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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 28 Aug 1985, p. 29

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GENERAL PRACTITIONER required tor a 20-hed hospital in a growing community, 110 miles northeast ot Edmonton on Highway 45. Applications and inquiries may be sent ttr Mr J. Dudar. Board Chairman, Box 298. Myram, Atoerta. TOB 3tur Phone 1-403-366- 2441 (35) 25 Child Care QUALITY TOT TIME Ennched leamlng through play momlng programs tor 2-5 Crafts. musac and pvereadmg SKINS T44- 6448 (36) 275 Erb Street East, Wa- tedoo. is now accepting applications tor our fall tun-day piogvams Please grve us a call to-day. 885, 4870 (36) MOUNTAIN RESORT now accepting applications tor winter employment. Posi- tions available include chamberpersons. catete- ria workers. gas station attendants. dining moat waitresses/waiters, gift shop clerks, bartenders, front desk clerks. Apply in writing tor application to: Glacier Park Lodge, Rogers Pass, Bic Please inclue selt-addressed -stamped envelope, (35) SEAMSTERS/SEAM- STRESSES wanted im- mediately. work at home; must have own sewing machine. For more intor- mation call Athena, 884- 1585. (35) Professrona1 and moor» enced nanny ttouseheetr ers available for live-In or "ve-out child care and hth housekeepmg posmons 744-64‘8 (d6) umyantpd 28 Person». 7 BEECHWOOD WEST - Ba- bysitter requnred a few evenings. per week from 4 00-10 oo p m ' lor ctul- dren ages sun and (Nee years Phone 7464337 (36) Dancing cusses com- mencing September 16. Betty dancing. tastetut eo- tedammenl tot your party Cal News. "4435‘ (m FREE SINGLES Bulbtm' Meet someone race by phone or correspond- once. Iocan or movmce wide For further unlotma- Non write Barb. Box 2246A. Sudbury. P3A 4St Slateaoe (35) tr.tt9ttt,r00-830 pm Duration It? weeks Fee $45 no Hesse can Stu- 050 ot Dancing. 98 Queen Street South (corner Charles). Kitchener. 894- 3696 Member of CDTA Stork Nanny Service tor birthdays, ban- quets. picnics, clubs. Professional, humor- ous. Very reason- able. Hartley: 6ti6681 1 No contracts to Sign (37) BURTHRIGHT IS Caving. non judgmenml and mu. ing to help free ot charge " you have an unwanted pregnancy. phone 579- 3990 (N) DATES GALORE for at! ages and Unattached Thousands of members anxious to meet you Prestige Acquamtances Call Ion-nee t-800-263- 9t8anoootiN8pm (13) Parkminstet Nursery School BALLROOM MAGICIAN BELLY GREETING NOMINATIONS are being received now. for Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Awards, Contact this newspaper to nominate an outstanding young person aged 6-18 who deserves more than a pat on the back, (35) RAZOR CUTS for naturally curly hair. or tor people who don't like all that bulk in that: style. for easier roller-sets, or feathered styling. I give excellent razor cuts at Hens n' Chicks Beauty Salon. 59 Menno Street. Waterloo. 886-2733. tttl 34thmicaHrtgtntction PIANO AND Theory Les, sons Panncua Bond. B Sc ' Mus Bac . ARCY.RMI Ca” 885-5697 (.15) EXPERIENCED twarmed teacher of mum and theory. at'. grade; Bog- new and ado" bewnoers. some ooenmas avadabie 742-1976 3I Wvllow Street. WaIedoo t42) 31 Vacation Accommodation World famous Yamaha organ. pnano and outta: lessons by auahtted teach- ers Also .unuor moi“: course tot Chl|dlen t1 Enroll now 8860100 (‘0) STEAMBOATING ON the Muskoka Lakes aboard the RMS Seawin. North America's oldest operat- ing steamship. Sightsee- ing dinner. all day and overnight cruises, Special prices tor groups. 1-705- 687-6667 Box 68-A, Gravenhurst, POC 160. 23-FOOT Trailer tor tent, sleeps 5-7, located at King's Portage Park. boat access to Georgian Bay. excellent fishing Season- al trailer sites also avail- able Phone 1-705-756- 2323, (35) Organ, PORNO (popular and classica0 hssons Quak- ted teachers Register no». tMMr-2940 (27) GUITAR LESSONS offered he professmoat mus.- cum/teacher wuth IA years expenence has some ooemngs for tofer- asked beginners or ad, vanced students 886- 0282 (37) PlANO LESSONS . Oualur fred regtstered paano ”sachet all grades any age 20yearserpeoenrt Waterloo 74671303 (39) 33 Leisure hctieities/Clast" For cmldlen and adults Reglsler-ng now' Phone Doreen Snyder 8864971 or 886-3355 (A?) KEAYSWAY PUBllC School area Hogh school musoc teacher A R C T . B Mus wilt teach Mano and theory Call 885, 4238 (36) George Km." Koybouds SSNGING LESSONS - Now SEE HALIBURTON Hugh- lands m the tatt Nature dresses up In her Sunday best You wont see an array ot tall colors pre- sented better anywhere Spec-at fall rates Follow SCENIC Highway 35 to Rubys Cottages. Route 2, Monden. Onlano, KOM 2K0 1-705-489-2193 FALL ART CLASSES Bob Gray Music acceding students tor the talt Phone Patncsa Swan, Bacheloc ot Mum: Mfr- 0013 (37) (34) (35) OUALIIY BICYCLE Re- pauslov less Guaranteed estomales. etch! years er- pcno‘me. lound mo pct up and delivery for 33 Ca" Ben Redekoo eve- nmgw‘weekends, 744- 9814 (36) l'.vvrythinv. dune by hand. washing. waxing. Inh'rlur shampoo, molars \loam cleaned Cars. tank. pick ups. boats, 312 Marsland Drive (rear building) 886 LS” ”pen tt 005 00 MnndayFriday How-d Saiurdm holiday week, ends, Fences. decks, pahos. m tertor and enemy! (Jemima. rrrofoq and sod laqu Free estimates Catt 886 1684 or 894-242? (38) 36 Edoeatiomg/Trade A.ll ages' and levels Kerry White, A.R CT. in Perfor- manqe. Licentiate Diploma (U. otT0746-t6trt. (37) CASH IN on Income tax, earn money. learn money savmg tax tos by corre- spondence U 8 R Tax Schools. 1345 Pembma Highway. Winnipeg, Man- noba, RI” 286 tor tree brochure (35) PIANO LESSONS available In Waterloo Square area starting September 10th, Phone 749-1067. (36) CAREER IN Trucking. Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train tor your Class A license. For pre-screening and job placement intormatiort, contact Mere Otr's Tram- port Driver Training, Cambridge. #6234430. (32) PIANO LESSONS - Private instructions available. Keatsway area. Call Vi- mala,886-0516. ' (35) FREE CAAEER Guide de- AUCTION SCHOOL 7 14th 45 Services PIANO LESSONS PAINTING AND Decorat- ing. maria or enema, futty trsttreorroced. tea- sonable rates Phone 8848084 (35) Total charge 82200 in- oulding (ax Cttll 888- 5850 (N) LAKESHORE ROOFING - New roots. re-roottrttr re- pans. workmanship guaranteed. free ash mates Phone 8850888 A-1 CAR CLEANING year. 1.200 graduates. courses April. August and December Wrrte West- ern Canada School ot Auchoneenng, Box 687, Lacombe. Alberta. TOC ISO Phone 1-a03-78p- fipt5 (35) scribes 200 tearn-at- home correspondence di- ploma courses: Account- ing. Art, Bookkeeping, Business Management. Clerk Typist. Secretary, Journalism, Television Servicing. Travel Gran- ton WA) 263 Adelaade West, Toronto 1-800- 268-1121 GASCHO NONE CARE ' MAINTENANCE Painting ' Waltpatterim Propedy Meme OIL SSRKYTNTS PHONE 632-7255 Free Estimate. floral call; (N) TREE STUMP REMOVAL Call G Schaeter. 742- 4675 (N) Painting and paperhang- ing, quality workmanship. reasonable rates Call 884~ 6743 tor tree estimates BEAUS TREE Sonics _ McrAVtSH S CA OCK Re, new Shop Spec-ammo m reps" and complete over- haul ot anhque docks. protessronal Ham-n9 Free estmates One-yea: guarantee Quartz move» meots trom $15 oo com- OIL SPRAYING - Cars and trucks ondercoated tor rustprotec0on I Weber, 65 Mam Street. B‘oom- ioqtstue. 742 2051 (N) EXPERIENCED cabinet- makev avanlab‘e Custom work. reps-ts OF reootflV hons, totertor at eutenov. reasonable rules 648 2847 even-nos (36) PAINYING AND paper- hanqmg. experienced, low rates Phone trr9, _ 2476 evenmgs t3rt BEST FOR LESS Von 5M the Paint "It 9M the Nittter At tETS Decoration Irtte- not and or'enor patnhnq. walk ovenno 25-years pronounce Free tssit, mates raft 6T3R (m CERAMIC REPAIRS KITCHENER The Waterloo County Separate School Board will receive sealed Tenders plainly marked as to, contents until 12:00 noon, F Friday. September 13. 1985 for supplying fuel oil for the 1985-86 heating season. Approximately 1.774.840 litres of tt2 Light Industrial Fuel Oil will be required for 25 schools in the county. List of school locations and storage capaci- ties may be obtained at the ottice of the un- dersigned. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accept- ed. Signed: John J. Doerr. Purchasing Supervisor, 91 Moore Avenue, V Kitchener, Ontario, N3G 462. Mrs. AM. Sehl G.J. Flynn, Chairman Director of Education "I YEAH Round Tree Seroce v Maintenance and vemnval Insured " H Kasselnng A Son, Ku- chenev Phone 576- 8531 (N) citttizirttt m omamental and fruit wees. " years errperieoce Special tow rates tor -'tittr canons 89‘4656 tttter 500. or can collect 1-75}3560 or 1484-2844 (N) CALL 885-5057 We 6644650 (Across Mom Waterloo Stock Yards) (N) Bathrooms and httcheos out specmlvy Call 886 4080 (N) WATERLOO comm SEPARATE SCHOOL BOAR0 J, 312 Marsland Dr. (rear) Waterloo 578-0780 PAINTING JOE’S APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE We're now selling USED APPLIANCES - washers, etc. o repairs to most malor appliances FUEL TENDER 91 Moore Avenue TENDERS (24) RENOVATK9NS - Reliable work. reasonabka rates New additions, "yohrtg. chimneys, lences. porches. oahos, cannons. cemeot wore. cottage re- paws. recreation rooms, nuances or what have you? Free eslumales Phone Tom. 7453253 GERVAIS PAINTING and Decovalmg You supply the malenals. we ll supply the labov Phone 703- 1 M3 (39) EXTERIOR Panning _ auat- tty work. reasonable tales For free estrmates call Bernie. 742-308‘ M ALL PLUMBING Repairs - Water heaters and sot lenevs 'nstaWed Pamtmg and decovahng Catt Bob 5767974 L” 401m WINDOW leANING or MS. w, Stem. In” On I Mtlktrita Regain. all makes and modem low rates Phone 893-54“ ttn 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE WATERPROOFING SPECIALISTS TREE TOP - Tree Care All aspects of tree matote- nance fully ttoahtted. tully msured F tee escomates ptus 10% msroum for 59mm widens Calt Greg 742-2026 312 Ma'sland Dove. Com. plete sharoemng servwe all types, cathodes. cuculav and hand saws, scassovs. citppers, kmves, skates. lawn and garden tools Shop hours 8 oo 5 oo. Saturday Ml noon 884~ 5401 (N) Gout Consume! Bonded painting houses. apart- ments. omces. Insude or out. very reasonable stu- dent rates Call C-Thw Windows. 746-3994 any- tlme (35) Sonny's Sharpening LOW PRICES Work Guaranteed Leaky Basemeots Epoxy lnpechon ot Cracks, All Foun- dation Problems 745-7790 ONTARIO E C o o (36) QUALITY OIL Spraying. drilled and plugged; used oil. $20; new oil, $30; trucks and vans, " extra. Rick's Rust Protec- tion, (i56-2644. (If) APPLIANCE REPAIR - Why pay the big guys their big prices? Ernie Soow's Ap- pliance Repair at a price you can afford. Retrigera- tors. s|oves. washers. dryers. etc. Seoior Citi- zen‘s discount. Evening appointments available, Call 745-9240. - Cr:EmNiEIC] RUBBISH REMOVAL - Wall washmg. light movnng. cleaning tbasements. gatages, amcs). odd yobs Jeff Harding 884-2831 MERE <4 CPAirHoh'days- " By-Law No. 76-139 States Buildings With EVEN PROPERTY NUMBERS - May water Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sun- days. ODD PROPERTY NUMBERS - May water Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sun- days. Between the hours of 6:00 a.m. - 10 am. Reasonable Rates and 7 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. “THE IONDON MIN!" d,',, 5,,” as . 746-1 TTS " Frederick St 00':va ROLL, MAKE and Lawn-Garden Watering Bv-Law No. 76-1 9 o Saturday morning flights o non-stop flights on new wide-bodied jets - ' In" _ ‘r I “wrung Frederick Travel (If) CITY OF WATERLOO AUCTION Spectacutar - Labor Day, September 2nd, 1:00 pm. Antique toys. firearms. coins, Jewellery, furniture. cot- lectibles See Friday's London Free Press tor listing Clarke Road Auc- tions. 476 Clarke Road. London. 1451-0998 (35) “WSW DRIVEWAY REPAIR Ser- vice - Asphalt seating to preserve and protect your asphalt; also hot asphalt repairs. r42-205t. (If) ALL TYPES ot renovations. guaranteed. quality work- manship at competitive prices Brick work, tire- places. ptastering. drywall, concrete work and carpentry. Free es- timates. Small pro‘ects a specialty: "Hem Wunder Cortstruction . tMM-2tM5 inserts. single sheets, news bulletins, catalogues. etc, very reasonable rates Call Waterloo Chronicle 8862830. 39 WE DELIVER 5795M!)

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