CABBAGE PATCH dom- iog, Mummy made. In- cluding ovonlh. Incl: BIRDS FOR SALE - Bud- gies. cocutiese, Canaries and 9006. Phone 745- 3059. (11) BEDSITTING ROOM for te- mate in basement, adia- cent cooking facilities, separate entrance, tAtit.. " MMSdO OFFICE AND Retail space available In busy mall. reasonable rates; plenty of parking. 576-7656. m) HOME FOR Rent May- August 1985, 64 Avon- date Avenue South, Distr. crochocoo can": and much mart Ma-tk?", 578-7037, Affordable co-op town houses proposed tor Doon area, Kitchenér. 60 units. 2-3-bedrooms, some tor disabled. Close to schools and shopping. For further information can Guelph l- 800-265-8368. (13) PARKING WANTED tor one 8A mum 10A Downtown! RETAIL SPACE in otd Wa- terloo: approximately 1500 square feet, 74 Regina Street North, 884- 8321 after 5:00 pm. tt l) " Parking Space Wanted able tor student prefer non-smoker Three blocks from Walenoo Square 886-2017 ttt) 4304 washer. rear patio. two baths. five minutes bike ride to universities-gi, ties included; price nego- tiatge. Also two on 78-14 radial snow tires, seo "0tticetbace 4t'ropertrforsale ALLOW US To assist In arranging or replacmg your mortgage, Firsts and seconds -. prime rates Representing convention~ Church Service NESSIAH I""'" 'iiiiiiis] CHURCH Allen /Weber Streets area. Phone 576-1623 evenings. (1 2) Phone 386-2830 3 Mortgage Loans PAGE 28 - WATERLOO CHRONOCLE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13 al and pnvate lenders Regional Credit Group Inc, 886-6441 (ttl tthop HOUSING AMBUeCtass 1030arrr-eostyp%mce ICU. It“. Wuhan sun)". MARCH trth 9 15 a m ~Smday School The Pvt-ohm ot 50cc.“ Corner cl Gle- Fermi Everyon- ' WED MARC†20m Lona-n Same. Srrnmu Thvnu Iaeestuee “Inge Scrmm Tit-"Ir (11) FRENCH PROVlNCIAI. sofa. drum and chest ot driven; lawnmower. HOOVER Portable spin- dryer. in excet%ttt condi- tion, Phone 7446868, Unseasoned hardwood, maple and beech: cut and spin; 64-cubic teat. $90; 1604:ch test 8220 dem- ered. 579-4118 tttr CARPET REMNANT Ctear. Out. variety of colors and sizes. all tirst quality. Catt 886-4080 M QIEQIEAUTY CENTRE “no; stereo; end tauâ€. box We and mm; â€when labia and chain; anâ€; bird breeaer; 1972 (no Havana aGTiGirU- Shop . '-itt.oco Phqoo Custom-m seat covers with matching head and enuresis in 43 colors. in Borg, Velvet. Vinyl and factory-original material Window Tinting for build- ings and vehictetc it in- sulaies. keeps winter heal in and summer heat out; cuts mate and fade try up) to 98%; makes glass shatter-resistant: clear‘ and colors. a mu tt minim} AUTO SEAT COVERS ' INSULATING WINDOW TINT Watedoo ChronicIe Subscriptions Mailed outside of Waterloo $16 00 per year In Can- ada, Call 8B6-2B30 Sec- ond Class Mail, Reg-stra- tron Number 5540 Members 0 C N A, C.C.N.A . S N A ttt) Bought and sold. top paces paid, Encore Records, 297 King Street East. Kitchen, er 744-1370 (If) VINYL No-Wax lloonng Clear-out pnces. alt sizes to choose trom Phone 8tMAM5t (if) 1973-321 s V I N Y L R E M N A N T Clearout Vamey ot no- wax vinyl floor covering, all tirst quality Catt 886- 4080 itt) L.P. RECORDS CARPET AND Vinyl Rem- nants. ceramtc ends. F tee 27-by-t8-inctt mats, two per customer 884-913t. Itt) Call Friee Fram'Kv-W 13 WNW 353-2506 SPRING AND FOAM MATTRESS SETS FIREWOOD Worm Simsmadetorow moon-am town-loom (H) (11) STEEL BUILDINGS Best prices white ateet build- ings last, tactory direct. 20-year warran'y. unnum- ed sizea. as low as $1.81/squave " For commode Dunning. phone Brad, canoe! (416) 676- 1585. BABY CHICKS 12 varie- ties; 3-weeh-okt canons. and heavy meat types, Delivery: Payee! Post, (all. Send for price rm: Bon- nie's Chick Hatchery, Box 154, Elmira, N38 226 (519) 6692561 ' ZODIAC INFLATABLE Boats plus Windsurters, Mislrals and Bic Sail- boards. March is the TWIN BEDS Two _ tour poster twin size beds. white, with box spring and matching mattresses, Stoo each, Two bedroom tight fixtures, $20 each. Orange acrytoo broad- loom, IO-by-IS-feet, $100, 578-0643. (H) 16-FO0T SAILBOAT 1CL-t61 and wallet, beauh- tut condition and we" equDDed. best otter Eve- nings 579-2305. (1 1) Now availabue at Cradles Too. Beechwood Plaza. 884-2100 and Cambridge, 653-7335, (14) on", Phone 886-0292 mtltioet,ehtrtedbvartiat, "itWt.ootreettrqrteB- SYMPHONY IN STEAM CRIB SAFETY LOCKS BICYCLES - Girl's 24-inch Raleigh coaster, melallic blue. like new, $50. Boy's 24-inch Raleigh 10- speed. metallic grey, $60. Boy's 20~inch Raleigh BM. chrome frame, back and front calipev brakes, St25, Lady's tMr-speed, SSO. Man's tttree-speed, sas 884-4578. (11) month to boy tor best prices and demeries OW. Sports. 92 King South, Watertoo, 886- 2840. (13) Leading manufacturer won: a limited number of 1984 models as having a clear, ance sale, Package 'n- eludes motor. pump, sand fitter, Skinner, liner. tence and deck. Regular once. $2095. Reduced 1031295. We will beat anyone's price, Call anytime: - toots and genuine resgacemdnt I parts to put your eogipmem into irunmng bpe('anon ( V V ii . K-w SMALL ENGINES I I "moms STS AAiOo"rcp,; “I Wat-doc " sun ------------- I THAT GRASS CAN GROW 6 I MEESJ!‘ 1551945 " - TAKES TO SERVICE YOUR I EQUIPMENT DURING THE I SPRING RUSH. IF ITS GOT AN ENGINE--- I WE SPECiALiZE m ITS REPAIR I pur. framed mechamcs use special ‘13Arhclesiusue 13mm“. $llilolloliBeitioqt--ttiBgiqttiBgtit-tq 'dsgiotttt.iEytrTtCrt3jtitoe ll buinU'kï¬bw: POOL SALES 1 653-01 76 r. 1985 tttt GUN BARGAINS - Save up to 40% by subscribing to The Gunrunrter, the Ca- nadian monthly 't6tAmptr- pov tor boring, W0 and mow modem and tMV tique t'trerarrmt and acces- more. Summation: " per your. qunnov. Box 5061 Lambdaâ€. Alta. WHOLESALE STEEL Guiding; Factory direct prices. No Middleman. Ouonset and straight wall buildings Won't be un- derootd. Guaranteed beet value on market today Call (416) 22t-7353 (Clip and save ) STEEL BUILDINGS Manu- lacturers ciearance. Lim- ited quantities Buy now white suppiies last. Sub- stantial discounts during sale. Widths 30' to 120" Cal toleee 1-800461- 7689. (Area code 807 cal (705) 335-59720 TN 324. tumae copy £1.50. born tte%r - on PIANO _ yAHOGANY Upright, refinished" and tuned. Please call 743- 1977 after 6:00 Fm. (12) CON. YARD ANTIQUES 108 Duke St. East Kitchener SNOWBLOWER. Uoto, Mower Snowshark, 7 ha. 24-inch. electric start. chains. excellenl condition. $475 or best otter. Double bed with box spring. $65 or best offer. Two Michelin tires. whitewalls 2t5-t5. $75 or best other One Bf. Goodrich steel bened ra- dial whitewall. FUR-7845. $50 or best otter 576- 2754. 5:00-7:0o $Nttt, CHESTS OF Drawers, swinger washer. child’s table and chairs. book- case. 08(500 bench, kitchen table and chairs. sewing machines; dozens ot household Items Hei- delberg Trading Centre. 699-4655. tt 1) One hour free parking at Market Garage fat the foot of Kitchener Market Building; 15% OFF COPPER ' BRASS March Special 744-2700 _i'isfiiis, (11) USED ELECTRFC table saw wanted to good condition Phone 885-0571 tt 1) OLD DISHES. Odd cups and saucers, silver. sit- verplate and ,eweuery wanted Phone 885- 2300 (N) THE Salvation Army re- quives donations of cloth- ing, furniture, dishes. Knowedoe wanted in good to "com comti- tion; "â€00an Phone 885-057! (H) ANTIQUES: lurniture. rugs. jeweny. quilts, shimng cracks. glass and china. etc. One piece to com- plete eslme. 10 years in business, Al Jones. 664- 2830. St. Jacobs (ti) Gold and silver cams. tewek tery, starting silverware. trays, tea sets, annque clocks. pock- et watches. old post cards. documents All scrap gold and dental gold W. J. GRANT COWS ances. Mc, Hap people who tton't have as much†For pick up at your home can 578-3130. (to 14 Articles Wanted to Buy Cash paid tor good clean refrigerators. stoves, washers. dryers. etc C A V Appliances 744-323t. (if) HERD REDUCTION, Regis- tered polled Heretords. 40 cows bred to PhL425E mapper. 20 cows bred to Justamere 317G Spitus, Cows to calve April/May. IO heilers bred to Forders Justa V Nero will calve May 20 open heifers, 10 service age bulls Free- listed Harold Hawthorn. Foresters Fails, Ontario (613) 6464693. WINTER CLEARANCE on att steel buddmgs Dit- ferent sizes. some 20 to 100 wide. First come, first served. Miracle Span Steel Buuidnngs Toll-tree. 1-800-38r-491tr IMPORTER OF Fine Euro- pean merchandise has crystal, porcelain, pewter. bronze statuettes, etc available. For information catl 653-3694 after 5:00 pm. (11) APPLIANCES ttt GIRL s FIRST Communion dress. white cotton, $28 12. worn once, asking Sao Boy tt grey three- piece punsmped sun, sale 14, with shirt and clip-on tie, worn once. asking $60 886-0208 after soo D-m (11) gramme; FOR CASH V125anSl E.tut 57644646 8thterSt S.Camb 62mm is celebrating " years " cooking exclusively by microwave. To become a cooker Instead " a heater call Jane " the ms: WAVE MM SCHOOL FAstILYeENuiitATEt; 13MittttfoeSah, .14, Mift1trrudtothtr, 21thnt'me0tqrotttsnitt" cussmeppnouu: " mason, " mm. MICROWAVE CHEF DtSTmBUTORtr Hot- Product! Dehumidmes homes. R v '3. Sony Fromm tor Amway dine trittutors, on stamens. marinas. commits: Mad! 21ih'ittest0-tttttities Typewriters cleaned, Med. adlusied, repairs Io all makes; reasortabte rates, work quaranteed, Add- Type Business Equipment, 28 Bridgeport Road East, Waterloo Oust down trom Towers). 885-2570. ttt) 1976 OLDSMOBtLE Delta Royale sedan. an condi- tioning, power steering, brakes and windows; good condition 885- o069, tt4) 1979 PARISIENNE 305, certified, power brakes. cruise control. air condi- noning. stereo. good con- dition. $3950. 884-7090. (1 I) 1979 BELAIR Four-door, ve, automatic, power steering and brakes, good cqndition. certitied, 742-2789 evenings ttf) 20 Typewritet mm. cantor» Kym-Pox. Box 80157. Burnaby, a C vs“ 3xs I 1977 PONTIAC Lemons, eight-cylinder, automatic, white with red stripe; good condition. will can tity, $2500. or best offer. Cat 744-9105. Ttt) Typewriter Sales-Service 10kg.,....,. 20kg.,.u.., 10kgpoppyfood 20kgpupprfood DOG and Cat grooming. " breeds styled profession- ally to suit your pet. Pick-up and delivery ser- vice available. Over 20 years experience; 699- 4232. 15 mam 16 Canquab Top cash paid for records. Encore Records, 297 King East. Kotchener Phone 744-1370 ttt) N.sp WILL pjir CASH Fw Good Clean kiviirinas' trt?rhiryo, ff Idol Working. 91 _Upwanted ioliidrar, FREE REMOVAL Factory Outlet 9 Herbert St. Waterloo OLD GOLD Jewelry. rungs. onenlal rugs. old turtu- ture 5.7tr-765ti tttt USED Waterloo Chronicte newspapel carrier bags, Paying 81,00 for clean (not torN Was. Wa- terioo Chronicle. 45 Erb Street East. Waterloo. 886-283tr KNOWLEOGEABLE. (epo- PHONE 743-2946 unique shop wishes to buy household items: rugs. m. furniture. etc, 885-2300, (N) DOG FOOD SHUR-GAIN RECORDS 884-9600 t 7.50 $14.00 S 8.50 $16.35 PERSON WITH woodwork- ing experience required tdr steady tulHirne em- ployment in Waterloo!“- cellem working condi- lions. Write Box MIC-400. Waledoo Chronicle (1 I) STUDENT REQUIRED tor 1r9rmer employment. must have car and know sign language Phone 885-3266 (12) SHINE HOME Support Ser- vices is looking for per- sons wining to do ctean.. ing for senior cut-zens; pan-time work. " 50 hourty rate Piease can 579-6930 (11) D|STBIBUTORS WANTED, - Top quality panty hose. 34 colors. satisfaction guaranteed. commission to 30%; ground fto,or op- portunity, no investment: territory ‘or quota Call WIN, 8136-4025. (12) PROJECT HEAR, needs caring volunteers to as- sist Watertoo area sen- iors You can help by doing a little shopping, driving or occasional light housekeeping. Cali now and help make a semor s day a brighter one B86- "5440, Monday-Frittay, 9:00-12:00 noon (12) COUPLE WITH transporta- lion tor part-time janitorial work. will train. Phone 884-1833. (12) cellent incentive earning potential. Apply to: Personnel Office Several openings for Oper- ators with a minimum of two-years experience and good employment record. SHIFTS - Days and nights. LOCATION - 410 King St. West and 75 River Road. We otter competitive wage and benefit package with ex- BE YOUR own boss! Operate profitable bust- "erstt"tpat'rietgstoetedam- aqod winctshiq#trTre- HWWM Marketing, 325 Broad Street West, Dunnville. Ontario, N1A1T2, (14) SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS mendous prdtits, We need a distribute! in your area, For information Wall: n to me! KAUFMAN 410 King St. W. Kitchener. Ontario N26 4J8 FOOTWEAR It. a... In“