PAGE 18 - WATERLOO CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28. 1985 Maria Ricossa as Olivia in a scene from Twelfth Night, now on at Stratford. Coral Andrews Chronicle Special The bard has taken a 1over's triangle, and strategically expanded it carefully sculpting Twelfth Night in a network of many love threads, some of self-love, Some of romantic fulfillment and some simply dealing with love of life. Only Shakespeare could weave such a compli- cated plot of merriment and deception as befits his joyous play Twelfth Night. -_- _ _ _ '.. _ Bay's win" be'boys and giris will be boys, in this case of mistaken identity, love and a bawdy romp in the imaginary town of llyri?. _ _ FOR CASUAL SOPHISTICATION IN HAIR DESIGN HAIRMASTER'f? DESIGN HAmMASTER'S DESIGN Stellar efforts in, Twelfth Night Waiting to meet you are from left to right MARGRIT. DEBBIE. ANNITA, BARB & HHS}. We welcome Annita back on Sept. 4/85. T LADIES $950 wash, cut 8- style reg. $14 with coupon (discounts not valid with MARGRIT) 22 King St. s. Waterloo 885-5890 Coupon c.rpircs Sept. 30/85 -18l- There are no heavy themvs of dramatic irony, scene from or imagery Mord. Twelfth Night is "What you Will". an love Chroorcto Spoon! conclusively cunquvrx all. OFF ANY Pills 'lo Twelfth Night refers to the 12 days of Christmas, a period of joyful abandon, and devil-may-care antics as 'some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have great- ness thrust upon them". Viola is shipwrecked, with her twin brother Sebastian whom she deems drowned in this mishap. This assumption leads to the body of the play as Viola dons the character of Cesario. As Cesario he/she becomes page to Orsino, Duke of llyria. who is in love with Olivia. Olivia, who is mourning the death of a loved one, spurns Orsino. Viola/Cesario due to cir- cumstance, has fallen for the Duke, and is clearly distressed when Orsino sends him to Olivia as his so-called ‘cupid of love messages'. It is two love stories pivoting around the central plight of a woman disguised as a man, and a hilarious coincidence of brother and sister being practically identical twins. Olivia, now weary of her weeping tirade, in turn falls for Cesario blinded by infatuation and his shrewd wit. During this time, Viola's brother Sebastian, with ship captain Antonio, also arrives in Ilyria, and the comedy thickens when Sebastian is mistaken for Cesario in a series of uproarious results. Twelfth Night's sub-plot involves Malvolio, Olivia's ultra-corweited steward, who is the constant target for Olivia's uncle Sir Toby Belch, and the beguiling Maria. Both delight in practical jokes galore, with sharp witted Pesto the clown and servant Fabian, Malvolio. and Belch's bumbling companion Sir Andrew Aguecheek serve as objects of Belch and Co's ensueing knack for a fine ovening's folly. Eventually all the love links are corrected through a chain at complex but irresistable twists of fate. $750 CECE wash, cut 8: style reg. $11 with coupon 'Iris-':",')');,),')',:;':')-,'"';,, "__":,'::';:".:),)"':,'-..:':',] IN THE SQUARE Elizabeth Witmer Chairman of the Board tttTCHENER-WATERLOo C. 8 VS. H M McCosh, B A 7AS-6851 NOTE: Unwed parking. use DUNK transportatroo LAUREL v.s. GradegS’ IO. 1 l. I? L T Bradshaw. B A 885-0800 " NOTE: Dusmossal WI" be approumateiy ll 30 a nf ‘x WATERLOO Ct A L Fotrtott, B A 88443590 ' OPERATION OPEN DOOR R E Rm". B S A 7424 751 BLUEVALE ct Grades IO, H. IP, If! 10 or) a m A E Feder, B A . M A w M Ed (Room! Gum tly lnHmmmmm) 8854620 Grade 9 tl oo a m (Assemhln In Calolonum) CAMERON HEIGHYS Ct, Grade 9 (Cafeteria) IO 00 " m R M Chillon, B A Grade IO (Homeroom) IO 45 a m 5783330 Grade t l (Homeroom) l l 30 a m Grades12. 13fHorneroom) 1 00 p m MOTE: Buses m" run I hour lam than thp usual schedule an the mommq and WI" depart 1 ‘; hours earler than regular deoanuve rune EASTWOOD tht. W H Baxter. B Sc .M A 743~8265 FOREST HEIGHTS Cl G B Young, B A 744-6567 G A Boug, B A 5766100 Arrangements for both elementary and wondary same! students are the same as those ot the last school term. unless parents haw been nolufmd otherwase thew mil he no Board-movrded transportatron for Smlal Educaluon or Tramatrte Retarded r hadron on September 3 TldHSUuleOn 9" Q{mi-2| Frtorattor, flaw!" f 'tc. chwneoistry SI "vols and to the Vacrlrhes tor the Trarnabk? Rammed ml! rommpncr- rm Soutemhr-r a actordmo to srhodules wrlh whrch the parents t nncernod have boon made awn"- " uncedam ofthe Bus schedule please call Mi? trest Mr Ed Yuoklm ml 354 Mr Spocral Educalron and Y'arnablv Nelarded students Mr Ruben Srhloswr Lat H'o0 tor elementary and secondary school studenls Lar h studenl should Dung an acct-glam? St hoot loci- or morwy to [murmu- om- Ten books mu he mamd to Modeots, mm mo cum-[moo ot Grarte 13 Unmqusu-u-d smqomg GRAND RIVER C.I 'J‘HUM "-907“ w ttto 50mm the work M Augusl ?6 1985 Secondary School rewstratroo pad-noes WI" hr dlsmbuk-d on (ma-mm; day Tttrw ,ut- tr ho ororuC,tr-tor' and Imumod pvumpuy to "w v non! T AV students, Grades 1 to B, mornmg Krndergarren children, Specual Education Lhrldren and Iramabte Retarded choldren wrll report to their respecrwe schools before 9 oo a m r and mu attend regular classes unm drsmrssal at noon No Publuc Elementary School classes wttt be held In the atterrroon ot September 3, 19Bh Afternoon kindergarten classes wcll begin the afternoon of Wednesday, September ' 1985 _ STUDENTS WILL REPORT AT THE FOLLOWING TIMES ON SEPTEMBER 3: OPENING DAY - September 3 - Morning Session ONLY will reopen its schools Tuesday, September s, 1 sas ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS 101 Queen St. N. Knchemtt _.P_KP.r.VipeEMr -... w "Fi"""'"""-" ' . we ..' ", Wittiam Grey buses m Cambridge mu cock up the hour later than usual RliIiIIWIlLalaIlL'Ilrh" BUS TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SCHOOLS THE WATERLOO COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Grade IO. ll, tp. 13 (Report to Homeroom) Grade 9 (Recon to Audatouum) Grades IO, 11. 12, 13 (Report to Homeroom) Grade 9 (Report to Catatonum) Grades IO, tt. 12, 13 (Report to Homeroom) Grade 9 (Report to Catotorrum) Grade 1043 (New to the School) Grades 12, 13 and Adutts Grades 10, I 1 Grade 9 (All Students) Grades 10, 11 Grade!) 3 18 years ofgge ' twer 3 out of school one year Regrstratroir August 19 to September 3 H385 W. T. Townshend, Director of Education 23232? idtlh"%"sNlil2'g'ts Imwmhmulmm "mung-umâ€: .13 HOOam t000am HOOarn ‘30pm 1000arr 1030am 2000M 1030am IOSOam 10003!“ 930am 200pm 200pm