PAGE 20 - WATERLOO CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. The popularity of boardsailing has taken of inexplicably Regional Boardsailing Club president Bob Eckert. Chronicle Special "You don't need a lot of balance It's basically like rid ing a bicycle." claims Tom ywhafhter who is "rjryirtse win ning winds in boardsailing re gattas this summer In July. Schaffner won first overall in the Master's light classes in a southern Ontario racing circuit held at different locations over six weeks He also won second place in the ( Master's Light Weight division at the Alerntario international Mistral Class Organization Re Rana. Tim Paleczny Chronicle Special Just look at the rooftops of cars going down the highway. the hive of activity at area resorts. or on the lakes themselves, There is no question the sport of buardsailing is taking off, and in that rvspect the Waterloo _ ... In I F __.. L..:_.. I..h in Good oreanization and am may be the fuel for tho I calendar of events is a full sle starting April It and ending closing dinner. shape than I've been in 20 years, I'm running two miles a night." reports 'ichattner who is looking forward to the Mas ter's Games in Toronto _ "the big race of the summer" _ I‘LVIIIR “III-n‘ .- ln addition to the regular wednesday evening mobs, the WRBC promotes activi- ties that are fun and allow members to get to know ont' another Two such two-nus ar" tho mm"... '""". __,, _ Regional Boardsailing Club isn't bei anyone" wake WRBC president Bob Fickvrt reports that “191% has shown a sudden. inexplicable increase in membership For the past four years we maintained a run of 40-15 mun bers. but this year membership doubled to Competition, patience are key to improvement A member of the Waterloo Regional Boardsailing Club (WRBC), Schaffner reached the top of his class in the four years since he started wind- surfing. though he only became "serious in the last couple of years. This is the first year Uve raced competitively," he noted "This year Al'm in better Sport of boardsailing is taking off in 1985 m and sum-mum events tor the fire, The I985 is a full slate of activities Ind ending Nov, 1 with a Schattner gained his racing experience at Laurel Lake in the regular Wednesday night WRBC races in which novices especially are encouraged to participate. indeed. the WRBC Newsletter appeals to new members to have patience and to participate because "it has been shown racing improves sailing ability dramatically, So if this year is not your year to win. don't despair. next year may be. You won't learn if you 11on't try .. Says Schaftner: "when l started in our club races I wasn't competitive, I always hung bark a bit, but now I'm aggressive I'm right at the mark when the gun goes off." For Schaffner. the thrill of boardsailing is heightened try his participation in the club. “I enjoy the fellowship in the club, but when rm on my board I feel like I'm In again." Srhaftner recommends boardsailing "to anybody who doesn't mind getting wet a lot for the first while." Schaffner Ang left in AUGUST 14, 1985 Cheap Sungla: Boardsailing C Boardsailing Circus. On Circus day. prizes are given for the best costumes and various races. One race entails collecting the most number of balloons that are released on Laurel Lake in Waterloo, the club's waterfront home, After a day of boardsailing. wiener roasts are commm. as are spontaneous get to. gethers at the Heidelberg Hotel. And every year a camping long weekend affords memben the opportunity to test their skills and equipment on more open waters. 'ihis year they camped at MacGregor Point Provincial Park near Port Elgin. “Knowing how to sail is not the only skill members develop," says Nancy Gillies, social convvnor. “It helps if you can chop wood and we could always use more musicians for our campfires.“ recommends The WRBC Newsletter editor, Paul Psut ka. explains that people from all walks of life are joining the club because "they like to an! away, however briefly, fur some fun and advrnturv, WP offcr much of hum. Sunglass enthuses: "anybody who's tried and succeeded for 20 teet, is hooked, It's an addicting feeling you love it and want more. and that's why so many of us in the club are out so often." Indeed. Sehaffner is boardsailing two or three times a week from April to No vember WRBC President, Bob Pick an explains that "most people don't realize that boarsailors enjoy a relatively long season. The winds are actually the best for this sport in the spring and fall, and with wet suits or preferably dry suits, members take advantage of these great opportunities." "In fact, on our opening weekend in April, the first guys out on the lake acted as irebreakers," reported lick; on, Schaffner concurs: "As nice as summer is, we're waiting for the fall so we can have better winds." If, as Firhattner observes. "you don't need a lot of balance" to be a boardsailor, what you do need a lot of. then, is enthusiasm. in 1985, says Waterloo Chrome“ Special Regatta and the WRBC Maybe I can‘saye you some money on'msurance; v h on buy let); 'tiiti,'a're. EllEGil -iaria {1130M hands." Sm GARY WINGER Sears, Waterloo Town Square 746-1 080 Call me and compare btittiiiiiiiil) ‘ Alla.“ “an..." I ulnpnn. - lore In. Co of Can-d. Allu-n- 1osurancr l’nmp..m Life Homeowners Auto/ Boat Business LIFE . HOME .AUTO ‘COMMERCIAL' FARM . TRAVEL phone This cake cutting celebration highlighted the recent opening of a new sales and service office of The Co operators in the University Square Plaza Universrty at Weber Our new Waterloo location brings the one stop convenience of insuring with The Co operators one step closer to your door With thorough coverages in all lines of insurance and fast friendly claims service The Cooperators is right at home with Waterloo's progressiw character We hope youll say mi" to your new neighbour the next time one of your policies comes up for - . . . I F - A, A_J-. " m" â€mumâ€.-. ...- ..-.77 -"e - _ renewal, We're open regular weekday hours plus Saturday mornings until noon Call or come in to The Cooperators at our new Waterloo location I _ INSURANCE SERVICES University Square Plazaitx'r University Ave. E, at Weber) 7463150 Hath frpp M " (or Wow-M "r Smnbndge. 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