As your body growls and develops, it deposits minerals in your bones to help you mature into a healthy person. During your adult years, however, bones maintain themselves by gradually re- placing bone tissue with new tissue. For many people this bone loss makes the bones quite porous and brittle, resulting in the many broken bones old people suffer as a result of a tall. The bone loss itself will not be painful, but will lead to numerous physical condi- tions if not prevented. pause years, when estrogen levels go down. One out of every four women in North America over age so is affected by osteoporosis, and many more by age TO. Men are not immune. One in eight elderly men suffer as well. Studies have shown that certain physi- cal characteristics such as thyroid diseases. decreased hormone levels. and particularly lack of physical activity may promote osteoporosis in certain people. There are many ways to help prevent your chances of suffering the weakening. stooping effects. The first preventative treatment is to exercise regularly. Even moderate ex- cercise helps promote stronger bones. Bone loss begins earlier and happens much quicker with women. Because the female hormone estrogen plays a vital role in keeping bones strong and pre- venting ooteoporosls, women are espe- daily susceptible during their meno- #14- IN Fi.AbgpErts Haws i Za' 1tagrzr'--eaaxy MMKQMQW zâ€??? PM Pields ", atets m; far/9:1 l 'talt/Veg/tPast/as' 'qtee'tt.tit"" I â€W45 =4i&aataattp was twen 2 Mase. MM}. ,rcd _?llt'r,s] Fitness Forum Kathy Hammond Fitness Instructor Male and female athletes have demer bones than their non-athletic counter- Proper nutrition is equally important " the exercise. Osteoporosis otter: results from a lack of protein in the body. Protein is needed to make protein- calcium substances which make bones strong. A daily intake of calcium may include foods such as. dairy products (particularly yoghurt. milk and cheese), salmon. and dark, leafy vegetables such as spinach and broccoli. Fifteen minutes to an hour of sunshine each day will help you to meet the adult daily requirement of vitamin D. Milk, egg yolk, liver and grains are also good sources of vitamin D. Avoid tobacco. alcohol. salt and cat- teine. As little " three cups of eottee a day can leak calcium, magnesium, and tine from bones which may cause 05- teopttrrtsis. Some people are more susceptible to the risks of suffering from osteoporosis; fair-skinned white women (dark-skinned women and men have denser bone mass); women having a history of the disease; thin women under five feet six inches tall; women who have never been pregnant; women who are past mew - or who have had their ovaries removed; people who smoke; people who lack calcium; and people who are physically inactive. Ur The reality is a bit different. The missiles, which the sm is supposed to Aiefend us from, are of the ballistic kind, "otorttlttirtg. Agty1CBMrtotttitdttrirttritsttoootta" will attain its ballistic trajectoty not unlike that of an artillery shell. The What goes up must come down. This old adage seems to have fallen by the wayside judging by the Star Wars simulation on TV. There, one up by Benny's Raygun 'mibingo,ttrtaeisttteenissile.'rooniceto fEiEiiiEEM Canada would get clobbered by Star Ware More-cc therefrom [lea Em and mntrseeorreetimteittiiities. Tttder-Xtra-tharp-tio-laser 'amsttteatmagemtutttttotnmttttmttgttits Weave shleld in and“ to set off the nt'et-tHviee.Agtyiesserdngrtnt-id 1-ettt-tteettieirtitstraleetorymtiitt maehetheat-btre.D-dirtgetatthe tatt-dans-it-tttheat-tttttrg hummmwcmmm manna. Akitagktttettrtna-ttemdetetttte north pole reveals that all [Gill’s [smelled bylllempew Inns: cm CanadiagtteeMhtertomeelttteirroqteet- 1vetartrtta.Wheredetestttisi-9. 'lornaturwttotrrq6atstnrtedtt,we mum! Are we 'eitr so mud â€AW! -taromt-tntetimit I'm no Maren! than anyone else. I wapg to any the question. too. Cote. why'd you do it? Why'd you no and sweeten your taste and make yourself less Nay? Anyone who hasn't had his/her bead buried in the and knows that the Soda Pop Wars will be the‘biggest news of the summer of was. The soft drink Battle Royale will make the Hab/Nordique playoff look like Thursday afternoon bridge club. Companies have pulled out all stops, strategies are firmly in place. everytrickinthebookisbeingtrotted out by marketing moguls in pursuit of that precious commodity "market Buy any newspaper and you're likely to get a coupon for this guy’s or that guy's Pop-- on the house. Wars waged in TV commercials are reaching insanity proportions - no holds barred. Cheap shot commentaries quick hit on the air waves. And even in your neighborhood grocery store, you can't turf: an aisle comer without a sample being shoved in your face. What all this boils down to of course is, can Coca-cola be toppled from its perennial rank of King of the Castle by runner-up Pepsi or by a cola-lition of Pepsi and other lesser-known brands? What has moved the news of the war from page three to page one in market- ing magazines was the astonishing decision made in Coke's Atlanta board- room to alter the taste of their product after decades of praising Its original, traditional taste. Suddenly, out of no- where, just as the battle in the trenches reaches a fever pitch. Coca-Cola makes what many believe to be the most bone-headed move of the marketing decade. Sweeter. Less fizz. Bad enough they felt they needed a "new improved" label on their product. Worse yet, they have changed the taste to the point where it now tastes like Pepsi - their only serious competitor. No one under, stands why, not the concerned con- sumer, not Coke's competitors, not even Bill Cosby, who tlogs Coke on Canadian commercials. Just what is the Western World coming to when a product as traditional as Chevrolet and apple pie, to say nothing of Mom, is allowed to make a unilateral move like this? WAT8MutoCMRtmtth,E.-t-.,turets. tMS-Pat., Coke pokes Jim Brickman thanked for generosity The staff and participants at the Adult Recreation Centre wish to thank Mr. Jim Briclunan of Brick Brewery for his generous donation to Senior Adult Pm grams in the City of Waterloo. The Kitchener-Waterloo Bosnia] Aun- iarymtahdtihetoesqteesathefrthaaAsto themanywhoaupponedthesstdmual NearlyNevSale. We 1"Jf,uttgittdt22tle the 'tmt.terettodttesated apaceand allowed as to display tbases In their ostatttiattrneaVtm-eeehaattsortto Mandaruchabrsale. Mg,'ut",t,,'I2oaeft,etiht,7, men es-ttot-ttttairtime-tet and "tl,maMngit-ittletorai.e nun toward the Equipment Renewal Cam- 'taigrt.'Nermetatirstrtgartiei-ed- qdtohtealehartties. t01t8arnsagreatseaeeesaeatdgeehm& 1itrryito-tttetr,wttttrmr+_ - His generositi is recognized and very much unpainted. - -- _ " K-W Hospital Auxiliary says thank you Ageottter-totttBttw? WM Mather chance“: than» "At Speedy. you‘re a nobody.†“mama. Ford Motor Co., 'hhtmtitytteseoene"Jotrp?" summer day than going into the variety store. lifting up that cooler lid, pulling out a Coke. cracking it open, and downing the sucker in about three gulps while the tizz stung your nose. And how many did we knock back on Friday nights in high school, down at the pizza Joint waiting for the double cheese and pepperoni? Coke, definitely, was it. A household name, just like Band-aids, Kleenex and Aspirin. I suppose the same wizards respons- ible for making Coke a household name for us are the same folks who now feel that the beat way to tackle the opposition is to allow it the opportunity to fail over itself laughing. That Pepsi is doing, and why not? How would you react it your arch-enemy. in the heat of the biggest battle you have ever waged, changed his/her product to appear just like yours? breakfast table to a howlful o! “Whea- ties, the Breakfast of 'tta-rs-arp."' IteellhaveeveryrtghttoaskCoke wttytheydidwhatttteydid,aradmsotst to minute that diapering wimp Pepsi put attlterndoftsertsedirtiuiatestrvttihe at Coke. It's just that, well. tradition dieshardandnvtttkourmmi-s't impoverished when l was a kid, let me tell you, an tee-cold Coke was a real treat. to be sure. I can remember like yesterday [mule Glass's Bar Wall when Kenny Corfield and I combined to knock back 47 stamens ofCoke over a two-day period. We weren't much into dancing then, except to the little boys' SPP?: There was no better teem after Pepsi cannot believe its good fortune. Coke lovers are up in arms. Marketing minds scratch their heads in disbelief. The king's castle is on shaky ground. Millions of foreigners faint " the thought of learning to pronounce Pepsi. And a columnist fears for his 2Wyear-old record, set back at Lornie Giass's Bar Mitzvah, when fizz meant (in and less sweet meant 47 trips to the bar. And the little men's room. sulfa-I'm “new