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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 24 Apr 1985, p. 37

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DOG and Cat grooming. All breeds styled profession- ally to suit your pet. Pick-up and delivery ser- vice available Over 20 years experience 699- 4232. win-mu, Too cm paid Io: records Encore Records. 297 King East, Kitchen" Phone Ma-tarty ttt) POPCORN WARMER wanted m good condition Phone 578-0087 eve- nings/ weekends Itt) 15 MSW 10kg..., 20kg P.fr... 10kgpuppyfood 20kgpuppyfood CABIN TERRIER Puppies. CKC registered. all re- quired shots. brindle color. home liner. $250- 8300. Phone 884-8952 (17) 16 Cantu“: NeTKicEs WANTED tor 6th Annual Cystic Flblo- sis Garage Sale. May 3rd and 4th Items you wnshlo donate would be most appretuated, every lmle bit helps Donations re- ceived or sold on per centage bass 7O EHIS Crescent North, Water, loo 885-1253 or 885- 4029 to arrange puck-up or delivery (1 7) THE Salvation Army re- quires donations ot cloth- ing, turmture, dishes, books, gewellery. apple ances. etc Help people who don t have as much!! For pick up at your home can 578-3130 (ti) FOUR-DRAWER tilmg cab- inet wanted Call 742- 9969 (18) GAS POWERED Lawn- mowers wanted. not nec- essarily m working cond" tion. Phone 884-1484 after 2:00 p m (26) IBED Wataioo Chronicle map-per carrier bags Pam St 00 tor clean (not com) musings. Wa- lodoo Chrooicte " Erb Street East, Waterloo 886-2830 PIANO WANTED - Regard- tess of condition Call 669-2280 or 669-2311 anytime (tt) 1977 PONTIAC Lemans. eight-cytirtder, automatic, white with red stripe: good condition, will cer- tity, $2500. or best offer Cal 744-9105 (N) 1977 FORD Maverick tour- door, six cyundev. power steering and brakes. eco- nomical transportation, runs great. $1950 Cer- tified 576-1496 (17) 1979 FORD Fairmont Ghia, 49.000 km in excelan condition, certified Phone 578-9082 on 1977 DODGE ASPEN T Slant tr l power steering and brakes. 54.000 Ongl- nal miles. recently paint- ed. $1950, certified 57tV 1496 (1 7) 1975 PLYMOUTH Fury. slam 6, 225; power noct- Ino/bnkes; enceliem condition. certified. 9 Herbert sr. Waterloo 818500! bod We! 88S- 0169 tttN Factory Outlet DOG FOOD SHOR-GAtN RECORDS 884-9600 $ 7.50 $14.00 $ 8.50 $16.35 DUE TO Expanuon nation- al Mme company ro- quim mature um mind- ed individual Medea in udvancomom. mud have car To arrange coMtMo.. tial MW. phone 7.3- 5301 . " n PAIN-TIME housekeeper required tor home in Okt Beechwood area. Three hours daily References 886-1861 (17) SALESPERSON RE- QUIRED Expanding Northern newspaper Ex- perienced self-starter, Car essential. Salary plus commission. Average S200-sA00 weekly, Write: The Monitor. Box 1126. Espanola. Ontario, POP 1C0, (17) 22 ”Wanted We have.seveial openings tor operators with a min- imum of 2-years experi- ence and a good employ- ment record SHIFTS Days and nights LOCATION: 410 King St. West and 75 River Road. We otter a competitive wage and benefit package with excellent incentive earning potential Apply to: FAMILIES WANTED to pro- vide foster care for chit- dren Daily rate. training and support services pro- vided Family and Chil- dren s Services, 576- 0540, Libby McLellan or Bill Ja nes (If) Represent Avon. Canadars Number 1 Direct-Semrtg Company A District Mart- age! is ready to talk to you We are seekmg mdwnduals With a mmlmum ot 2-3 years leather cutting expe- Hence Openings exist In our day and evening shms 23 AmulSduHOb LIVE-IN Housekeeper re- quired for lady in Water- loo Reply in writing to: Box wc-aol, Waterloo Chronicle. (17) 21)th Typewriters donned. also. wooded. repairs to " makes. reasonable rates. work guaranteed, Add- Type Busmess Eqmpmem. 28 Bridgeport Road East, Watertoo ttost down trom Tows). 885-2570. (t1) Tr-tities-te, LEATHER CUTTERS CALL 743-0421 LOOKING FOR CHALLENGES AND REWARDS? KAUFMAN 410 King St W Kitchener, Ontario N2G 4J8 Personnel Office FOOTWEAR LOST - Black female Siamese cat, very Spry. but is " years old: Silver PoodIe Boutique area. Laurel Street. Waterloo 884-0968 days or nights LOST - Lady's gold wed- ding band with diamonds on Park Street between Allen and William Reward 74A-5562 or TAtLORtNG/Alteotions. Ladies' and men's cloth- ing; Iapels narrowed. also suede and leather; pro- fessional work. reason- able. Mike Tremko, 886- 6437. (N) DO IT NOW! Why wait for spring? Siegfried Beutler Cuétom Tailoring. atter- aliens and repairs, meis or ladies' wear, 46 King South (across from Wa- tertoo Town Square) (It) DATES GALbRE for all ages and unattached Thousands ot members anxious Io meet you Prestige Acquaintances Call koI-Vree 1-800-263- 9163 noon Ill 8 pm (13) With two-year course in infant and preschool care available; also experienced homemakers and mothers' helpers, Stork Nanny Ser- vice. 744-6448 (19) LARGE REWARD USE OUR Tallor or dress- maker. complete ladies or mees alterations In- oune at Raggs For Men. Waterloo Town Square M6-1250 (N) Professional Nannies, homemakers and mother s helpers available on a love- m or out basis Let the professionals help you Stork Nanny Service, 744- 6448 (17) PREGNANT AND need - Cal mm 'ttr ERB EAST Area - Needed: mature reliable person who will enjoy caring tor our four-month-old infant. Hours are 8:30-4:30 pm in our home. Non-smoker preferred. References re- quired. Please call 885- 5285, " n bonus. W. order you to have previous “patience in ttirect_tottteputlrc, You must be a Manner and enpoy earning a mob oncome Promotions are rapid with "our firm No overnight travel but you must have a good car and plenty of ambition Apply in person to Mr tacovmo at the Sherwood Inn. Cam- bridge. on Thursday, Apr" 25th at 6 45 sharp (17) COMMISSIONED Sales- persons (tull or part-time) wanted for lovely Butlsh rmmatures Call RBG En- terprises 886-2601 (17) ENGLISH NANNIES' 27 LostlFound training allowance pun 263 Taihring a Mutations WqtMttttirqtt.otuB4imq 25 Child Care K-W EXTEND-A-FAMILY WANTED: FAMILIES a “‘5‘” 886-1306 an“. sr9..3996 (to To otter friendship to A CHILD who IS disabled Volunteer Through on a regular basis 884-984 1 NANNIES (17) (17) CIasses in fresh cut, silk or dried flowers. Monday or Wednesday evenings. Also bridal work done 664- 3570, ltr) MthtsitaHnttruetinn EXPERIENCED QUALI- FIED Teacher ot piano or theory for students, be- ginners and adun begin- nets Phone 742-1976 31 Vacation Accommodation WEN-DO, Women's self- defence, a course which otters common sense. et- fective protectior1 for women of all ages and physical abilities, Univer- sity of Waterloo Women‘s Centre, on two Sundays. April 28th and May 5th. 9:30-4:30 Cost £45 Seniors and students, $30 Call 885-2177 or 886-7801 for further in- formation (I 7) PIANO LESSONS by expe- rienced teacher. private instruction availaue. any age. Keaisway area Call Vimala. 886-0516 (17) 33 Leisure Activities/Classes RAZOR CUTS tor naturaity curly hall, or tor people who don t We all that bulk an the" style, tor eaSIer roller-sets. or leathered styling. I give excéllenl razor cuts at Hens n Chicks Beauty Salon. 59 Menno Street. Waterloo 886-2733 (ll) FLOWER ARRANGING April 26th for me Spring 1985 is». and receive 20% ttt 5.00) discount on the $75. "tttiatrtrtion be tor In Touch - the who's who directory ot Ontario 3 speakers and demonstra- tors MENSA - A Somal club tor hnghly mtelhgenl peo- ple Enloy the company of your peers 742-9916ttt) Surprtse someone mm a Belly Dance message tor any occas-on Call Nalwa. 744-1354 ('0 60-..on --toatt, We] hob you roach the We. than touching 38 mm LOSE WEIGHT MUSKOKA MUSIC Holi- day, Cammac. August 4-18. One or two weeks for adult singers and in- strumentalists. all levels, Professional instruction. Beautiful setting. Tennis and swimming, Contact Administratrix: Ruth Me- chanicus. 31 Duggan Av- enue. Toronto, M4V 1Y1, Telephone 1-At6-At54- 6456, (18) BELLY GREETING Look Good - F eet Great Naturally 100% Sansmcnon Guaranteed tor more mformahon Computsrizsd Business Systems Psrsonsl snd Corporation Tu W iniormstion Round Bookkoopino; Psyroii; Invoicing Photocopying; Labels; Form Lotion CALL 576-8943 INCOME TAX PREPARATION ProIoqunal III-NONE Senice ROBERT EGGETT FINANCIAL SERVICES cumulus: IN TOUCH Watertoo 742- (22) (19) AL-LETS Decorating Inle- nor and exterior painting, wallcovenng 25-years experemce Free esti- mates 745-6738 ttt) TREE STUMP REMOVAL Call G Schaefer, 742- 4675 (N) 45 Services TREE REMOVAL and Ten and IS-year warranty on shingles 10% discount for senior citizens. Free estimates. Guaranteed workmanship, 886-r058. 37 thtsiness/0ttice Service? 30mm» FREE CAREER Guide de- scribes 200 learn-at- home correspondence da- ptoma courses Account- ing. Art, Bookkeeping. Business Management. Cterk Typist. Secretary. Journalism. Television Sewncmg. Travel Gran- ton (5A) 263 Adelande West. Toronto 1-800- 268-1121 Prepared including state- ments tor small busmsses or the selt-employed Phone 885-4 I 21 (I 7) Tttti-Free Pager 1652-5025 Reasonable rates. AA Landscaping 884-3622. CAREER N Trucking - Trmwondmonnoododl Nowiathetimototratntor Returns INVESTMENT COUNSELUNG Service Businesses or Individuals 312 Marsland Drive. Com- plete sharpemng servuce all types. carbades. cucular and hand saws. scussors. chppers. knives, skates. lawn and garden tools, Shop hours 8 00-5 oo, Saturday till noon 884- 5401 (m LAWN ROLLING One-Ton Roller Telephone INCOME TAX RETURNS RENOVATIONS - Retiabte work. reasonable rates. New addttéons. rooting, chimneys, fences, porches. patios. Carports. cement work, cottage "F pairs. recreation rooms, fireplaces or what have you? Free estimates, Phone Tom. 745-3253, G 8: V ROOFING fiYItr't Shprpening clean-up of excess wood. Phone 579-0051 (17) For pie-mooning and tatt placomom information, contact Now Or": Trans- port Driver Training. Cambridge. ‘423-2430 (12) LAWN ROLLING BOOKKEEPING INCOME TAX 884-8289 885-3402 Services .WATERLOO W. WWY. Am 24. was - PAGE 37 (17) (22) (17) (17) I Our "(lined mechémcs use special I tools and genuine repIaceme-nt I am to put your equipmem into aitlllllt. I I running ooontion I I Katt SHALL ENGINES I iiii'i-'ii'iii,r"tiii'd'i :HAIRSTYLING _ . Helen & Linda will be happy ' I to serve you I ------------- ------------- I 20% OFF LABOR I - um TM. Ad WWW! ts, ’m I - TAKES TO SERVICE YOUR I souumeur DURING THE I SPRING RUSH. w ITS GOT It ENGINE-..' I WE SPECIAL E IN ITS REPAIR I '" fiat." . 579-4400 marl ------------- I THAT GRASS CAN GROW 6 I NEE?! I’JE.I!!‘_E..'I.._ i'l,ly,l?,,a,),'/tl,tl,,!f,t40W LAKESHORE ROOFING - New roots. re-rooting, re- pairs; workmanship guaranteed; free esti- mates. Phone 885-0888. (ti) GREG'S LAWN SERVICE PHONE 894-2427 or 886-1 684 COMPLETE LAWN SERVICE Rolling, Fertilizing, Pruning Planting, Lawn Spraying, Sodding. Weekly Lawn Maintenance SPRING CLEAN UP stMuutR'guiiiiii6jiiiiiitt PHONE 893-7464 "miiii"iiiu'suud We're now selling USED APPLIANCES - washers, etc. o repairs to most malor appliances , 312 Marsland Dr. (rear) Waterloo 578-0780 885-5405 33395 99v! FPR, COMING SEASON 124 Columbia St. W. Wat. I as of MAY 1/85 - JOE’S APPLIANCE SALES a SERVICE Spnng Clean-Up. Rolling, Aerating. Fertilizing. Weekly Lawn Matntenance and Roto-Tilting Call Receive an additional $5 OFF with this ad till May 15/85 For all your lawn and garden needs Interior and Exterior call for a Free Estimate if; (bstLuysThus s ss reg. $45 Spring to Fall 658-651 2 has relocated to for a free estimate WATERLOO YARD MAINTENANCE - Spring clean-up. also lawns mowed, reasonable rates. reliable. 885-0440 before 8:00 am. or after 8:00 p m, (17) for appointment

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