-Tid-biz Scholarship winners were cho- sen by a committee representing government, academic institu, tions, professions and business. The 72 winners were selected from I70 applicants. For the approaching term most students found places in Ontario. Two will work in Calgary and one was placed with the Allied Irish Bank in Dublin. Ireland. Three students from University of Waterloo have been awarded Canadian Mortgage and Housing (CMHC) sch'olarships for graduate studies in housing and related matters. UW students Susan Ann Hendler and Sabine Furino in the Ph.D and MA. levels of the Urban and Regional Planning discipline re- spectively, were two of the win- ners while Toronto resident Mal- colm Roy Matthew, a UW PILD Geography student, was also an award winner. UW students awarded CMHC scholarships A total of 72 scholarships were given out across Canada to stu- dents pursuing master's and doe- toral degrees in the social. eco- nomic, physical and management aspects of housing in regular university programs during the 1985-86 academic year. Laurier’s co-op students find placement All 103 co-op students in the school of business and econonies at Wilfrid Laurier University have been placed for their third work, term, September to December. It is the final work term for the students, who will graduate next year, Throughout their studies they have alternated four months of campus study with four months of practical "xperierw" gained with a number of companies and organizations. Douglas Witmvr. director of co-operative education at Laurier. said snmt‘ students will be return- ing to places where they had worked earlier and others will not new assignments Why do we fail to 39? financial goals'?'?'? he -e "mn- vnn two-r ttlartom) thtat drmm van! (Inn , " mav hasw horn n trrpto win! a whiny!“ or n rrulm‘. m a “union in thy numb Whahwrr II was, um plannwi II. vuu dreamed It. you Imagined IL often for months and mum vmrs be form you 6nalls headed out We all net Khalil, be It ra Nor goals or goal: for our prrnnnnl lives We arr wt hm: them constnntly. often mthnut roaming It We art our gnal to buy a nut rat and we work, and dream, and save until we fulrtll that dream We m.mm So why don't we do the same with our ftntgncttal lives†Sure. I've heard people my "I would like to Mom " mullwnmre " But it's Mid as a dream. without any thought or even hm! that " nothing-th-fart can A goal Is something you want to trrhteve, be have you can afthVP, and work at achieving it The pmblrm In. most of use haw only shun finan rml goals We at! up In the morning only with 019ng to an to work, and to earn that payrhequo In all prob ability we have the goal tn spend It all. and porhapswp have even rommittrd our selves to payments that will exhaus! the money PvPry week, leaving noth mg " for our future Have you ever land (either trrriooly, or ml: "telvr'rdhkrtobeam0o naire"" Haw Frru mm thought vnu ruuld at huwr ""ortuaveyoudetndmtthyt It'mmpnnmhlo for Volt todo Manse Vnuarmunlannrdl nary working ponmn Well. virtunllv M'rrvunr In (Vanndn who In working ran hammer! mnllmnmre. If they plan It properly But you must wt thal1m|.and helwve you can acmmphsh " work out yuur plan and then suck to It. and 1?an Improve on ll, as tum? (are on If you are (’37!!an '15.000 per van. and de rifled tr saw one tenth of whm vou earn namely "mo per vonr or approx: manly $125 per month starting at up 21 earning an average of IS pot rent per year (which I! rnmn Manufacturers Life Insurance Co. hats confirmed intentions to build a 200,000-square foot $20 million complex at Conestoga Parkway and King St. North to accommodate the estimated 900 employees the company will have in Waterloo by the time construe tion would be completed in 1988. Bonnie Stuart Shoes Limited. a leading manufacturer of children's footwear founded in 1910, will also receive a federal contribution, of $194,500. towards a restructuring and moderization program. Kaufman Inc. plans to invest $5,272,500 over the next two years to purchase new production equip- ment. ManuLlfe has plans for new complex ManuLife recently acquired Do- minion Life and the Westmount Rd. offices of Dominion Life have been sold to Economical Mutual Insurance Co. of Kitchener for head office relocation. Big boost for shoe manufacturers The Kaufman Footwear Division of William H. Kaufman Inc., one of the largest Canadian footwear manufacturers, will receive a fed- eral contribution of $1,336,250 from the Canadian Industrial Renewal Board (CIRB) towards a restruct- ing and modernization program. The restructuring and moder- nization program, and the project- ed growth in sales is expected to create [so joys over the next two years. The project which is al- ready under way will enable the company to increase productivity and to improve its global opera- tions. The company is a diversified footwear producer of winter boots, work boots. slippers and casual footwear, generally sold under the brand names Sorel, King Tread. Packard and Foam Tread. Found, ed at the turn ofthe century, it now employs L370 in the Kitchener plant Over the next three yuan. Bon- nie Stuart Shoes Limited plans to invest $683,000 to expand its Kitch- ens-r plant, to acquire new produc- tion equipment and to istall com» pulvrizod management intorma tion and control systems IT’S YOUR MONEY Paul J. Rocket dorm) normal for good In w-strnvnl fuodso you would end up hang worth $3J76‘IRO Yes, that'rt over K, mnllmn dollars (work " out yours-elf (In a ralruln tor Ilf You wait until use 2r, 1091311 ssasnrutthrMl'Z'rper month, Tou wdl end up with 'T.068.fr2N That's " 1 mil hon dollars less than hav 111K “anal at age 21, four warn enrller Hut what If vou wan until an? 30 to “an sauna that $1:me vein: you an“ then end up mth a valuv of 9.520.175 Waiting 9 years {difference between Itartlnz at an! 2t vs Me Wh has cost rlm in $4 mlllmn' sun any It really omphasnos the point that we muM sum glaring Parlv, not our goals. and stuck to Vm Yes, N'OU CAN ham“: .1 n'nllmnmro Foratabletthowtng what ovpr an Invntmont funds have done over the past Pugh! yrars WTHD Paul , Roekel 153 Union St E, Wnterloo,Ontarro NN lC4 o-uIJ madam»! 9.!" CW Plum Lu and ot In. Ind-p.000“! M- munch-I1 Dacha As- mac-no Advertisement we“; <\\/M‘ E (iij)i)1,tC',__) BES“ - 'iiiif?Gs!i,il,), IN E I 22:1 l i? "N THIS‘ ' i,,ri,iii'i_i/rii_1i-i__r_: src-Myra] may k 1'llfl'li 36% FIREiliii l I A (“a (RFG_325.00) 7ID-IN I INING , q 20% orr INSTRUMENTS & ACCESSORIES. ir,,tt,,,t,,S NEW 6:" RH I )NDITK JNTil) INSTRI ’MENTS, ACCESST )RIES, MUSIC. RECORDINGS ... and SALE! Choose from our large sclu‘tion of in stock STE. 1001. MARSLAND CENTRE Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 1T2 August 5 - 17 30% off all in stork Pertussmn & Piano Music! August 19 - 3] 30% offall in stock Cruitar,String and Choral music! , Regina Street North (corner of Erb and Regina), Waterloo, Ontario ('rl9)88tv4990Out of town Customers l all our Toll Frcc Order Grsk l-800Q.65-45N q NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR MADE TO MEASURE CUSTOM CLOTHING q MOST COLOURS AVAILABLE ttltr PE?, . 'ES‘? . "F155; "ig.,,,:..,),." t page“ FIREiliii tty. mum ZIP-IN LINING [ WITH PURCHASE OF JACKEI F'i'at/) \IUSK‘ Storewide SALE PRICES Annun' on all/3n stock items! _ i . /, Summvrh‘st T ‘. / 4 vt‘w‘uL 4033 Atm' r \Hi.’7~ "[ul iG-s,itiotrisioi/l WATERLOO MUSIC LIMITED $1â€? SUPERSPECIAL FEATURES - It, rn Stud.“ In Ihurulas l'Nlll Al'i',lsl H, HHS WATERLOO CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1985 - PAGE 11 48 KINGST. W. KIT. q 20% OFF ALI. MUSIC Professional People Make the Difference t?S4 Wulr â€NINA FINANCIAL PLANNING SERVICES fodass, (gt-i-iii-i-ri-i-ij-ir-g- John Fielding SENIOR CONSULTANT Phone 886-2360 0 ION OFF ALI, RECORDINGS tll “Vi" "_-_""- __ _ a /I f " Lt-oLu'cA'L Ur. up! mun tnqu q $125.00 AND UP . MOST REPAIRS DONE o OVERSIZE EXTRA “(mix .1! (‘\lt'â€('hl prim-U ‘nmnlaw exp. Aug. 31 /85 745-8920 5