Photoglaphlc package Includes two 8xurs. three 5x Ts. tttteen wallet sole color Portraits No appomlmenl necessary 96e for each additional subject Poses our selection Stud located m most larger Sears retail stores Also available vn addition to package Black Background 5 Double Feature Poman lnslanl Passport Photos Offer for portraits taken Mon. July thru. Sat. Aug. 4 " 'tiii/iii; pléyé}s want f) 12?9, from Sears Portrait Studio 20 color portraits for only " A A - your -""""-F Although it isn't too warm beside the ice surface. players awaiting their turn on the ice dress in shorts and T-shirts. f--------, AhovvinGa""r"TaJr"r'" is a lot cheaper than joining a health club delightful childhood changes A Portraits to share' money's worth Wh; m the nud nudge! age hockey 1 surface fur it hockey could be lying on a somewhere" Richard O Brien Chlomcle Stan includes 95t deposit to makis it 'té' In; TG Sears the middle - "III'..'-' hockey players slrp onto . knuL _ "Y ramp when otherwise they it beach or pluunu hummu- and more . July 30 Studnos 'summer would ans . TJ.'. 3 of making irc, planing baseball "Nome have ttet here Tho-n -- 'lift a cold we H Players are residence, the 5 softball and b stayed earlier a. Players arrived camp and on Tut Chambers to single ent Head coach of the cal York l'nn'ersil)‘ He Cornacchia of Kingston sity of Windsor',, Bob Cl The whole thine, Is part of it pruure 19ttl to gne ynunger players " experience and work towards the tor better Olympic squad _ "By the time was rolls Mung." : "there should be a [and base of International experience: .. llnr " _ The unxh to be wen an the top (‘allbrt' horkey pla Is um- of the reasons play untimely Nnrdir Pursuit , wuh the knuuledut- that 2 wtll be selected for exh; Sour! under 17 team my days 'ts"'.""",", ftiifiii" the Iyp,t,tpt1.iiiirf, With persoqg! and pIpfessfiiiiii 'seen The camp for the (mum: Players " at l mverstty of Wale-mun Columbo Ireftelds, and Jack Birch, ctrttctt of l'W's hockey “arrmrx. knows why they ie there "They um to try and imttroo. mun ..b,..... ..l -.--, . "l m the camp lt, Dave Chambers of ersity He is assisted by Ruck of Kingston Canadans and l'mwr snr‘s an}. f'..-, . __ ___, .v “I tllr 'r that. there will be a week for many of them local they players will come to town ginning August 26 a to try and improve their to the top." sand Birth e made " through three t' re are a lot of kids who we th, pur us part of a program be ‘ers International the formation of a fiii "'iiijiiijiifii'i7s'; WI games “In. . Chrtstma, m "‘0 as among'. lelr aee group [alum up thts also working said Barf-n F kids with ' (ampx lo “an! to be numbers "ii,"i'ii"s' J,l,f,itlyyiyti, Bo.G00d â€It"! In chance, huh Jsrrf Ertr' - v._ v. -. u Funeral Home Limited 171 King StreetSouth, Waterloo - 7 Tri--'---.-.-;-' o flagstone 0 wallslone O coursing stone o decoratvve boulders q rock garden stone 0 ledge rock 0 SDI" held stone . red hle chips . white chips . Couirtgs, Sills -"'"'""'"--h--a.. ALL TYPES OF NATURAL STONE FOR YOUR BUILDING OR LANDSCAPING NEEDS nu 262 Hall St. 5 YEAR SERVICE WARRANYV "_--------."-""-",' Rrplac - - - .wn-I-UQ AlsoAUeua-Loc Pavmq Stone Pa Slabs, Steps. Curbs. and much more 60 SCHAEFER ST. WATERLOO 884-0850 Iott Weber Street between King and Albert) ---------i" r You can save 400/0'600/0 o"'too-moetatemtt.e, ""toe-rttt We Change orttythe doors and draw from; Exposed surfaces are M van Omaha. Fbrrmcao Free estimate, -' p V-sn our showroom tooay splacélll BUILDIMG Don-um-.. _ -- kiltMliitTt"ihTi"""-""- nus BEST pKlTCHEN VALUE? Edie-rd cc ad ttt 65x :745-8445 301mm mowers no '9th (Guy's Contra) 'SII'Ic. 1972' 'atlo