If l was told once whik growing up at home, 1 whs told a million times: stand or sit up straight. My mother even threatened to put tuners on the backs of our chairs to keep us upright. Rounded shoulders in] growing girl or boy will more often than not lead to rounded shoulders as n adult. If your round shoulders have been around for a long time, you'll need to stretch chest-to-shoulder muscles and tighten back-to-shoulder muscles. Until the balance is made the short chest muscles will try to pull your shoulders forward like a tight elastic. The moment you forget to pull your shoulders back- sproing! - your shoulders slump forward again. To help align your shoulders properly in a position which will be comfortable and eventually natural, a few daily upper body exercises can help. 1. Sit straight as you can on a chair with your knees bent and apart, leaning forward slightly. Stretch your upper body up and back to get the feeling that your back is arched. (It will not actually arch much in this position.) Keep your chin level. forcing your back to stay up a little more. Now move both arms out to the side at shoulder height. Push them back as far as they will go, making sure to keep them up high. Visualize your shoulder blades touching behind. As you are doing this exercise it forces your shoulders back and stretches your back. Do at least 25 repetitions a day. Once your arms feel comfortable in this Me Ar am TNe. VIND . I}; terwelntver tistserudieo, W415 's tent, (reereert fer/ttree- '5‘...†551W" uriiYdii,Riie (a? -. by m‘ippvgï¬w/‘awï¬ ")1Ml Fitness Forum Kathy Hammond Fitness Instructor Peter Etril Snyder 'r.), Not only does a proper posture look better, it makes you feel much better by improving your breathing (it lifts your chest expanding your lungs); it helps relieve tenseful pain around the neck, shoulders and back; it helps to slow down kyphosis (curvature of the spine that seems to shrink people in their old age); it also helps to visually destroy Dowager's hump " hormonally induced layer of fat that gathers at the neck and «upper back. Though Dowager's hump is generally hereditary, it can be lessened with good posture and good muscle tone). position. you can make it a little more diftieult, by bending your elbows slightly and tensing your entire, arm while pushing back. 2. Clear the furniture and find a spot against a wall. Sit with your rear end pushed right up against the wail, and push your shoulders back until they too touch the wall. If your shoulders are rounded, this position may be painful. Only sit upright in this position for a short period of time until your back gets used to it, then gradually increase your duration. You may at that time raise your arms over your head so they too are against the wall. 2. Periodically throughout the day stretch as tall as you can, using only your upper body. It will help you have a smooth and strong centre back, as well as lift your chest and contract the muscles which run the length of your spine. . ri.rb, "non J“ m, Their hearts go out to tornado victims My husband, myself and our little boy, due to severe health problems knocked down every wall in our home (from the' inside), in an attempt to remove Urea Formaldehyde Foam Insulation. and we thought we had troubles, but after reading about the terrible tornado tragedy. we are counting our blessings and consider our- selves very fortunate indeed that we at least had a home left to salvage. flriiiiiEEEE People oitimes will say that one cannot understand another person‘s plight unless they themselves have been through it, and even though I am an outsider looking in, i would like to express and submit in poetry my feelings, to all the victims in Barrie and surrounding areas, affected by the tornado. Some while back, i was feeling down and depressed about being old. Decided if you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at, so I wrote a column about "You know you‘re old when. . ." And for a while, it did the trick, I loosened up and started acting like a kid again. it didn't last. About two weeks ago, l began feeling incredibly old. Again. Don't know if it was because my wife started acing me on the tennis court. or because I got my foot tromped on in sio-pitch and it still hasn't recovered, or because my bank manager keeps waving RESP material in my face. Anyways, I'm all down and depressed again, enough to warrant a column on "You know you‘re old when ... Part H." THE STREET WHERE YOU LIVED You look at your street in disbelief, and for many there is a terrible grief. The folks who lost children and family, our hearts cry out to all of thee, for the aftermath of this tragedy will remain I hunted memory. - factories, proud. clean and neat, now all that's left, as you look around. is a rubble at your feet. Your home’s a vacant - devoid of grace and of all dignity bereft, and it's hard to believe that in seconds. you were Wireless and had nothlng left. Butthroughtheturmoll-therelshope- and If and you will and SW. and thoughtheroadtorecoverywlllhelou. you wlll thad that people will help you along. No one can “and or comprehend what ttttgg', “thatâ€. lying 'adaitdlTt-ibtqrettadtttted I better get started right away, since I'm not sure how much time 1 have left. Without further ado, "You know you‘re old when: o Fellow employees ask you whether you’d wear a gold watch "if someone gave one to you." - - _ - 0 You go to your barber, say "part it in the middle. just like always Gary", and he replies "do you have a second choice?" . You look at the Father's Day cards you‘d like to get. _ _ q You stop asking how much the slo-pitch prize money is and start asking how many games you have to play on Saturday. - 0 You pass" the sugar-coated cereals and go right to the Corn, Flakes. - - q Feeling young and Spry. you get out the lospeed to ride to work and overhear two iT-year-olds say "hey, lookit Mr. Campbell riding a bicycle, ever neat, eh?" o Sombone a'cc'uses you of Being a Yuppie. and your secretary says "Him? Maybe no years ago. . ." ever neat, eh?" - . You stop drinking coffee because it will keep you up past 9: 30 at uight_. WATEllOO ME. WV. JUNE 12. ttttts---) , Creaky Rick Campbell Chronicle Editor 0 You take I lawn chit to your kid's ball game instead of sitting on those pain-in-the-butt bleachers. 0 You. have 13 cans of old-formula Coke in your fridge and cagt't for the life of you figure out why you are so popu- lat. q You not only see the merits but also sing the praises of a front-wheel drive economy sedan. - A - _ o The last thing you said last night was "not tonight, dear. and what the hell ever happened to the headaches you used to get all the time?" o You-wait three hours for the repair- man to fix the elevator so it can take you to apartment 201. - _ A oYou take long-sleeve button-front shirts and corduroy pants to Grand Bend. oThe bartender dares you to take a flyer on a Ward Eight. and you reply, "no, I've never had any complaints with Air Canada." when UFFl came our way, but we'd a home to salvage and though it took years, until today, we're glad it's all behind us, and we know that's what you‘ll say, when you get your lives together, you‘ll find calm after stormy weather. oYou have no more room on your suitcases for vacation stickers. q You do an eye test for deteriorating vision - and put finger prints on your glasses. 7 If we cried a thousand tears for you, it would never be enough, so hang in there, you must be strong, for the going will be rough'. onou‘re livid at Mike Wilson for partially de-indexing pensions. - oyodr nephew isies what it was "really like" in the days of disco. - ,, oYour alma mater' newsletter bills you for 1985 on your honorary lifetime subscription. Always be thankful for the gift of life. for others they are gone, and for their friends and family the sorrow will live on. OUR HEARTS ARE WITH YOU Moira Rhos and family Waterloo. om. q You wonder why the eight-tracks are so cheap at all the garage sales. A o You- suddenly _feelv college house painter prices aren't so baf after_a0. - 0 You lake a bath instead of a shower. to reduce the chance of slipping. - Kidney group thanks all for support o Other columnists like' -Bitl Smiley write columns about being old, and you say, "say,itha3's you: bed idea.", Yawnf'l‘hink I'll close here. until next time. Fingers crossed. The Region of Waterloo Chapter of the Kidney Foundation of Canada wishes to thank everyone who supported our annual campaign for funds. Special thanks is extended to all our volunteer canvassers who braved the winter winds and in doing so lncreaaed this year's campaign reve- ones for 23%. To date, “I.†has been donated and this figure should be signifi- cantly increased throuyl corporate dona- The revenue from the campaign will support the Foundation's Research, Pa, tient Services. Organ Donor Awareness and Public Education Programs. Hopeful- Ir. with the help of our generous eommuni- tr, a cure will be found for kidney disease. We also remain optimistic that through our Organ Donor Awareness Program. - " he available tor transplant tor all Canada: who need them. . Stalls-dam