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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 1 May 1985, p. 33

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1ComingEmttst WINNERS OF The Centen- nial Rattle are Raymond Yan, Amos Avenue - VCR Doreen Brown, Churchill Street; K, Carter. Erb Street West and A Rob- ertson. Parkwood Court choosing between three prizes (I) original water- color painting. (2) ctassi- cal glass work. (3) wood- en sconce (18) Phone 886-2830 KINDERSLEY. Sasktttche- wan 75th Anniversary and Heritage Days, July 5. 6, HALIBURTON SCHOOL ot Fine Arts. a division of Sir Sandford Fleming Col- lege. otters one-week summer courses for tami- ties with some of Can- atta's top artists/crafts- men. For brochure: Box 339. Hatiburton, Ontario. KOM ISO. or call 1-800- Mt-Nr?. (18) 4 'ttqtMrforSale -Services MESSIAII tllflitllfu c,,.,,!?.?!,!!]?!... ' tit30 "I. . ADVENTURE AWAITS You. Come ride the whi- tewater all summer long with “Witderness Tours“. Cartada's leading white- water Outfitter. For intor- mation or reservations call 1-800-267-3124. ALLOW US To assast in arranging or replacmg your mortgage Firsts and seconds - prime rates. Representing convention- al and private lenders. Regional Credit Group Inc W41. (It) 3 minim . YOUR Banker says no to your mortgage refittattc- ing phone " Ontario Financial. the mortgage people. 7435361. 743- 2144. (m EXCLUSIVE TWO bedroom condominium in Beech- wood Villas Finished rec- reahon room. centre! air. jacuzzi. many other extras 13-by-22-lool deck overtookiott pool and tennis courts $102,000 Ca" 884-8293 any 500 or weekends 5 howdy Wound YRIPLEX OR Fourplex wanled in residential men of Water$oo Cart 745 2330 evenings (m TB WWWW In. Kevi- war-n swank luv " 9:15 am. _ Sunday School AM Btttto CI... SHOWROOM AND storage 7, 1985, Come home Details: 75th Anniversary Committee, Box 1330. Kinderstey. Saskatche- wan. SOL ISO. (17) area, 12-try-2A-Met wan!- ed preferably on main May an Waterloo Ide- phone deity M3-8161 or evenings 743-9649 (18) “an A PW mo? E-rtete Welcome Church (20) (18) 8AttotttetforRent 13 ArticlesIuSale 13 Articles tor Sale 10A Rooms tot Rent FURNISHED Student rooms tor rent. summer only. $180 monthly Phone 743-5361 or 742- 4579. (22) TOWNHOUSE TO some! AUTO ",L'dIliirrirfrir, FURNISHED STUDENT rooms. cooking, laundry facilities. cleaning. um- versny next door, Sep- tember-August lease: $150-$190 monthly 576-8tM8 (35) Custom-m to“ COVOI8 with matching head and armrests in 43 colors. in Borg, Velvet VinyI and Vlindow Tinting tor build- 48 WILLIAM ST. WEST WATERLOO 743-431 9 AUTO SEAT COVERS ' INSULATING WINDOW TINT 6-00 Howard An. Elmira Shop I '%qMqetCq "on. For The 2nd Year In A Row We 're Proud of Your Accomplishment! Aft-RPM RECORDS From 1979 HONDA Express mo- JR. B. CHAIPIONSHIP 1974 JAYCO Hardtop tent "we, q 'od condition. sleep. 8, stove. 3-way refrhrrator, heater and cm. extended bumper for bake carrier. $1.800 Phone 745-7594 (18) May 1 - September l Three bedrooms. large basement, washer, dryer. fenced yard. Iully tur- mshed. University/Phillip area Call June 7463475 ort-416-833-5752 (19) tactbry-ocioinal maierial ings and vehicles: it in- sulates. keeps winter heat in and Bummer heat out; cuts glue and fade by up to 98%. makes glass shatter-resistant: clear and colors. Congratulations to the torcycte. so cc. amen FOO macs. 6200. also tour bake was. " and $10 12 Pamela Avenue. Call Fiee From Kiw the5trsaod 605. trotor $35 60hardcovev books. good wading from book club. 630 Ca" 885- 3346 tttO Kitchener ALI. ONTARIO 669-2506 On Winning the WATERLOO (19) BRIDESMAID S DRESS, Ivory, suze 9, deaned. wow once. paid st35,, asking $40 Alummum storm windows, assorted sues 885-6026 (18) You have seen on windows abroad are here new Direct trom Europe. multi- purpose are inpenetrable. prowling security. privacy and a thermal ban-er agamst nouse. cold. sun. wind and light Protects trom on- truders For information and estimate call VINYL No-Wax Iloonng Clear-out pnces. all sues to choose trom Phone 884-0851 ttO VINYL REMNANT Clearout. Vanley ot no- wax vinyl floor covenng, att first qualny Call 886- 4080. (I!) Mailed outside ot Waterloo $16 oo pet year in Can- ada Call 886-2830 Sec- ond Class Mall, Registra- tion Number 5540 Members trc N A., C UNIX, S NA (N) SPRING GARDENING - Ev- erything to start: seeds. nutrients. heating, tight- ing, germination kits. greenhouses. solar openers. Metal Halides at best prices in Canada. Send $2 tor catalogue and price list to: Western Water Farms, 1244 Sey- mour Street. Vancouver, BC. V68 3N9. 1604- 682-6636, (17) AIR CONDITIONER - 5.000 THREE-PIECE Girl's French ptovincial bed- room suite, S200 Phone 745-7594. tttrr 1979 - 17 FT J-Cratt tanth NEW TWIN Sized mamass. $35. Two matching night tables. 6ti?, each. coffee lame, 325 8850389, 184NCH SUNBEAM Bec- tric lawnmower. Phone 8853708. (18) " tt ”about with tilt "aim. dacroo ”in. " stainless steel rigginqs. TNEMAL ROLL SHUTTERS 1979 BONAIR Hardtop traiter. e‘xcellen! condi- tion, three burner stove. sink. three-way retrittera- tor, heater. awning. '3300.886-r1ttt, (18) BOYS RALEIGH Bicycle, $75. modem sou, $95. ttoodcooditioet.5ttpgotto- son outboard. asking S‘OOO r02-688t any- SPRUCE TREES tor sub. $4 each. pick your own Phone 885-a59r (21) Those Practical E Menu 200 hp Mercury Best otter 576-9674 BTU, four years old, 5180. Phone 746-6455 (18) kitchen set, 350; couch, $50. New Ealance 8%, $20 BOG-‘47? (18) ROLL SHUTTERS Watedoo Chronicle 885-4409 Subscriptions TRIMARAN (22) (18) Maple and Beech: all cut and split, 64 cubnc feet. $90 delivered Phone 579- A118 tttr USED RAILWAY Ties. ex- cetlenl condition; round- ed $9.50. volume dus- counts. AA Landscaping 884-3622. (22) S LOWEST PRICES Ever ' Ouonsel manufacturer clearing out surplus in- ventory at sacrifice pnces Wool be under- sold No gimmicks. lan- laslic distress sale prices Serious only call 1416- 663-5322 (I 7) POOL SALES - Leading manufacturer with a limit- ed number of 1984 models is having. a clear- ance sale Package in- cludes motor. pump, filter. skimmer. liner. tence and deck Regular $2095. reduced to $1295 Call anytime l- 800-265-Bt 42 (17) WHOLESALE STEEL Buildings Factory direct prices. No Middleman Ouonset and sitarght wall butldmgs Won t be un- dersold Guaranteed best value on market today, Call (416) 221-7353 (Clip and save.) CARPET REMNANT Clear. Out. variety ot colors and sues. all tirst quaiity, Call LOWREY ORGAN. $450, Rich tone, perfect pitch. musrc book, 3-20 Yager Avenue. Kitchener, 578- 5424 Wringer washing machine, 'ttio, 3 Ajax Street, Guelph. 1-821- 4295. (18) TRAILER AWNING - 23- toot spring loaded in good condition. 51000 new. best offer. 886-t396. FOR SALE Coda: rails tor old am teocioq ttio-too was), St each Call 696- 3372 BARBECUE - Hooded wagon style with bottom shelf. decide rotisserie inducted. Child . s 10Artctt tricycIe 884-7793. (18) COM BICYCLE - 20-inch wheels. banana not". io 1974 British racing ween. new tires. hardtop and lonnoau cover. good con- dmon. 76.000 miles. ast- ino $5800 7‘2-6861 any- Great tor barbecuing. Cut. wrapped and delivered Cam 454-8251 (21) CARPET AND Vinyi Rm norm, ceramic end: he. 2rAry-t8-ioch mats. two 001 cum 884-9131 a PANELS gotd satin dra- peries. each panel 64" tt tMi" 4 sheer curtains to match. Hooks and rods Fresh Ontario Lamb 886-4080 »NING ROOM suite. sr years old. original finish, nine-piece solid oak. ex- 8860378 884-8102 6313 FIREWOOD TRG cal (18) (19) (18) ttty CLASSIFIED DEADLINE " was)“, " can. 13 mm Sale WATER PROBLEMS, New Technology to Canada C SA Approved Etimi- nates chemical contamin- ation, nuisance and coli- torm bacteria. iron bacteria. staining, smell. iton. bad taste and more. no messy chemicals. maintenance tree. tested and proven in over 10.000 rural installations Eliminates the need tor liquid chlorinators and water distillers. Free 30- day trial offer. Try it out See the results tor your- sett Absolutely no obliga- tion and no cost to you. Backed by a 20-year written warranty. " you want better water tor better country living calt toll-tree 1-800-268-2656 or (416) 624M3a4 or write Water Purification Systems. 2034030 Ka- mato Rd. Mississauga. MW 486. - L8) STEEL BUILDNGS - Mam. u'acturers clearance, lun- Ited quantities. Buy now while supplies last Sub- stantial discounts during sale Widths 30-120-teel Call loll-nee 1-800-387- 8130. (17) L.P. RECORDS Bought and sold, top prices paid Encore Records. 297 King Street East. Kitchen- er 744-1370 M DISPLAY BUILDlNG pro- gram. Be the first one in your area to own one of these new 85 models and save big. For quality call toil-free Miracle Span Steel Buildings. 1-800- 387M910. (18) CONTENTS OF Ice Plan! tor Sale Block Makers cap. 540 Bl. per day. Kold dratt cubets cap. 900 - 3 kg. bags per day. bagging equipment esca- lators. Butters. exhaust tans, etc. 3 retrig, trucks, 2 oce cream bodies t-ttr , RW Thermo-tting, Fi- nancing negotiat9e, Call 1-705-737-1899. (18) ONE STOP Building Shop- 13680905“ USED STORE Wall and island shaving. c0ooters, card racks. showcases. wallcases. security mir- rors. glass shelving. shelving brackets. peo- Board hooks. cash "mis- ters. wire tacks Lover's MNE FAMILIES on Gian- burn Drive toff Keatsway new Amos). Wa'erloo May an, 8.30 a m Bed- room suite. antique hutch and trunk; Iowa, Krug chain; Spanish dining room chain; cabin“ and recuhv twister“. ping pong table. carpal. chit- dven‘s cat seals. toys. clommq. bicycle. tricych. took. crockpot, otd ro- cords. boots and more ping Centte All steel, straight/Slant. hall round. cladding Free brochures on request. For action value and answers. Call Wally (416) 626- 1794. Leave message or collecl evenings and weekends (18) New and Used. 254 Ade- Iaide Street South. Lon- don, 1681-2254. Mon- day - Friday 9-5. tuturdar9-t2 (18) Again our 6th Annual Cys- ttc Fibcosns garage sate, May 3rd and 4th. 9 00 am - troo p m. 70 Bits Cres- cen! North. Waterloo Bal- cony railings: books. clothes: lncycles; bicycles; stereos: IO-speeds: doors; srtowblower, camper, type- writers. baby "ems. toys. appliances: beds: wan- dows, stoves: counters: patio turniture: moped, chairs. clothes washer: tot- ber. sinks; dishes. lamps, bowling balls. assorted tur- niture and much. much more! (18) 13A 60:09.8“ - GARAGE SALE - Saturday. May 4th. 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Three families, Tete- vision; stereo: childrees toys. clothes and acces- sories: and much more, lots of cottage Items. 314-316 Faraday Court and 325 Beechlawn Drive. Waterloo (18) GARAGE SALE - Beech- wood. Saturday, May 4th. 9:00 am Baby furniture, dolhong, strotlers (includ- cng a double one); 20- inch bicycle,' toys; red- wood patio table and umbrella, two new wire wheels; dishes; many household items. 325 Co- leridge Drive. Watedoo. (18) LAWN SALE - Plants. many new and used household articles. etc Outside maintenance tools (lawn- mower, shovels. rakes etc). all articles in ex- cettenl working condition, Saturday. May 4th. start- ing at 730 am, 202-8 Northlake Drive. Waterloo ILakeshore North), (18) Giant Garage Sale 14 CARDILL CRESCENT - May 4th, 9:00 am Floor roller, me. cutter: chairs. rugs, vacuum. head- phones and more (18) MOVING - YARD Sate 35 years at treasures. cot- bectitges and antiques. Dishes. rugs. drapes. bedspreads. lamps. trunk. Elvis records. wide variety ot quality low priced household items. Saturday-Sunday. May A.. 5th, 9:00-A:00, 299 Hem- lock Crescent. Waledoo. U8) MULTI-FAMILY Garage Sale - Westridtte Drive. Watertoo; Saturday. May 11th. 9:00.200. Lawn- mowet. dehumidifier: vac- uum; man's bicycle. toys; skis; skates; clothing, dishes; turnitute and Ja- our wire wheels; (19) MOVING - GIANI Garage Sale. Everything must 90. Lots ot small items. also dupes. carpets, some Immune. garden tools and ladies' almost new etching Saturday and Sunday. May A-5ttt. 9 00- 4200. 81 Ridgeview Cres- cent. WaIevloo ($8) GARAGE SALE - Saturday. GARAGE SALE - 42 Cul- 90090! Drive. Saturday. May (In, 900-300 Pic- ture homes. black Andie lelevésion. clothmo, boom 'thNttig tttD May am and Sunday. May Sth, 1000-5 oo, 9 Rodin Avenue Nodh. Wmerioo Many househoId and mis- ceIIaneous items (‘8) Saturday. May 4th. 9:00- 2 oo, comer at Northtleld Drive and Highpoint (Lake- shore Village). Waterloo. Donated and consignment items include" small (enig- erator; gas stove, I dinette suite. round table. tour swivel chairs; ptolector and trays; bikes: camping equipment; toys. tumiture; china: nearly new clothing and more, (18) GARAGE SALE - Six families. 135 McKay Crescent ton Weber be- tween Matshall and Lin- coin Road). Waterloo Saturday. May 4th. 9:00 am, - 3:00 pm House- hold and baby furniture; clothing: toys; aluminum door and windows; smau appliances. bedroom suite. (18) 6th ANNUAL Neighbour- hood Garage Sale - May 4th (rain date May 11th). Blythwood Road at Weber Necessities, tuxu- ries and treasures Lawn and household furniture: baby Items; sports equip- ment. 8:00 am. earliest sales, (18) GARAGE SALE - Saturday. May Ath, 8:00-12:00 noon. 76 Norwood Cres- cent. Waterloo. tncludes: sofa. ping pong table. 19 cubic foot Freezer, (18) MULTt-FAMtLY Garage Sale. Saturday. May Ath. 9:00 a.m -4:00 'rm, Something for everyone 257 Castletield Avenue. Waterloo (Colonial Acres). (18) GARAGE SALE - Two tami- ties. Sotabed: sewing ma- chine: baby swing and mate Saturday. May 4th. 8:30-4:00. 82-B Lillian My. ".r'iettt Mum...hlyt. m to“, new clock; pock- ttt inches, on post cams. documts " scrap no” and doom! 9000 W. J. GRANT COINS FOUR FAMILY Garage Sate - May 401.800 am” 210 Lourdes Street. Wa- tettoo. Furniture: ctothing; household ctems. bicy- ctes; toibet/sinh, suitable tor cottage: Harris tweed jacket; ping pong tabte; Vic 20. data cassette and game. assorted traverse rod and cudains. (18) NEIGHBORHOOD Garage Sale - Ascot Place and Harvard Road (behind Glenridoe Plaza). Water- GARAGE SALE - Mum- tamily, Saturday. May Ath. 8:00 a m . 66 Pepper Street Lamps: tors: bikes; many other 14 WWWMM OI Unwanted Appliances. ALSO WILL PAY CASH BUYING FOR CASH For Good Chan Wm: Working or Not Working PHONE 7432946 Drive, Waterloo FREE REMOVAL antiques: ctobhintr, dishes. etc Saturday and Sunday. May 4th and 5th. 9:00-a:00 p m (18) ”25me t " 57m omens: so.» mom " Saints' Anglican Church Gauge Sale ensues; (18)

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