Everything done by hand. washing. mung. mlenor shampoo. motors steam cieaned Cars, vans. pick-up, rentals 312 Marsiand Drive (rear budding) 886-1511 Open BOO-5:00. Satur- day nm 400 tttl A-t YEAR Round Tree AH makes and models. low rates Phone 886-8844 (home), 893-5444 (busy ness) (tt) AL-LETS Decorating trtte- nor and exterior painting. wallcovenng 25-years experemce Free esti- mates 745-6738 (W TREE TOP - Tree Care, All aspects of tree mamte- nance. tuuy qualified. lutly Insured Free estimates Mus ION duscount tor senior citizens Call Greg 742-2026 ttt) Inserts smgle sheets news bullellns catalogues, etc _ very reasonable rates Call Waterloo Chronicle 886-2830 ttt) RUBBISH REMOVAL - Wall washing. ugh! moving, ctearong (basements. garages. antes). odd lObS Jett Harding 884-2831 APPLIANCE REPAIR - Why pay the big guys. their big prices? Ernie Snow s Ap- pliance Repair at a once you can attord. Retrigera- tors. stoves, washers, dryers. etc Semor Cite- zen s discount Evening appointments available Call 745-9240 (ti) PAtNTING AND Waupapev- ing. small vegans to watls Reasonabte rates. refer- ences, free estimates Dennis Kirby 742-9357 J. ' s. Tll, STEREO ' APPLIANCE REPAIRS Servnce - Maintenance and removal maxed M H, Kemlnng & Son. Kw chener Phone 576- 8531 ttt) w‘ummmm 312 Manland Dr. (rear) Waterloo 578-0780 WTMCIOM m comment, supplies mndows done weekly -bonded and med -FREE estimates ‘Take a - deserved rest and tet us clean rout home Visa and MasterCard accepted WE DELIVER other things JOE’S APPLIANCE SALES I: SERVICE A-1 CAR CLEANING 742-4440 Daisy fresh We're now seltlng USED APPLIANCES - washers, etc. o repairs to most major appliances . purchase used appliances 579-2871 (tf) ttt) CERAMIC REPAIRS - Bathrooms and kllchens our specualty Call M6- 4080 (N) BEAUS TREE Service - looping. pruning. remo» vats and hedges Spe- cualIzmg In ornamental and mm trees 12-yeats expetience Specual low tales tor semo: Citizens Free estlmates Call col- tect 1453-3560 ttf) 312 Marsland Dove, Com- plate sharpemng serwce all types. carbide; circular and hand saws Sctssors, cancers. knives skates. lawn and garden tools Shop hours [r00-5.00, Saturday till noon 884- 5401 (tf) CARPENTRY AND Re- Wtrrs. reasonable rates, small jobs preferred Phone 749-1510 Itt) Sonny's Sharpening ALL TYPES of renovations. guaranteed quality work- manship at competitive prices Brick work We places, plastering t3rywall. concrete work ans carpentry Free es- umates Small protects a specualty Herb Wunder Construction 8814-2815 itt) 47 Auction Sales Chums against the Educ ot labeua AuMio, late ot Kitchener. Ontario, who died on April 26. 1982 ONTARIO'S LARGEST farm machinery corttrtgn- ment sate, Norwich. Ort- tano Friday. January 11, 1985, IO am tSales condumed second Friday each month) Aporoxc- mately 150-175 tractors, Mus all types of farm equipment Consign- meats welcome. For more information. call 424- 9998 or 424-9093 Pro- pneiors KS. Hamuleckt 8 Sons (52) undue-good by January 4. , 985. thereafter the unden sioned will distribute the ends ot the said Estate having record only lo claims then Med Dated November 26, 1984 URENE FERNINDEZ. Wat“. P.O. lo: 21. so 00.00 Shoot We“. Toronto. Ova-lo “H MM. Lav/r2 BEST FOR LESS You Supply The Paint We’ll Supply The Painter Reasonable Rates #tmCET0CtEMT0RS - tl 35255;)? I 'vfiiffjfi')1.i CALL 888-7794 mum The Waterloo County Board of Education's preliminary budget calIs for spending increases that would cost taxpayers an average of about $40 more in Iâ€: For the school board, it would be a 6.6S-per-eent spending increase, amounting to $187.9 million. over the 1984 budget. The preliminary budget is only an estimate of what the final costs might be and could change as more information on government grants. assessment and enrolment become known. V Last year's budget was $1162 million, which was an 8.1-per-eent increase over 1983. The report took into consideration only the maintenance of existing school operations and did not take into account any expansion of pro- grams or facilities. No final decision is expected on the budget until March, but in the meantime, trustees have approved a schedule of budget meetings, in which they will attempt to shave some non-priority items. Director of education Bill Town- The trustees will hash over the shend said board staff have put a budget during the next two months voluntary cap on spending. and come to a decision in early In previous years. board officials March. Various prog rams Helping new. Canar dians adjust lo the community and life style of their chosen country is ongoing through continuing ed ucation programs of t‘ered by the Waterloo County board of educa tion English ax " second language. offered for many years at begin ner. intermediate and advanced levels, con- tinues to be popular during the day and evening and additional lifestyle courses have been added to the night school curriculum for immigrants now living in the Region. Along with the Em glish courses, job search skills. life skills for new Canadian women, spelling and pronunciation courses and a community ori- entation program are available". -.ev Preliminary budget percentage hike down English classes pro- vide instruction in cor- rect speech. writing, spelling, reading, word meanings. grammar. and cover some Cana- dian geography, histo- ry and government 651 Belmont Ave. W. Kitchen“ (m mtotrt 00.00) 1mm occupant! - omefurfldlitf,'1'i'l'lr,Wd'l'd= coupon on†Jan. 5/85 Hus-rm to m 745-7737 'ti OFF PERMS studies Job search skills help the new Canadian team correct English usagc for job hunting and how to deal with application forms and interviews In the life skills for new Canadian women course, topics such as talking to the family doctor. attending a school or teacher inter. view and speaking to prospective employers are covered. Program costs in- clude only a $5 supplies fee. English for new Canadians is offered two evenings a week at KCI, Galt collegiate and Waterloo Oxford district secondary school. Night school at KCI is the location for the additional pro- grams. During the day. Eur glish classes are or fered by the board in conjunction with the Wall; a Mod: a by. It's the a»: "et' would offer truteas various budget proposals and the trustees woutd thmtstruggtetotudthebestemefor both the board and the public Townshend also noted that In recent years the province has left the school board and the public to foot more and more of the edttetr tional tax bill. He said that last year, the prov» ince paid less than so per cent of school expenses. paying 48.3 per cent of elementary education and 0.2 per cent of all secondary school expenses in the Region. At the same time. Townshend said the province has legislated the extension and expansion of the school system through programs such as special education and the revamping of the high school sys- Other factors affecting this year's budget will include construction of school additions started in I’M. Ontario Fire Marshal reports call, ing for improvements in certain schools and the full funding of the separate secondary school system- I. In.“ Cambridge Y.W.C.A at King Street Baptist Church. Cambridge. and through the Min- istry of Community and Social Services at Victoria P.S.. Kitchen er. Both these pro grams provide pre school service for chil dren of adults enroled in the courses. Further information on new Canadians' Ttro- grams is available through the office of continuing education at the Waterloo County board of education. "2-W51 ext. 293. on Wednesdays after liyouareintemtedin Pieasetirmthe apNcationformand tttmot-tttre 68:108de "mthefolhtttet'ttg manhunt least10yearsofage. Greg My Address _ Circulation Manage: " an: St. E. Waterloo Pttatat Code WATERLOO CHRONICLE Home A Ont. 'tttd 1L7 Earn Extrg Money! WARM C"ttmltl3E. MY. ocean BRAESIDE-ALLEN-UARGARET AREA GLENFOREST a PARKIOUNT AREA UPTOWN WATERLOO PARKDALE PLAZA AREA 'l8tilr"'" 'IO OFF am... soon now . 885-2060 Control 9.11)“ Cleaning Inc. 99 tu'0G BT. noon". WATEMOO '35f,)f,l. . Living Room . Dining Room . and Hall CARPET CLEANING SPECIAL