TO our: CUSTOMERS . . . Cb'N,..,,ai--"""- A GREAT BIG "THANK YOU" FOR YOUR LOYAL UPPORT DURING OUR FIRST YEAR AT CONESTO A IT HAS BEEN A PLEASURE SERVING YOU AND WE ARE300KING FORWARD TO YOUR CONTINUED 'iiiJifRMyhl- THE COMING YEARS AS VALUED CUSTOMERS. ' hes, 1tt..ifueiktvttittt)ts aa' g DELICIOUS Tiid biz means â€36;?“ LLICIOUS ' SOFT 002 I"! IRS DINNER ROLLS BULK APPLES MAPLE LGDGE CHEN COUNTRY OVEN FRESH CANADA 'A' GRADE Product of Ontario BANANAS Region’s two labor councils talk merger The Executive Committees of the two Labor Councils in Waterloo Region met in Cambridge recently in the first of several meetings to discuss the feasibility of a merger. The talks focussed on the advatr gages and disadvantages of amal- gamation, and on the general future prospects of trade unionism in Waterloo Region. The Cambridge and Kitchener Labor Councils have existed in their present form since the Cana- THESE EXTRA SPECIALS Pt ADDITlON TO ZEHRS REGULAR ADVERTISED SPECIALS ttgyttEfrtiii)at ML DIE STORE ONLY MONDAY, FEB. 25 UNTIL CLOSING SAT... MARCH 2 DOZEN dian Labour Congress was organ~ ind la 10ST, throu‘ the merger o! the mug“ Labor Congress of Canada a the Canadian Con- trressofLabor.SiraeetUttime,the cities of Gait. Hespeler and Prea- ton have been amalgamated into the city of Cambridge, and the cities of Cambridge, Kitchener and Waterloo, together with other smaller communities have been brought under Regional Govern- ment, Over the years, urban sprawl has eliminted many tteir: graphical barriers between these communities. Workers belonging to Unions affiliated to the two Councils now BEAUTIFUL FLOWERING YUCCA, CANE on SOHEFFLERA PLANTS "d POTTED nuns s Table Model PUSHBUTTON TELEPHONE VARIOUS WEIGHTS anon m THE BULK FOODS SECTION SALTED BLANCHED an PEANUTS Ill JUBES m THE BULK FOODS SECTION POPULAR CANDY V ' LEMONADE 23?;2859‘ ARIOUS EIGHTS 400 g OR 450 g . PKG. FiVRrjWA7rttriEt0rtitR6iiiitt7 ZEHRSCOOKIES a VARIETIES PRIVATE LABEL POTS SINCERELY, . .THE MANAGEMENT . STAFF OF ZEHRS CONESTOGA 36 to 48 TALL " /kg L†/hg 2. At "tf exteeem.Themain-arertt tghemaiiaauessee1tasstteiaiser- vices, Planing. budgeting and othem.These-iidtvuahatt and healthy disclaim at the Art Schooley, B.A., CLU, has been elected president for 185 of the Waterloo County Life Un- derwriters Association. Other members elected to the executive Association WAVEIIOO m. WY. WY37LԠ- PAGE It ALL VARIETlES FRESHLY SLICED 7 "a . In â€â€89: 2.18m; 2:24.65 SMOKED PICNIOS APPLE STRllDEI. AT Trl-E-tCEL-t BURNS TENDER POTATO CHIPS CAFE" OF 24-280 mL TINS COOKED HAM ZEHRS OWN 4 VARIETIES PEPSI-COLA SUPER SPECU WK SHOULDERS DIMPFLMEIER Past widen: is Ran Seldom CLU Kitchener. ik Elected at the some time were the following directors: Ed Mats, CLU; JohnIBeynon; Gordon Dol- lar, CLU; John Gallium; Paul Hashim; Steve Kidd; Robin Mae- Donald; Funk McKitterick, CLU; George Robbins, CLU; Jim am; Grant Scott; Ron Seldom CLU; Murray Wellman. CLU; Michael Yuck. Furtado; "erkviecikruiGi Del-Is Ynlko. CLU; new grx/nuggl icpotlér Sun- CASE 1