Uniroyal Ltd. will be spending $22.2 million during the next two to three years to modernize its Strange Street tire plant. Chronicle Staff Announcing the program at a press conlerence last week Uniroyal Ltd. Jrresfdent, pm} ehairpan. Stew- art Smith said the modernization will enable the company to maintain a "very strong presence" in the tire business and “will protect the con- tinued employment of some 1,900 men and women" in Waterloo Re- “Upon completion. the Kitchener tire factory will be second to none in Canada," Smith said. Smith explained that the North American auto industry is currently involved in a “massive program of continued improvements in the quality and style of its vehicles." The plant modernization, he eontirt- ued, is necessary if Uniroyal is to meet performance standards de- manded by the auto industry and continue its current competitive leadership in Canada. During the past decade Uniroyal has spent approximately $7 million- $8 million annually on improve ments to the To-year-old plant at 149 Strange Street. Smith said work on the moder- nization will begin immediately. Highlights of the pyogrgrh Include: o%oiistruction ist ' 22.0tttFsquare- foot addition to the existing facility. to be completed by Febmai'y 1985. q installation of advanced compo- nents - preparation equipment de- signed to improve product quality and prodyetiyity. 7 oGroductiod of state-of-the art rubber compound mixing equip- Uniroyal Ltd. modernization aids production ovum-29"†M a "Introduces " n " tte. 810.00 taco Ni!?,,?.,!,',' c-s-tw"""" new ,7 dgkutgttis img5) M A ll MEAT SHOPS ARE THE LARGEST BULK FOOD OPERATION OF THEIR KIND IN CANADA. ment to increase capacity and improv? quality, - . The Strange Street tire plant is already one of the largest of its kind, producing some 20.000 tires daily, which represents approximately 20 per cent of the Canadian market. G%rpieGGtition of eomputerized control systems for the manufactur- ing and qeiity-SetroLpr.oftsses. --"o' Giiriaiddt tire finishing and insetetioet mime"!- . .. ... Although the modernization will not create new jobs. it ls expected to increase plant productivity by " much as five per cent, Smith said. Attending 'Nursday's media con- ference, Kitchener MP Dr. Peter Lang said the project “demon- strates, once again how teamwork between government, business and labor can achieve significant devel- opments. both for a company and a community. The federal government, through its Industrial and Regional Develop- ment Program, has awarded Uni- royal a $4.4 million interest-free loan to cover approximately 20 per cent of the program’s $at,2-mitiioet cost. "We hear a lot today about working together - the importance of tripartitism. In Kitchener-Water- loo we've set an example. If the whole country pulled together like we do, we wouldn't have problems with international competition," he said. Cm7£ Smith noted that without the federal funding, Uniroyal wouldn't have been able to proceed with the modernization this year. with the result that the company would have been hard-pressed to meet the demands of auto makers in 1987. PORK SAUSAGE God fittt 7.75 I ' M's OWN (Mob 0' m) " " llb. MEATS B also WIEIERS 'taL,. C309 ' an. 'T." to" Summertime PM Latest development In the 70-year history ot Unlroyel In Kitchener helm†new building to adjoln the tire plant. ll le a component of e $22,238,000 lzetlon program and work beglne lrnrnedletely. "-, Glenridge Plaza 885-0020 [B,tP9l1l,lBltl 885-5090 OF WATER LOO THE HOUSE THAT SERVICE BUILT 39498-69 Frozen Old South Orange Juice Macs Coolers 29'49'litt0' Slush Cats 12V: 01. Lease a ll 984 32000 PICKUP FOR ONLY3 Ill ss PER MONTH OPEN " HRS. s1.39 . Based on 42-monih lease (plus tax and licence) 278 King St. I. (King I Hickory) tMMbdtSSS " UNIVERSITY AVE. E. ttttH-r-PAA)