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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 10 Jul 1985, p. 37

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25 Child Care LONELY? DON T be CHRISTIAN PEOPLE. Canada - U S A seek correspondence. com- panionship "ages Free delads Ashgrove. P o Box 205. Shushwap Ave . Chase. British Columns. v96 tMO or phone (604) 679-8513. 1-7 0 m Moir day-Ftiday (28) SIEGFRIED BEUH ER Custom Tauoring, alter- anon: and vegans. men s or |adoes wear " ng South (across from War tertoo Town Sauare) (m LOSE WEIGHY eas-ly' Have you tried every dtet and tailed because ot willpowev" CYBERNE- DAYCARE A ENROl l ING 268 Tailoring I mentions 22 Help Wanted CAMP LAZIDAZF Day camp for (hadron 61;) years Mondayrmey 8 30-4 30 July Isl Au gust 23rd one week s03 smns Frrst United Crunch (besndo Watcrloo Town Squaw) For mom mlm malton call Ellon Grant USE OUR Tmlnv nv drp5is maker (nmvaIv Lulu-s or men s alimahmm In mum at [hogs in: Moo Waterloo Town Squaw 886 1250 (tt) A REAL ESTATE Career? 50-t00% spins including most costs Call Fred Hutter, Waterloo Realty lnc.. Gallery of Homes Realtor (across trom Towers Plaza). 8864015 or 886-1000 (28) 23 Agents I Saint Help Excellent selecloon avail- able tor tive-m or ttve-out. child care and housekeep- mg positions Ideal for babies and/or on» schoolers Stork Nanny Setwce. 744-6448 (28) Typewriters cleaned, oiled. adjusted, repairs to all makes; reasonable rates. work guaranteed. Add- Type Business Equipment. 28 Bridgeport Road East, Waterloo (just down trom Towers). 885-2570. (tt) 20 Ttp-tite swarm BRICKLAYERS urgently needed, Iully qualified. union rates, Work in To- ronto, Mississauga. Oak- ville or Brampton, Call collect 836-5181, (31) Professional Nannies 17Tmck|lu$llo ms is the answev for many problems Guaran- teed row": For tt tree brochure cal 1800-263 0512 Sample cassette salable $3 postage and handing (28) 1978 DODGE window van, power stealing and brakes, two bench seats in rear. $900 as is. Days 579-4400. evenings 893- 3592. (28) Typewriter Sales-Service childven I’ -6 years tor full or part-ttme proqmm Lrrncoio/Unsertuty .Ima Call 8841561 (HI) 1966 CHEVY Y2 ton pick- up, 250. 6 cyl.. 3 speed. In good condition. St .000 or best Otter. Asis. Phone 696-3372. New Dundee. after 6 pm. 886- 7876 TO SELL OR BUY 310 at time ot appointment. 743-042 1 AVON (P8) 9 r 34 We! kutruction GERVAIS PAINYING a Decorating. you supply the materials, we ll supply the label Phone 743 I743 (29) FREE CAREER Guide tte- scubes 200 learn-ah homecorrespoodeoce de- Moms coulses Account- mg. Art. Bookkeeping. Busmess Management Clerk Typist. Secretary. Jourrtausm, Television Sen/rung, Travel Gran, too (5A) 263 Addaude West, Toronto 1300- 2684121 8859940 George “dwell Keyboards Organ Plano (popular and rlasstca0 lessons Ouah "Pd loarhom Rog-slot now 36 Educational/Trade CAREER IN deung Transport duvets needed Now us the ttme to ham for your Class A Incense For prascreenmg and pot) placement mlormaluon_ cootact Merv Orr s Trans- port Dover Trammg. PENPALS tN Canada wani- ed urgently - all ages Wale The Pen Society. 1-7 Wigan Lane. Chorley. Lancs. PR7-4BS. Eng- land (28) MENSA -- A Soual club tor hnthy mk-lhgenl 000 pln Enlpy the company ot your poms 741%1600 PIANO l ESSONS Booking DATES GALORE tor all; ages and Unattached Thousands ot members) annous to meet you I Presoqe Acqumotaocos Call toll-tree 1300-963 9163 noon lull 8 p m (13) Betty dancingPtastetul en- tertainment tor your party. Catt Najwa, 744-1354 ttO PREGNANT AND msurc of what the future holds? Talk It over wnlh a friendly counsellor at Burthnghi, 579-3990 (N) THE SEARCH is on to locate and recognize the outstanding young people of Ontario. It you would like to nominate a deserv- ing young person aged 6 to 18 for an Ontario Junior Citizen at the Year award. contact this news- paper, (27) Meet the one you've been looking tor! Call now for special introductory otter. 885-6276 Wednesday- Sunday 4 00-1000 p m RAZOR CUTS tor naturally curly hair. or tor people who don't like all that bulk in their style, for easier roller-sets, or leathered styling. I give excellent razor cuts at Hens n' Chicks Beauty Salon. 59 Menno Street. Waterloo 886-2733 (ti) Cambndge, Len-2:30 (1?) for birthday), ban- quets. picnics. clubs. Professional, humor- ous. Very,reasort- able. Hartley: 658-681 1 now tor Sr-pH-mtmr Ic-arhm has ARCI m pmlmmanr l lsr cnhalr' Diploma from U of I All grades Weslvalv Mead, owe Waterloo 746 16tlt (31) MAGICIA/N birthday), b BELLY GREETING MATCH 1O t2rt (28) TREE STUMP REMOVAL Ca“ G sander. 762- ‘675 ttn IAINTAII THE. MS. w, Stereo. “am On I We. PAINVING AND Wallpaper Repairs all makes and "todets, tow rates Phone 893-54“ Now on our 10th season Total charge $2200 m- cludung tax Ca" 886- CE RAMIC RE PAIRS v Bathrooms and lulchens om specolty Catt tttMr 4080 (N) Hverything done by hand: washing. waxing, interior shampoo, motors steam cleaned, Cars, vans pick-ups. boats. 312 Marsland hrnq- (rear building) ttti6 If)” Open N OO-S 00 Monday Friday. Salur day till noon ZUMA V|DEO Productions Inc Weddings husmess. t_rrmmercral Insurance. all Duns-(ms Roast)" ahlr- and motocmmnal Call 5760564 U?) Protection from gas & oil Acrylic base. 24 month guarantee 579-t838 BEST FOR LESS [BETH STUDENTS - Experienced m painting, driveway seating. rooting, drywall and patio stone installa- tion, minor repairs. Free estimates, Not tran- chised. compare and save. 886-0433, (31) A-1 CAR, CLEANING mu small won-Is In waits lesnnahlv rate, win: 0011‘s "or vshmnltw Iyrnoss Kuhv ra.' 915] FREE CAREER guide de- scribes 200 learn-at- home correspondence di- ploma coutses) Account- ing. Art, Bookkeeping. Business Management, Clerk Typist. Secretary. Journalism, Television Servicing, Travel Gran- ton (SA). 263 Adelaide West, Toronto. 1-800- 268-1 121. ' (28) DRIVEWAY SEALING Reasonable Rates AUCTtON SCHOOL. 14th year. 1.200. graduates. Courses April. August and December. Write Western Canada School of Auctioneering. Box 687, Lacombe. AB, TOC ISO. Phone (403) TW?- 6215 (28) 36 Edtteatitmal/Tmde CALL 885-5057 ' MAINTENANCE Painting ' Wallpatteriog Roofing . Patios no. Ewan!” PHONE 632-7255 OIL SPRAYING GASCHO HOME CARE You Simply the Point We'll Supply the Painter Reasonable Rates 746-1 TTS EDIE (him! (all) and We Ltt) tttl (N) McTAVtSHS CLOCK Re- can Shop - Soeccahzm an vegan and compete over haul o! anhoue docks. p'olessuonal Ivaumng Free estmates Onevveat quavantee Quad: move- mm: from Us oo coon plate 664-2650 (Across trom Waterloo Stock Yards) (I!) oe SPRAYING - Cars and trucks undercoaied 'or rust prohNmoo T View. 65 Main Street. abom- inodale, 742-2051 tttt A-I YEAR Round Tree DRIVEWAV REPAIR Ser- vice - Asphalt sealing to (reserve and protect your asphalt also hot I“ remain 7424051 (In At If IS ON (valanq lnlo um and manna! pamlmq walk ovenng Ps-rears ouwremce Free esh mates "5-673tt ttft APPLIANCE REPAIR . Why pay the bog guys the" bug prrceso Erme Snow s My phance Room! at a our}! you can attord Relugela- [ms stoves washms, dryers, etc Semov Cttr (on s (1051mm! Fvenonq appointments avaulable Call 745-9?40 BEAUS TREE Service - Topping. wunmg, lemo vals and hedges Spe- Clallzmg In omamental and fruit lrees. 14 years experience Special low rates tor seruor cmzens 894-1656 after 500, or ca" collect t-r53-356O or 1484-2844 (N) Service . Maumenance and removal Insured " H Kesselnng , Son. Kn- chener Phone 576, 853t (N) H P Matshmd ryreve, )Cnm plvlo qhmpvmnq smvuv all typos I albums cm um: and hand saws. SCessorsf (booms hoses skates. lifwn and garden tools Shop hours " oo 5 oo, 5iatorday llll mum HH4 5401 (If) LAKESHORE ROOFING - New roots, re-roohrtg, ve- paus. workmanship guaranteed, free este- mates Phone 8tMrotMu, Sonny's Sharpening Free Estimates PATIQS, SIDEWALKS RETAINING WALLS TREE TRIIIIIIG, SODDIIIG Trees, Shrub. and Flowers Planted 312 Marsland Dr. Indoor and Outdoor Home Improvements Guaranteed to your Satisfaction JOE’S APPLIANCE SALES a SERVICE References available upon request We're now selling USED APPLIANCES - washers, etc. o repairs to most major appliances 1 Oh, OFF ALL WORK Free Estimates 653-4478 after 6 p.m.. ask for Tom SCHNARR’S LANDSCAPING Locally Owned and Operated Construction at and Dr. (rear) Waterloo 578-0780 (If) RUBBISH REMOVAl - Wall EXPERIENCED cabinet- QUALITY oe Spuyino. dried and aimed. used 579-2871 Take a welt deserved test and let us clean you home Visa and MasterCard arcrmed tnserts. Single sheets. new: mums. cata|ogues. He q very reasonabie rates Call Waterloo Chvomcle M2830b (N) Cieanrng Service -own oompmonl. supple -dust vacuum tloors walls wmdows done weekly moaned and msored '" F REE estomatos washing. ugh! moving. cleaning (basements. qaraqes. amcs). odd yobs Jen Havdmg 8849831 All PlUMBING Rena-rs Water heaters and sor tenets Installed Pamlmg and decovalmg Call Bot, 576-29“ (If) ALL TYPES ot renovallons. guaranteed. quality wont, manshlp at compehttve prices Buck work. liver places, plastering. drywall. conuele work and carpentry Free es- timales Small protects a sumnany "ttrt, Wundev Construchon 884 2815 trucks and vans. " 'rsrtrtrRicoRuePto- 2847 -tetirtgs (36) 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE WATERPROOFING SPECIALISTS WE DELIVER Gov t consumer Bonded Daisy fresh Work Guaranteed 893-7464 LOW PRICES leaky Basements Emir ”HOC'OO" ot Cracks. All Foun rial-(m Problems 745-7790 WAIERLOO tiYrt9tqtTE, Meson. My 10. was - PAGE 37 "" iarThiAt- _r"r.r (m reasonable rates. Catt 884- 6743 for tree qtatimatea. TREE TOP - Tree Care. " aspects ot tree mainte- nance. fully nuatitied. tully insured Free estimates plus t0% discooot tor senior citizens. Call Greg M2-2026. 745-3100 7 Wesmoum _ - TRUCKING & EXCAVATING o VERY GOOD QUALITY o SCREENED a BEGUM 603 Colby Dr. Waterloo N2V 1 A 1 NANNYS. EOE. GRANATES AND BABYSITTERS FOR POSITIONS IN CHILD'S HOME - JULY, AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER. FULL 0R PART-THE AVALABLE LIVE GUI/WE " NEGOTIATE OWN SALARY EXCELLENT REFERENCES REQUIRED CAR HELPFUL TO REGISTER PLEASE CALL 742-3 s 3 , 3-EGG OMELETTE PAINTING BREAKFAST SPECIALS PLUS‘ TOAS Nutritious & tasty! so Vim In a. an?“ 8851“” ALL-BRAN MUFFIN iijrilifg ". FIRST COFFEE FREE.', CEEEEE Specializing in: LULA' o 'ttata, (24) " ' CAMBRIDGE BABYSITTING SERVICE complete collision refinishing service car sales DELAVAL CHALLENGER 'eatdsr,competrrunitwittt w. aides. control box. manual and 18 tran- SUPER BUY” spenders. 'ltr/fo or beat alien Phone (519) 356- 2456. Atwood. (28) 884-961 o Give pulse. a bunk. W a will. $195 Auto “Amid- $1

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