PAGE 28 - WATERLOO CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY "Join the Chrysler Revolution" This new unit features 22 litre engrne. automatic transmtsston. power steering, power brakes. AM FM stereo. rear defroster. dual rmrrors. console centre armrest. (alley wheels. wtutewatt radial lures and pmstrlpes Stock 341 138 1984 PLYMOUTH HORIZON 5-OOOR HITOHBAOK SE Over 40 Horizons to choose from at similar savings s7789 'i2':'i"2'iY2"iicil')i'lii _tfr'lll'llll tt (Ili! ','!,li_' -l-il-liii-lIliiitlIril-ll-l1li-llrlll-lltl. ONTARIO’S LARGEST CHRYSLER SELECTION! "Join the Chrysler Revolution" Thrs new um! features PQ lure engine. 5 speed trartsrmt5sRyn, power steering, power brakes, rear defrost. iron! and rear tloow mats, AM/FM stereo, bucket seats. console, steel belted radiafs and sport stripes, halogen headlamps Stock 1245086 Over 50 Lasers to choose from 1984 CHRYSLER LASER 2-000R HATGHBAOK at simuar savings [E [jj] "doin the Chrysler Revolution" Over 40 Fifth Avenues to choose from at similat savings [Ms new mm "tatures 318 VB gnome automahg Nans- m-sswn pout swung, power brakes "oor mats ("om no may} delay wipers muse comvol AM IFM stereo Mt slewing wheel in condmomng alone! clock (our w'osler mm: glass halogen Mediums we ms "on! dress 91mm wheel covets and steel bailed ladlaI mes Stock 114708? 19M CHRYSLER FIFTH AVENUE 4-0000 s15,295