Canadian Posture the loam-in-mace children. . Based on 42 and Seating Centre President I seat insert he developed as an _ . run; W P-month lease (plus tax and licence) ‘ Centre President Phil Mandy with developed as an aid to disabled " UNIVERSITY AVE 885-5090 El ~wzi: .1; FOLLOW THE SUN i 7:5 754.7: J te-lu'. Snuca “mum: mm 'av) CUSTOM F386 1020 VERTICAL VOUREXPERIENCED BUNDS TRAVEL AGENT The insert. he ex plained. Provides In creased comfort by taking pressure off the spine, helps correct or slow down phy sical de lurmilies. and im V 1" ‘ .v-urll| Phil Mundy invented the wal Inst-rt in 1979. when as an t-ngmwnnu student, he Participat ed In a project to devel op scaling for ex Ne verely handicapped children at the Nun beam Home A noe-profit corpora tion launched three years ago through gov eminent and private grants. CPSC employs disabled individuals to manufacture practical aids for the handi capped, and is most well known for a foam In place wheelchair in sen which it produces and distributes Company president Phil Mundy invented the seat insert in l979. er's and“ META,“ trial Park. ---_ ___, roves vital bodily lun- ll‘ Scaling Cee. functions such as me last week count mum“. ed the omcial opening The seating opened of its new 3.quuuc- a, a new world to these foot factory in Kitchen, "htitaa-, -v, . Posture tn"irii'i'riri'irii; 3332;“; celebra to: "ttttttttlite-GGG (,','t,'i'rore) Perfect record for (il?,)',: WLU co-op placement "The Alternative In Bilingual Education" _ --- ......k ' m0]! KINDERGARTEN _ FIJI. 4'12 years on September I I984 JUNIOR KINDERGARTEN A HA1 SENIOR KINDERGARTEN '10 GRADE EIGHT High madenuc standards encourage mastery of all subjects 111 both French and Engllsh Emphaaus Is placed on developing the full potential of each chud ultellectually. anally. and emnuonally Curm-ulum Includes drama. mumu. and computer bunny GRADE ONE TO GRADE IOHT a...“ __. "--_.p9. ....u n'unonucs co-op op tions and so students in arts and science internship programs Coop students alternate four month campus terms with four month work term related to their field of study, lntemship students obtain relevant work experience during the summers following their second and third years of study. Co-op students will work this term Some I Placed were business and ' lions and 50 s science interns; Douglas Wilmer. director of to operative education, said the 100 per cent placement rate was reached after intensive efforts by staff members in a slightly improving. economy .‘ All students in coop and in. ternship options at Wilfrid Laurier University have been placed for the current May August work term children. GiGi'iv7iC",' proves vital bodily auctions such as planes avalablejn some and 90090"ch il7 students in the ‘FULLDAY-HALFDAY grades thm sanctum; Gaia the world led Mandy to to their sGri7iii2 mats Positive " 'ylettm.eretattiti ly had by! minded While most placements are in southern Ontario. several are in Edmonton and Calgary. One student is working in France. Laurier coop staff are now work. ing to place fourth-year business and economics students for the 'ieptemberDed,miG'. term. in a great variety of Placements including general insurance. char tered and management accounting. federal and provmcial govern- ments, banking. sales and market. ing, systems development and ad- vertising. Gaining experience in their areas of study are internship students from a?thropouor, biology. comput ing and computer electronics. En. glish. geography. history, political science and sociology. They are working in both the public and private sectors. form CPSC. ' In In ttrst year of operation. beginning in April Iâ€. the com may has sales totalling In: A. student the