, . - "F"""'" ‘QUIVV’B - “anally over th past 10 years by the Laurier Le'fd"d, for Business and Economic Studies show strong support for the taming and enmi- nation of the Foreign Investment Review Agency (FIRM. now re" placed by the Conservatives with a new body, Investment Canada. Dover R. Fonts. Jr., chairman and chief executive officer, said the election of Robert A. Eisen- trout and H. David Warren in- creases the number of Company directors to 11. J. Alex Murray, dean of business and economics at Wilfrid Laurier University, and co-author of a recent poll on public attitudes to foreign investment, said only 32 per cent of respondents to a national survey undertaken by the Laurier Institute saw foreign in- vestment as a serious problem for Canada. Eisentrout is president of the BFGoodrich worldwide Tire Group and executive vice-president of The BFGoodrich Company, Akron, Ohio. Warren, a mechanical engi- neer, is president of Tremco Lim- ited, Toronto. In the 1975 survey, 42 per cent felt that way, a figure that had dripped to 34 per cent by 1978. _ Goodrich adds directors Two additional directors were elected to the Board of B.F.Good- rich Canada Inc. during the com- pany's annual meeting recently. Trust company is acquired Concern arose again during the worldwide reeession, hitting a peak of 42 per cent in the 1981 survey. It has dropped in the three annual surveys done since then. Jack V. Masterman, president and chief executive officer of The Mutual Life Assurance Company Publle opinion ‘surveys mate gm M99391 v,),,,",,..)..])?-!-'--') CAMBRIDGE , (519) 666-0313 -Tid-biz iii] Wednesday, May 15 . . . we're opening our large ' 'easy living" indoor/ outdoor furniture patio. Enjoy the solid luxurious comfort, lasting quality and dynamic Bright and breezy colours of Best of all - at Smitty's tedious grand opening sale prices. Come A early tor Best selection. of Canada, and Simon Bulold, president of Assumption Mutual Life Insurance Company of Mone- ton, New Brunswick, announced today that Atlantic Holdings Ltd. has purchased a majority interest in Interior Trustco Inc., which owns all the shares of The Interior Trust Company, a federally incur- porated trust company. l A case in point is that of Jason Smith, a fourth-year honors co-op business _ student, whose research paper won him the highest award in a Canada-wide competition sponsored by the Canadian Opera- tional Research Society (CORS). Research by business students at Wilfrid Laurier University pays off for business and sometimes for the students, too. Mutual Life of Canada and Assumption Mutual are the major shareholders of Atlantic Holdings. Purchase price was not disclosed. Research paper wins award Smith, a Kitchener native, will fly to Halifax later this month to present the project at the CORS national conference and to accept the award, after sweeping the field in both the undergraduate and graduate competitions for his study. Hamid Noori, the Laurier facul- ty member who was faculty super- visor for the paper, said it was a special honor that the Laurier student took both categories, since he is an undergraduate student. Management of Interior Trust will remain the same. Raymond Doré assumes the title of president and chief executive officer, with ian Sutherland in the position of executive vice-president and chief operating officer. His winning paper, a 72-page study, dealt with a new approach to inventory systems at the Gener- al Motors plant in St. Catharines. The paper was a computer simula- tion of a way to achieve correct stock levels in a V8 engine block machining line. HALSHR N and werner finkel ‘NWYHMJIW cum.u,m1morn¢ao1 pool and patio furniture. O mam-5 in. A bouquet of sensational giftables that say "l love you" to so many Moms in so many ways, 365 days a year! Abouquet of sensational f (ik,' % giftables that say "l love you" 4" DI to so many Moms in so 'r x / "e:'/ many ways, 365 days a year! f ff / [t l (i/j/ill/i: 'k " ' It“? ir, e/,C//' J (l) k, .; a lille',!, a“: 4 , a a, " al 2 I _ " C, N! XI' / 'abLti' . A "cu "-=r=_==== Ea /' MS . 7- Q? B, / f ttttNe. /'. K I " i"li = 1raieif,2- t . if: I7ai . ‘ ' s I "ss , B, Not exactly ‘III Illuk "tf WATERLOO COME. WEDNESDAY, MAY s, 1986 - PAGE It F. Traditional CURIO CABO- NET by Braemore. Smitty's “everyday low price" 8399 Mo": Day m B. One ot the largest selec- tions of LAMPS, ACCESSO- RIES and ARTIFICIAL PLANTS in the area . . . all at Smitty's “everyday low pric- C. TEA WAGON by Kroemev in cherry (no drawer). Smit- ty's "everyday low price" $329 "other. Day â€an D. Stately 78" GRANDFA- THER CLOCK with triple chime. Cable wound mecha- nism. Smitty's "everyday low price" S2,185 Mothers Day ' Spock! '.l'.".'..f..1,899 E. SWIVEL ROCKER by Shtar-Peppier Bit back. Re- lax. Let your cares drift away as your chair Dampers you with germe swim! and rocking motion, Because it's by Sklar- Peppler. there's no compro- mise in swing or quality, In 5 rich shades of acryvic vowel. _ rose. beige. We. green a brown, Smitty's 'iti'tght.',',' price" $319 W's " 11.19,]. INMVNM. amountâ€. MTWWTKM MAY Tm “WV . A.M.4 PAB., t (519) 6509313 “HANOVER I (0001 2666633