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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 13 Mar 1985, p. 28

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CABBAGE PATCH dom- iog, Mummy made. In- cluding ovonlh. Incl: BIRDS FOR SALE - Bud- gies. cocutiese, Canaries and 9006. Phone 745- 3059. (11) BEDSITTING ROOM for te- mate in basement, adia- cent cooking facilities, separate entrance, tAtit.. " MMSdO OFFICE AND Retail space available In busy mall. reasonable rates; plenty of parking. 576-7656. m) HOME FOR Rent May- August 1985, 64 Avon- date Avenue South, Distr. crochocoo can": and much mart Ma-tk?", 578-7037, Affordable co-op town houses proposed tor Doon area, Kitchenér. 60 units. 2-3-bedrooms, some tor disabled. Close to schools and shopping. For further information can Guelph l- 800-265-8368. (13) PARKING WANTED tor one 8A mum 10A Downtown! RETAIL SPACE in otd Wa- terloo: approximately 1500 square feet, 74 Regina Street North, 884- 8321 after 5:00 pm. tt l) " Parking Space Wanted able tor student prefer non-smoker Three blocks from Walenoo Square 886-2017 ttt) 4304 washer. rear patio. two baths. five minutes bike ride to universities-gi, ties included; price nego- tiatge. Also two on 78-14 radial snow tires, seo "0tticetbace 4t'ropertrforsale ALLOW US To assist In arranging or replacmg your mortgage, Firsts and seconds -. prime rates Representing convention~ Church Service NESSIAH I""'" 'iiiiiiis] CHURCH Allen /Weber Streets area. Phone 576-1623 evenings. (1 2) Phone 386-2830 3 Mortgage Loans PAGE 28 - WATERLOO CHRONOCLE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13 al and pnvate lenders Regional Credit Group Inc, 886-6441 (ttl tthop HOUSING AMBUeCtass 1030arrr-eostyp%mce ICU. It“. Wuhan sun)". MARCH trth 9 15 a m ~Smday School The Pvt-ohm ot 50cc.“ Corner cl Gle- Fermi Everyon- '1.ch WED MARC” 20m Lona-n Same. Srrnmu Thvnu Iaeestuee “Inge Scrmm Tit-"Ir (11) FRENCH PROVlNCIAI. sofa. drum and chest ot driven; lawnmower. HOOVER Portable spin- dryer. in excet%ttt condi- tion, Phone 7446868, Unseasoned hardwood, maple and beech: cut and spin; 64-cubic teat. $90; 1604:ch test 8220 dem- ered. 579-4118 tttr CARPET REMNANT Ctear. Out. variety of colors and sizes. all tirst quality. Catt 886-4080 M QIEQIEAUTY CENTRE “no; stereo; end tau”. box We and mm; ”when labia and chain; an”; bird breeaer; 1972 (no Havana aGTiGirU- Shop . '-itt.oco Phqoo Custom-m seat covers with matching head and enuresis in 43 colors. in Borg, Velvet. Vinyl and factory-original material Window Tinting for build- ings and vehictetc it in- sulaies. keeps winter heal in and summer heat out; cuts mate and fade try up) to 98%; makes glass shatter-resistant: clear‘ and colors. a mu tt minim} AUTO SEAT COVERS ' INSULATING WINDOW TINT Watedoo ChronicIe Subscriptions Mailed outside of Waterloo $16 00 per year In Can- ada, Call 8B6-2B30 Sec- ond Class Mail, Reg-stra- tron Number 5540 Members 0 C N A, C.C.N.A . S N A ttt) Bought and sold. top paces paid, Encore Records, 297 King Street East. Kitchen, er 744-1370 (If) VINYL No-Wax lloonng Clear-out pnces. alt sizes to choose trom Phone 8tMAM5t (if) 1973-321 s V I N Y L R E M N A N T Clearout Vamey ot no- wax vinyl floor covering, all tirst quality Catt 886- 4080 itt) L.P. RECORDS CARPET AND Vinyl Rem- nants. ceramtc ends. F tee 27-by-t8-inctt mats, two per customer 884-913t. Itt) Call Friee Fram'Kv-W 13 WNW 353-2506 SPRING AND FOAM MATTRESS SETS FIREWOOD Worm Simsmadetorow moon-am town-loom (H) (11) STEEL BUILDINGS Best prices white ateet build- ings last, tactory direct. 20-year warran'y. unnum- ed sizea. as low as $1.81/squave " For commode Dunning. phone Brad, canoe! (416) 676- 1585. BABY CHICKS 12 varie- ties; 3-weeh-okt canons. and heavy meat types, Delivery: Payee! Post, (all. Send for price rm: Bon- nie's Chick Hatchery, Box 154, Elmira, N38 226 (519) 6692561 ' ZODIAC INFLATABLE Boats plus Windsurters, Mislrals and Bic Sail- boards. March is the TWIN BEDS Two _ tour poster twin size beds. white, with box spring and matching mattresses, Stoo each, Two bedroom tight fixtures, $20 each. Orange acrytoo broad- loom, IO-by-IS-feet, $100, 578-0643. (H) 16-FO0T SAILBOAT 1CL-t61 and wallet, beauh- tut condition and we" equDDed. best otter Eve- nings 579-2305. (1 1) Now availabue at Cradles Too. Beechwood Plaza. 884-2100 and Cambridge, 653-7335, (14) on", Phone 886-0292 mtltioet,ehtrtedbvartiat, "itWt.ootreettrqrteB- SYMPHONY IN STEAM CRIB SAFETY LOCKS BICYCLES - Girl's 24-inch Raleigh coaster, melallic blue. like new, $50. Boy's 24-inch Raleigh 10- speed. metallic grey, $60. Boy's 20~inch Raleigh BM. chrome frame, back and front calipev brakes, St25, Lady's tMr-speed, SSO. Man's tttree-speed, sas 884-4578. (11) month to boy tor best prices and demeries OW. Sports. 92 King South, Watertoo, 886- 2840. (13) Leading manufacturer won: a limited number of 1984 models as having a clear, ance sale, Package 'n- eludes motor. pump, sand fitter, Skinner, liner. tence and deck. Regular once. $2095. Reduced 1031295. We will beat anyone's price, Call anytime: - toots and genuine resgacemdnt I parts to put your eogipmem into irunmng bpe('anon ( V V ii . K-w SMALL ENGINES I I "moms STS AAiOo"rcp,; “I Wat-doc " sun ------------- I THAT GRASS CAN GROW 6 I MEESJ!‘ 1551945 " - TAKES TO SERVICE YOUR I EQUIPMENT DURING THE I SPRING RUSH. IF ITS GOT AN ENGINE--- I WE SPECiALiZE m ITS REPAIR I pur. framed mechamcs use special ‘13Arhclesiusue 13mm“. $llilolloliBeitioqt--ttiBgiqttiBgtit-tq 'dsgiotttt.iEytrTtCrt3jtitoe ll buinU'kfibw: POOL SALES 1 653-01 76 r. 1985 tttt GUN BARGAINS - Save up to 40% by subscribing to The Gunrunrter, the Ca- nadian monthly 't6tAmptr- pov tor boring, W0 and mow modem and tMV tique t'trerarrmt and acces- more. Summation: " per your. qunnov. Box 5061 Lambda”. Alta. WHOLESALE STEEL Guiding; Factory direct prices. No Middleman. Ouonset and straight wall buildings Won't be un- derootd. Guaranteed beet value on market today Call (416) 22t-7353 (Clip and save ) STEEL BUILDINGS Manu- lacturers ciearance. Lim- ited quantities Buy now white suppiies last. Sub- stantial discounts during sale. Widths 30' to 120" Cal toleee 1-800461- 7689. (Area code 807 cal (705) 335-59720 TN 324. tumae copy £1.50. born tte%r - on PIANO _ yAHOGANY Upright, refinished" and tuned. Please call 743- 1977 after 6:00 Fm. (12) CON. YARD ANTIQUES 108 Duke St. East Kitchener SNOWBLOWER. Uoto, Mower Snowshark, 7 ha. 24-inch. electric start. chains. excellenl condition. $475 or best otter. Double bed with box spring. $65 or best offer. Two Michelin tires. whitewalls 2t5-t5. $75 or best other One Bf. Goodrich steel bened ra- dial whitewall. FUR-7845. $50 or best otter 576- 2754. 5:00-7:0o $Nttt, CHESTS OF Drawers, swinger washer. child’s table and chairs. book- case. 08(500 bench, kitchen table and chairs. sewing machines; dozens ot household Items Hei- delberg Trading Centre. 699-4655. tt 1) One hour free parking at Market Garage fat the foot of Kitchener Market Building; 15% OFF COPPER ' BRASS March Special 744-2700 _i'isfiiis, (11) USED ELECTRFC table saw wanted to good condition Phone 885-0571 tt 1) OLD DISHES. Odd cups and saucers, silver. sit- verplate and ,eweuery wanted Phone 885- 2300 (N) THE Salvation Army re- quives donations of cloth- ing, furniture, dishes. Knowedoe wanted in good to "com comti- tion; "”00an Phone 885-057! (H) ANTIQUES: lurniture. rugs. jeweny. quilts, shimng cracks. glass and china. etc. One piece to com- plete eslme. 10 years in business, Al Jones. 664- 2830. St. Jacobs (ti) Gold and silver cams. tewek tery, starting silverware. trays, tea sets, annque clocks. pock- et watches. old post cards. documents All scrap gold and dental gold W. J. GRANT COWS ances. Mc, Hap people who tton't have as much” For pick up at your home can 578-3130. (to 14 Articles Wanted to Buy Cash paid tor good clean refrigerators. stoves, washers. dryers. etc C A V Appliances 744-323t. (if) HERD REDUCTION, Regis- tered polled Heretords. 40 cows bred to PhL425E mapper. 20 cows bred to Justamere 317G Spitus, Cows to calve April/May. IO heilers bred to Forders Justa V Nero will calve May 20 open heifers, 10 service age bulls Free- listed Harold Hawthorn. Foresters Fails, Ontario (613) 6464693. WINTER CLEARANCE on att steel buddmgs Dit- ferent sizes. some 20 to 100 wide. First come, first served. Miracle Span Steel Buuidnngs Toll-tree. 1-800-38r-491tr IMPORTER OF Fine Euro- pean merchandise has crystal, porcelain, pewter. bronze statuettes, etc available. For information catl 653-3694 after 5:00 pm. (11) APPLIANCES ttt GIRL s FIRST Communion dress. white cotton, $28 12. worn once, asking Sao Boy tt grey three- piece punsmped sun, sale 14, with shirt and clip-on tie, worn once. asking $60 886-0208 after soo D-m (11) gramme; FOR CASH V125anSl E.tut 57644646 8thterSt S.Camb 62mm is celebrating " years " cooking exclusively by microwave. To become a cooker Instead " a heater call Jane " the ms: WAVE MM SCHOOL FAstILYeENuiitATEt; 13MittttfoeSah, .14, Mift1trrudtothtr, 21thnt'me0tqrotttsnitt" cussmeppnouu: " mason, " mm. MICROWAVE CHEF DtSTmBUTORtr Hot- Product! Dehumidmes homes. R v '3. Sony Fromm tor Amway dine trittutors, on stamens. marinas. commits: Mad! 21ih'ittest0-tttttities Typewriters cleaned, Med. adlusied, repairs Io all makes; reasortabte rates, work quaranteed, Add- Type Business Equipment, 28 Bridgeport Road East, Waterloo Oust down trom Towers). 885-2570. ttt) 1976 OLDSMOBtLE Delta Royale sedan. an condi- tioning, power steering, brakes and windows; good condition 885- o069, tt4) 1979 PARISIENNE 305, certified, power brakes. cruise control. air condi- noning. stereo. good con- dition. $3950. 884-7090. (1 I) 1979 BELAIR Four-door, ve, automatic, power steering and brakes, good cqndition. certitied, 742-2789 evenings ttf) 20 Typewritet mm. cantor» Kym-Pox. Box 80157. Burnaby, a C vs“ 3xs I 1977 PONTIAC Lemons, eight-cylinder, automatic, white with red stripe; good condition. will can tity, $2500. or best offer. Cat 744-9105. Ttt) Typewriter Sales-Service 10kg.,....,. 20kg.,.u.., 10kgpoppyfood 20kgpupprfood DOG and Cat grooming. " breeds styled profession- ally to suit your pet. Pick-up and delivery ser- vice available. Over 20 years experience; 699- 4232. 15 mam 16 Canquab Top cash paid for records. Encore Records, 297 King East. Kotchener Phone 744-1370 ttt) N.sp WILL pjir CASH Fw Good Clean kiviirinas' trt?rhiryo, ff Idol Working. 91 _Upwanted ioliidrar, FREE REMOVAL Factory Outlet 9 Herbert St. Waterloo OLD GOLD Jewelry. rungs. onenlal rugs. old turtu- ture 5.7tr-765ti tttt USED Waterloo Chronicte newspapel carrier bags, Paying 81,00 for clean (not torN Was. Wa- terioo Chronicle. 45 Erb Street East. Waterloo. 886-283tr KNOWLEOGEABLE. (epo- PHONE 743-2946 unique shop wishes to buy household items: rugs. m. furniture. etc, 885-2300, (N) DOG FOOD SHUR-GAIN RECORDS 884-9600 t 7.50 $14.00 S 8.50 $16.35 PERSON WITH woodwork- ing experience required tdr steady tulHirne em- ployment in Waterloo!“- cellem working condi- lions. Write Box MIC-400. Waledoo Chronicle (1 I) STUDENT REQUIRED tor 1r9rmer employment. must have car and know sign language Phone 885-3266 (12) SHINE HOME Support Ser- vices is looking for per- sons wining to do ctean.. ing for senior cut-zens; pan-time work. " 50 hourty rate Piease can 579-6930 (11) D|STBIBUTORS WANTED, - Top quality panty hose. 34 colors. satisfaction guaranteed. commission to 30%; ground fto,or op- portunity, no investment: territory ‘or quota Call WIN, 8136-4025. (12) PROJECT HEAR, needs caring volunteers to as- sist Watertoo area sen- iors You can help by doing a little shopping, driving or occasional light housekeeping. Cali now and help make a semor s day a brighter one B86- "5440, Monday-Frittay, 9:00-12:00 noon (12) COUPLE WITH transporta- lion tor part-time janitorial work. will train. Phone 884-1833. (12) cellent incentive earning potential. Apply to: Personnel Office Several openings for Oper- ators with a minimum of two-years experience and good employment record. SHIFTS - Days and nights. LOCATION - 410 King St. West and 75 River Road. We otter competitive wage and benefit package with ex- BE YOUR own boss! Operate profitable bust- "erstt"tpat'rietgstoetedam- aqod winctshiq#trTre- HWWM Marketing, 325 Broad Street West, Dunnville. Ontario, N1A1T2, (14) SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS mendous prdtits, We need a distribute! in your area, For information Wall: n to me! KAUFMAN 410 King St. W. Kitchener. Ontario N26 4J8 FOOTWEAR It. a... In“

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