PME 11r.u-ieut0CMrttmtt2t,E.+-tttv.gttNE 12. i“ Coral Andrews Chronicle Special Margo Smith, the brains and brawn behind Mr. Bojangles Dance Studio has undaunted determination and dedication to the younger feet of tomorrow. Her own dance movement is filled with indomitable spirit and spunk. Smith has managed to instill that same feeling of spirit and spunk, and good fun in all her students whether it's the Junior Company or the best overall senior performer. The result is the same. The was Bojangles Dance extravaganza held recently at uw Humanities Theatre was a colorful display of the hard work put into the dance studio during the past season. Called Saturdiy Mbrning Cartoons and Rhythm of the Streets all of Smith's sou students participated in the show. Colorful performances in Bojangles year-end revue The real show was behind the scenes as Smith Tmmm.muw "yrrriestrGaaiGtaGsor-soosortt-stior, o't'"ctoro'th"itch---oo_oetttttitwtoortu-sdcidtv-, TAKE NOTICE that a general meeting ot the members at the Kitcttener-Waterioo and North Waterloo Humane Society (the "Soclety") will be held at the Waterloo Motor Inn. 475 King Street North, Waterloo. on ane 27; 1985. atT30, on: for the purpose of electing directors. Pursuant to an Order ot the Supreme Court of Ontario dated May 22. 1985, Mr E. w. Contin of the firm ot Peat, Mamick. Mitchell & Co, was appointed as interim receiver of the Society for the purpose of giving noth and conducting the general meeting ot the Society. ap- provrng applications tor membership and other related matters. Any questions on these matters should be directed to his attention. The interim receiver hereby invites all interested persons at least 18 years old on June 27th. 1985 to apply tor membership in the Society by dating. signing and returning the accom- panying application form along with a ss membership tee to: Peat. Harm. “itch." a Co. _ "tt King Street South Wm.Ont-do "2.11†AW: E. W. Comm. C.A. The apNtcatiootormsrttustttedepositedwtthE. w. Conunonor betoee June 21. 1985. m ordertortotemhertobemttidtoatteodtmdtovoteatthemoetiog. AmomhermutstNrpre- seotinthemeetirtgroomatthetirmrtttevoteist-inorttortocastdvote. TtteirttertmreceivertNoitwttettrtmvirtt-ttirsorot-1tiarsoittooame2r. 1985mmmmepoduonofoinctorofmeSOOMybydating.www.mretummgthe matompanyirtgicatiooformtoE. W. Corttin,ttttheatto-tttrests,ooorttetoee.tuoist?1, 1985.Twotvomwflbedochduflismooï¬ngforatormoloneyw.Ahmmatdato.a moimmwdmmmmawumneoslosundtoretectionas Director-ttatt-ttiF-ore-ttOE.)' DATEDJuoer.tM6 The undersigned. being at but " your: odd. GdirGiGi/a mqmttrtr of the Kitchenet- wmmmmwm,mwwwymmwy«mm¢m cht"%rortheSocistrEmgoomnutttosmomurattipUe, KmMiNEttAltlmytut0 m NORTH WATERLOO "WINE SOCIETY NOTICE OF GENERAL MEETING OF MEMBERS Ar.uGATt00tmNttt-cToqt- APPLICATION FORMEMBEm- and various volunteers diligently organized the kids for an unpredictable but creative two-hour presentation. The Saturday funnies featured all the favorite cartoon characters including the Cabbage Patch Dolls, Disney celebrities. The Flintstones, and even George of the Jungle (Bojangles senior Chris Huston who casually swung in on a Tarzan rope). Hodgins and her furry following. made Bojangles '85, the 'cat's pyjamas' in thoroughly professional and enjoyable style. The show highlight was a medley from the smash musical Cats, which featured Sandy Hodgins as the beautiful feline Grizabella. In the pitch black, Grizabella aniilG. cat chorus, crept onto the stage through the hou& startling several audience members. Hodgins' fluid motions. brought a lump to the throat. and she danced to the haunting song 'Memories.' E. ttr.Coetttet Delivered This Week With udies'BethrthratitrSttringaetdSuntmer Iiatiiiiistuiiithiiiiiioifih' IE - - -- tl?,,!?,,!,!.?,,,?,,!?.,!,,!,,')!'!,!,] SHOP AND SAVE! ttto-tn-tr-eo-m-ttooo' " Churgh StAmtttr 011999) Kitchen“ 744-5611 macaw 21%c 'etrfootNirttv-aeooAttromiotAcrvrtcutos Mummy-lemma». Designer Fashions sold at a fraction of the original price "Dress with class for Less" [jiEEi51fr%E El2EiiiririT -. (~me Mama!†Mon-$9}. " a.rn.-s:3tip.m.; Fri. 6 p.m. for consignment sale 2'ttS' m mm trim PM v-aitod " Mac} am "â€" WL‘uExWEn-nd mama“ M"ac .432 and. a. E. Kit. "'l'rll/ Wan-Ito“ I. -