130th Year No. 35 Sterling softball Country‘s best at Hillside to decide national char’r_\\pion Mark Bryson Chronicle Statf A number of organizations have played a major role during the span since the announcement from Softball Canada in the Northwest Territories two years ago that Waterloo would play host to the 1985 edition of the Labatt National Senior Men‘s Softball Championship The jewel of Canadian softball is sparkling at Hillside Park, after two years oi agvanced preparation Heading the list of contributors is the Waterioo Fastball Association (WFA). headed by tournament coâ€"chairmen Dave Miller and Dave Honsberger. The lion‘s share of the work will either entitle the association to a great deal of credit if the tournament is a success or a set of goat horns if it fails to reach expectations _ Word fromâ€" Waterloo Regional Motelâ€" and Hotel Association president Bernie Spidell is there has not been a large influx of spectators for the event,. so it appears local support will be counted on heavily to turn the turn stiles Wednesday, August 28, 1985 With the WFA sitting in a wait and see position,. the City of Waterloo‘s community services department has already done their part and were a proud bunch when the first pitch was finalily detivered Tuesday morning Community Service‘s task was to work with the WFPA in getting the facility ready for such a large scale event From washrooms to concessions to press box, Communi ty Services has had their finger in the action "It has been a fairly large undertaking. We‘ve got 5.000 seats. To get those bleachers in and coâ€"ordinate them as well as concessions and washrooms, I guess you could Pflug says all systems are go and it‘s up to Waterloo residents to support the event "It‘s the type of thing the city will hold once and not likely ever get again. It‘s a prestige event and one we should support," said PMug say it‘s been a reasonable large undertaking for our staff." said Community Services Director Ken Pflug _ The S(;O(; bleachers were rented by the city from W .H Revynolds in Cambridge Waterloo, Ontario Donny Smith of the Kiwanis Kavaliers was all concentration as his corps took part _ Bs Eeoine _ 2 Ts uo e nen M on n m c e i s ;\vthé vé'a"r;;d'iér-\- _National drum and bugle corps championships Saturday at Seagram Stadium. Mark Bryson photo Melodee Martinuk Chronicle Statt While surprised by the suddenness of the decision, Wateriloo Tories are heralding Frank Miller‘s resignation from the post of Progresâ€" sive Conservative leader as the best thing for the party. Ese e es "I believe what he has done is honorable. If the Liberals keep their promise, the new leader will have a number of months to lead before the next election," said Lynne Woolstencroft, who lost her bid for the Waterloo North seat in the May election. Woolstencroft admitted to being surprised by the resignation, saying that throughout his political career Miller has always shown himself to be a man "prepared to take up a challenge. "When you look at the ministries he held, he never backed down from a challenge. It takes a great degree of courage to leave a bad situation maybe even more than it takes to leave a good situation, especially for a self made man like Miller: There must be a feeling that you could have done it better.‘ she explained A â€"Larry Grossman supporter in the Jlast leadershiprace. Woolstencroft hasn‘t made a decision on who she‘ll back this time. She sard she‘s looking for a leader who is dynaimic yet able to "heal the divisions" within the party "We need someone whoo has a_ political philosophy. a sense of direction we need someone who is both the mediator and the pgunslinger, and I‘m not sure who that is." said Woolstencroft Agrecing with Woolstencraft is Waterloo Ald Brian Turnbull, who said the PC party needs a "scrappy© leader who can effectively confront Local pundits say PCs need scrapper 25 cents at the Newstand POISED FOR ACTION National Senior Men‘s Softball Championship We need a scrappy type who can be a leader of the opposition. I‘ve watched Dennis Timbreli on TV and it looked like he had the makings of a good opposition leaderâ€" But, so does Pope, so does Brandt,. and so does Grossman," said Turnbull, who has decided to keep out of this leadership campaign and concentrate on the upcoming municipal race Although believing that Miller‘s resignation is the "right decision‘. Turnbull betieves Miller should have waited until next yvear to step down the David Peterson Liberal government "The party would have been better able to digest another leadership campaign in six to eight months. It‘s just too soon. he said. Andy Brandt., Allan Pope, Bette Stephenson, Dennis Timbrell and Grossman are all being touted as possible successors to Miller, although no one has officially thrown his or her hat into the ring. Someons wheo is closely watching this leader ship drive is Young Progressive Conservative Association of Waterloo Region president Greg Cassidy . _ who said Miler‘s cesignation was necessary because Ontario Tories haven‘t "pulled together well" since the election "After doing as poorly as we did in the election, we need to re organize to get back to the people.. back to the grassroots of the province. C sard Cassidy, who was a member of the Rov Mc Murtry campaign team He said the candidate who wins his support will be the one who can be »moast effective in organizing the Progressive Conservative party back to a unified foree a force to be reckoned with like we‘ye always been in the past C 1985