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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 28 Aug 1985, p. 28

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104 as for Rent 4 WWW Sale STI “H ROOMS - Next " .rvmly KIIChf-‘n pr ma rooms lurk a? naming lady N. w F Sl my ' an 2 Banquet Halls Available AUOW US To assist m arrangmg or replacmg your mortgage Firsts and seconds - Dllme rates Reomsenhng convention- anv Year mund onloyi ment In thus two bedroom wunlnnlnd home located on a (lump lot with 734001 lvomaqo on one of play woxlmn Onlauo s most hmmhlul lakes, lust north of Mt Forest and Durham Has (“only ot room for hnmnq and swumm-ng ON, ', yram old wrth Vinyl Slaw: largo L shaped (hart town) hath lull ha? Input ml turnarP (o: [lf‘lf’ly tttrosshssd, do" hunk plus many oth,., Villas Has to bo co: m rm annmnak-d Jul" 'lel at $76000 Jul I (nullalld Realm! Du IF YOUR Banker says no Io your mortgage retinanc- mg phone All Onlano Financial. the mortgage people. 743-5361. 743- 2144 We buy enshng mortgages ttr) COURT 12 - (Licenced lounge) now available tor padres. busaness meet- mgs. etc For more amor- mahon telephone Linda or Ellen. 886-5870 Colum- bra Racquet Courts. 140 Columbla Street West. Waterloo (m 3 “engage Loam (Sundays) lot Moot Flea Mart-e! “wed in Cambnoge veal-lound opevahon Reasonable Hales Open even Sunday I0 a m -6 p m McCULLOUGH LAKE 1 Comingfveml DOUBLE S TRADING POST A IO Hespeier Road you to McDonald S) R} NEW DU£DEE ANTIQUE A D FLEA MARKET _Sundays, 10-5 Antiques, collectibles. nostalgia items. South Dr. New Dundee Vendors wanted VENDORS WANTED al and pnvale lenders Ron-anal Clean Group In( 886 6441 (If) Phone 886-2830 Church -Services- tK$$llill lllTllEllAll Cllllllcll PAGE 28 - WATERLOO CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 28. 1985 In. Kevl- Wallet! ”DAV. Sept-lube: "t man an. - was. SERVICE ' SW" sum Sermon theme: "Soul Food' Everyone WeIcome Cornet ot Glen Forrest & Spat-chill [Alaskan - Phone 621-6536 or 621 -8448 696-3375 HIV/1 Bay 798 , ”‘1 fvorvou,s rall til l Durham w 1' “'5? Harm! in ',," ', i" 743-321 9 Hamil tMi) Standard Ot Custom Sues Made to Your Smmcahons Hard To Find San m Sheets and Pillows notable u llUlI tf Irftt, mum Window tinting for budd- mgs and vehicles at m- sulates, keeps wmtev heat m and summer heat out. cuts glare and fade by up to 98%, makes glass shah ter-reststant, clear and cotors CENTRAL VACUUM Na- AUTO BEAUTY can: 660 Hound Are. Elmira Shop I NW. Phone Mailed outside ot Waterloo $16 00 per year on Can- ada Call 886-2830 Sec- ond Class Mail. Retpstra- tron Number 5540 Members 0 C N A, C C N A . S N A (I!) Dry maple and beech. all cut and split. 64 cubic teet, $90. 160 cubic feet. $220 delivered. Phone 579- 41 18 ttt) Great For Barbecuing. Cut, Wrapped I Dolwored [tonal dislnbulov with sur- plus Inventory IS hawng a clearance sale Package mcludes and. ttoor brush. carpet brush, crev-ce tool. upholstery brush, hose. Dupes, inn-nos and all necessary parts to Install Regularly $799, cteanng at $499 95 while supply lasts Ca” L800 P65-8t42 (34) INSULATING WINDOW LEM namess 13 Mommas. 13 Artidorstile 13 ArtidutuSale Call Frm' From KW SPRING OR FOAM IATTRESS SETS K-w SMALL ENGINES "sirg"g,t,s'" 579-4400 mar Introducing ... FRESH ONTARIO LAMB 's. OFF LABOR 669-2506 Waterloo Chronicle Subscriptions CALL 1454-8251 FIREWOOD thtutimMmimrTutteup, AtsoFroeOiiCttartge amtButUStta-ting WithTMsM $20. OFF 8: EXTRAS PROWI FR 27 FOOT full» or war ..wn:nq rulm-ps Row-n on rillom rnndl Imp St'c,C)Ct Prrtsontlv on In! In hm!” park At Fhho l Air (,IIHnrd “Mar-u phat" Twm 57") (900 FOUR STEFl bolted lures 91991 75R 14 A M , s $100 17:1? Inch shall framort rrltrror S35 Phone 884 PPO? CVS) Bought and 5096. top (mans pmd Encore Records. 297 King Street East, Krtctteo- er 744-1370 tttl LP. RECORDS V t N y L " E M N A N T Cloarout Vaniey ot t3O- wax vmyI floor covenng. a" "rst quality Call 886- 4080 (I!) TWIN BED, SPO, kdrhen tabie and four charts sro, "up chat makes mm a bed. brand new $45 Phone 888-685! (35) ONE STOP Budding shop- pang centre All steel. strmght/ slant hall-round rladdcng Free brochures on request For actoon, value and answers call Wally 1-416-ti26-lr94 Leave message or rolled evenings and weekends (31) KITCHEN CUPBOARDS - 'o (10nd rnndvlmn Want Pd Cuh unuimm Phone 886 2097 (35) HFSTFPFIH D and than VINYL No-Wax tlooting. Crear-out prices, att sizes to choose from Phone 884-0851 Itt) CARPET REMNANT Clear- Out, vanely of colors and sues. all first quality Call CARPET AND Vinyl Rem- nants. ceramic ends, Free 27-by-18-inch mats, two per customer. 884-9133. Retace your old cup- boards instead of replac- ing them Save up to 60% Leading manetac- lover tS having a clear- ance sale of certain styles Package includes doors. drawer fronts. handles. hinges. backing. laminate, valance and knock knack shelves Regularly $1995, clear- mg at $995 Catt I»800- 265-8142 (34) 886-4080 Service Centre We're Your EE ( 1(1) (N) (U) FRENCH HORN, double. oucollonl tore. $150 Phone BB6-44:%? (35) WATER PROBtEMS New Technolouy to Canada CSA Approved Ehrmr nates chemucal contamun» anon. nucsance and color form vbactena. trrtrt bacteria, slmmng, smell. "on. bad taste and more. no mPSRy (mam-rah maonlenance free. tesred and proven In Over 10000 rural mslallatmns Elm-males the need tor hound chlmmaiovs and water distillom Free 30, 'tPY lnal offer Try It out See the mums tor your self AhsototeN no ohluoa inn and no cost to you Backed by a ?O-ynav Winter! warvanw " you want better watw for hrttrst country "who rail toll he» l H0Crp6H 2856 (a (alfi) 6P4M34d or DOllRl E BED, SPO or has! ohm Call 886-3040 (35) SOFA BED mm Moraqo box, $50 Double mar tress. $15 Headboard. Sh Small armchair, sr Lamp, $4 Phone 886- 443? (35) SYNIHESIZER. Portahte Yamaha CSOI wuth hrpath conlvol, $190 Phone 8867443? (35) WOODSIOVE - Old tash BUILDINGS priced below wholesale Fmal Inventory clearance Vanous sues avalléble All steel 1020 year warraoty Lumlted stock avaulable Act now and save No reserves held Call 1800 3B7, 8130 or 1416-828- 626? (35) wrm‘ Artpr Watpr Put-h ration fiystorrs 90" VOW Kim/l?!" mf, Mic, was; STEREO Hl-Fl. beautituily finished cabinet, stereo not in working condition. best otter Call 885- 3695. (m TENOR SAXOPHONE. very good condition. nus! overhauled. Selmer- Bundy make. You have to see it. Call Andy at 886- 4338. (35) AIR CONDITIONER. large unit, vertical, approx:- mately 20-by-25 inches, asking $200 or best otter Call 885-3695 ttt) BLUEBERRIES. Blueber- ries. chemical tree at Powell's Patch, open daily. live miles south ot Slmcoe on Highway 24, one mule east on Radical Road. watch tor signs You pick or ready picked at 1984 prices Beautiful bemes. get them while they last 1-426-5989 GUARANTEED - Double vormd parlour style. PA- cellenl condmon. chrome plated humps damper and grate oncluded 886 tad/9 between 9 oo " m- q oo p m (35) your gas mileage with new vapor carb. Easily built, low cost, ouisiand- ing gains reported. For high mi|eage report, lull delaiIs with proof send St. to: MPGWC. Box 962-0. Kitchener. N26 4E3. (36) anon. I4W 486 (IH) (35) kNOWl FDGEABlE. rep” tame owner ot a small anhqun shop wmhva to buy hnusohold Moms rugs snlvm Immune 9k HRS 2100 (H) " Articles Wanted to Buy ANTIQUES ftrrothtret.rrtus, Ipwnlvy mulls Qhullmq rmrks glass and (mm. 9" Ono OIPCP to rom- plelp estate IO y6'ars m busmnss Al Jones, 66d 2810, St Jacobs (H) USED Waverloo Chmmcle newspapev came! bags Paymg $100 for clean inot toro) newshaqs Wa- terloo Chromcle " em Street East, Waterloo 8864830 YARD SALE - Friday. Au, gust 3Oth, 6 0079 00 pm Saturday, August 31st. 8OO-1 00 pm, 62 GARAGE SAlF Saturday. Auqusl 3tst. 8 30-15 oo. 79 Margaret Avrmm North. Waterloo Record cabinet. techno: chat upholstered arm chat couch. antique desk. 28- Inch cast "replace gram and screen, are" mos, drapes. dtshes. small no» pttnrrces, tools and much more (35) 13A Garage Sales 131 ELGIN CRESCENT, Waterloo, Saturday. Mr gust 3tst. 9 00 4 ()0 Household items. toys. games. books, sport-"q equapmonl,etc Ram date September rth (35) TEN SPEED Boy s btcycle, CCM Centunan, excellent condmon 885-5782 after 6 00 p m (35) SYLVANIA VCR. $3 79 ' rentals only 5 months old. tull year s warranty. cable ready. wired remote Free Mehme membership wan purchase Lexington Video, 8868030 (35) taurel Street (at Moore), Waterloo Sports eqmp ment kitchvn ulonsds, forrvture, uolt rieohe, storm Windows (Joan clothes. on STUDENTS -. A great deal. must sen, couch, two chairs. ottoman. burnt or- ange color. $150 886- 9677 evenangs (35) TWO SOFA Beds HOME MOVIES transterred to video tape " per foot. Send for order kit. details Memory Lane Video, 40 Richmond Street. Chat- ham. Ontario. N7M 1N6 Phone 1354-0190. (35) STEEL BUILDINGS - Fac- tory clearance. Variety ot sizes available with super discounts, Call now tor best selection and tast service. 1-416-454- 5600. (35) 13 Articles for Sale ANIMAL TRAPS - Con- ibear. Iongspring. coitspr- ing, snares, lures, books, Lowest prices. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Free catalogue. Trapping booklet, " Milton Trap- ping Supplies. Dept. Ct, Route 2. Milton. Ontario. L9T 2X6. 1-416-828- 9198. (35) CLASSIFIED DEADLINE - TUESDAY, " mm. chair tor sate, In condition Phone 3944 669- (35) also 16 Cart tor Sale 1078 PI YMOUTH Volam Fromm: slant Fa, autnmar " 41000 mules mam Inn! (undilum Call 893. 1740 (‘vOnllqu ('15) SPRINGER SPANDEl Pop. pues. CKC rewstered and tattooFsd $250 Call 744. ‘858 (35) 1976 DODGE RnyaI Mona co an (ondltmmno as us 1975 VOt vo Paant 15 Pets& Supplies DOG and Cat gimmmn All breeds 5mm moiessuon- ally to sun! your pet Pockrup and dehvmy sen vnce available Over 20 years expeuonce 699- 4232 10 kg 20 kg 10 kg puppy food 20 kg puppy food OPERATION BLESSING _ Outreach MIDISIVY needs donahons ot turrotore, household stems, dean clothes, rnon-peoshable tood Well puck up turn, mm. 745-008? Gold and Silver coms. lewet- levy. sterling tuteerware. trays, tea sets. anhque clocks, pock- et watches. old post cards. documenls Alt scrap Ook' and dental gold WM. J. GRANT COINS $500 Phone 888-0580 9 005 30 or 886 5992 evenings (36) PET CAGE wanted Io buy or rent Phone 886- 4432 (35) (alien! mnmnq rm " IMP not nends body work and muttter, $195 asas 7ar, 8163 m 74.5 BPtft HR) Top cash paid for records, Encore Records. 297 King East, Kitchener Phone 744-3370. ttt) OLD POSTCARDS Want OLD DISHES. Odd cups and saucers, siiver. sir. verplate and Jewellery wanted Phone 885- 2300 (It) 14 WWW‘IOM 16Camforsgh PIANO WANTED - Regard- less ot condition. Call 669-2280 or 669-2311 anytime. (to THE Salvation Army re- quites donations of cloth- ing. furniture. dishes. books. jewel|ery. appli- ances. etc, Help people who don't have as much!! For pick up at your home call 578-3130 (ti) BUYING FOR CASH ALSO WILL PAY CASH For Good Clean Appliances Working or Not Working. PHONE 743-2946 Factory Outlet 9 Herbert St . Waterloo ed. pre 1960 used for unused Top paces paud nncludlnq your mailing costs For unlormahon write New Haynp. Box 220. Bath, Ootano. KOH 160 (35) Ot Unwanted Appliances FREE REMOVAL 1125 King St E _ kit 5764840 BWalev St S.Camb 621-0430 DOG FOOD SHOR-tiAlN RECORDS 884-9600 $750 $1400 $850 $1635 OKTOBERFEST Button Comrmttee vnhmlm'ws needed to SF" Minna! ttottrros Must be of local drunkmq ago to on"?! toqhalls all .ntmogvpd mill Chas KrF,trs KW Oktorwtrtost ()Huo 876 OST, Cl6) WE ARF Innkmg tor a hands on ovndmhon manaqm who us. rapahOo of vunmnq a small web ottset pnnhnq nomahon The sum 095ml (andudalp woll tun the ttarty onwa- hon ot DUI bus-now; wsth palhcular emphas:s and knowledge rpoavqu Goss punhnq mmupmonl as well as the '9rP-PrF'SR are" and the mm»: to effoclwoly manaon pon- ple and systems Plnagn reply an convudonro Mar ma mmunptalmn prom“ Nations and evpmwm o to St ott MN awn Md awn Press lumtod "0 Bor 10 non Brar "toodur_ MuSknka ()nlann POB WAIYRESS ‘WAIIfRS DISHWASME " AND Chet help manned, SDI" shun 30!"? horsvy Illluoq “DON In person 9 ()0 a m tp 00 noon Sumnn s Place. 7? Regina North, Waterloo ("45) STUDENT 18 years plus wanted tor part-ttme vol- unteering 16-year-old gal with developmental hand-cap wants Mend tor achvc unsure actttttttes. ue swimming " mierest- ed call 884-1036 C35) I EARN an extra $1000 plus a month part-ttme and would like to share thrs opportunity wnh you Pteasant and rewarding Write C kolmar and Associates, 638 Pine- ndge Road. Waterloo (35) FAMILIES WANTED to pro- wde foster care ht chit- dren Dally rate. "among and supper! sevwces pro wded Family and Chg, dren s Semces 576» 0540. Boll Janes (48) 22 Help Wanted HUNDREDS weekly to start from home, part or full- hme Ideal husband/wife or retirement husmess, Detaits write David Milne, Box 7043, Slalnon A". Toronto, Ontario, MSW IX7 (35) 1C0 21 Business With. Typewriters cleaned, oiled, adjusted. repairs to all makes; reasonable rates. work guaranteed. Add- Type Business Equipment, 28 Bridgeport Road East, Waterloo (just down trom Towersy 885-2570, (I!) warartd. tutrterrus Cor Hall muonq r-xpmwnu‘ tp ammd Apply In person 900 am 1200 "(mm Sumon s Place 7p Rouma North Waterloo (36) 20 "midterm. 1976 CHEVROLET Ca- price Classic. two-door hardtop. black. 350. V-8. power windows. brakes and steering. AM/FM stereo. A-l condition. easily certified; as is or best offer, $1195. B86- 1511. (35) Typewritet Sales-Service (35)

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