"".". bllula U“ "." VD OUIIIV VI Ill» Ulla " V10, J V“ ullvulu “I: lquV . . consider Industrial Growth Fund for your RRSP. Offer only 2 p.rospe.ctus. pate of tnceptton December 1967. Total growt smce inception: 1,3932%. Figures show dividends reinvested. PAGE " - WATERLOO com WY. WV 27. was 'llllll'lllllhie 11% (lllllltlllltSllllllllt, _ Eighteen per cent. Ws an impressive number. But by itself, it shouldn't be enough to convince you to buy an Industrial Growth Fund RRSP. on need to take a look at the, bigger picture. - - . _ . - _ . Finally you need to ask yourself what has enabled Industrial Growth Fund to stand out from other investment funds and RRSP-eligible investments? (Answer: Industrial Growth Fund has outperformed the others because of the conservative but grmirth-oriented money management of Mackenzie Financial Corporation). . . . * To fiiiirin"with, you need to know how long the Fund has averaged 18% in annual compound rates o return. (Answer: for-more than 1_5 years). - - _ _ - _ _ _ _ A_ You also need to know how consistent Industrial Growth Fund's performance has been. (Answer: Industrial Growth's record has been exemplary through "good" and "bad" periodsin the stock, market). .- . . . . . Now that gou have sirnfe of the ahswers, you should at least consider In ustrial Growth Fund for your RRSP. Mom-frl. 9Q pm. After Noon Call 884-5523 More than meets the eye. Looking both ways. To manage your RESP, j Mail to: 153 Union St. 13., Waterloo, Ont. NM 104 or call (519) 578-3900 (after 6 p.111. 884- 5523) "R“é'gal Capital Planners Ltd. aaeaagag Mail or call Regal Capital Planners today'. u Please send me the full 'tttht,',',', information on an Industrial Growth Fund RRSP (and on the eight other nds in The Industrial Group of Funds) including statistical back-up on Fund performance and comparisons with other investments. ADDRESS TELEPHONE NAME Beaeail --, w 4; 'l" EW' iisiaiis 'fiiise I." nu sicia. (Home) (Business) Representing Regal Capital Planners Ltd. But first, ask two more R(guestions: "Do I want the best possible return for my R P? Or am I prepared to settle for what I've been investing in until now?" If the answers are "yes" and "no," fill out and return the coupon below for more information. You see, we're confident we can manage to make your RRSP a better performer. 3-year average annual compound rate of return: One-year return: IS-year average annual compound rate of return: PROV. ,iriirr m "Wt-"iii?" 'iiiii'ia POSTAL CODE EGR/W.C. 25.7% 19.1% 13.1% 0101‘.“