PAGE 34 - WATERLOO CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 6, HAVE YOUR Vacuums. eleclnc lawnmowets. radios. lamns and all small appliances repaired at Willy‘s Small Appliance mrparrs. 309 Lancaslet West (Plaza) 742-5090 (23) Quality worRmanshp "ta- sonable rates Call 884- 6743 tor free estimates PAINTING - Interior / Exten- or. custom work Watts patched. caulking, var- nlshmg, etc Summer rates Phone 744-1323, Wittmann Painting Everything done by ham washing. waxing, interior shampoo, Cars, vans. pick- ups. rentals 312 Marsland Drive trear buiiding). 886- 1511 Open 8:00-5:00. Saturday till 4:00 The parking lot tS paved tor your convenience. tttt ok "aTik'lTffli' (the @Fn shop I A-1 CAR CLEANING Tackaberry Turf and Tree 653-5707 .50¢ yd. '. FUTONS o DUVETS o KAPOK BUTTONS ll c on. RUG WOOL Wot-mm“! “harm cm angina PILLOWS PELON VINYL (25) (22) COLLEGE PRO Painters - Professional vesulls at reasonable student tales; two-yet" guarantee: tree estimatetr744-1502 ttt) DRIVEWAY REPAIR Ser- vice - Asphalt sealing to preserve and protect your asphalt: also hot asphalt repairs 742-2051. (If) OIL SPRAYING - Cars and truchs undetcoamd tor rust protection T Weber. 65 Main Street, Bloom- Ingdale. 742-2051 (I!) ALL PLUMBING Repairs - Water heaters and sol- temtrs imam. Painting and decorating Cali Bob 576-2974 at) r-Bin Smiley et YEAR Round Tree Service - Maintenance and removal Insured MH Kesselring a Son. Kitchener Phone 576- 8531 (N) JR's WASHLINE If POSTS (Continued from page tit Provincial legislatives produce enough hot air to replace half the oil used in their provinces. _ _ And from that vast deposit of natural gas known as Ottawa issues daily enough hot air to heat Montreal's Olympic Stadium. even though it has no roof. And thiit's, only touching the bases, without going to the outfield or the in- field. Think of all the hot air produced by teachers and preachers, union leaders, abortionists and anti-abortionists, public relations people. medical associations, school boards. And there's lots more where that comes from. The squeals of those caught with a mortgage to be renewed, the moans of farmers who are losing their shirts, the bellows of angry small-businessmen: all these are wasting energy by blowing hot air into our rather frigid climate, there to be dispersed into nothing. It's perfectly simple. All we need is a means of bottling the stuff somehow, and distributing it to the right places. If our scientists can send a missile to Mars, surely they can find a method of storing and channeling the incredible quantities of hot air that rise in clouds over our country. Peter Lougheed might have to cap some of his oil wells, but if somebody came up with the solution, we could not only tell the Arabs what to do with their oil. We could probably buy Saudi Arabia. _ Mayhe I'll drop a line to the Hamburg, see what he suggests 664-2378 McTAVlSH'S CLOCK Re- new Shop - Specializing in repau and compiele over- haul ot antique clocks. professional training Free estimates, One-year guarantee BB4-7031. 9:00-5:00. ttt) 20-Years experience Govt. Consumer licence Old English FURNITURE REFINISHING Refmished . 25-Years Experience Color Matching. Color Shading Repairs Reasonable Rates Your Favorite Piece LOW PRICES wmmoonub specsnusrs WEIR, Ghérarileed BICYCLE COURIERS 1984 743-6992 745-7790 Mayor of Enthusiasm key ingredient for Summer Enterprises Mark Bryson Chronicle Staff Kitchener-Waterloo teenagers searching for summer employment are being offered an alternative through the Summer Enterprises program. SE is a project that aims to provide 350 high school students in seven Ontario communities with an opportunity to gain hands-on experience in operating a business. The program is a profit-sharing partnership and the students earnings depend on the manufacturing and sales performance of the company members. The K-W branch is run by Sandy McKinnon and Willy Thompson, both students at Wilfrid Laurier. McKinnon and Thompson decide on the products the students will be dealing with and act as consultants. According to McKinnon, the program is not set up to replace summer jobs it simply provides the students with a "constructive learning expe- rience". "SE provides teenagers with an opportunity to develop business management skills, prepare for the job market, receive leadership training. develop a sense of social responsibility and cultivate new friendships". says MacKinnon. The program has been quite successful since beginning in 1971. The successes and efforts of the 287 students enrolled in SE during 1983 are outlined by the following statistics: the partici- pants purchased 321535 in materials from Ontario companies to produce their products; sales volume for their wares totalled $54,200; they paid $3,438 in sales tax to the Ontario pants purchased $21,635 in materials from Ontario companies to produce their products; sales volume for their wares totalled $54,200; they paid $3,438 in sales tax to the Ontario government and the young people earned an average of $180 over the eight week duration of the program. -'rG"iGilries being marketed include such items as: clocks, cheese boards, magazine racks and jar openers. The majority of the sales A group of Mennonites lend a helping hand in reconstructing their buggy shed on Regina Street, Tuesday. m amen photo Wutmount Place Watuioo (Mind “I. Grocer) WASH ' SET $6 WASH ' COT $6 SHAMPOO, SET ' COT $12 PERMS $35. Mahler o5 Half-amomum Senior Citizen Days Mom, Tutu, Wed. a Thurs. Haustyhng Limited (includot swing) WORKING TOGETHER 886-7520 Distinctive Hair Design for Men & Women t . "it f , ‘ * Gr, ' I ' o _ " " TM l 'cal LN, " VI W E; , A? N ’ I a" .. > Cs I _ ' . pi- 4» F Mi, w, , ' F' ur. t . LP, 't ‘ - q" = , Ft' Gi, L"P, 'iPl ikiSt are door-to-door but the students are allowed to approach retail stqlfes with thelr products. The program, which runs July 3 to August 22, is co-sponsored by the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Secretariat for Social Develop- ment. Junior Achievement co-ordinates it. MacKinnon says, "The only qualification necessary is enthusiasm." - _ - _ Emmet KiiTiiFpria organizers Sandy McKinnon (Ian) and Willy Thompson examine a product to be manufactured by students. m . M Applications are being taken at the Junior Achievement office. 69 King St. W., Kitchener. For further information contact either McKin- non or Thompson at 576-3210. An open house is planned for Wednesday, June 13 from 4-8 pm. Monday-F766" " Sunday " (meludes Bohr“) Bottom Lev War 80km: Lune Facml Pedicure Mmure Body Massage Back new Whole Leg Wax Upper Leg Wax All Services 1/2 off Special gift certificates purchased now for 1 /2 price an valid tor 1 mil you. 208 King St. s., Watqrtoo 742-41 1 1 [Each came. - only one- an». Jun. 20) ".00 22.00 15.00 t2.00 Up Wax 6.00 Chm Wax 6.00 Eyebrow Wax 6.00 Make-up Lesson 20.00 Make-up Audubon t2.00 Erelash/Eyettrow 'Unaev Arms 10.00 Tint each no Body mass 35.00 Sculptured nous 35.00 M.NBryooet$tttoht (with (hi. My! Smart (Wm) each 8m