PAGE " - WATERLOO WE. WEDNESDAY, JUNE ta, It takes enormous power to break through oppressive systems. says Lois Wilson, former moderator of The United Church of Canada, and currently President of the World Council of Churches. Speaking at the 1984 Ontario Conference for Women of The United Church of Canada which met at Waterloo last weekend, Wilson provided challenging perspectives on the conference theme, “The Promise of Power." "Fifty per cent of scientific research is for war, not peace," she said. "Power is so frequently defined as Keptucky lh?ied0hidken mm m J 5:: w-AIEnum . TAKE om SHIRE It NOW OPEN '""'t'"'iiiiiiftffriiiiiiiriidlles power to help free ourselves from oppression IL-ire, W{;ï¬.x a“ / - f ' " h") ALSO AT i J cleaners- '9rc'-'t""Tetuof? Iâ€. LTD. /†_:--"""""""""---- q 355 Ed) W. - Waterloo ‘ 1 14 King I. - Waterloo CORNER ONTARIO AND DUKE STS., KITCHENER AND WATERLOO TOWN SQUARE Other Locations in Kitchener and Cambridge H. Hours: Honday I Sunday " mm. - 10 pm. Tue... Vlad, Than. 11 mm. - " midnight Friday and Saturday 11 an. - 1 mm. Rtpttttitr1Mtsd0hidlmt 430 Albert Street, Waterloo Complete Collision and Refinishing Service 884-0550 Northdale Auto Body '" Soktyet . 4dig'e _I"'fatk" PARKDALE PLAZA II Philip 1. Albert Streets Who Still Irons Shirts? We Do! Beautifully! control, authority. domination, and sub- jugation. Christian faith, in contrast, sees power as enabling others, setting them free from oppression wherever it occurs." Power problems have global dimensions in our time. Wilson illustrated this by spot- lighting the "real" cost of a Barbie doll. These are made in the Philip- pines in one of the export processing zones set aside by the Marcos government for companies like Mattel, Ford. or Del Monte. Laborers often work 16-hour shifts, for which they receive the 31-... Iasig,,rs equivalent of 81.50 per day. Mothers are not allowed time off to check on their chil- dren. Unions are ille- gal. because they caused the business der velopers problems back in North America, and they don't want to deal with them abroad. "The answer is not as simple as stopping CREE I Factory Outlet 12.3"." "l'ltiiiiifiii-l1_,,,, " 699 a [ I EX‘EA J-Ili,.'..'. FACTORY SECONDS TErETFriilth TijriTFriihA o Joggers q Soccer ALSO A HUGE SELECTION OF: tor ijiETREMEEil trade," Wilson com- mented, "but we can be aware of the issues." In the Soviet Union, the church is required by law to stay out of politics. Many Cana- dians who criticize the Communist attitude to religion fail to realize that they are following the same policy volun- tarily when they accept M E N , S dl l lush Pu mtiftti',' Factory Firsts and Discontinued Lines Factory Outlet Suedes & Leathers o Ties & Slip-ons CREE D MN A NI} s Michael St., Kit,, 578-3550 Mom-Wed. 9-6, Thurs.-Fri. 9-9, Sat. 9-5 mt ll b the status quo, rather than becoming in- volved in struggles for justice and peace in so- ciety. The Biblical option is for radical and pro- phetic action on behalf of those deprived of power. While there are many "'Nird World" issues that call for ttc- tion in Canada, aware- q Tennis 0 All-Turf CEifEiiEi5EriEjiE gig/gm ttsee' s "ii-iii),;:"',),)'-;..'-','):." F3 ",ii-/ssii',si.ijft!,i,t, Dalr ATHLETIC FOOTWEAR other couitries is nec- essary because of our global interdepen- in South African apartheid in which black Africans are being resettled in various tribal home- lands, not unlike Cana- dian Native Reserves. Wilson deplon the current developments 0 Basketball 0 Court What can Canadians do to show solidarity ma black South Afri- cans? The possibility of boycotting Spud: Atri- cab wine in! canned or explored. The purchase of Krugerrands could be discouraged. “The least we can do," Wilson urged. "is be informed."