13A my. to any“. wwmm.m bimmmmtmys. ter_arttittueciot*ts,pock- 01mm. on not! was. OLD DISHES. Odd cups and saucers, silver. sil- verplale and Jewellery. Phone 885-2300 (If) 14lttrtoutttetttttihtr USED WATERLOO Chron- icle newspaper carrier bags. Paying $100 tor clean tnot torn) news- bags Waterloo Chronicle " Erb Street East, Wa- terloo B86-2B30 aARAaESALE-Saturday, June om. 10100-3110. Baby clothes; toys; DONATIONS OF Clothing. furniture. dishes to The Salvation Army. 657 Kung Street East, Kitchener Help us to help others' For peck-up call 578- 3130 (It) Top cash paid for records Encore Records. 297 king East. Kitchener Phone 704-1370, ttt) KNOWLEDGEABLE. Repo- Cash paid for good clean retriqerators. stoves, washers. dryers. etc C & V Appliances 744-3231 (N) PIANO WANTED - Regard- tess ot condition Can anytime 669-2198 or 6ti9-22BO tttl BUYING FOR CASH Phone 743-2946 APPLIANCES ttt GAS POWERED Lawn- mowers wanted. not nec- essarily in waking cortdi- tion. Phone 8844484 15908850058 Juno om. 10200-4200 Flatware. cram. human camper. 63 Avondale South. WW. (23) OLD GOLD Jewelry. rtrNs. oriental was. old form- lure 578-7656 Itt) ANTIQUES Curmlure. rugs, pewelry. quilts. shullmg crooks, glass and china. etc One piece to com- mele estate. IO years In business Al Jones. 664- 2830. St, Jacobs (I!) 16 Camtitrsate DOGand Catgroormrm All breeds styled protesstoo- ally to suit your pet Pick-up and delwevy ser- vuce available Over 20 years expeuence 699- 4232 Itt) 198' MERCURY Lynn Inve- door. tour-speed slan- dard; power Momma, brakes. - New Ines. 58.000 km (warmly to 80.000 km)“.200 7t2, 1012. (23) 1974 HORNET Hatchback. ax crtioder. three-speed. power Moeriog. AM redo. mow lives on "ms. as vs 578-5717 (23) 1982 CORDOBA - One owner. showroom coods- tion. loaded. Induces AI- pioe stereo cassette um! Phone 884-9192 (23) WM. J. GRANT COINS mama E.Kn 5164340 owners: 5.0-» 6210430 table owner at small am “not: shop wishes to buy houseth ttems lugs. silver, furniture, etc 885- 2300 STOVES. REFRIGERATORS WASHERS, DRYERS RECORDS WE BUY Tt (23) (29) itt) 207mm some atop-nu tr, 1919-81 Fagrmourttq and Mal»: 6. 1976-79 Sutton Viacom. 3. 1978-79 Vans. to, 1977-80 Is and %-too pick-ups. 6. 197580 can: and CrowCabs.1l.1910- 77 1-4401! stakes and dumps. 1.19766M614on wrecker, 4, 1977~79 4x4 Pick-ups and Ram Charger, 1.3500 Ford let- dustrial tractor with moon l, 3-axle Tag-Along Inlet. 10 Van and utility bodies and caps. Mighton's Car Sales. 4m Wed ot Fords and Piymomhs. 21 Bttain-0atorttmiti" Durham on No. 4 Highway. Phone 1-369-3136. (23) WORKING PARTNER re- quired to assist in the management and devel- opment at an existing business. Business tully capitalized No invest- ment required. For inter- vrew write to, Box WC- 375 Waterloo ChronicIe. " Erb East. Waterloo N2J 1L7 Typewriters cleaned, oiled. adjusted, repairs to all makes; reasonabIe rates, work guaranteed Add- Type Business Equipment. 28 Bridgeport Road East, omens 81AM WM. VANS. WIM'O Waterloo (just down trom Towers), 885-2570. ttf) SUPER Earnings potential selling hot tubs and spas in your Oocal area Write to Calilorma Cooperage. 149 Riverside Drive. North Vancouver, BC V7H 1T6 (23) QUALIFIED DEALERS Re- quired - 1867 Contedera- lion Log Homes requures additional dealers, high- est commISSIons paid Contact Mike Murphy, Box 9. Bobcaygeon, Ort- tano KOM 1A0 t-705- T38-Al3I (23) Typtmtitersaltss4hmee FLEA MARKET Merchan- dcse International um» porter ofterrrm never be- tore seen nea market merchandise. excellent prices. protected areas Lake Village Merchanths- mg. 3135 Universal Dove, Unit 18, Mtssrssauga, Lax 2E6 1-a16-625- 8412 (23) OPPORTUNITY To quah- bed person to develop above average Income and Independence In the trek' of nulnlnon and home security. usang your llme rather than your mvesl- ment For Inlormatlon write to Box 531. Stahoo C, Kitchener N26 4A2 WEB OFFSET Press oper- ator for GUeIph punlmg plant, must have web press expenence Send resume. particulars to Webman Limited. 93 Regal Road, Guelph. oo, tarto. NIH IB6 (23) 22 â€Want-d 23 MGM†SIDING INSTALLERS Wanted, must be fully expenenced and Iully equcpoed Call Ash Alumn- num Products, 1-er9- 6430 (23) AMBITIOUS Ice Cream duvets required by Mr Froatee ice Cream Work today. paid today Call 886-0149 (25) STUDENTS Earn extra money this summer by We popular itqms from our tree am catalogue Write Regal, 939 Gonn- 631. Tomato M46 2L6 (26) (23) 25mm CALL MERV Orr's Trtgmr port Driver Training School. drive: woody di- vision tor msaltt%d road RTiFtorTitWwtt-iii SUMMER FUN Program tor childten tr-IO, Watenoo North area Call Jane at M8-78TO tor informa- lnon, (25) 268 Tmtmqtiom THE WORLD'S largo" beauty company I. looking more brttormatboo (all 743- 0421. USE OUR Tailor or dress- makel. complete lad-es or men's alterations. trt- qunre at Raggs tor Men, Waterloo Town Square 886-1250 ttt) DRESSMAKING AND Al- ALTERATlONS To att kinds DRESS AND Pant alter- alums of all bonds Also architectural drafting and revusing ot plans trom scratch Call 884-9061 atter 6:00 pm, (23) LADIES' AND Hens Tas- lonng and alterations All gobs done ptoless‘onally and reasonably D Me chael Tremko. Bl Rud- gewew Crescent. Water- loo (15) 27 LottiFound Avon FOUND _ Set ot keys. corner Cedarbrae Avenue and Glen Manor Boule- vard Phone 885-2754 tested Ct "A", “0.. drivers, Full or part-time. 16234430 (24) of clothes; will nanow tenets. pants. ties; tenew linings. also dresamahing with or without pattern. Call Mrs Bastias BB6- 3259. (If) teralions; professional dressmaker, European sters; pattern not re- auired, Phone 884-8084. (20) Individualized Co-ordination of Wardrobe and Make-up to enhance your Skin-tone. Lifestyle and Career Gift certificates available. A gitt for that special man that will last a lifetime. For information on colour and wardrobe services call MARILYN L NIXON tF YOU Are pregnant and in need of a friend. tttttts is as 208 King St. S. Wot. (cloud-on [lung Fet, I984 Catt summon 579-3990 (N) Creative Colours Colour 3 Wovdvob' Coosooont 743-1112 As (23) to MENSA - ARE You a two MEET YOUR Match. For an ages and unattached, Thousands ot mum anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances Call toll tree 1-800-263- 9103. Hours: Noon to 8:00 pm, (22) Profetgaiortat Belly Dancing available tor Birthdays, Weddings. Anniversaries. Gel-Well. Conventions. So- cial Clubs, any occasion. Call News 744-1354 tttt INTRODUCTORY OFFER - Any adult who hasn'! been in beiore, have a shampoo and set or shampoo and cut for $3.50 (long hair extra), Hens n' Chicks Beauty Baton. 59 Menno Street, Waterloo, 886-2733 (m mm (310-320) mm mu wax-cc as- no 'rtutEAIP 31 FOOT mm :15 smess THERAPY no MAGICIAN AVAILABLE for children's birthdays, ban- quets. picnics. stages. Protessional, humorous. very reasonable Hartley 658-681 1 in Cambridge JANE'S HAIRSTYLING - Personal service no all areas of hair care by appomtmem 273 Mar- garet Avenue. Kitchener 744-8330 (an) 30 WWI“!!! BELLY GREETING HOUSEKEEPING Cottages - Boshkuna Lake Ideal tor seniors. families. halt- pnce June. September 20% discount trom Au- gust 18th The Home- stead Cottage Resort. Highway 35. Route 2, Mmden. Ontario KOM 2K0 1405-4892550 vatoGe Country Trailer Park has seasonal camp- snes available Just mm- utes from Ertr 5 West- mount. RH 1, St Agatha 35 Income? gammaâ€: Will TEACH Oman bes- sons for beginning stu- dents in my home or Fours 885-5823 Wayne (25) mun-nuns...†huh“ B. Sc Honovs Gmduale offers lumtino sonnees in Sources. Math and Eo- olwh Vanessa Spurtt. an 7339 (25) percenter? Curious? In- lormalion 742-99t6. (t!) 36tgsat'ealtttatntetitm as WNW Why Ilrive Miles}? Beverley Studios A Evening tao/EU: FREE - 128 page career guide shows how to train at home tor 205 top paying, lull and pert-time lobe Stanton Institute. 265-A Adelaide Street West. Toronto Cell 1- attb-9rr-39t?9 today TRUCKING CAREER - Ber- come a p'oloasional "cocoon driver Contact Mere Orrd, Convince 1-623-2430 Member 8.8.8 (19) 386-2682 . muo- at (mu- Ertt Comm TUTORING 886-7420 (an) (23) tun RENOVATDNS - Roll-bk! Common bookkeeping. artotttartttntt no booms an and“ val-bio to and '1’.†WE DELIVER hurts. sin- LAWS MOWED - Rehab“! OIL SPRAYING SPECIAL 'ti.00 OFF New at Used Oil Good until June 23rd For Amtodettmaot Cali 656-2644 or 634-83“) -Ftrtll COZVER‘S Installation Ser- vice - Major appliance RUBBISH REMOVAL - Wall washing. ugh! mowing, cleannno tbasements, canines. alt-cs). odd tobs Jen Handing 8842831 KITCHEN CHAIRS and small Immune "phoi- stated at veasonable rates Phone Ron any, time. 8850779 (23) Repairs to att makes ot lelewsions and stereos, certified lechmcuan, low rates 886-8844 (26) 20 YEARS EKPEMtEMCE TELEVISION REPAIRS COZEFI'S Insulation Sq... chimneys. fences. Cleaning Service “We dean than all - Woe or small .. CNticett. storms, warehouses. apartment buildings Call 884-6743 tor use minute (28) you? Free estimates Phone Tom 745-3253. POOL CLEAMNG ttt you! BEAU'S TREE Senna! - tins. catalogues. etc., very reasonable rates Call Waterloo Chronicle 886-2830. ttfl worker. reasonabte rates, references. Phone 576- 2442. (24) summons. Repairs to " makes stoves. dryers. washers. refrigerators. etc. Discount tor Seniors. venue and we recipi- ems. 26-Hour emetoency service. Catt 886-3501 " service hid-Idiom and renovations. 24-hour count tor â€Mon. venue and UK; rqcigtietottt. 806- MacLEAN TV 884-1 sae " up.†-otood Call Michael 886-2615 vols and hedges Spe- cualozmg In ornaments! and Omit trees 12-years experience Special Iow tales tor tgqttt'tor cations Free 00!qu Call cot- bcI 1153-3580 tttl " t â€RIMES ss Ertt E., Wltodoo 885-6772 Wittmann WATErtu3oC8fRtMttNtWE2MES0AT.JuKE8t. "SO-PAGES' (26) (all; (IOU (26) tt?or TREE STUMP REMOVAL. Call G Sam 74 2- 46757 ttfr DENNWS GLASS And Screen Repair - Screens done white you wait, Glass bought, clear and calmed Guy's Centre. 262 Mill Street F64- 5963. evenlngs 576- 7800 (If) Now m our ninth year of oil swaying New and used oit dawned specualiy for oil scrawny, Holes drilled and plugged when reautred Located on gravel road Call tRNrdre50 (#8) OIL SPRAYING HOME REPAIRS - Renova- tions. painting. decorat- mg No tob too small' Reterences, estimates Robert K Handyman 743-8758 (m 312 Mankind Drive. Com- atttyves.carudes.circutar and hand saws. scissors. clippers. kmves. skates. lawn and garden tool: Shop hours: 8:00-5:00. Saturday till noon tNM- 5401 (m CARPENTRY AND Re PATIOS, WALKS nannie- WALLS TREE mum, TREE REIOVAL COLEMAN SERVICE - FuveyotsrCoHmttnutmos and stoves reputed " Sonny‘s Sharpening EXPERIENCED Painter - "tterior/exterior. also texture sprayed ceilings. teasonnble rates. For use estimates Call 745-9690. ttO PMNTING AND Walkaw- moo: painting and won- papering contact RnIph Richatdoon 742-9855 and 6.00 pm Some day com- MW um (I!) 744-3231 " nap-in Guam "s Union E., WM DECOR MAGIC Tidy Heidi Cleaning Scrviccs, small gobs preferred, Phone TMF-ttHO ttft 579-2594 inc. ml! rep-its to was ences. nee estimates Dennis Kathy 7.2.9357 APPLIANCE REPAIRS V era] tidying. cleaning and dim of your home- P‘ Service - A thaw cleaning at your home - guaranteed to shine from ceiling to ftoor. Ask about our special Requests & Emergency services. 885-3130 CalSEEri2E 10% Discount 0&V SCHNARR’S LANDSCAPING rates. rqhtr- 893-7464 Freq Estimates (26) tttr ALL TYPES ot renovations, guaranteed, quality work- manship at competitive prices. Brick work, tire- places. Plastering. drywall. concrewe work and carpentry, Free es- Iimates. Small! protects a specialty. “Herb Wundev Construction" 884-2815. (If) PAINTING And wannabe; ing, interior and exterior. over 25-years expen- ence Phone H.A Wimns 745-6738 (ti) CERAMIC REPAIRS - Bathrooms and kitchens our speciahy. Call 886- FURNITURE Retmishirto and resIorahon. hand stripped, quality work- manship, tree estimates Phone 5762898 on PANTING AND Decorat- ing. Manor and auction APPLIANCE REPAIR - Why SPRING CLEAN-Ups. yard maintenance. Howe! beds dug, outages. basements QUALITY BICYCLE Re- pairs tor less. Round trip EXTENOR PANTNG - in- terior panting and pops:- hmino Free â€thatâ€. "tht-tcot' Call Bahia 742-3081 (if) {REE TOP - Tree Care All aspects of tree maime- nance. fully quahltied. tutty msuted. Free estimates plus 10% discount Tor semor citizens Call Greg 742-2026 atter 6:00 (11) 0 Guam Workmanshiv . Susan"! 090cm 0 Low Overhead Guam: loos Low Prices SURE SEAL TOPHNG - or 004-2244 pay the big GUYS. their big prices? Emie Snow‘s Ap- pkance Renew at a price you can attorf Retriqera- tors. stoves. washers, dryers, etc Seoior Citi- zen's discount Evenmg appointments avai|able. Call ras-9240 (If) For you! [we estimate call LAWN Immune: Rubbish mu years experience; ttttst service Phone ' Waterloo area. Seven yous experience Can Ben 884-0944. (23) DRIVEWAY SEAL COATING Guaran- (20) (23) tttr