfe. Xdulrl Skating The Power Skating Program is designcd to cover the bask skating skills coupled with the knowledge of how they can be put into prartiw during tho boys and girls own lime - [Ions Pool Waterloo Park _ Moses Sprlnger Pool e Lincoln Park POOL PROGRAM: Public swimming at both pools AHGIYST Monday thru Sunday I 004 00 p m Public Swim 4 ms 00 p m Public Roi-rc-alional Swim 5 MI; 30 p m Family Rt-rn-alional Swim 6 30% 00 p m Public Swim now: Lions Pool and Moses Springer Pool will close for the season on Monday, Soptombor 2. I985 yyEQNEgiLhA_Y. Marsland Centre: 886-1550 L T: to p.m. Conic-mic! 8.06am" Altqet Sid. WMqdoo Pm- Soonoovod by M P T F and Watqrioo Communttr Services Madman! SKATING PROGRAMS ARF, CANCELLED ON STATUTORY HOLIDAYS “Everyone welcome! .. COMMUNITY SERVICES FALL {RECREATION GUIDE WINTER MINOR SPORTS REGISTRATIONS WAYNE FRANCIS POWER SKATING SCHOOL Featuring The Sl'MMlT JAZZ BAND Sunday September I/M SWIMMING POOLS ICE SKATING IN WATERLOO 2:003:30 pm Wed & Fri W0tFH:20 am 'Starts Aug, 26 RINK IN THE PARK Sunday 3:305 10 pm (in progress) (Ends Oct mm Tuesday to Friday 113021)) pm ‘sum Aug 27 Saturday will!) an o m 'suns Sept tth Monday AUGUST HNAL FREE CONCERT OF THE SEASON 2t3, 1985 - PAGE Way 1t:W11:20irm. Thursday 1.3M:oop.m, . 'Sum Sept, 3 & 5 ALBERT MCCORMICK ARENA Wed loF‘riaay II WI 20pm “lord on [hr an" tPtm h l qttrh_ an 'Suns Sept. 3rd 31