Waterloo Public Library Digital Collections

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 5 Jun 1985, p. 33

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TOWNSHIP OF Hunger- tord. Hastings County, re- quires a Clerk-Treasur- er/Tax Collector, The applicant must have a good knowledge of Pro- vincial Legislation and regulations which govern municipal altairs. be re- soonsibie tor alt statutory duties of the clerk and treasurer's position, in- cluding preparation at council agendas and min- utes. corretrpondertce. preparation of bylaws. conducting municipal elections. tile drainage procedures. duties relat- ing‘ro the Planning Act 22mm“; 21):” thqtortttttltie 20 TWO! Wm Typewriters cleaned. oiled, adjusted. repairs to att makes; reasonable rates, work guaranteed. Add- Type Business Equipment. 28 Bridgeport Road East. Watedoo (just down from Towers). 885-2570. tttl BUSINESS MAN opening steel building dealership. High potential profits available; pan-time or Typewritet mama “Castor“. 1977 PONTIAC Lemans, B-cylinder, automatic. white with red stripe. good condition. um cec- 1982 RED CAMARO. V-6 automatic, immaculate condhion. 32,000 miles, $9.900 or best offer Call after 4:00 pm. 893, 3740, (23) GOLDEN COUMED pan German Shepherd spayed lemon. loves IRISH WOLFHOUNDS - Registered CKC. vaccin- 10kg,m.m 20kg, "'rer. 10kgpuppyfood 20kgpuppyinod coond ohm July 4th. 1085. u tzao on, M. Township ot Nu»- cm... Predemnce MI with AMCT Datamation or yunlclpal Accounting my mankind e'xnotionce Mulbocommomu- trhMirtgpresparationotan- nual budget and be 826.000 oer "mun; range. new W3. Women may in was“... ts: wisdom. The posi- Tweed. ammo. xok lull-time in your area. Some areas taken. Call 1-303-759-3200, excen- sion 2407, (23) my. $1800. or best otter 744.9105. ttt) ages Color Mouton and bloodlines. 1405-362- 6114. (23) ated. wormed, various tree to good home. atu, 1059. (23) 9 Herben St., Waterbo 'DOGFOOD Factory Outlet for an ac- administra- mt Act. ti- S 7.50 $14.00 t 8.50 $1635 RAz0RCUrtHurnaturattr mm M. a $ttr PM wttttdttet'tttuattthatttu- In hair 'tre, hr - "raltitdetttottmtitstts DotTNOW1Wttvsmittor sprietttft%tgtriedBerutier USE OUR “not or drou- mku. complete Mics’ “Leam Through Fwy" Nursery proovams for 2- " crafts. music. French. growth and fine motor skills. Also onrlohment pro- DAYCARE - ENROLLING children Ih-6 years for mu or pan-time program Lincoln-University ates, Cal 8tM-rtiBt. (26) 744-6448 23 Mlmw Avon. Canada's 31 direct- sening company, has im- mediate openings tor Sales Representatives in these neighborhoods: Beech.. wood, Lakeshore. Univer~ sity of Watenoo area. 250mm NANNIES Exceliem selection of pro- lessional nannies including E.C.E. and experienced winemakers tor live-in or out positions. Stork Nanny Sewice. T44-4%48. t267 A CHILDWT w who is disabled Volunteer Through K-W EXTENWAIlY on a regulat basis Quality Tot Timé PART-TIME sales help LICiiitiiil© A REAL ESTATE Career? 50-100% splits including most costs, Call Fred Hotter. Waterloo Hearty Inc. Gailery of Homes Realtor (across trom Towers Mala) 836-7015 or 886-1000 (24) m. t W new w.msm.so EXPANDING NORTHERN Ontario My newspa- per lemmas experienced reporter / photographer Car essential Refer- onces‘ Chance for ad- vancement Send resume to: Box 1629, Espanda. Ontario. POP tCO (clos- ing June 8ttt) (23) FASHION-CONSCIOUS SALESPEOPLE WANTED PLUMBER OR sonic! att- ptenlice required, Must be sett-starter, able to handle service and io- staltatiorts Send resume to Highlands PDumbmg, Box 424. Minden. Ontar- io, KOM 2K0 (23) mom and repairs. men's or - ”or. " King South (new from Wa- terbo Town Sam). on who ttt Ragga Foe Men 8064250 12M“ FMS WANTED to pm? “do We: can foe cttir own. Daily rule, um and wopon ”was INCH needed to sell listings m new speakers directory, 40% commission, Phone 885-4409 evenings (25) Call: 743-0421 0640. Lbby McLean or am “not. tttt aIen‘s Services, 576- To omy tterytiiirid 884-984 , for (25) GIILS‘ GUEST Ranch. R.- batted mum MtqclaN- FMY MAKER M - BELLY GREETING Tastelul antenainmenl tor Father's Day for the man who has everything. Call Najwa ra4-t354. (24) ONTARIO WATERWAY Cruise. on Ride-u Canal and Tatum Wat“. way; mm. “and and PREGNANT AND unsure at what the tuture howls? Talk it over with a friendly counsettor at Birthright. 579-3990. (If) LONELY? Don't bel Chris- tian people. Canada- USA. seek correspood- eoCe-companiooahip. all 31 "tatettthetotmttxtgtiott MENSA - A Social club tor highly Intelligent peo- Pte. Enjoy the company at your peels. 742-99161") DATES GALORE for an ages and Unattached, Thousands ot members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances. Call toil-inc 1300-26} 1M63ttooettittBp.m.tt3t We'll help you reach the audience that's searching tor you. 57500 regiatra- tion lee for “In Touch" - the who's who directory of Ontario's speakers and de- moetatratora. IN TOUCH WW 885-4409 MYOU? "momma 'tBtttmttatttatttutt 0-14 you", Brochure: From-v w, Home 2. Whit LAO. Ont-Io. KOA 10. tAttSAb23-S6rr, for birthdays, ban- quets, picnics. clubs. Professional, humor- ous. Very reason- able. an M on board. 2-6 days; Juno 1 to Oct, ta. Brochure, Box 1540. P0- torborough. K9.) TH?. (706) "8-0006. (22) W: W, Kiwi “mama Spacious In“ all... lo- 'aMttttythetiatSouttt Hartley: 658-681 1 Shushwap Avenue. Chase. 3.6.. VOE tMO. Phone t-4KM-679-85t3, Monday-Friday, 1-7 pm. (23) 766-2323 Who Are You? Phone 745-3521 Church of Schntdogy (24) omnonalmlysis _ 'owttrdrotrepitrtimt oiodtv"sarum"""tct"'"o-oetsiiyuiisaior, CAN YOU! AUDENCE MAGICIAN BODY? MIND? Mao, om codified” available 208 King St. s. Watarloo 743-1112 2 ht. “COLOUR FOR MEN" (25) Creative Colours -4mnettuqttneett,-6tet M.vmm.m.mls. WWW” Attttt6ttdattttitttumt “T“ a no! named red 'rttNtuschettrtturhttme" Vin andMastreCarrt BEST FOR LESS m am ittt m m sun on m. B-ttttahh m CALL 885-5057 or 743-1 743 RENOVATIONS - Rouble work. reactants rates. Garages, recreation rooms. carpentry. Quality worhmartattip at a hair price since 1964. Lehman Con- struction. 664-3570. (23) LAWN AERATING The pocket out for that epoch! man on FIW'O Day SUN-TECH Student Build- ers: Will construct decks. fences. pool areas. rs- taining watts. etc. Custom Phone 886-1 754 FREE CAREER Guide de- scribes 200 learn-at» home c0rrespoodertce di- ploma courses: Account- ing, Art, Bookkeeping. Business Management. Clerk Typist. Secretary. Journalism. Television Servicing. Travel. Gran- ton (5A) 263 Adelaide West. Toronto. 1-800- 2684121. AUCTION SCHOOL - 14m Year, 1200 graduates: comm April, Auouotmd December. Write: West- em Canada School ot Auctiomserirtg, Box 687, Lacombe, Alberta, TOC ISO. Phone I-403-r82, 6215, (24) CAREER IN Trucking .. Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class "A" license. For Dre-screening and iob placement information. contact Merv Orr's Trans- port Driver Training, Cambridge. 1-623-2430, (12) chimneys “neon. Duchampwomcupom. “replace. or who! have you? Free "Mm-In, Pttuetq Tom 745-3253. ttAthttattottRtttt 36 EW/Ym. tree estimates. Call Jaci 886-7164 or Dave 742- 8013. (25) SAUBLE BEACH area, "use beotooms. fully tur- nished. July My. 5190 Reasonable Rates weehiy, Phone 886- 8336. (23) ily)irFle.sih SUN DECKS 579-2871 (23) (24) ALL TYPES ot mm. mm. ttoMy vowi- YARD MAINTENANCE GARDEN “LUNG - Will M your garden; reason- able rates 886-0063 BEAU'S TREE Service - McTAVISH‘S CLOCK Re- pair Shop - Specializing in repair and compleie over- haul ot antique clocks; professional training Free estimates One-year guarantee. Guam move- ments from $15.00 com- Mete. 664-2650. (Across trom Watertoo Stock Yards) tttr Repairs aII makes and [MORAN THEI MS. w, stem, “can“ the l Mime. ODD JOBS - Witt do yard work, spring cleaning. rubbish removal, pool QUALITY OIL Spraying. drilled and mugged; used oil, 820; new oil. $30; trucks and vans. " extra. Rick's Rust Protec- tion. 656-2644, (if) ZUMA VIDEO Productions. Inc. Weddings. business. commercial, insutance. an occasion: Reason- abie and professional Call 576-0564. (26) ttme" bnattpmtocten one... tMotoring. duo:om.huomo Cadt John. ”#3300120 days. anytime weekends. (22) rm for any citizens, 8044656 - 5:00. or or 1484-2844. chilling in ornamental and N he... " your: LAWNS inserts. smote sheets. news bulletans, catalogues. etc . very reasonable rates Call Waterloo Cttrorticte 886-283ty an - . _ ""U 312 Marslano Drive. Com- plete sharpening sevvnce: all types, carbides. circular and hand saws. scussovs. Clippers. knives. skates, lawn and garden tools. Shop hours 8:00-5:00, Saturday till noon 884- 5401 (If) APPLIANCE new - Why my me his 007' their big "is“? Ernie Shaun Ap- ptiancet Repair at a price you can mom. $%trirtr. tora, stoves. mama's. cIeaning. Catt 894-4942 after 8:00 pm. (24) Reasonable RAE; !8yy1t? s!titrpetirtg dryers. ole Sonia cm zon's discount. Evening IDDOMNHOMS numb“ Catt r45Ab2ao. m - AW Oahu to 't-rtdtteemotyour W; also m "ttttatt nah. 742-801". on 746-1 TTS WE DELIVER MAKE and We .. ”$2815 '"mtux?qetttxE.-tttmttAr.ames. "er..-' tttl Now in our tttttt -t. Tom charge $22.00 W eluding In. C." 886- III-IIIIIIII- , 'S'" OFF LABOR , I K-W SHALL ENGINES I 'uIc-uuut 519-4400 Imam... '"iori'liutghtGTiNr%drthill I THAT GRASS CAN GROW 6 ”SUMMIT I TAKES To same: YOUR 'EmNTDUBINO THE mans". I tFmhaoTAttEKtttHE--. I 1titEtt8'ECtAuzEtFtEPAtR thrrtratrtedmecttarte-eeget ' tttrV6ttemttrter+eomeett " 'ter9ttttttgtroyremt.mq'ttlet'rt . (l DID YOU KNOW 63:9}; LAWN same: atteeeptc1tiuaiyna, sou LAYINGngggLv MAINTENANCE, INSTANT LAWNS Free Estimate. PA'I'IOS, SIDEWALKS RETAINING WALLS TREE ‘I'RIIIIIIG, SODDIIIG Tron, Shrub. and Flam Hound OIL SPRAYING MAEYS Decorating, Inle- ARCHE’S NEW & HEROOF'NG WRITTEN GUARANTEE" . LICENSED . INSURED "OUAUTY WORKMANSHIP SINCE 1971" FREE ESTIMATES vv I." I II", " hunk I - I CHRWI ROTOTILUNG Amt All Tour Lawn and Garden Moods _ too one else includes " this) . couch and chair . - A“ BOOK NOW or CALL tor a FREE Quotation on other ma work Try our household specials o 3 bedrooms . Wing room . q dining 100m q balls 8 main 312 Marsland Dr. (rear) Waterloo STtbOTtMt You CAN'T beat our quality and prices! t Compare our LOW, LOW COSTS per square foot. . JOE'S APPLIANCE SALES 8: SERVICE © ammlmoICdbo-onwumm We're now selling USED APPLIANCES - washers, etc o repairs to most major appliances J "d6iiWiicuu - RESIDENTIAL . 888-1884 or 8941272? SCHNARB’S LANDSCAPING Locally Owned and Operated Free Estimates On STEAM riot and exterior naming, wallcovering. PS-years expeteince Free ettti- males 7a5-6738 (if) 893-7464 CLEANING 658-651 2 579-8069

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