Service MESSIAII lllIllEllAll tlMtil 1 Coming Events ' Announcements TRIPLEX OR Fouvplex Phone 886-2830 EXCLUSIVE TWO bedroom condomn'mm in Beech- wood Villas Finished rec- reation room. comm! an, "cuzai. many other extras t3-by-22-toot deck overlooking pool and 'ennis courts 8102.000 Call 883£293 the! 5:00 or mm‘ v E DAY With Patti Page. Guy Mitchell and The Four Lads! May 9th to 10th. cost includes re- turn transportation on highway coach; accom- modation tor one night. dinner at the hotel: guided City tour. breakfast and reserved seat for concert in Niagara Falls, per per- son, twin $129 Phone Gotden Age Travel. 28 Weber Street West, Kit- chener, 742-6822. toil- tree 519 area I-800-265- SPRING BOOK FAIR. Sun- day, April 28. 1985, 11 am. to 5 pm. Concert Hall, 888 Yonge Street, Toronto, Rare and sec- ond hand books. prints, maps and related items. $2.50 entrance. (416) 977-4654, 3 Mangage Loans IF YOUR Banker says no to your mortgage "tfirtattc- ing phone All Ontario Financial, the mottgaoe people. 743-5361, 743- 2144. (N) AMquob COTTAGE FOR Sale. Io- cated in Monticello, P.E.l. on one acre serviced bot. Walking distance to beach. asking $18,500. Call 1-902-485-5537 aha 5:30 pm. (17) ALLOW US To assist in PAGE 36 - WATERLOO m. WEDNESDAY, A“ 2a. 1085 KINDERSLEY. Saskatche- wan 75th Anniversary and Heritage Days, July 5, 6, RUMMAGE SALE EMMANUEL UNITED CHURCH 22 Bridgeport Road West Waterloo wanted in Win! are. of Waterloo. Cal "s. 2330 miles. (N) Friday, Lam 260. TAb pm. Satorttq, A6trit 27m 10-12 "ooo was!) in . arranging or replacing your mortgage Firsts and seconds - prime rates, Representing convention- al and private tenders Regional Credit Group Inc. M6-6441 ttt) 7. 1985 Come home, Details: 75th Anniversary Committee. Box 1330. Kindersley, Saskatche- wan. SOL ISO. (17) In. Kevin "ninth SUNDAY, APRIL um 9:15 am. - Sunday School AM “I. Cl... Caner " Glen PM Bum Viacom. W imwva mm a cm Church ttte) SPRING CLEARANCE SALE This week only new-used Used organs from 8100 Used pianos from $295. PIANO (r ORGAN FURNISHED Student rooms tor rem. summer only, $180. monthly. Phone 743-5381 or 742- 4579. (22) 13 Artieies tttr Sale FILING CABINET. black, two drawer. letter size. 850. Electric adding ma- chine. 625 Phone 885- 0041 t (17) COUCH AND Loveseat, brown plaid. in very good condition, $200 Phone 886-01 1 1 . (17) 1tth mum THREE BEDROOM house. FURNISHED ROOM avail- able May-August; sepa- rate entrance. parking. five-minute bicycle ride to university, suilable tor studertr886-430t (17) FURNISHED STUDENT rooms, cooking. laundry facilities; summer only. University next ttoor $99 monthly Phone 576- 8818. (17) “Magnum 13 Amanda's-h FURNISHED STUDENT rooms. cooking. laundry facilities, cleaning, uni- versity next door, Sep- tember-Au9ust Dense. $150-$190 monthly 576-8818 (35) FAMILY-SENIOR RATES PIANOS-ORGANS OFFICE EQUIPMENT MI SALE 6375 monthly; urge gu- den “not; emotion! lo cation, available May tSth, 886-9884 anytime, (17) exclusively by nlcrwave To become a cooker Instead " a heater call June at the Pitney Bowes Mailing Machine - Model 5460 ttrostage) Catt Joan no" 0! Donna In.» qt THE MICROWAVE CHEF Maximum six lines (incoming a outgoing) Hands tree dialing Memory for frequently dialed numbers Last number redial Control long distance calls Intercom PHILIPS DICTATION ' TRANSCRIPTION MACHINES Cassette Fast forward/feat rewind Special instruction Volume and tone control ls celebratln " years trf goofing HOUSE 183 Ottawa St. S., Kitchener, Ont. 743-6000 UNTRAKEY TELEPHONE SYSTEM 579-1 600 FOR LEASE RED MAPLE Dinette suite, Imperial Loyalist, lame. tour side chairs, one arm chair, butts! and open hutch. also matching mir- ror. good condition. 6325 Card table and tour matching chairs, good quality set, $50 578- 0087 evenings, (17) REFRIGERATOR. $100 Two kitchen tables, two chairs. end table, all ne- gotiable Phone 888- 7406 (17) BRIDESMAttrs DRESS. Ivory. Sue 9. cleaned. worn once. paid St35. asking $40 Aluminum storm windows, assorted sizes, 885-6026 (18) Maple and Beech; all cut and split: 64 cubic feet, 890 delivered Phone 579- 41 18 (If) BOY'S RALEIGH five- speed bicycle in excellent condition. $75 Phone B85-M93 (17) COLOR TELEVISION. $50. Black/white tatevision. $10. Saddle rack, $25 Chikrs swimming pool. $20 Swing set, $15 886-6628. (17) 1979 - 17 FT J-Cratt with 200 hp, Mercury. Best YOUNG MAN'S three- piece wey sun. size 36. $100, Woman's yellow spring coat, sue 16. $50 745-2357 tt 7) STEEL BUILDINGS - Man- utacturers ctearance. lim- iled quantities Buy now while supplies last Sub- stantial discounts during sale Widths 3o-120-teet Call Ion-tree 1-800-387- 8130 (17) ANTIQUE JAM Cupboard. refinished Necchn desk model sewmg machine with attachments Cedar chest, Phone 885-0041 THURSDAY, Am 25th 7:30 pm. WATERLOO INN Room 200 475 King St. Noun Watqrtoo offer 576-9674 Imponod From Germany Especiany For You GLAMOUR SHOW FIREWOOD (17) VINYL No-Wax "oorirtg. Clear-out prices. all sizes to choose trom Phone 884-0851 (if) You have seen on windows abroad are here now. threct trom Europe: multi- purpose MMAL ROLL SHUTTERS are inpenetrable. providing security. privacy and a thermal barrier against noise. cow, sun. wind and light Protects trom in- Iruders For mIormahon and estimate call 13mm“ 13 muss. _13musu- 13A Garages- 28 Regina St N , Waterloo Mon 4-11 9-8 Sat 9-6 Custom-m no“ cove" with matching head and armrest: in 43 cobra. in Borg. Vow. Vioyt and Mailed outside ot Watertoo $1600 per year in Can- ada. Call BtW-2830 Sec- ond Class Mail. Registrar tion Number 5540 Members 0.C.N A. C.C.M.A, S.N.A. (t!) BOOK EXCHANGE V I N Y L R E M N A N T Clearoul Varitey of no- wax vmyl Mor covering. all first quality Catt 886- 4080. ttt) WAW Tm tor build- 160 Columbua St w. Waterloo aM Phillip Behind o, of W. 884a AUTO SEAT COVERS I INSULATING WINDOW TINT no "on“ and. em; Mop I m "on. “9-2 506 Truly terrific savings on slightly blemished, less than perfect pieces. COMPUTER DESKS from ....,...,,,t6S. STUDENT DESKS from 'rvW. ,...‘$75. BOOKCASES from _.,,......t39. MONITOR STANDS from ‘,....H.v.$lO. Your choice subject to prior sale of white, oak or walnut. Many other various shelving units on sale. PAPERBACKS Hard Com. Mystery, Wuhan, m. 30mm We Buy. Sell l Trade Comic Books 2 DAYS ONLY Those Practical Exterior STAMABO‘ELF' tttcar-original muons! he: and which; n in- sulates. keeps W but in and summer heal our, cuts glare and fade by up to 98%; Mo: was trhtgttarr-resistartt,r clan: and cobra, Call Free M’KTW ROLL SHUTTERS Friday, April 26 " pm. Saturday, April 27 log p.m. FACTORY SECONDS SALE Watenoo Chronicle L“!D (22) USED RAILWAY Ties, ex- cetttertt condition; round- ed $9.50; volume dis- count; AA Landscaping 884-3622. (22) STORAGE BUILDINGS - All steel or wood and steel buildings. very special prices. limited quantities. direct from factory. 217 Wilkinson Road. Bramm ton. Ontario, L6T 4M2 or Phone 1-416-454-5420 (17) LP. RECORDS Bought and sold. top prices paid, Encore Records, 297 King Street East, Kitchen- er Ma-1370 (tt) WHOLESALE STEEL Buildings Factory direct prices No Middleman Ouonsel and straight wall buildings Won't be un- dersold Guaranteed best value on market today Call (416) 221-7353 (Cup and save ) SPRING GARDENING - Ev- erything to start' seeds. nutrients. heating. tight- ing. germination kits, greenhouses. solar openers, Metal Halides at best prices in Canada Send $2 tor catalogue and price list to Western Water Farms. 12“ Sey- moor Street. Vancouver. CARPET REMNANT Clear- Out, varnety ot colors and sues, all first quality Call 886-4080 ttt) PIANOS - Restored to ong- Inal condition stamng at $995 Tuned and Deliv- ered Complete Piano Service, call tor appomt- ment 669-1207 (17) LOWREY ORGAN, '450, Rich tone. perfect pitch. musk, book. 3-20 Yager Avenue, Kitchener, 578- 5424. Wringer washing machine, $150 3 Ajax Street, Guelph., 1-821- 4295 (18) FERTILIZER - Top quality lawn and garden 16ArAr, Sto, - 20 kg, Saturday. April 27th. goo-3:00 pm. Knox Presbyterian Church, 50 Erb West. Waterloo, Att proceeds 5th Waterloo Boy Scouts, (17) FULL-.FACED Bell motor- cycle hetmet Handcran- ed cedar chest. Kerosene heater. Drafting board 885-1648 after tour. (1 7) CARPET AND VinyI Rom- nants. ceramic and: Fug 2rtry-1B-irtch mats, two not customer 884-9131. CLASSIFIED DEADLINE " TUESDAY, " mm. 743-321 9 082-6636 WWW“ IATTRESSSETS Worm Shana-hm '0.rqt.rtrot-. hm.~'~n (17) 13A 680908!“ GARAGE SALE - Satur- day, And! 2rth, 9:00- 4:00, 322 Spruce Stud. GARAGE SALES tor tun and protit! Maximize re- turns for galage /carport. yard/multi-family sales. Booklet cost back and more with greatly in- creased sales, $4 Ctrt- cludes handling) to: Gra- ham Publications. Box 367. Trail, BC V1R 4L6. (17) USED STORE Wall and island shelving, counters. card racks, showcases. wallcases. security mir- rors. glass shelving. shelving brackets, pew board hooks, cash regis- ters. wire racks Lover's New and Used, 254 Ade- laide Street South, Lon- don, 1-683-2254, Mon- day - Friday 9-5. Saturday 9-12 JEEP OWNERS - Parts, accessories tor Jeeps 1942 to 1984 Gigantic stock, low prices. quick service. Gemini Sales. 4736 Hastings. Burnaby, BC. V5C 2K7. Phone 1-604-294-2623 or l- 604-i?$M-a214. (17) POOL SALES - Leading manufacturer with a limit- ed number ot 1984 models vs having a clear- ance sale, Package in- cludes motor, pump. filter, shimmer. liner. tence and deck. Regular $2095. reduced to $1295. Call anytime 1- B00-265-m42, (17) 50 Erb St. West. Waterloo Fenluvino: Househoid "ems. Tools. Toys, cm- ing. Books. Furniture, Fer- mizot and more All proceeds - Sth Waterloo Boy Scouts REFRESHMENTS SERVED ROCK-O-MATC ROCK- PICKERS and Rock Win- drowen, 22 dollerent models and sizes, " 12 ft Rock Wirtdrower, $4.375. Mew Conception Rock Bucket tor tront end loader 6 ft. wide, rakes stones ahead then picks them up and shakes earth out. Picks rocks 2 inches and up Price: $1,250 Contact local implement S LOWEST PRICES Ever ' Ouonsei manufacturer clearing out surplus m- venlmy at sacrifice DHCCS Won t be under- sold No gimmicks, fan- tastic distress sale prices Serious only call 1-a1tr- 663-5322. " 7) Sat. April 21th 9:00 mum-4:00 pm. KNOX CHURCH FOR SALE: Coda: was for oid style fencing (50-100 rails), " each Call 696- 3372, Waterloo Childvon's Flesherton, NOC 1E0 Phone 1-922-2389 (17) OLD DISHES. Odd c008 ANTIQUES: turrtiture, rugs. jewelry. quilts. shitting crocks. glass and chitin. etc, One piece to com- pMe estate. 10 your: in business At Jones. MM- BUYING FOR CASH GARAGE SALE - 385 Grangewood Drive ILirt- com Village). Saturday. April 27th. 9:30. Many items including: tawn- mower: kids' things. clothes. aquarium and stand; bedspreads; toas- ter oven Rain date May 4th (17) " mummm KNOWLEDGEABLE. repu- table owner of a small antique shop wishes to buy' household items: was, silver. turniture. etc, Cash paid for good clean refrigerators, stoves, washers, dryers. etc, C & V Appliances. 744-3231. ttf) ALSO mu. PAY CASH MOVING SALE - Saturday, April 27th, 9c00-12:00, 333 Dunvegan Drive (Lin- coln Village). Kenmore dryer, $190; oil painting. $175; bedroom suite. $425; pair of Stillel lamps. $290. Christmas decorations; ttoN clubs: miscellaneous items. etc. Everything must go. mav- ing April 30th, or call 885-3333. (17) APPLIANCES Wt Saturday, April 27th, 9 oo- A 00 (Lincoln Village. Wa- terloo) Baby items, car seat, cabbage patch dolls and clothes. bicycles, alu- minum door, 12-by-15 car- pet, btaided rug, kettle barbecue. kitchen table and chairs, bench and weights, rocking chair, Mennonite quilt. plus much more No veasonable otter refused. Walk around the circle and shop. over 20 homes participating (17) For Good Chan wide gigging pr Not Working, GARAGE SALE - Enghl houses aNorman Street (across ham Domimon Ute) Saturday. April 27th, 8 30 a m -2 30 pm, (17) NEIGHBORHOOD GARAGE Sale - Regina Street North, between Noecker and Elgm Streets. Saturday. April 27th. rain or shine. 9'00 a m on, Memory tebe- phones. answering ma- chine, elecmc motors, books. sleeping bags, etc (17) Ot ypwamod Avoidance; FREE REMOVAL and saucers. silver. sit- verplate and jewelloty wanted, Phone 885- 885-2300. W. J. GRANT CONS H25KnoStE‘Ki576-‘OIO "muse-woman PHONE 143.2946 LEE CIRCLE STREET SALE (N) (H) tm