Church r-Services-n PAGE 32 -- WATERLOO CHRONlCLE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1985 STRONGMAN COMPETI- TION - Saturday. May Inn and Sunday, May 12th, Bobby Orr Arena. Parry Sound Wnstwres» thog. sandBag carry. bar- bell perk. waded wheel- barrow Cash antes Competitors Phone tog- tree I-tsoo-F-it Spectators $100 adrms- son (19) Phone 886-2830 1 Coming Emu: ' AnnttttrtCtmtents RUMMAGE SALE ADVENTURE AWAITS You Come nde the wht- tewater an summer long with Wilderness Tours Canadas heading white- water Gunther For Intol- matlon C' reservations call 1-8ori167-3124 3 Mortgage Loans IF YOUR Banker says no to your mortgage rehnanc- "N phone All Ontario Funancual the mortgage Monte. 742.5361. 743- mo uh . 8A Houses tot Rent ALLOW UK To assist m arranquw cr replacmg your man woe Firsts and seconds prime rates Reoresenlma convenlnow an and {mate tenders Rowena“ Urea" Group breu 8854544†ttt) SHOP FOV Rent - 1100 sauaw Wet available June lst Phone 648- 2847 ater 600 pm (20) In, In!“ - MALIAV†9:15 am - Sunday Soloed mum-u.- TOWNHOUSE TO subtet May l - September 1 Three bedrooms, large basement, washer. dryer. termed yard. luliy tur- hushed. umverssty/PttWtp area Call Jule 746-3475 or 1416-8336752 (‘9) FURNISHED Student rooms for mm. sum only, 'IBO monthly Phone 743-5361 or 742- 4579 (22) 10A Rooms tor Rent tik Cmnmemal Space FURNISHED STUDENT rooms, cookm. inundry lachces. momma. um- versity ttttttt door. Sep- Iember-Auaust louse. 't50-St90 monthly 5Mr-88t8 136) FOUI’ DRAWER uptight dresser, very good condi- tion two years old. 875 BB6-9P'u2 or 884-0908 ttrtytsme It91 " Ammuodee 2'44 t “I " (no. Fun“ A We!“ mesh." Village God Dos-W Evm “about. MESSIAII [UTHEIAN CHURCH D Cl (20) VA. e . an. .- i' .. (tf) 1 me Oh F0Mt I M11335 SETS , Standard or Custom Sues 3 Made to Your SpeohcaMos _ Hard To Find Sun In - ', “MAW " AUTO SEAT COVERS & INSULATING WINDOW TINT 13 mmsue “ 13 mature i Bought and sold. top prices i paid Encore Records. 297 $ng Street East, Kuchen- ‘er 744-1370 ttt) 'i, Mailed outside ot Waterloo 131600 per year m Can- 1ada Call 886-2830 Sec- 10nd Class Maul, Reguslva. Hlon Number 5540 lMembevs O.C.N A. a C C N A _ S N A (m Custom-m scat COVOI’I with matchmg head and armrests In 43 colors, m Borg, Velvet ihnyf and tactory-oogoal malenal AUTO BEAUTY CENTRE JIM tl um, um. L.P. RECORDS 660 Howard Ave. Elmira Shop a Residence Phone VINYL REMNANT 1979 HONDA Express mo- torcyciit. 50 cc, Omen 700 mules. $200. atso tour bike helmets. $5 and SIC) 12 Faurhetd Avenue, Kitchener (19) VINYL No-Wax noortog Clear-out pnces. an sales to choose from Phone 8840851 (ti) 9’3535212 SPRUCE TREES tor sale. $4 each. pick your own Phone 885-4597 (21) DtNtNG ROOM suite. 57 years otd. original brush. "itteotece solid oak, a» cellent condlion Phone t5tMr-oar8 (19) to 989r, makes glass shatter-resustanl. dear and colors CAMPER TOILET Like new.$85_40-oluon glee Inc water beam. 890. 75-muare be! interlock mg scone. 75¢ equate foot, ‘Sooecoscodanock Ioncnng. s, ouch 7“- 5382. 8tHV5620 (19) 1979 - 17 FT J-Craft wtttt 200 h p Mercury Best offer 576-967A Clearout Vanley of no- wa- onyl ttoor covenng. an first uuahly Call 886- 4080 (m Call Frey From K-B 669-2 sos Waterloo Chronicle Subscriptions USED RAILWAY has, an- cellem condition. round- Made and Beech. an cut and soul, 64 cubsc teet, $90 delweled Phone 579- 41 18 ttt) CARPET REMNANT Clear- Out. variety ot colors and sues. all hrst quality Call 8864080 ttt) WHOLESALE STEEL Bantams Factory dwect pnces No Minuteman Ouonset and straight wall bulldmgs Won’t be un- detsold Guaranteed best value on market today Call (416) 221-7353 (Clip and save ) POOL SALES - Leadung manufacturer with a hmtt- ed number ot 1984 models IS havmg a dear ance sale Package m- cludes motor. pump, filter, slummér, tmer. tence and deck Regular $2095. reduced to 31295 Call anynme 1- 800-265-B142 (17) Great for barbecuung Cut, wrapped and delivered Cam-4546251 (21) CARPET AND Vinyl Rem- nants, ceramic ends Free 2r-toy-18-rnch mats two per customer 8B4-9131 TENTS. sleepmg bags and backpacks Vlsn O W Sports tor the best selec- tton. ouaMy and value OW Sports. 92 King South m Uptown Water- ioo 886-2840 (22) WINDSURFER SALE - Sat- urday. May 11th at IO 00 am OAN Spons "sg,',',',:,' mg alt used and emo sadboards No reason able otter will be refused OAN Sports, 92 King South In Uptown Water- loo B86-2BAO (19) ZODIAC Irttiataye tyoats, the best sebchon and pnces In the area O W Sports. 92 King South In Uptown Waterloo, 886, 2840 (22) Fresh Ontario Lamb counts AA 884-3622 PIANO - APARTMENT STEEL BUILDINGS __ "ttten- tory charance Example 32-by-50. complete mm door. $6.929 Sizes evad- able up to 120 feet Mae, limited twarttmes, act now Call loll-tree 1-800- 387-8130, (19) sue, good for begnnner $295 Organ and bench $100 Free dehvevy Piano 8 Organ House 183 Ottawa Street South Kitchener. 7436000 F IREWOOD FAMILY-SENIOR RATES MICROWAVE is celebrating " years of eoehirqt exclusively by nkmave To beet-e a cooker lasted ot a heater call lane at the Rem. I USED DESKS, Credenzas, 1% Garage Saks (22) dis- U9) ttt) 13 WWW WATER PROBLEMS. New Technology to Canada CSA Approved Ekrm- nales checmcal contaman- anon, nuisance and coh- torm bacteria, tron bactena, slalom. smell. non. bad taste and more. no messy chemicals. mamlenance tree, tested and proven In over 10.000 rural installauons Elnmlnales the need tor luquld cttlorrttators and water dttrtilers Free ar day trial otter Try It out See the results tor your- sell Absolutely no obllga- tlon and no cost to you Backed by a 20-year written warranty ll you want better water tor better country Imng call loll-nee 1-800-26&2656 or (416) 624-4344 or wote Water Puriticatioo Systems, 203-1030 Ka- mato Rd . Misssssauga. Law 466 (18) S LOWEST PRICES EVER S - Ouonset manufacturer cteanng out surplus m- ventory at sacrifice prices Wont be under- sold No gimmicks, tan- tasnc distress sale prices Senous only call l-att6- 440-6030 (19) MINI-TRAIL Bike. 50 CC. age six and up, $150 , In eucellenl condition Phone 888-6578 (19) PIANOS WANTED - Give name‘ height. number iound under top hd Have your piano rettrushed, re- stored, new tow rate Soecual Two students pianos. $695 each Vtl, Iage Plano Shop Elrmra, 669-231 1 (I 9) FULL PROGRAM tapes tor Steep Learrung How lo Onc'ease Your Memory Pad S256 80 new, wlll sell for $100 Phone 576- 9674 WOOD AND metal working machines Quality tools. IowesI prices. bandsaws, table saws. lounlers. planets, metal [ wood lathes, many more Free Catalogue Busy Bee Ma- chine Tools, 18 Basaltrc Road. Concord. Ontaoo, LAX 166 Phone (416) 738-1292 (19) FINAL SPRING Newsca- hon Super strong "pstop woven greenhouse po- lyethylene 95 mils Mtn- umum two years longevay Roasts haitstooes, wtod- storms. snowslovms. punctures, yellowing. crackong Waterproof Ien¢oetmde Any booth Free Canadian postal de- lively " prepaid 186 gamma foot 16t equate foot over 200 square feet 1ae equate toot over 500 square feet (Greater widttts.atMittoottt costs) Sample. brochure Send two stamps or douav Gleenhouae Sales, Box â€SOON. Anona Mam- me cabinets. hoard room tables. storage cabinet bookcases otttce chairs drafting tahles, restaurant tabIes Lover s New 8 Used, 254 Adelaide South, London 1-681- 2254 Monday-Friday 9-5. Saturday 9-Noor, 327-5540 (19) tt9) PENNY-ROLLER - Wrap pennies. ntckels. times and quarters muchly and ( easily! One wraps all i, Uses tree bank wrappers l, $8.95 postpaod Please add .63 tax Send cheque or money order to Peony- Rolter Products, PO Box 405, Fort Erie, Ontario, L2A 5N2 (19) GO-KART tor sale. 'too, Pttorte8tM-r032 tt9) AIR CONDmONER - 5000 BTU. $160 Grandtattter rocket. sohd cherry, $375 Phone 746-6455 PIANOS RESTORED to oriomal performance and looks. lowest prices Guaranteed aattstaction Call now 669-1207, try appointmeotooly (20) DOMING TABLE - 42 by 49 Inches plus tom leaves. pressed catvmg on anion, excellent condi- "on, Cllca 1890 885- 0517 (20) " MM“ cussmin DEADLINE - wasâ€! Consignment shop. re- opened 265 Klng Street East, Kitchener Phone 576-6170 (20) FOUR OAK Chars, one elbow, three Slde. leather seats. cwca 1900 Phone BtMr-0517 (20) 429 TAMARACK Dnve - Saturday. May ttth, 8 00 a m -5:00 p m Four doors, quart and punt sealers kitchen ulensnls toaster oven, luggage two galvanized tutos, stove tan, 20 cubic foot freezer, tour mes and wheels for Honda Cmc. also many other articles (19) TREASURE HUNT GARAGE SALE - Someone else s trash. mcludrng an- ttuues, cedar rails and free cottee Saturday, May 11th. 900 am - 600 pm 247 Hemlock Street, Waterloo (19) GIANT TWO Family moving sale Antique chavrs 1005 of baby and ctul- dren s “ems. twm strooer, sports equupmem. furm- ture Saturday, May 1 Ith, 900-1 30, Sunday. 2 00- 4130 Urttt 209. 271 Westcourt Place. Water- loo (19) GARAGE SALE - Saturday. May 1101.9 OO-A oo Br cycles. beds. desk, wheelbarrow. tools. somettoog tor everyone 462 Red Fox Road, Wa- terloo (19) GARAGE SALE - Saunday. May 1tth.tr00am-W00 O m 108 Clearwater Crescent tLakeshore North) Baby Items, books. wicker immune, lamps and bots more It9) GARAGE SALE - Four sabn ttmrdryers. anloaue nodule frames, sin boots, tetavnsion. furniture, 9-by- 9 tent, tarps. books. toys. etc 256 Parhmount Drive. Saturday, May I Ith, 9:00 am MULTI-FAMILY Garage Sale - may Immune baby ttems. pewellovy. books, magaunes and toys Saturday. May l Ith 9 OO-l (IO. 76 John Street Weet, Waterloo (ttr) ttB) 134mm DRIVEWAY SALE - 104 and 107 Chuslophe: Dave Saturday, May 11th, 900-400 Swag MOVING SALE - Washer, dryer, immune and many extras 299 Lester Street, Waterloo Saturday and Sunday, May nth-12th GARAGE SALE AV Saturday, May 11th. 900-3 otr, 42 Culpepper Dnve, Water- Ioo Black/whim televi- scon. sins. household ttems etc (19) GARAGE SALE - Saturday. May 11th. 9 am 4:00 o m 20 Pittsford Close. Waterloo Household ttems (19) GARAGE AND Movmg Sale - Saturday, May 11th, 900 am 400 pm 279 Bluevale Street North, Units 74 and 79 Form- tore. beds. appliances. toys. bikes, twe-speed mountain bike and many other household articles something tor everyone 'FALLINGBROOK DRIVE - '; Neighborhood Garage l Sale. May nth. 8:00- l 100 Sludoo. Immune. bokes. storage shed, etc _ (19) GARAGE SALE - Thurs- day, May am. 9:00 a m _ 2700 pm Toys. house- hold articles. brcycle. gar- den tools etc 276 Lourdes Street, Water- loo (19) GARAGE SALE - Saturday May 11th, 171 and 1/3 Lynnbvook Crescent Chlld s bake and trsee, upright vacuum cleaner, 'NCntc table and much more Sale starts at 9:00 am-1.000m (19) cage, (Manson. change table. household items. mums toys and clothes. also gardening utems.(19) GARAGE SALE - Saturday May 11m. 10200-400 422 Between Way. Wa- terloo (Glasgow Helghls - take Fisher-Hallman to Unwersuty Extensmn and follow scgns) FILHIC tables. wardrobe. Fisher- Price toys and lots more (19) MOTHERS DAY Sale _ Fnday. May toth, Satur- day. May um, 1000» a 00 Floweong sHk plants and arrangements. green plants. napkin nngs, candle rings. cor- sages. suck-puns 422 Belgleen Way. Waterloo 745-2292 (19) GARAGE SALE - Saturday, May 11th. 830 am 79 Margaret Avenue North, Waterloo Ammue school desk. tireplace grate and semen. double bed, stereo and speakers, dashes. cloIhmg. drapes. lamps. household Ilems and much more (19) BLACK OAK Cvescenl v Street Sale (Lakewom North), Saturday. May mu, BOO-2'00 lnlant clothmg. Fasher-Pnce toys, large trscyckr. play- pen 1968 Honda 350. china. desk numevous househotd amcles, bar. gems galore, even a kitchen son" (19) (19) t19) 13A W5“ GARAGE SALE - Every- day Golden shed, new not unpacked. 9'e-by-7 connectors wheelbavr tow, tots. lots more bar- gums 888-7065 (19) GARAGE SALE - May 1tttt, 900-2 oo 206 Carter Street) Waterloo Lots otgoodstutt (19) MULTI-FAMILY Garage Saie - Westridge Drive Waledoo. Saturday, May Itth, 900-2200 Lawn. mt. ttettumiditier. vac- uum, man's Btcyche, toys skis, skates. clothing dashes; laminate and Ja gust wire wheels (19) Gold and We! cows. tewer tety, stoning smemave. trays tea sets, antique clocks. cock at watches, on post cards documents All scrap you! arm dental 90m WM. J. GRANT COINS 14 mwmtoBuy OLD DISHES, Odd cups and saucers. silver. sul- verplate and uewenery wanted Phone BBS- 2300 ttt) ALSO WILL PAY CASH WE BUY late model Iran tors tor wrecking bumea damaged or Just lured Fawcett Tractor Suppw Limited. RR tt2. St Marys. Ontano, MOM 2VO, 1484-2379 (19) BUYING FOR CASH. Top cash pad for records Encore Records. 297 ng East. Kitchener Phone 7444370 ttt) KNOWLEDGEABLE. repo For Good Ctean Appliances Wortung or Not Wovkmg Of Unwanted Appliances FREE REMOVAL Cash Dam tor good clean refrigerators, stoves, washers, dryers. etc C 8 V Appliances T44-323I at) GAS POWERED Lawn- mowevs wanted. not nec- essanly In worboog condu- tlon Phone t.8A-1atld after 2 oo p m (26) ANYOOUES iurmlure. lugs jewelry. ntolts, shilling ctoChs. glass and chum. etc One mece to com- plete estate, IO years In busmess At Jones, fibd, 2830, St Jacobs (tf) USED Waterloo Chromcle newspaper came: bags Paying $100 tor clean loot tom) newsbags Wa, telloo Chronicle 45 Em Street East, Waterloo 886-2830 APPLIANCES $55 THE Salvahon Army re- quues donations ot cloth» mo. 1mmlule. dishes books. peweuery, apple anCus, etc Help people who don t have as much" For suck up at your home call 578-3180 ttt) PIANO WANTED - Regan), be“ of condmon Can 669-2280 at 669-2311 anytime ttt) 1125 Km St E..Kn 576-484C 8Water 5: 8 Cam 62mm table owner of a small antique shop Wishes to buy household "ems rugs. silver. furniture. etc 885-2300 (tf) PHONE 743-2946 RECORDS ' 1 o mm.