Rob Drasdo (left) and Reinhard Burow kept a close watch on each other in high school all-star basketball game. Drasdo was on a loam with ll of Water loo County's best from Eastwood, St. Jerome's, Grand River, Elmira. KCI and Waterloo-Oxford. Bluevale's Cir" Rein- hard Burow, both cen- tres and second team all-stars, were often matched against each other in the game'Fri- day at Cameron Heights. Richard O'Brien Chronicle Staff There were only two familiar faces from Waterloo high schools when the Whites met the Reds in the eighth annual all-star basket- ball game but they sure did see a lot of each other on the court. Drasdo played for the White team coached by Joe Mar- lino from Eastwood and the Whites hung on to beat the Reds 70-68 after taking a I4-point lead into the dressing room at halftime, Burow, meanwhile. Late drive by Red team makes alll-star game_close Summer JOIN C0L0MBlAN0W AND GET INTO FITNESS t3pttttial,ttatyrttt,1,ip, YOUR SUMMER MEMBERSHIP INCLUDES: Eleven atr-coortittorted Racquetball courts Court t2. Itcensod lounge Twat â€VWCE Causal locker rooms Showers. Saunas, and Wttittpoots Wadi teamed up with players from Cam- bridge schools along with Jason Renfrew from Forest Heights as well as the Waterloo County league's MVP, Jasper Naus of Ca- meron Heights. It was -the second time Drasdo's been in this all-star game. Drasdo scored six points, but the White team had no scorers in double figures and Chris Schnarr of St, Jerome's was tops with nine. ' "I was really ner- vous last year." said Drasdo. "I didn't play half as good as I did this year." Burow scored just two points. but came up with a fine display of rebounding and shot blocking that have be. come his trademark since coming to WCI from Montreal. The Reds were led by Rick Duyzer of Glen, view Park. who scored l9. Naus was close be. hind with 16. '5 'ktfitSi?i an OUR 4995 Fitness dam ttt.25 no: mambo!) Snack bar â€nice Frog New MM s (3th Weight Training cumc (Individual weight program) Moe! New FriqmSs COURTS INC. 100 Common Wont. Wqtqetoo Phone 886-5870 Coached by Barrie Lillie, the Reds came within two points on a late field goal by Nous, who was fouled on the play. Naus had one free throw which he deli- berately missed and a teammate nearly tied the score on the re- bound. Senior high school. university and senior men's basketball players are asked to register for K-W Titans Spring League. League games are Tuesday and Thursday nights during May and June at Bluvvale enliv- giatc. To regimen send $40 and a completed form to 145 Wvstvale Dr., Waterloo. N2T 186. _ Titans spring' league Subhct to Court Fm May 1 to Aug. 31/85 Richard O'anon photo Sports E; Fitness Classestii--gaiii:: Weight Training Trf-ia-Tr-ii. Prenatal Exercise 'iii-e Swim Lessons " FriiaiUiGl 4iiiiiiifiiis fir tire Whole Family ADULTS PRESCHOOLERS Infant Stimulation (4 wks - " mos. old) Parent/Child Gym and Splash (6 mos. - 3 yrs.) Gym, Swim and Creative Play (3-6 yrs. old) YOUR YMCA I I . WHERE FITNESS 8. Flltllllitil0SlhilPs GROW BEVT'S CAMERAS Westmount Place 886-5520 Lot a: custom "an. and not your favorite Mm, Was, on. All ANNOUNCEMENT workdamonmhos-t We are pleased to announce that Sue Hutchinson has joined our staff. AJI. KAUFMAN FAIKY Y 333 OAIWOOD AVE. REGISTRATION: Wednesday, April " - 6 to ' pm. Thursday, AMI 25 7 9 mm. to tt p.m. FREE FITNESS eiugg 6§IENTATION CLINICS: WWW Wodnooady,lp}tu fa, 7 pm. - " am ' Wodnoulay. April " 7:30 pm Learn all about fitness classes and exercise programs 7 651000} néarest YM_QA for _brochures a information. 143-5201 SEVEN WEEK smtiTargtlhTiBTth5tu mums " Watotloo (King at Hickory) 275 King St. N. 885-32 20 SM. Hutchinson WATERLOO 0mm. WSDAY, AMI. Ir, 1905 - PAGE " (tr, sso PARKSIDE DR.WATERLOO mam hl [jr%fiii 886-2060 MT tSA q Mining q Roping _ o Duos!†. Furniture stripping and refinishing We Met you guaranteed workmansmp 18 years experience ACADIAN UPHOLSTERY A and INTERIOR Vety Namath Ptices â€will! new, mm. Visit us for a great looking hairstyle at reasonable prices! MEN'S CUTS .......87. LADIES CUTS . . . . . .. " BOY'SCUTS........ " GIRLSCUTS ........ so. semons CUTS . . . . . " (ABOVE INCLUDE BLOW DRY) COMPLETE ROLLER SETS ............. $6.15 PERMS . . . . . . ‘mys35.00 Am," VEEDED F08 FEMS 0H] “SCOUNTS FOR SEND“ CITIZENS 28 UNIVERSITY AVE. E., WATERLOO _ Wom Chorehd FM Chick.“ Tuesday-Friday 8230-6 Saturday B.3:30 CHILDREN (6-12 yrs.) Swimming Lessons Gymnastics SportsClub Basketball Floor Hockey Dance Movement WATIBLOO FAMILY Y 1 " um RD. HAM“ 885-3500 r Rec. Sports Gymnastics Swim Lessons Babysitting Course Manon Harbec TEENS 87.50 $5.00 $6.00 $4.00